We are multidimensional beings in a physical body. During our waking times we are constantly peeking into our other lives. This is how we come to an agreement about what to do here in our current existence. Then, paradoxically, the moment we make our reality, we forget how we came to that place of divine creativity.

We refer to these separate time segments or time frames in which we have our individual existences as dimensions. Our current existences takes place in the Third Dimension, as we know. Our past existences had occurred and ARE occuring in what we might call the Past Dimensions. The same can be said of our future existences: they are playing out in Future Dimensions.

You might remember that in my theory we hypothesize multiple existences that are lived by the Soul Self within this current timeframe in which we live. So there is indeed another human or humans, quite related to you via the Soul Self, living out their lives as your contemporaries.

As I have stated before, there are similarities in the experiences and behavior of ALL of our Simultaneous Lives. To be sure, these similarities are not obvious at first glance. In other words, the outwards manifestation, the physical countenance, for example, is entirely different in each instance of our existence.

We ARE living our other lives within vastly differing body types, of differing temperaments, and so on. Yet within the psyches of all of these representations of our singular Soul Self, note the similarities. These are similarities in thought, imagery, emotional content, and so on.

In this section of our Blog Series, we will show you how to use these attributes that you share with your other lives, as a method for honing-in on these lives while in Trance State. Because you are learning how to take this Trance State with you into your waking reality, you will also be able to do your research into your other existences outside of your home: “in the field,” as we say.