We have our version of good and evil but in reality there is no good or evil, it is just an experience and sometimes a misguided one at that, but nonetheless it is an experience, a balancing of negative and positive for the evolution of the soul.
But when looking at our ideas of evil it all comes back to the negative forces wishing to control the minds of mankind and womankind. They are part of a balancing of the experiences of this planet but they are now out of control and have disrupted the divine plan of The Creator. Saying prayers against evil is now very important as they have enslaved us into engulfing ourselves in the trappings of materialism.
The citizens of the nations of wealth and power are all consumed by their materialistic desires and have forgotten the true purpose of their soul. Negative influences will use whatever means necessary to keep this planet from moving into the peaceful fourth dimension and that will not be tolerated by The Creator.
At this time in our world, they are causing small little wars in many countries around the world. They are also deeply entrenched in forcing the poorer nations to succumb to the will of political and corporate greed. It would behoove us to become more consciously aware of this and look to our leaders and demand that they help these nations as they struggle with the influx of corporate greed and terrorist infiltration. If we do not see the need of humanity as it is so obvious, then we do so by choice and we are not evolving.
It is ultimately our decision as to whether we want to let the forces of dark prevail because of our unwillingness to get involved or whether we will take a stand for the rights of humanity and help our brothers now. The Universal Law allows for interference in certain situations but even these situations are highly scrutinized by Hierarchy. Do not think that they are going to show up and save the day for it is up to mankind/womankind to do this on his/her own. They will not allow the planet to be destroyed.
The lessons will still have to be learned by man and woman one-by-one. It is not inconceivable to see as many as thirty million of us succumb in the near future. It is a probable reality of our own if it happens. And it will be a learning experience for all mankind/womankind for it may be our next wake-up call to realign our consciousness. It is a critical time in the history of the planet Earth.
Our reality as we know it now is coming to a close. All of us have the ability individually and collectively to make the transition a peaceful one. uniting our thoughts and beliefs in alignment with the true nature of “you-the-soul” and focusing on a peaceful oneness with the rest of humanity by removing the separation of oneself with others will make it happen. It is time for us in the nations of power to share the resources of our planet with other nations that have nothing or very little instead of hogging all the resource for ourselves. It is also critical that we start to clean up our environment from the toxic cyclone of chemicals and radiation that we surround ourselves with. This must be done if we are to survive as a species.
It saddens me to see what we humans have been able to do to each other. It shouldn’t have to be this way.
But the point is not to instill fear in humanity, but to stimulate their thoughts so that they will be consciously aware. Until those thoughts that they produce are in alignment with the will of The Creator they will continue to experience their current level of negativity and will not further the evolution of their souls into our next dimension of awareness.
I’m trying to avoid “the matter of life or death” by giving people a sense of their death and the acceptance of it and what it means as well as their beliefs about their reality. Thoughts are so powerful and we still do not get that message as yet. Our negative thoughts are still running rampant throughout the Universe and it is slowing down our evolution. I cannot emphasize enough how important our thoughts are and how important it is to keep them pure and loving. Our thoughts are what will determine our future and whether we as a species survive on our planet.
We humans are a very stubborn bunch. Years ago I spoke in my blogs of our thoughts and how they could change our reality and yet many of us have forgotten and have slipped back into our old ways. That was a primer then to get us moving but we have not moved much. Now our time is almost up and I am trying over again to stimulate us into realigning our thoughts and beliefs. This may be old material to some of you, but many of us have fallen back to sleep. This time if we fall asleep we may be left behind. It is up to us. For only us humans are the ones who can make that decision. We have free will. I can give all the the tools we need, however if we don’t use them, that is our choice.
Now we will discuss holographic inserts for there are many in the history of the world. In order to broaden the horizon of the minds of man and woman, or to awaken him/her with a mass lesson, holographic inserts are often used as an illusional effect. Holographic inserts can be used any time Hierarchy gives its approval to create a mass event that didn’t really happen.
Now I know some readers of this blog are going to have difficulty with this but nonetheless, this is real. I will not give any instances of their use for it is not necessary. We may also use a holographic insert between lives to go through a chosen portal to view a life we wish to enter into. It’s very simple. By entering through that portal we may go in and observe one of the many life experiences we have set up for ourselves whether or not we wish to experience this life in this time-frame.
Generally between lives we may enter three or four different lives searching for the one that we feel would be most beneficial to the evolution of our soul and we do this through the use of holographic inserts. These lives are taking place whether it is our soul entering into the body or that of another. We will determine with our free will what the experience and outcome of the choices made in the life of that body entail. Most often the body will be created whether it is inhabited by our soul or that of another.
Through the hologram we are getting a glimpse of the conditions of that reality. We will make our decision based on whether or not we are ready to enter into that mass belief system and its conditions at that time or not. Now mankind and womankind creates his/her reality, but this reality can be altered in many ways.
When interference needs to be used for the benefit of mankind/womankind, they are perfectly capable of assisting with the holographic inserts. There have been several mass events throughout our world’s history that were holographically created.