Category Archives: Unknown


These concepts were first presented in our Blog Series Thought Reality. They represent some of my interpretations of the Ancient Wisdom Blog material. Once activated, they have the potential to assist you in the creation of what you Love. You may think of these statements as the foundational elements of your Practice and of the Regimens to follow.

Useful metaphors are those that effectively convey complex ideas or emotions in a relatable and understandable way. Here are some examples:

  1. Life is a journey: This metaphor implies that life is a passage from one point to another, with various experiences and challenges along the way. It helps people understand that life is not just about reaching a destination but also about the experiences gained during the journey.
  2. Time is money: This metaphor suggests that time, like money, is a valuable resource that should be spent wisely. It emphasizes the importance of time management and prioritization.
  3. Love is a battlefield: This metaphor compares the ups and downs of romantic relationships to the challenges and conflicts of a battlefield. It conveys the idea that love can be tumultuous and requires effort and perseverance to overcome obstacles.
  4. The mind is a garden: This metaphor likens the mind to a garden that requires cultivation and care. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing positive thoughts and ideas while weeding out negativity.
  5. Knowledge is a treasure: This metaphor implies that knowledge, like treasure, is valuable and worth seeking. It suggests that acquiring knowledge can enrich and enhance one’s life.
  6. Life is like a box of chocolates: This famous metaphor from the movie “Forrest Gump” suggests that life is full of surprises and uncertainties, much like the assortment of chocolates in a box. It conveys the idea that you never know what you’re going to get.
  7. The internet is a vast ocean: This metaphor compares the vastness and interconnectedness of the internet to an ocean. It conveys the idea that the internet contains a wealth of information and resources, but navigating it requires caution and skill.
  8. Time is a river: This metaphor suggests that time flows continuously, much like a river. It conveys the idea that time is constantly moving forward and cannot be stopped or reversed.
  9. Hope is a light in the darkness: This metaphor compares hope to a guiding light that shines through difficult times. It conveys the idea that hope can provide comfort and motivation even in the darkest of circumstances.
  10. Friendship is a sheltering tree: This metaphor suggests that friendships provide support and protection, much like a sheltering tree. It conveys the idea that friends are there to offer comfort and refuge during challenging times.


Now, as you begin to”try on” some of these empowered concepts – including Resonance – it becomes necessary for you to personalize them to your particular Issue that you have discovered, the Lesson that you are learning, or the manifestation project you are initiation. By making it personal, you are fine-tuning these affirmative statements to suit your own needs and desires. Thus, it will be the Essential Metaphors that You-The-Blog-Reader define for yourself what will have the most power and integrity in your creative endeavors. I will guide you through this process so that you may maintain the power of the Precept, while still configuring and adapting it to reflect your goals.

For example, You create your own reality may become, “I(Your Name) AM the captain of my ship!” “I have the power of the magician in my world,” or more specifically, “”I have the limitless power of All That Is within me to create my prosperous life for myself and my family.” Then you might go about your waking reality using our Techniques, proving this to yourself through your behaviors, through your thought, through your feelings.


The Intentional creator of realities embodies the Essential Metaphors. By embody, I mean, you walk, you talk, you feel, you believe the concept into actuality.


The oscillating emotional tone, the Feeling-Tone that also has thought and imagery attached to it, is this Resonance we are describing. Resonance is the frequency of creation in our world. It oscillates multi-dimensionally, also, to create perceived realities within all of our Simultaneous Existences. The specific frequency of oscillation or vibration is determined by the varying inputs of emotion, thought, and imagery. In each of our lives we exhibit the specific frequency of that life. No two are exactly the same.


Now that I have presented some introductory material we will now discuss the Essential Metaphor that is the subject of this Blog Series. Resonance: a very high concept indeed. It is a broad, overarching Essential Metaphor that may help you discover those aspects of your consciousness that can help you to create what you wish to create in our Blog Series on the Soul Family, we first defined Resonance in this way, What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance – the electromagnetic assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs.” This is Resonance with a capital R, you see. This is the activity that creates positive realities for the Practitioner.

Let me now add to this definition by expanding on the word “thoughtful.” By thoughtful what I mean is… Both subconscious and what you might call “intentionally” conscious thought create the reality that you then observe as feedback. The awakening student becomes aware of the particulars within the subconscious mind.

This accounts for the phenomenon of the Moment of Awakening in which the student realizes that they do indeed create their less-than-positive realities, and that they do so subconsciously, for the most part, through negative ruminations. This we may call resonance with a small “r,” if you don’t mind. These negative ruminations create negative realities. They are the opposites of the positive thought forms – the Precepts, for example – we suggest you use to create your positive realities. I am speaking of the positive circular thoughts that you create and then Ritually inculcate into your mental awareness.





The Promise of Magic

This current Blog Series is quite similar, a cousin you might say, to earlier Blog work. The Magical Way. This IS the magical way I am offering , updated of course, to be agreeable to the modern sensibility. Notice how these empowering statements of mine offer you-the-BlogReader the promise of magic, of Soulful creativity, of manifestation of the heart’s desire.

Many of the statements I use in this Blog Series are Essential Metaphors; metaphors for the activity of consciousness in our dimension. They are essential, in the sense that they are necessary to this Teaching; they are required so that the student can comprehend the system. They are also essential in that they contain the essence of what they purport to represent. Let go on a bit concerning this very important idea.

Thinking back to my description of The Telepathic Network... This Essential Metaphor suggests a subtext or an intuition that we ARE in a reciprocal relationship with everything in our world. It is an idea that wants us to comprehend it. Do You grasp the meaning here? These essences are POTENTIALLY active. They are activated by our Intent, or what we may call our Will. Please keep this in mind as you make your way through this Blog Series.




Now I hope I have not lost you with these discussions of ancient Precepts, Telepathy, and the Etheric World. I am laying the groundwork for our exploration of manifestation through Resonance and will be a passage through the Hidden World. It is the steady path I take when presenting this information to you in my new Blog Series.

Feel free to consult the previous Blogs Series’ if you are having trouble following my narrative. And please keep an open mind and do discount, at least for the time being, the admonitions of the ego/intellect to put this Blog aside and run away.


1 – Unlucky – Lucky

2 – Fear of pleasure – Ecstasy

3 – The mundane – The Exalted

4 – Status Quo – Visionary

5 – Job – Quest

6 – Rat Race – Healing Journey

7 – The Paycheck – The Abundant Universe

8 – Common Trance – Uncommon Trance

9 – Obey Authority – Self-Authority

10 – Sleeping – Awakening

11 – Subconscious Creation – Conscious Co-Creation

12 – Holding On – Letting Go

13 – Assessing – Going With The Flow

14 – Tension – Release

15 – Past – Future

16 – Persona – Guides

17 – Ego/Intellect – Higher Gestalts

  • Awakened Self
  • Soul Self
  • Objective Observer
  • Reincarnational

18 – Personal Reality – Consensus Reality

  • Magician Shaman Witch

19 – Sick – Wounded Healer

  • Precept – Percept

20 – Consumerism – Healing Journey

21 -Negative Creation – Positive Reality

22 – Status Quo – The New World

23 – Worst Case – Best Case

24 – Denial – Personal Responsibility

25 – Intellectualization – Visionary Perspective

  • Trance State




Just for fun, please joy down where you would place yourself on some of these trajectories of development. This will give us a benchmark that we will use to chart your progress as you diligently complete the exercise in this Blog Series.

For example, referring to our chart:

Are you on a Healing Voyage in your exercise? Or are you lurching forward in the Common Trance, oblivious to your surroundings, focused only on your subconscious desire to belong to the group?

Are you somewhere in between with the vast majority of humans?

Take a few moments to work with this material….


The following descriptions of consciousness activity in the Third Dimension are framed in terms of polarity, trajectories of evolution, states of consciousness, and so on. Here we hope to portray the vast field of possible visionary experience in a concise form. These are terms we use when describing phenomenon such as: remembering the Ancient Wisdom, the Awakening, and the Healing Journey.


In the telepathic network the supports all activities in the Third Dimension, you are connected to everything via the Consciousness Units. This connectivity enables the emergence into your world of your day-to-day realities with some consistency.


Now this communication stream presents to succeeding generations a context for awakening to the inner world. But it is not obvious, at least at first. It is there in potential to be drawn-in to the personal consciousness. This occurs during the practices of your spiritual traditions, and also in your accidental visitations to the Unknown Reality. Here are some examples: When you are taken out of your body in nature as you witness the majesty of a natural event, such as a thunderstorm; or when you experience a deeply moving encounter with the animal kingdom; or when you encounter a “ghost” or other non-physical being; or when you experience extreme negative emotion or even pleasure. Though you may not be looking for it, you are finding Spirit, and you are thoroughly transformed during these moments of awakening.

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What can you do when you’re faced with the numinous? My answer is this: “Change your behaviors, enlarge your beliefs, use your Intent to embrace the transformation you are witnessing. Embody it, my friend.” If you do, you will be altered to the core, ‘to nth degree,’ as we also say.


All of these are indicators that we are experiencing The Visionary Perspective in our lifetimes. This perspective has a particular vocabulary associated with it as well as other elements that help to distinguish it from other perspectives. Here in this Blog Series we will discuss some of these Metaphysical concepts. We will remind that this information is timeless, for it is always there within our consciousness in all of our lives.

And we hope to demonstrate that we are all talking about the same thing, here. The spiritual authors from our personal timeframe, the metaphysicians from our past, ALL of us are presenting this Blog material in our own ways, in our own words, for the enlightenment of the average citizen of our world.