Category Archives: Time


We have suggested that we are an expert at distracting the ego/intellect from an examination of our life Lessons. Now we shall examine how we may distract our consciousness from the recreation of lack to the Divine – to a creation and perception of The Abundant Universe.

For our example here, let us say that you are currently addressing an issue of responding to financial events with fear. You may receive in your daily mail a notice that you are behind in paying a bill of some kind. As you read the stern warning, perhaps you are reminded of instances in the past when you failed to meet your financial obligations and were punished in some way. Because these negative memories are so rich in emotional intensity, you may be swept away for a few moments as you literally travel to the moment in time to experience the negative fear-producing emotions. This is a simple example of Astral travel. You have been triggered by the receipt of the bill to go back in time for a re-experiencing of what we might term “financial worry.”

Now let us devise a response to receiving the bill that will assist in the creation of positive realities rather than the continuation of negatives. The trick here is to awaken in the moment so that you may have conscious control IN the current moment. This you would possibly open the bill, read the stern warning, and before your subconscious can take you back in time for a reliving of the negative states of financial worry, you exert awareness of your current Moment Point. When you are established in the moment, at the second of recognition of the negative, fear-producing material, you imagine a positive outcome. This is best done by remembering positive outcomes of the past. Using your Intention, you distract your ego/intellect from responding unconsciously to the fear-producing material.

The negative historical data can be quite persuasive, so you must persevere in this moment. You might remind your self that you are existing in tandem with the Divine – with All That Is – and that there is an incoming message to be received. Then you would imagine with full sensory awareness your receiving sums of money, for instance, enabling you to meet your financial obligations.

This imaginative construct exists in your current moment, therefore, and in your future also as it is manifest enabling you to pay your bill, yet it is based on a positive financial event that occurred in your past. It may be advantageous for you to “mine” your perceived past for these positive financial experiences, no matter how small or insignificant they may at first appear. The emotional tone is what is important here. The idea of the Divine, prosperity and The Abundant Universe are the most important features.

The feeling of contentment and abundance you felt when your caregiver gave you a quarter to buy some candy when you were a child becomes an important reference point for you in these experiments. You are recreating these positive feelings of hope, faith etc. IN THE CURRENT MOMENT. You will then “push” the positive moments into the future as you embody the positive state of consciousness – abundance – moment-to-moment. This is easily done. And I specifically suggest you turn to your childhood experiences for the positive states of consciousness, for it was as a child that you most probably first experienced using your powerful imagination to create those things you desired.


Your money issues – your prosperity issues – are in essence emotional issues. Are you satisfied with your “station” in life, what you have achieved financially, materially? Your emotional responses, ongoing, to your life events, strictly determine to what degree and in what form The Abundant Universe manifests in you Personal Reality field. Remember, recreation of your status quo reality is unconscious. In the case of money matters, your emotional subconscious responses to the events in your life are the determine factors in your continuing level of havingness. For this reason, waking up IN THE MOMENT is the prescription for achieving Spiritual Prosperity.


The Spiritual Prosperity Program is a cooperative effort between the practitioner and the Guides in a diagnosis of The Emotional Body. A Blueprint is then made for the creation of a positive reality called Prosperity. Rituals of Prosperity are then performed with the application of the various techniques and experiments. The continued application of the Ritual of Prosperity until the manifestation becomes habitual, creates a positive reality that will sustain itself over time.

Perception of lack

The key emotional support that the human brings to prevent the clear perception of The Abundant Universe is LACK. The perception of lack, emotionally experienced over time, creates and sustains the state of consciousness called poverty. In those who create lives of “just getting by,” this emotional tone is somewhat pronounced. In those who create lives of abject poverty, it is pervasive. The emotional Idea Construct of lack is the electromagnetic core to which the varying Reality Constructs that compose the Personal Reality of the human experiencing poverty are attracted. Briefly, if you see lack wherever you look, you are conceiving and perpetuating lack wherever you go.

Now before we continue with this explanation, please allow me to explain again the process of the Soul Self as it creates a life of Lessons. Thus far, my description of the self-created reality of poverty may seem to be quite heartless, a matter of ” blaming the victim.” After all, how does one explain the many innocent children living in famine-afflicted countries? How can I possibly suggest that these children CHOSE their current existences? Dear Blog Reader, remember that the Soul Self sends a fragment of itself into the body of the baby and then creates Lessons without guilt or other Negative emotions. Also, on deep levels of understanding, the baby also knows and accepts the conditions of the coming life. Yes, it is dramatic, the hundreds of thousands of humans who die under these miserable conditions. Yet that is the point here. The Soul is dramatizing for the Entity and All That Is, as well as the subject, these difficult Lessons.

Again, without generalizing too much here, I can tell you that many of these short lives are experienced by Souls who have reached the end of their incarnations of Earth. They are ready for the peaceful and Loving realities of other systems. They are quite enthused about “going out of the loop,” in a sense, with a great flourish – the short, dramatic existence of a child in a poor country, let us say, who seems to be truly a victim. In the greater perspective of the Soul Self, it is just opposite. These children are creating their lives through great bravery and Loving Acceptance. They are not victims.


Dear Blog Reader, I believe that a spiritual practice of prosperity is necessary to assist those in need of reconciling their religious or spiritual beliefs with their desires for material wealth. Within this spiritual practice of abundance it is perfectly “OK” to entertain thoughts of acquiring material possessions, engaging in desired behaviors with other humans, and so on. However, these thoughts or visualizations will be created within a different mental environment that you may be used to. For is it not true that there may be a lingering doubt that you may be engaging in desperation and foolishness, or worse yet, “the work of the devil” – the sin of avarice – may have held you back in your efforts at manifesting abundance. It is true, that in matters of conscious co-creation, the focus must be steady and unswerving with an element of hopeful expectation powering the exercise.

So faith enters the discussion, Here I would ask you to drop any negative connotations that you may have attached to the word faith. When we suggest you embody the state of faith, we would hope that no symbols or emotions, will be recalled that will keep you away from what you are attempting to create. Some examples of these counterproductive ideas are: fear of punishment by religious figures, thoughts that faith is a religious concept of empowered spirituality here. As in other experiments and exercises in this new material, we are asking you to change your beliefs and ideas about what is possible. In this case, the object that is Loving, accepting, Courageous.

Perhaps a short example may help you. Consider the bird, the rock, the tree, the mountain. Do they worry what the future will brings? I suggest they do not. All of these quite conscious elements LIVE within the moment, experiencing the existence as providing all that is required. The human, on the other hand, complicates matters in the matter of existence and brings fear, worry and doubt into the equation.

Let us say then that our faith, our trust, our hope in this theory of Reality Creation, is in essence the simple Loving expectation, in the moment, of consciousness. We may even go so far as to say that the human embodying this faith we are describing, is utilizing within the moment, the creative potencies of All That Is. Now the human would do well to emulate the bird, the rock, the tree in this embodying of faith. Look around you and see how the various living and “inert” compositions are sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not exist. There is only the current moment of existence for consciousness.


Now all of us are on Earth to learn a literal lifetime of Lessons, The Lessons of value, abundance, money are often related to matters of authority, SELF– worth and personal power. We might say that the person experiencing a lifetime of lack has most probably experienced emotional injuries in these domains, certainly in the current existence, and also in other Simultaneous Lives. In this way, all perceived negative conditions are truly systemic, representing a focus by the Soul Self on the injurious Gestalt of Consciousness lending their creative energy and direction to the creation of the negative conditions in all of the participating Reincarnational Existences. It is indeed a group effort here, as it is in all matters of the individual human experiencing their Lessons – positive or negative – in any particular lifetime.

An example of this multidimensional group effort is in order. Imagine a Soul Self, an Entity composed of, shall we say, several thousand Simultaneous Lives, as well as innumerable probable existences. Each of these Selves, additionally, is unaware of the others. They are each individually living as suppose that of these many lives, a small percentage is experiencing what we call “Wealth” or a perception of The Abundant Universe. To simply, let us say that the remaining lives are experiencing less than favorable conditions. Now the lives experiencing lack “support” one another on the subtle levels via the Telepathic Network. Through impulses received telepathically from their fellow impoverished selves, the poor ones are given instruction and advice, in a sense, on how to create an impoverished existence. Now this is how it works under all circumstances for us in our world. As I said, you and all of your lives are learning Lessons. You support one another in learning your Lessons via these impulses sent and received on the subtle levels.

In these matters of the Soul Self and the learning of Lessons there is no judgment. There is no experiencing of the emotional complex of guilt on these levels of interaction. The Soul Self has a mandate, we might say, that is emotion-free, to assist in the creation of the reincarnational dramas and comedies for the Simultaneous Lives. It is the individual lives themselves that bring the emotional element into the mix for learning purposes.


The Blueprint consists of the studious application of the Ritual of Healing, the Techniques and your personal Findings to the issue at hand.

CPA – Consecutive Positive Assessment
DTEI- Distracting the Ego/Intellect
SD – Suspending Disbelief
MT – Metaphorical Tools
CIYG – Calling in Your Guides
RTEB – Reading The Emotional Body
BR- Belief Revision
HT- Healing Talk
CYFHS- Consulting Your Future Healed Self
CTP- Creating the Panacea


At the end of the day, assess on a scale of 1 to 7 your use of the Rituals and Techniques suggested in The Healing Regimen.

1 – Very little use 2 – Some Use 3 – Moderate Use 4 – Regular Use
5 – Consistent Use 6 – Concerted Use 7 – Very focused Use.



The suggestions you give yourself continuously, your “inner dialogue,” or whatever you wish to call this conversation, are indeed very influential in your co-creation of the Personal Reality Field. Everything is suggestion, you see. All is the work of Gestalt of Consciousness.

Let me digress… we have spoken at length in this Blog Series on the great value in “listening” to suggestions of your Loving Guides. These suggestions often take the form of positive thoughts, feelings and images sensed within your mental environment. It feels, at these times of contact, that you may be experiencing a divine intervention of sorts, for the experiences of the preceding moments may have been anything other than positive and Loving. Your preceding experiences may have been very negative and challenging. Perhaps what you have done then is you have put a call to your Guides to assist you in your Reality Creation, and they have done so. In this way, you have asked for assistance from your Guides and they have responded “right when you needed it most.”

Another way to experience this state of contact with the Divine in an ongoing manner, is to “plant” the positive suggestions within your consciousness purposely, so that over time you are training yourself to experience your world in a positive way, with continuous contact with the Divine. You then recreate your reality in a positive fashion. The creation of positive realities becomes habitual, replacing the habitual creation of negative or mundane realities. This purposeful guiding of the human mentally through speech is the basis of all our healing systems on our Earth. From the aboriginal shaman to our modern medicine practitioner, all have used Healing Talk for support in the healing process.


This experiment is similar to the preceding one, with a subtle difference. Now relax your body using your preferred techniques. The products of your belief Revisioning are the affirmative statements you may use to counter the negative ruminations that support the creation of your mundane existence. Ideally you would have committed the affirmative statements or suggestions to memory. If not, have your suggestions written out on a piece of paper to read when you are at your preferred state of relaxation. The next step is to read your affirmative statements to yourself while you are in Trance, or perhaps record the statements for playback while you are in relaxed state. Over time, if you are diligent, the positive healing statements will supplant the negative ruminations that support the malady.

FINDINGS – Document your findings rigorously in creating Healing Talk that counters your negative ruminations.


HYPOTHESIS: Beliefs that support disease may adapt to support healing.

Every thought you entertain within your mental sphere seeks to create itself within the physical or other dimensions, according to the templates of your beliefs about what is possible. Your thoughts of creating a healed physical body, therefore, create your potentially healed body within Dimensional-Realms that exist in probability, just as your thoughts of disease and symptoms create your malady. As you continue to focus in your Ritual fashion upon the creation of manifestation templates with “energy” in the form of Consciousness Units. This ongoing energetic support serves to move the potential reality from the probable Dimensional-Realms into the physical Third Dimensions. As you witness your co-creation of healing, your beliefs will adapt to these astounding new perceptions. The probability of healing becomes possible and finally inevitable. Your beliefs may change from skeptical to ardently supportive in this process.

Knowing this, what do you suppose the healer “sees” when they first look upon the healing or balancing that is taking place within their own system? Now this can be rather tricky to describe and to comprehend. In this case, the healer would INTEND to observe a healing transformation within the biological system. As you know, all of physical reality is a product of consciousness. In the case of the healing of the body, mind or spirit it is precisely the same. Here, your attitude is very important. Your conscious Intent is the most important element in this proceeding. So that when you observe your emerging reality, let us say upon first awakening from sleep, your conscious Intent is that you are very naturally and easily co-creating your emerging reality according to the Blueprint of healing you have decided upon in this project.

As you matter the co-creation of your Personal Reality Field, and you bring conscious awareness to the task a hand, the essentially magical act of healing becomes internalized. Beyond a particular point, you need not even think about it, for it has become automatic. Your beliefs will adapt and you will become more certain of your skills in the creation of the healing moment. You are redefining the templates of creation by making the creation of the healing moment habitual.

Now… identify and list beliefs you feel may be contributing to the creation and perpetuation of the malady. This material may take the form of a narrative or simply a list of short declarative statements. When you feel you have something to work with in this experiment, consider the divine opposites of these statements or a positive counter to the narrative. Write them down next to each other.


You are in your protected state. Using your Inner Senses, relax with your written material and occasionally read out loud or to your self the statements and their divine counterparts. Here your intent many be in support emotionally of the Malady-producing statement of beliefs. So you are making a declaration here that you are changing your beliefs. You are withdrawing the emotional charge, form the one, and you are empowering with your emotional energy the other – the health-creating and sustaining statements or beliefs. The positive suggestion of healthful support will become internalized allowing you to release the malady-creating beliefs. As this occurs you may find that your symptoms change to reflect the changing beliefs.

Disease and symptoms serve very specific purposes, you see. They are the direct reflection of interior processes. They are the physical expression of nonphysical concepts and images.

FINDINGS – Note your beliefs and their adaptations over time.


It is within our power as co-creator with All That Is to use our Divine Will to create more appropriate realities for oneself. We may do this with the Metaphorical Tools of various types. In our Blogs on Soul evolution we described one such tool: the Radio Dial Metaphor. Let us again describe the activity of this magical dial. This is simply a visualized dial, possibly modeled on a dial we have seen on one of our radios or other electronic devices. By turning the physical radio dial, different radio frequencies are accessed and different radio stations are contacted. By turning the visualized dial on our visualized radio, the researcher “tune-in” to the Energy Bodies that compose non physical reality.

This is a Metaphorical Tool used in a ritual way. Time after time, as these connections and communications with Beings of Light are established, it becomes a habitual act. I might add, that it also becomes easier to make these connection, the more we use our Metaphorical Tools.

With the dial, for example, we may discover our Guides, learn their names, and consult with other Gestalts of Consciousness that may assist us. Through the use of this tool, using our Inner Senses in an Intentional way, we may safely observe and study the disease-producing Idea Constructs. With the Metaphorical Tools we create a “protective barrier” between our consciousness and the Idea Constructs that support the malady.

Of course we may use any Metaphorical Tools that we have already established for our use in our past experiments. Or we may develop our own set of tools to assist us in our project. So that we might create for our use a transportation device of our choosing, one that may take us to various locations in the past, present and future and in both the physical and nonphysical worlds. It is up to us to use our imagination to create tools that can serve our particular needs. Now let us begin the experimentation that will furnish us with data to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen.


Dear Blog Reader, now in this moment of Good Humor resides your opportunity for an improved future. Perhaps a brief recap is in order here, to serve as a basis for the proclamation. You create BOTH your past and your future from your current moment. This is one of the basic tenets of my Teaching, and so it would serve you well to use this fact of life as a “given” – an essential building block upon which rests my theoretical construct of Reality Creation. So when I suggest to you that you may expand your consciousness intentionally, perhaps what I really mean is that you are capable, simply by virtue of your existence on our physical Earth at this time, of truly exploring and embodying the richness of our momentary existence.

Yes, our life is a series of moments. In this series of moments, obviously, you are reading from my Blog. Now the act of reading requires some focus “in the moment.” You muster all of your attention and direct it toward the task of reading and absorbing the Blog material. In a similar way, the student of my Teaching would do well to harness the same efforts of concentration entailed in the reading of this Blog, toward the appreciation and assessment of the current Moment Point – the spacious moment that connects all of our Simultaneous Lives.

Any moment will do here. This one… Or this one… Or this one… The study and appreciation of the spacious moment does indeed take some preparation. You are, in a sense, preparing yourself for the PROBABILITY of experiencing the moment of awakening – the moment of healing, the moment of perceiving the Abundant Universe, the moment of receiving Divine Wisdom. I am aware that in other Teachings, the student is taught that the awakening of the consciousness to its own spiritual heritage is a lifetime “undertaking,” if you will excuse my pun. Here however, we are offering the student the opportunity to awaken without first expiring.