Category Archives: SOUL


Hypothesis: The emotional body displays the causes and cures of all maladies.

Now let us attempt to “read” The Emotional Body. You will be attempting to assess, with your Auric Vision, the energy signatures of the various imbalances and cures inherent in the Auric Display.


First, please attempt to embody a deep state of relaxation. You may accomplish this by focusing on your breathing for just a few moments. You may also stretch your body in your particular fashion that leads to relaxation and a focus on the inner world. Use whatever methods you have perfected in your experimentation.

Now what we are attempting here, as in all experimental research in this new Teaching of mine, is nothing less than the entering into Trance State. This state of consciousness is simply the mental environment of your Soul Self. Here you bridge the inner to the outer worlds with your awareness. You fine-tune the perceptive tools – your Inner Senses – with you Intention to achieve the precise focus of awareness that YOU require to accomplish your goals.

The perceived representation of The Emotional Body may encompass the majority of the physical body, but is centered, as I said, within the heart region The “reading” of The Emotional Body has a visual component, yet it may be a felt sensation, as in a sense of tingling or other energy signatures within your own body. You may also experience it as a “heard” vibrational message in manner of song. These sensing’s may come to you as images and full visions, possibly composed of personas or animals in various roles, acting out various scenes for your education and enjoyment. The dramatizations may be sensed on the inward eye, though the eyes may indeed be open. The visionary state permits these contradictions – feeling the pulse of visualized scenes of hearing the songs of manifested illnesses and their sources.

The Auric Vision is the Inner Sense representation to your mental awareness of the health issue in its totality. This potent Idea Construct or Gestalt of Consciousness exists as a holographic reference that contains everything you as the Healer require to diagnose and bring balance to your own body or the body of your subject. Each of you will sense and interpret this information in your individual ways.

This Auric Vision may come to you quite quickly, just as you enter your state of awareness, or it may take several minutes for you to focus on your Inner Senses and achieve a diagnosis and perceive possible cures. You may need to “sleep on it” and receive the bulk of the information in the dream state, for assessment, diagnosis and curative measures to be achieved on awakening. These are matters of the healing process. Do what serves best your needs or the needs of your subject.


Use your hands to fan around the body, “feeling” for any anomalies of energy vibration. You may do this literally, with your physical hands and make passes around your own body or the body of your subject, or you may do this in the visualized form, using your imagination.

Project your consciousness into your body or the body or your subject, to search from within it as a miniature explorer.

Listen to the narrative of subject and derive from these words, the messages from the Energy Bodies that will serve to direct you to the cause of the difficulties. This narrative may serve to bring to your mind a visual or other sensory dramatization that holds the diagnosis information in symbolic or literal form.

When you are working on your own healing, simply attempt to tune-in to your inner ruminations. These messages are the supports of the Gestalts of Consciousness we are calling disease process. Now also within this inner dialogue are messages from Beings of Light. These suggestions may have come from your future probable existences of from other Guides who are attempting to assist you in your Healing Journey. Simply put, here in this experiment you are tuning-in the healing states and tuning-out the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the disease.

Now illness is a Lesson that your Soul Self has “arranged” for you to experience in physical form, yet it is possible to heal yourself if you can learn the Lesson in other ways. For example: suppose on reading your Light Body you discover that the “reason” for your diabetes, is an imbalance in The Emotional Body. You are having difficulty accepting and processing “the sweetness that life has to offer.” This manifests as physical illness in a very literal way. You may heal yourself by learning how to accept and transmit the sweetness of life. You needn’t suffer unto death from the illness. So it is essential that the underlying “cause” of the malady be addressed or the difficulty may come back in another form, as in a physical, mental or spiritual malady of some sort. These are matters of belief revision. This subject will be explored next.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings from this ongoing experiment.


Our ego/intellect is an expert in the creation of status quo realities. It always begins its work on awakening after our sleeping times, whenever that might be. As we open our eyes, there is a tendency for the ego/intellect to take charge IMMEDIATELY. It is our job to remember that our regimen will begin or continue at that particular time, and circumvent the strategies of the ego/intellect to control our Reality Creation agendas.

We do this by distracting the ego/intellect. This is a divine distraction. We divert our attention from the mundane to the Divine. This is simply a personal reminder from our Soul Self that we are supported on a wave of ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness. We have described this feeling state in our last few Series of Blogs. We are supported; we are endorsed; we are Loved. We do not need to recreate the status quo reality of suffering, illness and other negative states. We may also use our Energy Personality and other Guides to help remind us of our Scared Quest in these moments.

However, if we are like most people, our ego/intellect will not enjoy these attempts to divert the manifestation energies toward the Divine. The ego/intellect may flood our consciousness with Negative Emotions, traumatic memories, reminders of financial peril etc. We may experience a sudden fear that we are taking these explorations too far, perhaps wandering into “the danger zone.”

Religious conditioning may serve to bring doubt to mind. We may feel that perhaps we should go to church soon or speak to a priest. Or course we may do these things. We have free will. But might I suggest that we are now acting as our own intermediary? We are bridging the physical and subtle realms with our awareness. Just as the magician, the shaman, the witch does, we are acting as our own intermediary between the physical and the Divine.

My advice, when you are experiencing these responses from the ego/intellect, is to intervene with your Intention, and possibly with the assistance of your Guides, and divert your attention back to the Divine. It is really just a matter of choice in the moment. We are choosing from the perspective of the Soul Self, a path of improved reality Creation.


Let us proceed with the Techniques and Rituals that compose The Healing Regimen.

The Healing Regimen is a continuous ritual enactment with the elements of our Consecutive Positive Assessments exercise embedded within it. In this exercise you attempt t interpret your moment-to-moment experiences in positive ways. Everything exists within the current moment. Everything that you need to support your Quest for Healing is available to you in your Point of Power, your current Moment Point, right now in this instance. So it is in the moment when you conduct your Ritual of Healing and when you see the results of these Techniques. In the moment is when you get to feel for the creation of successive moments of healing.

With this technique we are attempting to interpret each successive Moment Point as a divine opportunity for positive change. In my blogs we discussed in depth this technique of Consecutive Positive Assessments. Here let me simply state that it is up to you to create this perspective according to what works for you as an individual human, one with particular ways of behaving, one with a certain set of beliefs.

Now briefly, you will always have a choice, Dear Blog reader, regarding what you will experience in the moments of your waking life. You are the center of your world and the events that occur within your world. So you always have a choice and even a responsibility to make the proper decisions in your moment-to-moment existence to further your life.

You must be adequate, in other words, so that you may “live to live another day,” in a manner of speaking. Of course, beyond merely living there exists a state of being in which one excels, or develops or grow spiritually, intellectually, and so on. Here in this project, we maintain that to achieve relief from physical illness and the removal of symptoms, one may employ our Consciousness Personal Assessment exercise and “take charge” of the life. By assessing each moment as a joyous and educational experience, the researcher is reprogramming the psyche in a beneficial way. Positive belief change occurs over the long-term application of this technique. Positive realities are created in an intentional way.

Perhaps another example would help. Suppose that our theoretical subject, the human experiencing a disintegration of the musculature of their body, has obtained The Healing Regimen and is trying this Technique. There may be several days of false starts and disruptions of the program. Then one day there is begun a series of moments, perhaps lasting several minutes or even hours, when the subject is truly interpreting their moment-to-moment experiences in positive ways.

In this series of moments, let us say that the subject has perhaps burned the breakfast on the stove. Rather than sink into a depression or scream in anger at the stove, the subject continues to sing a favorite song. In the mental environment of this subject, you might say that the Negative Emotions do not find a place to establish themselves. The singing of the favorite song, perhaps a joyful song, prevents that manipulation of thought energy by the negative Emotions. The Consecutive Positive Assessments continue even as the song is being sung.

But let us suppose that the subject is then distracted, perhaps by the TV news program as it proclaims the latest tragedy to occur in a far away country. For a moment, the subject may feel a responsibility to the people involved in the tragedy to provide them with a compassionate moment of observation here, Unfortunately, as soon as our subject focuses on the television image, to express their compassion and understanding, the story is ended, and a commercial is run that encourages the viewer to buy products. At this point, the positive mental environment is disrupted. Thoughts relative to things to buy and products of various kinds prevail. The song ceases to be sung.

So the question arises in matters of techniques such as this: How can I possibly bring conscious awareness to each successive moment in my waking day?” The answer to that, of course, is that it may be difficult to achieve perfection in the assessment exercise. In your physical reality there are numerous diversions, as in our example. There are also natural lapses in consciousness that take you to other dimensions, as we have discussed in previous blogs. So practically here, I must say, that to the degree that you can accomplish this exercise, you will to that same degree experience positive changes in your Personal Reality Field – you will experience healing within your body, mind and spirit.

Fortunately, simple improvements are what we are marking progress in this endeavor. You will continuously change course, over the moments of your existence, making your simple improvements, until gradually you are experiencing the voyage as a positive habit of thought, feeling and manifestation.


The creation of a structure begins with the drawing-up of a blueprint, illustrating the placement of the materials that will compose the structure. Our Reality construction of Healing begins with the creation of a Blueprint listing the Techniques, Rituals and Suggestions that we will use to create our Positive Reality. The Blueprint for the Reality Construction of healed bodily states is a “living” document, in that it will change from day to day as you gain information about yourself from your experimentation.

Initially it is necessary to create a potent statement of affirmation that you will build to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen. The statement should be only a few well-selected words that do indeed epitomize for you the project at hand. It should be a deeply personal and symbolic statement, to the fact that you are identifying as best you can current life issue in emotional terms. It’s extraordinary the lengths we go to for a ‘labor of love’. We happily make sacrifices, suffer hardships and turn away from temptations. We do everything within our power to prove ourselves to be worthy. We put ourselves through hell and high water because we feel such depths of emotion. Yet, we rarely go to such efforts for our own benefit. Is that because we don’t love ourselves enough? Ask yourself what you’d do to help someone who deserved the best. Everything in our created reality is founded in emotion, the emotion of Love. Our health issues are created as we are diverted from Love. With this in mind, we may create our affirmative statement in positive terms, expressing our simple desires with regards to the healing of body, mind and spirit.

An example may be in order here. Suppose a theoretical subject is experiencing the painful symptoms of a degenerative disease of the musculature of their body. Further, let us say that this subject has experienced a traumatic loss in their recent past. Perhaps a loved -one, such as the father or mother or other family member, has made their Transition in an abrupt manner, through a fast-acting illness that took them within a few weeks, or perhaps through an accident of some sort. Now these traumatic losses are always a surprise to the ego/intellect of those who are left behind. However, as we know, Souls choose the time of their departures as well as the circumstances, so the Souls of the departed know that they are merely keeping their appointments in this way.

Yet even though our theoretical subject also knows on a Soul level that their loved-one has simply transferred their energy to the Home Dimension, they are experiencing a Lesson here. The ego/intellect is shocked, outraged, set into a tailspin, so to speak. The grief and other emotions that are triggered by the sudden death serve to take this subject into their Underworld, where they will experience instructional vignettes that illustrate the true nature of the event in a context of the Soul Family. If the subject may literally bring to a halt their Soul’s progression. This cessation of spiritual growth and fulfillment may result in the outward manifestation of this stasis – the atrophy of the musculature of the body.

As you may have noticed, the symptoms and illnesses that humans create within their bodies are often quite literal responses to the perceived traumatic episodes in their lives. But please understand, what one person may perceive as traumatic, another may perceive as business-as-usual. These are deeply personal issues, the creation of imbalances, and should always be addressed as such, taking into account the context of personality, life-style, experiences and all of the other myriad elements that compose the existence of the human.

Now with this in mind, that your health issues are emotionally-based and that some perceived as you know them, write out a few sentences describing the people basis for your malady and what it might look like it if you were relieved of this malady. Remember, you may always return to this statement to add or subtract material.

For example, if our theoretical subject were to write out a Foundational Statement, might read as the following:


Do you see how this statement frames the healing Regimen in term of a journey? Each of you will use your own metaphors and symbols in creating the Foundational Statement.

Write it now.



In The Healing Regimen, just as in other matters of intentional Reality Creation, the idea is to become cognizant of our unconscious agendas of manifestation IN THE MOMENT. In this moment of awakening, we may use our will to begin the creation of improved Reality Constructs with regards to our physical being, i.e. the transformation of symptoms and “disease states” to a lack symptoms and the perception of “healed” body states.

Now our approach requires a definite change of perspective for the average Blog Reader. Please allow me to present some background to this discussion for those of us who may be new to this material. In my last series of Blogs I encouraged you to take on the roll of Scientist of Consciousness. And as a specialist in the use of the Inner Senses, I asked you to go about your investigations in this ongoing “altered state.” I reminded you that the Scientist of Consciousness was the magician, the shaman, the witch of antiquity. You were simply affirming your connection to these original scientists from your perceived past. As you embodied the suggested role of Scientist of Consciousness, you “put on” the perceptual lenses of the witch or the shaman or the healer.

In this new Blog project of ours, as we intentionally create this altered state within our mental environment, we will enable our Inner Senses to “pick up” the vibrational messages of Consciousness Units that exist within the specific Gestalts of Consciousness, some representing, shall we say, “disease process,” and others representing “healing process.”

Both disease and healed states, as well as all states in between, exist in the moment. Our goal as researchers is to determine with our Inner Senses, the influences from the various Gestalts of Consciousness and how they assist in the creation of our particular malady of the malady of our subject. Then we shall use our Metaphorical Tools to diminish or eliminate these influences – guided by the Gestalts of Consciousness representing healing process – so the the body many return to balance.

Let us briefly discuss the related views of some of the indigenous peoples of our Earth. We often make these comparisons in our discussions to illustrate that unknown reality is already quite well known to some of us. For example: in the spiritual traditions among the First People of our human race, an intimate relationship exists between the human and the environment. It is common to speak to Nature directly in these collectives and receive responses from trees, stones, animals etc. These humans are well aware of the consciousness and integrity of plants, animals and the various elements around them. They accept that a rock has a spirit, that fire has a spirit that may be addressed and that will respond.

Just as the indigenous peoples communicate with the spirits of the natural world, it is possible for us on The Healing Regimen to seek counsel from these Energy forms, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness. We do this through the use of our Inner Senses, observing The Emotional Body.


As with all of our creations in physical reality, we could say that we are entranced by our own projections, including the bodily states known as “symptoms and illnesses.” Now I have spoken in other Blogs of the dangers in our medical community of constantly referring to the “inevitability” of certain illnesses forming in the human body. Statistics are bandied about SUGGESTING that such-and-such a percentage of men or women will INEVITABLY “fall victim” to certain diseases. Do you see where I am taking this discussion? The disease process is supported on the SUGGESTIONS of Gestalts of Consciousness. And so we might say that the great majority of our medical doctors are “under the spell” of these Energy Bodies. They are entranced with this Gestalt of Consciousness, the central information center called the medical model. They have been for many years indoctrinate with the data and procedures that support this system.

We play your part in this drama also. Dear Blog reader. It is our role to “pretend” that what the doctors say is true. We obediently create the applicable symptoms within our body. We are supporting our health and practitioner in this way. “Doctor’s orders” DEMAND that you create a particular set of symptoms to correspond to a particular disease state. This collaboration takes place on the subtle levels, of course. The telepathic communication streams are quite active between Gestalts of Consciousness of various types, the doctor and the patient. Everyone must do their part here in order to sustain the “appearance” of illness and the “appearance” of healing or perhaps failure to heal, initiated by the medical profession.

It is all supported on suggestion. These suggestions are essentially Idea Constructs that are the building blocks of disease and the treatment of disease. Thus we have, for example, a Gestalt of Consciousness know as Alzheimer’s Disease. The patient is experiencing this illness as a vehicle for the learning of particular Lessons. In the case of Alzheimer’s, Lessons of infantilism and being cared for without protest, are often the reasons for the creation of the disease state, though it is not wise to generalize in these matters.

Ultimately however, illnesses of all kinds are created as life Lessons. The disease state is a teacher to us in physical reality. Our Soul Self our Guides and all members of our Soul Family are engaged with us in the drama of physical illness. We are learning our Lessons as a collective, much as we would study and learn within a classroom in one of our universities.

Now to elaborate on this comparison here… just as we would learn in a classroom the subject matter in a course on, shall we say, Life Science, everything needed to pass that course, in The Healing Regimen we may discover that truths in the Lessons of physical existence. As we become knowledgeable on the causes of our malady, we may find the means to learn our Lesson in other ways, perhaps in ways that do not entail physical symptoms and disease. This is always our free will choice. We may decide to continue the Lesson of physical illness or we may decide to discover the “causes” and address them.


We do have many awakenings in our day-to-day existence, and these can be opportunities for accessing the spiritual awakening we seek. For example: each time you awaken from sleep, we have an opportunity to awaken also in a spiritual sense. As I have described in theses Blogs, our nighttime activities entail a great deal of what we might term “spiritual” or “SoulDirected” activities. Yet on our awakening after sleep, the rigors of physical reality.


The lessons we are learning currently may be categorized according to the three broad topics we will cover in the next three series of Blogs. This is a continuation of our discussion on the blessing “healthy, wealthy and wise” from our last Blog Series.

Now health would obviously entail Lessons Learned regarding the physical body, mind and spirit. We are asserting here the symptoms and illnesses humans generate within their bodies are for educational purposes. Each illness is a physical expression of inherently nonphysical Idea Constructs.

The same may be said of prosperity. The lessons of the Acquisition of wealth and the utilization of that form of energy is spiritual at its base. Money and wealth are simply very potent ideas pertaining to security and value in the physical domain. So here again, the physical is simply the observable component of the invisible, nonphysical spiritual construct.

The wisdom of the Soul, the third element in this blessing, may be accomplished in the learning of these symbolic Lessons in physical reality by allowing these Life Lessons to transform the psyche. Loving Understanding and Courage are some of the results of this transformative phenomenon.


As descendants of the divine rulers of the Mystery civilizations, the visionary leaders are engaged in the same sort of activities as their predecessors. They are art of a lineage of incarnation in our Third Dimension. Now genetically, there may or may not be a connection, however the Soul Family connections are there to investigate.

For example: those of us who have identified an Atlantean Heritage, through our experimentation or other research efforts, may be interested to know that the leadership within the Atlantean culture itself was initially drawn from what you might call the “spiritual” class. This group fulfilled several different functions in the society. They were scientists of non physical reality, what we are calling the Scientists of Consciousness.

These humans were raised from birth as the “Magical Child” we spoke of in the last Blog Series. They had memories of all of their Reincarnational Existences. This information, which included “future” experiences, were quite valuable. The leaders were visionaries in the true sense of that term, in that they were aware of the probable events to occur in the future of their societies.


For your information, Dear Blog Reader, the ideas and philosophies of the great leaders of your perceived past are available to you within the milieu of your personal consciousness. Now obviously, this is the psychic mechanism for the inspiration and motivation of vast numbers of devotees to follow the great religious leaders, for example. It is a psychic network, a Telepathic Network that one participates in to make these connections. The catalyst for such a voyage of discovery or quest for understanding and knowledge, could be as simple as he reading of a book authored by one of these respected leaders.

As I related to you in in previous Blogs, the printed words within our spiritual and philosophical texts have power on the subtle levels. In a sense, these words serve to “open Doors” within the psyche of the reader to allow for the reception of Divine Knowledge. This stream of energy has its source or transmission point within the after-death consciousness or Soul Self of the deceased writer.

So the selection of inspirational texts is very important in this project. You may find that certain authors “call out” to you in some way. You are drawn to particular authors, just as you may have been drawn to my Blogs, it is a very natural thing to act upon these inspirational impulses. These mental constructs, the motivating impulses, serves as markers along the way, as you make your voyage of self discovery, the discovery of your Soul Self.

Now the questions may arise, “What is my relationship to these authors? Why do I feel compelled to seek out their books and read them? The answers are that you are connected to a virtually limitless “family” of incarnated and currently “deceased,” in our terms, human Souls. These are your Simultaneous Lives, that I described in my previous blogs. These are your etheric Guides also, your Energy Personality and other assistants, and these are the authors of inspirational texts.


Let me answer my own questions. Beings of Light are responding. We ARE a Being of Light. We each are a Soul with a body. We are a multitude of personalities existing in many different areas on our Earth, on other planets and in probable systems. We are experiencing our amnesia in the Third Dimension, perhaps scoffing at this admittedly “far out” narrative, yet it remains quite true that WE are what we are talking about when we describe the Beings of Light. EVERYTHING in physical reality if “lighted” by Beings of Light, Gestalts of Consciousness, Light Bodies, Energy Bodies.

They are the energy and incipient matter templates for all forms in physical reality and all other dimensions. So that any discussions as to whether Beings of Light exist are really quite humorous, as these Gestalts of Consciousness comprise ALL of human experience.

Perhaps what we are truly saying here, is that we are an Etheric Being. The witty, the humorous and the creative responses are from the Nonphysical Personality aspects that form our Soul Self. This is our identity then. We are grounded in the nonphysical world.

The Visionary STATE

The visionary within our modern culture is a much maligned figure. This may be because we have come so far from our tribal communities, as “progress” takes us away from core experiences of community and shared spirituality. In the U.S.A. in particular, and most of our developed nations, we take great care to marginalize our visionaries, particularly when they begin to speak of radical transformations to come in our world.

Here however, in our growing community, we honor the visionary and we accept the visionary state of consciousness as natural, normal and quite essential to the evolution of the human Soul and the human species.

The visionary has visions, quite simply, and these visions are experienced through the use if the intuitive faculties. The visions of these seers of society are filled with Light. The visionary is enlightened, you see, and senses the foundation of reality as the Light Energy that it is. In my view, I see all of humanity as potential visionaries.