We come together in all of our lives to learn our Lessons together, as a group, we see. This is how it works… in the dreamstate we agree to enact behaviors of educational value for our own benefit and for the benefit of other Soul Family members. When we awaken after sleep, we generally fulfill these agreements in a largely subconscious fashion. Our lives may thus be described as dramatizations of life Lessons in the Third Dimension. The Lessons are learned within Soul Family relationships as the higher Consciousness of each of those involved, “speak to,” and energizes the participants.

Yet we may well ask, “But how can this be so, David? How could I have been kept from this information all of my life?” First let me say that this is something that we already know, for we are in telepathic contact with everything in our Personal Reality. Telepathy works constantly in our world on a subliminal level. On this subtle level of understanding, just below our conscious awareness, we know everything.

However, to get along in your world, you must keep yourself in an amnesia that allows you to forget your multidimensional reality and focus on the mundane world in which you live. This occurs even as you are continually receiving profound amounts of information on your life condition and on the lives of your co-inhabitants subconsciously. Your focus on “current events,” rather than your greater godlike reality, allows your consciousness to guide you through your existence without distractions