The preferred method of communication between the complex Gestalts of Consciousness you know as spirits, Guides, Angels and such, and the student in physical reality – the visionary – has always been the Holographic Insert. This is our name for a brief multisensory experience that is transmitted from the nonphysical being to the student. It is quite brief, usually, merely a fraction of a second in duration. It has Loving energy attached to it so that you will remember it. These are the visions that are experienced by students through the ages and documented in scared texts of various kinds.

The visionary experience is really a conversation between the nonphysical beings and the student. It is not necessarily a one-way conversation. The Nature Spirit, for example, does not transmit communication streams into the consciousness of an unprepared student. The student most probably has first been prepared through study and through continued communications and Lessons creates by the Spirit for the further education of the student. The student asks for the communication and the Spirit complies when appropriate.

Now, Holographic Inserts “pour off the page” for you, when you take the care to accept these multisensory messages within your mental awareness. These words and these phrases have power when they are considered carefully with the expectation of the manifested reality to be indeed made manifest.

It is an openness, really, a state of courageous expectation that you must cultivate. It is the same with spiritual literature of all types. The words do have power. The phrases, when they are considered after the required preparation of the human mentality, may initiate the unfolding the unfolding of the Higher Consciousness. We may also relate this to all types of inspirational literature. It calls to us for specific reasons, to catalyze within you – the individual human – the resources required for the exploration of our inner world.