Category Archives: TELEPATHY


Question: Regarding your explanation of Atlantis as being as much in our future as our past. Do you mean that it is largely a state of consciousness rather than , a particular place and time, in linear terms? – Dorian


Yes Marlo. We have discussed Atlantis. Let me explain. From the perspective of your greater multidimensional being. Dorian EVERYTHING is ultimately a state of consciousness. All Reality Constructs that compose our individual and collective realities are composed of Consciousness Units that are essentially thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions etc. “solidified,” in a sense, to create our world. So certainly, all of our created reality is a state of consciousness, a state of shared telepathic reality.

You cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose not only your physical body but also do you cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose the “stuff” that composes all that is NOT you. Do you see? The Telepathic Network is the fertile ground upon which we plant our seeds into their respective constructs.

Also let me say, that as a multidimensional being, one who lives many lives simultaneously, including some lives within the Mystery Civilizations, you are now in this moment contributing in very noticeable ways to the lives you are living everywhere. This is a delicate point I think. Let me go further.

Can you forget for just a moment here your infatuation with linear time and our camouflage reality? If you are able to do this, you will see the truth. You are Dorian, for example, a human living a life within the Mystery Civilization you know as Atlantis. You may prove this to yourself by using your Inner Senses to tune-in to this other life. Let us say that you have done so and you are now getting glimpses – bleed throughs – into this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis. You are experiencing the bleedthrough through the spacious moment – your current Moment Point.


In other words: yes we are slaves to consumerism and the agenda of the Negative Entities, but YOU ARE ENSLAVING YOURSELF. The responsibility for our choices resides with us personally. It does not do to blame our society or some distant negative figure: “The devil made me do it.” We are responsible.


As I said, this is not technically a Mystery Civilization we are describing. Yet this does demonstrate the reality of evolutionary consciousness – of All That Is. We are reminded that the path of development much more resembles a continuum than a staged series of phenomena with discrete nameable societies existing within separate time-frames.

The Negative Entities have informed humanity forever, in our terms. They exist currently, in this moment, as probable evolutionary paths for the Soul Self. We are a physical being, yet we also inhabit the non-physical world. We are in contact with Entities of all types. These Annunaki influences, then, are quite pronounced in our collective consciousness currently. The manifestation, of collective negative realities REQUIRES the direction and energetic support of this Gestalt of Consciousness. Through our free will choice, as we live our life in the modern world, we ally with different Entities. If you ally with the Negative entities through entertaining negative thoughts, images, and emotions within your psyche, you endorse and strengthen the Negative Entities.

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Specifically here: if you accept the information stream of greed, of ruthlessness, of murderous intent, into your mental sphere, you are assisting the Annunaki in their agenda of fear, anger, domination, and despair.

With regards to the claim that these Negative Entities are enslaving mankind, I must concur. I have stated before that the modern human is a slave to consumerism, to the buying of shiny objects. The activities of the Annunaki are feeding this desire to consume. Yet this group is merely another Gestalt of Consciousness that exists for us in our mental sphere.. We could just as easily CHANGE OUR PATTERN and choose to ally our Reality Creation energies with Beings of Light.


Our star system is hidden from view by other systems. I commented on this in my Blog Series on Soul Evolution. Our North American tribes originated from this star system. Inter-dimensional travel is instantaneous, in that one moment, the subject is existing on their home planet and in the next, they are living their life upon Earth, many light years from home, in our terms. To extend this description somewhat: the subject here would not be surprised or traumatized by this event. The subject, as an Etheric Being, would know quite well what was instore for them. They would know that they were to travel to Earth as an envoy of the sacred. All That Is, to assist in the creation of civilization.

Some of these beings traveled to the Third dimension of earth to serve as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This group serves humanity as the intermediaries between the physical and non-physical worlds. They are the beings that have been personalized by humanity to act as various gods, goddesses, and sacred beings.

These sacred beings, then, served as the Gestalts of Consciousness – the energy blueprints – for the creation of the spiritual world of the Native American tribes and indeed for many of the tribes of the South American continent. This simply means that the origin myths of the aboriginal tribes are not “imagined” – they are not the product of the ingestion of herbs and other potent screments, though these have certainly assisted the psychic voyagers within these tribes in identifying and cataloguing the divine spirits – they are as real as any other perceived/created Reality Construct we care to name.


As do all of our exercises and experiments in this new Blog material, The Healing Regimen begins with the Ritual of Sanctuary. This act of protection and Sanctuary I suggest you perform in the morning as you rise for the day and at regular intervals throughout your waking day.

In the beginning I would also suggest that you use your Intention and perseverance to cut your affiliations – your metaphysical, psychic connections – to any Gestalts of Consciousness that feed to you negative information, such as symptom- creation strategies, dire predictions, negative prognosis information etc. The “voices” of these Energy Forms are the energetic supports onto which you fasten the body of your created reality. So it is very important for you, on your Healing Quest, to heed the voices of ONLY those Energy Bodies that may assist you in bringing balance to your physical, mental and spiritual being. These benign and beneficial energies are easy to recognize. As you attempt to find these “voices,” you may notice that your emotional state is transformed as you “tune-in” to the Loving energies.



I trust you have found something of value in our little Blogs. Certainly we have not explored the subject definitively. However, the complete expression of All That Is can be sensed inwardly as a Holographic Insert. Therefore, I now place this Idea Construct within these words. You may access this message at any time. Use your intent to guide your Inner Senses to the precise location within your mental environment. This construct has ecstatic emotion attached to it. This emotion will intensify as you approach it. You will know you have made contact when your emotional state becomes transformed to the positive. This is awakening, Dear Blog Reader. Good Luck with your studies.


These templates of creation are limitless...

In this little essay we shall explore the concept of the human embodying certain perspectives, and so creating their realities through these blueprints, or Gestalts of Consciousness. Now you literally have at your disposal access to unlimited perspectives or Gestalt of Consciousness, that you may embody, ally with, and proceed to create our world in tandem, you might say, with another consciousness manifestation. These templates of creation are limitless, for they include the varied aspects of personality embodied by humans over the millennia. These ways of behaving, of feeling, of thinking, and imagination exist within your collective consciousness as a reservoir of potential Reality Creation energy to which you may turn in your many existences.

Thus, for example, you might be a human engaged in creating a life for yourself in your ancient Egyptian era, perhaps as a slave. Many of us have done and currently doing just that. Can you imagine how fantastically different is the self-created existence of our Egyptian friend we are discussing, to the life you-the-Blog-Reader are currently creating for yourself? Utterly and completely different, I”m certain you would agree. For the ancient one is working from the perspective of a slave living in an ancient culture within a totally different confluence of influences – the social, religious, and others – than you, Dear Blog Reader. This human is observing through their unique vision, their world: the Personal Reality Field.

Let us take this further on the assumption that what I am telling you here is quiet true: that we are all living lives as slaves in some of our Reincarnational Existences, even though we may be currently reading this Blog through the eyes of a typical modern human, one who has access to all of the modern conveniences, one who is relatively free, and so on.

Some of my Blog readers may now be seeing where I am taking this discussion. Let me continue. All That IS is the creative medium in which consciousness, through physical form, expresses itself. These expressions include the physical bodies and existences of all our Simultaneous Lives. ALL OF EXISTENCE occurs simultaneously, in the present moment – the spacious moment, as we also call it.

Do you see how it is possible for you to embody this timeless perspective here and now, allowing your current experiencing consciousness to tune-in to the other life lived as perhaps an Egyptian slave? You are already doing so, however you are probably not yet proficient in the multitasking necessary to retain the memories of your other lives. Practice is necessary here. Practice until you can remember.


I often use the phrase in these New Blogs, “from my perspective.” Let me speak a bit about what that might mean. Now please remember, here in our discussions it is perception that causes Reality Creation. The Percepts, as we have defined it in our Blogs, is that aspect of consciousness that simultaneously and instantaneously creates and perceives the Reality Construct. Therefore, can you see that from my perspective I am witness to our greater multidimensional experiencing? This enlarged perspective of mine includes the goings-on within our probable futures.

The mind reels here in contemplation of this perspective. However, if you are with us on this voyage, and you are attending to the exercises and experimentation we present to you, I would suggest that your mind may now be in the beginning stages of a new stability with regards to witnessing the multidimensional nature of the self that is quite commonplace to Light Beings.

That is what it is all about, this shift to 4th Dimensional Awareness. From my perspective, many of us are becoming quite expert at “holding” this state of awareness for extended periods of time. We are on the same wavelength, in a very literal way. We are focused on this same compelling subject of interest. We are all of us witnessing the divine creation of realities moment-to-moment.


These words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout your life…

There are Lessons of a Positive nature also for the Reality Creator. We often speak of the Positive Manifestation as it pertains to The Shift in consciousness for humanity. Our positive input fuels The Shift, quite literally. Now what of the Positive Manifestation within the Personal Reality Field of the individual? An example for our further understanding…

Consider the human engaged in creating prosperity for themselves and their family. Let us say that this group was previously “doing without,” for the most part. They were without the necessities of existence and were suffering Lack. Then it dawned upon the consciousness of our example – a woman – that she was sabotaging her financial growth subconsciously by obeying self-limiting scripts created in her youth. She was told as a child that she was incapable of creating anything of value, for she was a “”natural born loser.” She was told by her parents that she “destroyed everything she touched.”

Now these words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout her life. Her parents knew what they were talking about, she assumed, and so she created a life of failure to corroborate her parent’s assessment of her. The script became subconscious over time, until now, as an adult, she wonders if she may be cursed. She wonders why her projects seem doomed to fail.

Then the example becomes aware of the momentary thoughts, images, and emotions within her consciousness. She identifies a common thread: “you are a born loser,” and rather than continue to accept that, she challenges it within her own experience. She proclaims to herself that she is a natural healer and has successfully facilitated the return to health with many friends over the years. She is successful in this area of her life. Perhaps she may transpose the positive states of consciousness she is experiencing when she is successful in healing to the task of creating prosperity. She discovers that she does have a circular thought that is common to her states of consciousness while being successful. The thought is a statement:”I can do this if I keep at it.” This thought fills her with motivation and positive emotion.

By noticing in her self-assessments in the moments of her waking reality, when and where she is creating through the internalized statement/belief that she is a born loser, she is able to respond to this negative assertion with her own positive statement: “I can do this if I just keep at it.” Over time, the negative belief is replaced by the positive assertion through the “habit” of ritually replacing the negative thought. Soon the example is experiencing an improved reality in the financial realm.


We are now acting out our emotional drama

Obviously, for many of us, our emotional reactions are automatic. We experience something that “upsets” us, offends us in some way, let us say, and we automatically launch into an overt negative reaction. For example, we become “hot under the collar,” and “storm around the house, “re-creating automatically the negative emotional state. Let us call it anger or righteous indignation in this example. Someone or thing has “pushed our buttons,” and we are now acting-out our emotional drama on the stage of our existence.

At these times of passion it is good to remember that our automatic responses are simply habitual ways of acting. Over our life we have learned – from family and friends – “Typical” demonstrations of emotion. We have practiced re-creating these gestures and emotional states whenever we get an opportunity, and now we have become a master. The process has become habitual, automatic.

Fortunately, habits may be changed over time. We have proposed many interventions for you in my new Blogs. Here let us present a simple antidote to the re-creation of righteous indignation in the moment of our personal consciousness manifestation.

TECHNIQUE: A Message From Your Higher Self

This is a very simple technique here and we have covered it before. I believe you will have limitless opportunities to practice it in your waking reality.

Suppose that you ARE experiencing righteous indignation. You are using the research capabilities of the ego/intellect to re-create anger in your present moments. You are automatically finding reasons to be angry, and perhaps at the same time, denying thoughts and images that come to mind that refute your own negative assessment! Denial and intellectualization are occurring simultaneously, as they often do.

With this technique you divert your attention to the incoming message from your Higher Self. It is always the same message… “Love.” All is well in your world.” “Courageously Love others, “that type of thing. Allow the incoming message to “color” your Reality Creation strategy in the moment. Anticipate a positive outcome and then simply repeat as needed.

As you continually interject the new adaptation in your opportunities to re-create righteous indignation, you will find that, over time, you learn how to create Loving Understanding in these moments.


It is as though the subconscious is helping us to face the music…

As a creator of realities we witness our mental and emotional material projected outward into physicality. Because this is, for the most part, a subconscious activity, as we have said, this feedback that is the Personal Reality field may contain some disagreeable elements as in fear and anger-inspiring events – the Reincarnational Dramas.

This material “slips out” from the subconscious through the censor that is the ego/intellect and into the rich medium of Consciousness Units that composes our little piece of the Universe. In these dramas, as we are presented our Lessons, we are, in a sense, “forced” to perceive these Issues. It is as though the subconscious, at least for the moment, is helping us to face the music and learn our Lessons.

We are thus challenged to react to transform. Yet many of us, again, with the aid of denial and intellectualization, sidestep this intervention by finding reasons to account for the dramas. We find reasons for the dramas or we refuse to even consider our contribution. This we call denial. We do have a choice, however, in each instance.