Category Archives: Physical Life


We are now experiencing bleed-throughs to our other existences…

We are visionary. The vision we will perceive is wholly dependent upon our personal experiences, our thoughts, the images we have within our consciousness at any one time. It is a very personal thing, then, this vision. It is in truth an intimate portrayal of our momentary spiritual awakening.

We have said that the vision is often quite brief: a fraction of a second, usually. However, because these events exist outside of time for the most part, we may return to these visionary experiences and witness them in their full sustained glory. You do this in the Trance state or the meditative state, of course, in a ritual fashion. Using our Intent we revisit the visionary glimpse and we focus upon the various aspects of the event.

For example: suppose you are going about your business in your waking existence, and you quite suddenly have a powerful, yet brief epiphany, as we call it. Let us say that previously you were perplexed about the actions and hurtful behaviors of a loved-one. Now suppose that this loved-one “acted out of character,” and was intentionally cruel to you. You have been wondering why for many days or weeks. Then it occurs to you: because you are a researcher of your personal reality, and because you are now experiencing bleed-throughs to your other existences, you are finding correlations between the Issues and Lessons of your current existences and those Lessons you are learning in other existences, in your perceived past, let us say.

Now this will seem outrageous to those of us who are not doing the work in these Blogs of mine. Please bear with me…


Indeed, they are the ground upon which they stand as well as the entire Earth itself…

We are assuming that you have perfected the Ritual of Sanctuary somewhat, so that you may take your state of Sanctuary with you, from your home into the world at large. If you have not yet perfected this technique, please do so before attempting this exercise.

This exercise assumes you are in your protected state of Sanctuary out in the marketplace, in nature, in your workplace, or any other location outside of your normal living quarters.

The collective manifestation is continually being created from the subconscious status quo contributions of humans in the collective. In this way, the status quo reality is kept intact moment-to-moment. You will not see any great changes, therefore, in the day-to-day manifestation of our waking world. We agree as a collective, while we sleep, what will be created on awakening from sleep. When we wake-up we immediately go about creating the consensus reality subconsciously, along the lines agreed on during sleep. However, because we are gaining a facility with creating the state of Sanctuary and carrying it with us, it is possible for us to experience the inner world of consensus Reality Creation while still maintaining contact with Third Dimensional reality: a foot in both worlds, we say in the new blog material.

To attain the visionary state at-will is to embody All That Is at-will. We have spoken before of the researcher becoming Mother Earth by embodying Mother Earth. At these times the researcher feels quite grounded. Indeed, they are the ground upon which they stand as well as the entire Earth itself – Mother Earth. Here it is the same concept. We embody All That Is to gain the visionary perspective. Having assumed the perspective of All That Is, we may then approach the Positive Consensus Manifestation realm. Simply turning our attention inwards, toward the Soul, we might say.

We will be creating a light Trance for oneself. Anything deeper than this may be inappropriate for us as we experience our waking reality. Physical safety issues come into play here when we are experimenting in our community. Therefore, with an eye toward personal safety, having already conducted our Ritual of Sanctuary, consider, with the eyes open now, our visualized route to the realm of the Positive Manifestation for humanity.

The makers along the way on this visualized quest have positive emotion attached to them. These indicators will be personal to you and you alone, according to your orientation: visual, auditory, tatile, olfactory, and so on. The Inner Senses will guide us to our destination if we will allow them to. When we feel as though we are making contact with this realm make our mental contribution – an empowered thought, image, or emotion – and then return to surface awareness.


These templates of creation are limitless...

In this little essay we shall explore the concept of the human embodying certain perspectives, and so creating their realities through these blueprints, or Gestalts of Consciousness. Now you literally have at your disposal access to unlimited perspectives or Gestalt of Consciousness, that you may embody, ally with, and proceed to create our world in tandem, you might say, with another consciousness manifestation. These templates of creation are limitless, for they include the varied aspects of personality embodied by humans over the millennia. These ways of behaving, of feeling, of thinking, and imagination exist within your collective consciousness as a reservoir of potential Reality Creation energy to which you may turn in your many existences.

Thus, for example, you might be a human engaged in creating a life for yourself in your ancient Egyptian era, perhaps as a slave. Many of us have done and currently doing just that. Can you imagine how fantastically different is the self-created existence of our Egyptian friend we are discussing, to the life you-the-Blog-Reader are currently creating for yourself? Utterly and completely different, I”m certain you would agree. For the ancient one is working from the perspective of a slave living in an ancient culture within a totally different confluence of influences – the social, religious, and others – than you, Dear Blog Reader. This human is observing through their unique vision, their world: the Personal Reality Field.

Let us take this further on the assumption that what I am telling you here is quiet true: that we are all living lives as slaves in some of our Reincarnational Existences, even though we may be currently reading this Blog through the eyes of a typical modern human, one who has access to all of the modern conveniences, one who is relatively free, and so on.

Some of my Blog readers may now be seeing where I am taking this discussion. Let me continue. All That IS is the creative medium in which consciousness, through physical form, expresses itself. These expressions include the physical bodies and existences of all our Simultaneous Lives. ALL OF EXISTENCE occurs simultaneously, in the present moment – the spacious moment, as we also call it.

Do you see how it is possible for you to embody this timeless perspective here and now, allowing your current experiencing consciousness to tune-in to the other life lived as perhaps an Egyptian slave? You are already doing so, however you are probably not yet proficient in the multitasking necessary to retain the memories of your other lives. Practice is necessary here. Practice until you can remember.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the blog material we have covered projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as you project your Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, you are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as you experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for Reality Creation.


The personal Reality of the visionary of old may shed light on this discussion. Now the demeanor of the visionary was one of complete absorption with the forces of nature. However, this was not a pass-time activity. This immersion in the in the natural elements – to the degree that the participant would experience their existence as an integral part of the world – was their normal waking experience.

We might say that the visionary was attending to spiritual matters on a moment-to-moment basis. They were, quite literally, in constant contact with their Guides, the Energy Personality and others, as well as the many Gestalts of Consciousness that represent the energetic supports of our systems on Earth. There are indeed Nature Spirits, for example, that may be contacted and with whom relationships may be cultivated by human beings. ALL of our Earthly reality is supported by spirit in various stages of complexity.

The visionary, then, was quite often enthralled with the experiencing of visions of various types, transmitted from their “pantheon” of sacred energy bodies into their opened or awakened consciousness.


HYPOTHESIS: We can reclaim and integrate the cumulative castoff aspects of Soul


I trust that you are convinced now that your mission in physical reality is to transform the negative into the positive, after first of course, analyzing the negative manifestation for origins, value, etc. Now when this is done consistently – habitually – there comes a time when the architect of these negative reality constructions become quite known to you. This aspect of your consciousness we refer to as the Negative Persona.

You identify it as a subject in order to study this subject. It remains the ultimate truth of our reality that we are complete and utterly whole, un-fragmented, good, and of sacred value unto yourself. However, let us examine this theorized Negative Persona here in an effort of self-understanding and propose an exercise to identify it completely, and then accept it into the consciousness in a ritualized fashion. This will be an “owning” of the personalized negative aspects of consciousness.

Now, as you wrestle with your Lessons, the theorized Negative Persona is created. In your personal underworld it can gain great power, over time, as the uncomfortable aspects of your personality are noticed by the ego/intellect and then intentionally ignored. The perceived negative is a personal opinion, therefore, and this evolving Negative Persona bears the characteristics of human existence that are thought of as shameful, inappropriate, fearful, and so on.

Each human is different in their respective creations of this aspect of consciousness. And because it is such a personal and intimate portrayal by the individual of everything that is perceived as “wrong” about them, it gains a certain treacherous and even potentially catastrophic potential. It is as though you feel that if this information ever comes to light – revealed to family, friends, colleagues – that you would not be able to bear it. You would be destroyed. You would possibly cease to exist.

This is that mythological “beast within” that seeks acknowledgment by the self, but seldom is granted this acknowledgment. Currently, because great numbers of us are awakening in our time frame, it is necessary for you to “take your medicine,” in a sense, with regards to acknowledging this Negative Persona. All of us are in our Issues at this time. All of us are deep within our Lessons. All of us are being called upon to accept responsibility for our negative selves, so that we will cease projecting our disavowed aspects of self onto others: mates, families, nations, collective of all types.

Your Negative Persona is best recognized in the negative remarks made to you by others concerning your personality and behavior. To be sure, some of these comments may have intrinsic value: they may be quite true, in other words. Your task is to determine the truth in these negative comments and own these comments. Take responsibility here. Then as you assess the negative comments that do not pertain to you, but were perhaps mere projections of fear and doubt from your friends and family, get a sense of this Collective Persona.

  • How does it feel to confront this aspect of your personality?
  • Is there a sense of familiarity here, as though you have been aware of this element, but were perhaps afraid to fully face it?

Now simply acknowledge this construct as a very important part of you, the other side of you, in fact. This is to be done with Courage and Loving Understanding as your primary operating perspective.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings.


Yet many if us do not stop at one disappointing experience…

Disappointment, frustration, rejection… all of these states of consciousness are self-generated, in that you create your Personal Reality to reflect your inner mentality, with all of its emotions, images, circular thoughts, and so on. Again, it is momentary, in that you create moment-to-moment these enduring states.”Why, however,” you might ask yourself, “do I create these negative states?” Again I remind you, your Issues guide you in the creation of the negative realities.

Disappointment, for example, is a very common state of consciousness for many of you, and so it follows that it is a very common negative reality created by many of us. You-the-blog reader may possibly identify with this state of consciousness, for you have been “disappointed” before in your experiences in physical reality. What does this entail? Simply that your expectations were not met to your satisfaction.

I might suggest that the ego/intellect is running things here, as it often does, and may have “set you up” for disappointment. There is an old saying that applies: “the only thing that pain teaches you is to stop creating pain.” Yet many of us do not stop at one disappointing experience. We create lifetimes of disappointment.

It would seem obvious, but an objective observer might comment on this tendency to not learn from your mistakes i.e. your unreasonable expectations. Learn from your mistakes. Learn your Lessons, Dear Blog Reader. If you find that you are becoming frustrated in your attempts at creating what you desire, fine-tune your Reality Creation strategies to more realistically reflect what it is you want.

We are not suggesting you lower your expectations, but merely adjust them to reflect what is possible for you considering your current experienced reality. Work the “edge” of manifestation, here, and redefine your frustration as “Learning”: a Soulful activity.


Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system

We are on our Earth to learn a variety of Lessons: some pleasant, some certainly not pleasant, as you perceive it. This may reference that it is the human condition that we may very well experience humiliation and ecstatic awakening in successive moments of Reality Creation. The possibilities are limitless within each moment of our existence. Thus may assertion that All of created reality is available to us within each moment of co-creating with All That Is.

Everything that can exist, does, within the Conscious Units. We could say that the Conscious Units has this limitless potential to become anything imagined. Yet we ARE experiencing our Lessons. We ARE witnessing the feedback of our mentality that is our Personal Reality, that is, remember, constructed through “instructions,” we might say, from our ego/intellect. Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system. This aspect of our consciousness believes that it is getting a “TRUE” picture of reality as it unconsciously creates the Reincarnational Dramas and comedies of our life.


We are finding ourselves challenged, therefore, within our area of expertise…

Let me provide an example. Your Soul Self has set you up to have a life-changing encounter with a teacher of some sort, in your existence. Now this teacher challenges you, let us say, by exhibiting profound and superior information on a particular subject that you know quite well. And suppose that this human also possesses a persuading characteristic that “bothers” you. Perhaps they are charismatic.

Now for my analysis the behavior of this human bothers you because you are perceiving through the perspective of your ego/intellect. You are finding yourself challenged, therefore, within your area of expertise: art, let us say, or perhaps one of the trades. The ego is concerned with appearances, primarily, and so resists any diminishment of its power in these encounters. Indeed, the ego/intellect might often respond by entrenchment, intellectualization, denial, anger, envy, and so on. These emotional states are the common purview of the egoic perspective.

Unfortunately, the life-changing encounter will not be very profound for this subject if they remain entrenched within their limited personal reality manifestation. The continued demonstration by this challenging individual of their superiority, may have the effect of preventing the healing interaction from occurring. Our subject might, indeed, walk away in a huff of self-importance and righteous indignation.

Yet suppose that our subject, a young woman, for example, is on her quest for self-understanding as the result of a recent brush with death, or some other ominous catalyst. She is COMPELLED to look beyond her ego responses to the actions of the human before her, and assess the deeper meanings and opportunities here. Suppose that she has read one of my new Blogs and she is involved in living out her Divine Day experimentation.

She might well be successful in not succumbing to the forces of negativity, if only briefly. This brief respite from negative Reality Creation may be enough for her to gain some stability in the moment of creation, such that, she could switch her perspective from the ego/intellect to that of the Divine – the Soul Self. The ego is diminished in this moment.

The Divine is embodied, invoked, manifested. This new perspective may allow our student example to simply smile and learn from this challenging human. Indeed, she would be learning her Lessons here and contributing to the further evolution of her Soul.


It is as though the subconscious is helping us to face the music…

As a creator of realities we witness our mental and emotional material projected outward into physicality. Because this is, for the most part, a subconscious activity, as we have said, this feedback that is the Personal Reality field may contain some disagreeable elements as in fear and anger-inspiring events – the Reincarnational Dramas.

This material “slips out” from the subconscious through the censor that is the ego/intellect and into the rich medium of Consciousness Units that composes our little piece of the Universe. In these dramas, as we are presented our Lessons, we are, in a sense, “forced” to perceive these Issues. It is as though the subconscious, at least for the moment, is helping us to face the music and learn our Lessons.

We are thus challenged to react to transform. Yet many of us, again, with the aid of denial and intellectualization, sidestep this intervention by finding reasons to account for the dramas. We find reasons for the dramas or we refuse to even consider our contribution. This we call denial. We do have a choice, however, in each instance.


I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world...

Now, intellectualization and denial are your friends here as you attempt to avoid your Lessons. We are all powerful. We have the capacity to experience our world as the Logos, the Creator, All That Is. We could have anything we want, potentially, anything we would wish to create.

However, you are a human experiencing a lifetime of Lessons on your world. You have forgotten – the necessary amnesia – your great powers, and now you see difficulties, Lack, all sorts of negative realities before you. So intellectualization helps you to find reasons for the negative realities you are creating. Denial helps you place the blame elsewhere for your negative states and your negative realities.

But look… an inkling of the truth beginning to pierce the veil of illusion that is your perceived reality. You are beginning to see the connections between your negative thoughts and the negative outcomes. Slowly you are formulating within your consciousness a new paradigm of understanding. Perhaps it goes something like this: I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world. All the reasons, in truth, point to my culpability in all instances of my existence,