Healthy Wealthy Wise

HYPOTHESIS: Through intention improvements can be made in your health, havingness and learning.

We have covered the means to these improvements in the previous blogs. Generally, it is a good idea to have a richly visualized image of what you would like to create with regards to health, wealth and wisdom.

As in the previous suggestions in these matters, the image should virtually resonate with the desired thoughts and emotions that you would experience on having created and perceived the manifested Reality Constructs. It may help to create a piece of art that helps to focus the creative energies.

With your art piece or your written manifesto or other focusing objects at hand, enter into a relaxed state of consciousness. Here you are asking for the natural energies of the world to assist you in creating your improvements. In a sense, you are using these energies of transformation to imbue the focusing objects with generative power on the small level to create the desired outcomes on the larger level. You are providing the emotional charge through your visualization to drive into creation the Reality Constructs you have in mind.

You will know when the changes have been made, as you may feel an inner Sense awareness that you have succeeded.

FINDINGS – document your findings.

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