Category Archives: Physical Life


As we consider our Lessons this is worth remembering:

The most shameful aspects of our experience hold the seeds to our ecstatic awakening.

These are our Issues, the wounds that are to be healed in our lifetime. It does indeed take Courage to face them and move forward. Intimacy is not possible without the Courage to explore the Lessons we incarnated to learn. Honestly addressing these facts-of-life and making changes where needed sets the stage for the encounter. It is that simple.

Let me stand on my soapbox for just a moment, if I may… As we examine our Issues regarding sexual identity, we may come across some un-examined material: repressed, as we say. Now as a student we may already know that “I” espouse our basic bisexual nature. Consider this: we are experiencing other lives in other timeframes the male and also the female. Naturally and ultimately, Dear Blog Reader, we are both. Then, if we were to go on one of our psychic voyages to another of our lives, as we suggest , and we discover that somewhere in time we were a woman, and in this current life we are a man, and we greatly identify as a man, we have an important Lesson to learn.

One way to learn is to intentionally ask for feminine power from the female life to come to us here in our current existence. We would accept this energy and integrate it into our identity. We would then become MORE than male; for we would be broadening our consciousness, enlarging our beliefs, opening up to our reater creaturehood.


Because my new Blogs are essentially research manuals for the awakening human, we will once again approach our subject in a systematic way. Now… we are learning in this life how to use energy to create what we desire. Given this fact, can we see how our desire for a meeting a human who meets our particular requirements for relationship automatically sets into motion the manifestation of that desired outcome?

It is a subconscious process, one that goes on largely unnoticed. Do we then agree that it is important to be as clear and conscious as we can about what we want to create?


We resonate our world into being according to what we believe is possible. We are Spirit in Flesh. Our ideas and emotions congeal into Reality Constructs. This is Resonance in action.

And further, as a way to illustrate the Resonance construct: if we cultivate a belief in Angels – as many of my Blog Readers do, I am finding – we go a long way towards co-creating with our greater consciousness, the reality of Angels. If we believe that we will die at a certain age, we will possibly resonate that event into actuality.

Beliefs are the determinant values within all Reality Creation by human beings. They are the most powerful constructs in our system. Through the power of our beliefs – the assemblages of images, emotions, concepts, circular thoughts – the electromagnetic phenomenon we refer to as Resonance gains focus and sustaining energy.

We create our reality through the templates of our beliefs. Therefore, know your own mind, own your vision of the beloved Soul Mate. Then don’t be surprised by your creation; it is an exact representation of your true ongoing mental activities.


Now this is an example of what the Blog is all about: changing consciously our behavior, thinking, imagining. We exist within the Moment Point as we assemble our identity from the various expressions of creaturehood within ALL of our countless Reincarnational Existences. At any one time, we will be drawing from some of our lives that ARE of a negative expression, on whole, let us say. This is often a hard fact of life to admit for the budding psychonaut.

We are all experiencing negative existences, abusive relationships, violent acts, somewhere in other timeframes. Now our strategy that we suggest, as we well know, is to immediately divert our attention to the positive when we are experiencing bleed throughs to the negative existences.

The attention is diverted to the Divine, always. As we consistently do this, our many lives improve, for we have a direct influence on these lives in our current experienced moment.


To illustrate: Our mate with whom we now experience our Lessons, may have been previously our child, our parent, our enemy. Yes, because we are learning Lessons of all types, the possibility exists for us to be experiencing a Love relationship with a former enemy.

What better way to experience the full gifts of living than to live the opposites with our Soul Family? That is a rhetorical question, however, let me add that with this rejoiner: we are not condoning abusive relationships.

Here I am illustrating the very common occurrence of the Soul Family member changing their behaviors of the Past Life existence, to their opposites: Loving, Courageous, Compassionate behaviors.


In our day-to-day existence it is quite easy for us to lose track of time as we go about our duties on our job, within activities in our home, etc. Our routines are just that, as we keep to habitual patterns of behaving and experiencing. Then suppose that something unique happens in our life to break the Common Trance for us, if only momentarily.

Suppose, for example, while we are within our home attending to our tasks for the day, that the doorbell rings and we answer the call to meet a man or a woman on our doorstep who is in obvious distress. This human has perhaps run out of gas directly in front of our home and needs to use our telephone to get assistance from a family member.

Any unusual intervention would do here, you see. The human in distress has interrupted our routine and brought us back into the moment of experiencing. We are now focused within this moment as we decide what to do with this stranger. We are perhaps assessing them as to whatever dangers they may present to us. Or we may be already assured, by some internal response, that they are harmless, let us say, as we prepare to allow them into our home. Or perhaps we are only prepared to make the call for them as they wait on the other side of the locked door.


Because everyone we meet has something to teach us, and vice versa, we have no doubt found that perceived “strangers” may enter our life for intense interacting. Great emotionality is often experienced within these temporary relationships as the stranger may make themselves known to us on both the physical and the subtle levels.

Some of these relationships act as the catalyst to help propel us onto another path, another trajectory of experiencing. The partnership may last only a short time but the effects within the Personal Reality Field may well be quite powerful and lasting.

There are Lessons being learned here. The stranger who becomes known, if only for a brief time, is learning Lessons. We are learning Lessons also, as we participate in the interaction. An example is in order for the next blog here…


The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


I have an extensives Soul Family that is only now becoming apparent to me. As we create Blogs for the betterment of humanity, and I frequently have meetings with Soul Family members. It is obvious that these humans are connected to me. I sense it; they sense it. A reunion experience of great depth often occurs to further validate this phenomenon for all concerned. Synchronicities are noted; memories are evoked, and so on.


Now these groupings of humans engaged in concerted collective efforts, such as this Vanguard, exist over time. For purposes specific to the group, members will incarnate during the same timeframe, and experience the Value Fulfillment achieved through their activities.

For example: a group of religious devotees who incarnate in the time of the prophets to study and worship as a collective, may upon death of the physical form, go on a sabbatical of sort in the Home Dimension and others, and not obtain a physical body for hundreds of years. This group may then take a bodies as a group of scientists working on a problem in physics within one of our universities in our present timeframe.

Soul Family groupings exist at all “levels” of consciousness manifestation. Consciousness creates realities. What you might call “negative” or “cynical” or perhaps “regressive” consciousness, therefore, seeks out opportunities to create negative, cynical, regressive realities, again, for purposes of fulfilling these particular values. So at any one point in our history, you see, we may have unfolding many different mass movements of Reality Creation upon our planet.

Currently, for example, we have the movement of healers, lightworkers, our New Age who share the planet and our timeframe with the practitioners of the extreme opposites of these values. I trust I am not appearing unnecessarily vague. You know what I mean here, Dear Blog Reader. We have our work cut out for us, to coin a phrase.

Our gains in fulfilling values of Loving Understanding, Courage, compassion and the like, will of necessity come at a “price,” in or view of things. There is no good or evil, only our thinking makes it so, to again coin a phrase for illustration. Yet thinking and consideration and study are precisely what are required here. This means finding distinctions, marking off where we stand ethically, as perhaps “opposed” to other ethical standards.

Certainly we will be waging what appears to be a war against evil, of good against evil. Yet may I remind here, since all is one, we are in essence merely confronting our own “unacceptable” self. We are always reacting to our own projections. Here we are reacting to the projecting of our personality aspects out onto the world.


We are the Vanguard. As I have discussed previously, we have in all probability incarnated this time around to fulfill our obligations once again as advocate for our Mother Earth and for humanity.

Believe me when I say this…. it will take many hundreds of thousands of us to turn the tide of negativity and destruction on our world. Yet that is exactly what I propose in these Blog writings… that those of you who read my Blog words here and understand them, call upon your friends and family and business associates who may be of similar mind as you, to join us in this Research Project – the creation of positive realities.

Yet the majority of newly enlighten members of this family of ours will already be engaged on the subtle levels. Telepathy is the communication network on the Etheric Planes and all of us are well-versed in this system.

Additionally, of course, we also create worlds both probable and actual with our powerful thoughts. And so you see, this is the method. This is how we shall recreate the current Consensus Reality into one more attuned to the positive aspects of humanity: Love, Compassion, Courage.