Hypothesis: You can reclaim and process your cast-off emotional contribution to the storm.


Consider these talking points for talking to storms.

  • You are connected to Mother Nature and the elements directly
  • You have a hand in the literal creation of storm activities.
  • This contribution is largely anonymous, as well as unconscious.
  • You may “remember” your subconscious contribution by considering what “comes up” for you during this storm.
  • Are your Issues triggered by the storm?
  • Are you attempting to keep something down, something buried beneath the facade of your public persona?
  • Would it be appropriate to write down what you are feeling now in this moment?
  • If so, write down what you are experiencing that you feel may be related to the storm

I do realize that it would most likely be inappropriate for you to engage in a cathartic moment of grief-full sobbing. Yet you may certainly make an appointment with yourself to do just that at another time, possibly when you are alone or with a trusted friend.

Do not be surprised when your cathartic acceptance of the repressed negative material gives way to celebratory emotions of joy, forgiveness, compassion, ecstasy. As the negative aspects of repressed emotion are realized, there is often great flood of emotion that is released. This creative energy may be used to advantage, particularly in your attempts to experience the communication stream of All That Is or in any other creative pursuits.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings


Participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies…

In the following experiment let us assume the opposite perspective. We are are not frightened, we are courageously engaging the storm. Now, just as you, Dear Blog reader, as an emoting human being, on occasion are subject to tears of distress and joy, so too is the emoting being your Mother Earth subject to the powerful displays of emotional energy called rainstorms. The correlations are available “to the nth degree,” as we say.

Consider the convulsive grieving and sobbing of the human after the loss of a loved one. Compare this momentous emotion-charge activity with a rainstorm. It is the same process in principle. The rainstorm is the collective manifestation of the thought and emotion-charged energies of thousands and hundreds of thousands of humans.

Now, you know that you create the weather with your thoughts and emotions. It may be an acceptable belief to you at this point. Can you then enlarge and deepen this belief You-the-Blog-ReaderThe Scientist of Consciousness – and the storm? Yes, you are already participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies to the manifestation. Your repressed memories of grief, losses of various types, and frustration, enter into the creation of the storm.

There are several ways to make this participation conscious if you wish to gain the full healing potential of the dramatic storm event. If it is appropriate for you at this time, as you sit at your desk at work or otherwise out in the public arena, consider YOUR PART in the dramatic presentation of Mother Nature that we call “rainstorm.”

Using your Intent, you will gently probe the psychic climate initiated by the storm, and see your contribution. You will observe this in your personalized fashion, as you do in all of our experimentation that we do together. But let me suggest that you proceed in this way.


Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary

We may co-create the visionary experience anywhere we happen to be at the moment. It does not necessarily require us to be in nature, but it does seem to be one of the only times that the modern human may take some time out to relax and go within.

Let us say, for the sake of experimenting, that you are in your workplace relaxing by yourself, or you are in a public place being observed by others around you, yet you are eager to make contact with the Divine and achieve some sort of visionary perception. You may do so with these cautions in mind: You will be vulnerable in the visionary state. Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary, therefore, before you begin.

You may also create the suggestion within your consciousness that you will be available for spontaneous disengagement from the visionary state if you NEED to be, as in an emergency situation that may arise. Also, if you find that your protected state is lessening due to circumstance mental or physical, and you are allowing yourself to become anxious, fearful etc., take your cue from the suggestion that you will be able to easily exit the Visionary State of Consciousness and attain fully alert and conscious use of your faculties.

Now suppose it is raining and storming outside, and you may see the effects through the window. You may hear the thunder and see the rain and the lightning. You may see the effects of the wind as it blows the leaves down the street. What are you observing, in fact? It is our understanding that you are witnessing the cathartic effects of the collective emotional energies of the consensus reality in which you live.

This is a very powerful and necessary demonstration of consciousness creation of the Collective, here. Yet many are frightened by the display of nature, some to the degree that they will stay indoors with the shades closed, trembling in fear of the potentially destructive power wielded by Mother Nature. But let us take advantage of these energies with a simple experiment.


An awakening of your personal consciousness to All That Is is possible for you in any chosen moment in your waking reality. It becomes a matter of intentionally perceiving your world through the auspices, you might say, of the Divine. If you have mediated, if you have prayed, if you have experimented with your conscious Intent, you have already used your perceptions in this divine way I am describing.

Have you noticed while engaged in these common practices, that the moment of perception gains a fullness, an energized complexity? If you have noticed this pleasant “pressing in” of the energies upon your consciousness, you may also be adept at “tuning” this state to meet your requirements. The depth of your mediation may be increased or decreased, in other words. The profoundness of your trance may be increased or decreased, simply by using your Intent.

We refer to these empowered moments of Intent as Moment Points. They are essentially gateways to a broader perception of your world and your place in it. You are a researcher of your experience in your waking reality. Each moment holds the potential for revealing to you the answers to any questions you might have. It is up to you to focus on the business at hand – your awakening – and delve deeply within the moment. Briefly: it is your Moment Point if you say it is. Own your current moment therefore, and awaken to your greater reality.



This is our concept for discussion at this time. Now there exists a barrier to understanding for some of you that prevents your intellect from accepting the fantastic premise that you cooperate with All That Is in the literal creation of our physical world. This barrier is one of the last to fall as you approach your wakening. Let me set the stage, If I may…

You are in nature, in a forest, writing in your journal, and you are approached by a deer. You are motionless and quiet as the deer comes closer and closer to you, so close in fact that you could reach out and touch it. As you quietly contemplate this miracle of nature, a pair of quail walk onto the scene. They too are oblivious of you as they stroll past, again, within arm’s reach.

Then, as if to further impress you, Dear Blog Reader, the birds in the trees fly quickly past you to perch on nearby branches and to feed directly next to you. You are still here. You are quiet. You are ONE with nature. This is the perfect state for experiencing the Divine. The ego/intellect is off to the side, out of the way of your perception, as the Soul Self observers/creates your Personal Reality.

Ah, but then you make an abrupt motion with your hand to write down what you are experiencing. The ego/intellect has taken charge. The animals disperse in alarm. The fragile moment of appreciation has passed.

Now moments later the animals have again taken their places within nature, in that timeless moment beyond ego, beyond the intellect, beyond the rational mind. However, as you take your notes in your journal you are merely a reporter commenting on the preceding events. Your ego/intellect has taken you out of the moment. Whereas the “dumb” animals as you call them, for they lack your rationality, continue their precisely focused existences in the moment – the divine moment of creation.


As far as fifth dimension is concerned, It is space. I will have to try to build up the image of a structure to help you understand, but then I must rip down the structure because there is none there.

Consider, then, a network of wires somewhat like, though different from ” Idea Construction” – a maze of interlocking wires endlessly constructed, so that looking through them there would seem to be no beginning or end. Your plane could likened to small position between four very spindly and thin wires, and my plane could be likened to the small position in the neighboring wires on the other side.

Not only are we on different sides of the same wires, but we are at the same time either above or below, according to your viewpoint. And if you consider the wires as forming cubes… then the cubes could also fit one within the other, without disturbing the inhabitants of either cube one iota – and these cubes are also within cubes, which are themselves within cubes, and I am speaking now only of small particle of space taken up by your plane and mine.

Again, now think in terms of your plane, bounded by its small spindly set of wires, and my plane on the other side. These, as I have said, have also boundless solidarity and depth, yet in usual terms, to one side the other is transparent. You cannot see through, but the two planes move through each other constantly.

I hope you see what I have done here. I have initiated the idea of motion, for true transparency is not the ability to see through but to move through. This is what I mean by fifth dimension. Now remove the structure of the wires and cubes. Things behave as if the wires and cubes were there, but these are only constructions necessary, even to those on my plane, in order to make this comprehensible to our faculties, the faculties of any entity.

We merely construct imaginary lines to walk upon. So real are the wall constructions of your room that you would freeze in the winter time without them, yet there is no room and no walls. So, in a like manner, the wires that we constructed are real to us in the universe, although… to me, the walls are transparent. So, are the wires that we constructed to make our point about the fifth dimension, but for all practical purposes, we must behave as if the wires were there…

Again, if you will consider our maze of wires, I will ask you to imagine them filling up everything that is, with your plane and my plane like two small birds nests in the netlike fabric of some gigantic tree…. Consider, for example, that these wires are also mobile, constantly trembling and also alive, in that they not only carry the stuff of the universe but are themselves projections of this stuff, and you will see how difficult it is to explain. Now can I blame you for growing tired when after asking you to imagine this strange structure. I then insist that you tear it apart, for it is no more actually seen or touched than is the buzzing of a million invisible bees.



Beauty creates itself within the mind of the beholder first. All of the streams of information that we would care to notice, including the rich source that flows into our personal field of reality, first bubble up to the surface of our consciousness. Then they are displayed by us, for us to observe.

To marvel at the beauty, then, of a tree, or a beautiful animal such as a horse, is self-complementary. If you are having sunny weather and that is your favorite style of weather, then congratulate yourself; you have made the weather to suit your own needs and likes.

You create the weather as surely as you create everything within your personal world. Particularly within your immediate vicinity, your reality does spring into being in unison with the creative content of your mind.

Now with this description, questions of control may come to mind. Who is in charge? Who is the ultimate creator, the God of your world? These are questions best answered by the Blog Reader.


As The Shift unfolds in the coming years, our system will witness many more “opportunities” for negative manifestation. Thus, we may well see an acceleration in the manifestation of Earth Changes, such as natural disasters. There also exists at this time the potential for the creation of the Positive Manifestation in our reality. It seems as though it could go either way here, with the collective manifestation on our Earth. This is precisely why it is now more important than ever to attend to our positive thought-creation in our waking reality and also in our meditation practices.

In the final experiment for The Blog Trilogy, we will take a page from the practices of the New Agers on our Internet in the Social Media collectives.

EXPERIMENT – Heal the Earth and Humanity

Hypothesis: Through ritual meditation with people around the world the positive manifestation is strengthened.

This is a very simple experiment that you may conduct as part of your regular meditation practice or as a special adjunct to your practice. You may wish to conduct this meditation at a special time of day or on a particular day of the week, to keep in synch with the millions of other humans who are observing similar practices around the Earth. Your input into the collective stream of manifestation energy in these Ritual observances helps to empower and direct this flow of energy. Your individual contribution is felt in a very specific way within the collective manifestation of the ideal, the focus of the meditation, in this case, the healing of Earth and humanity. Through these energy transfers from the individual to the collective, you are directly influencing the Entity Mother Earth and the human species.


Conduct the experiment for 10 to 15 minutes at same time of day each week, perhaps on a Sunday at Noon or on another day of relaxation.

As in our other experiments… achieve your relaxed and focused Trance State as you usually do. By now you will have discovered ways to regulate the depth of your Trance, so that you may quickly achieve the desired state of consciousness.

Your focus here is on the collective of humanity as you exist on our Earth. You have many challenges facing you as a human in this era. Our Earth is under stress from development, from abuse. Your task is to embody a state of Loving peacefulness. This is an appreciation for all that is good in your human life and in your world. You are appreciating the good and you are potentiating that good with your Intent. Feed your positive Loving images, feelings, and sensations toward the healing of yourself, humanity and your world. Imagine all of humanity rising up in peaceful Loving cooperation for the highest good for everyone. See our Mother Earth returning to her natural state of peace and Loving Light. See the cessation of the tragic Earth Changes. Feel the healing vibration of Loving Understanding as it permeates all consciousness. Direct this thought-form to your fellow human beings and into the Earth herself. Slowly return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings.


Dear Blog Reader, you are ONE with all of humanity. Therefore, take care of one another. This is our best hope for continued survive as a species. There is a positive trend that I would like to note for you, in regard, as I have been witnessing it for several years as we promote our Blog work. Our internet and our various Social Media represent the exteriorization of the Telepathic Network we speak of in our Blogs.

This is to be expected, as the “interior” of consciousness expresses itself in the “exterior” as All That Is during The Shift in consciousness. The Social Media networks are proliferating as humans of like-mind and Spirit connect and make plans for the future. This global effort – in part by the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of our era – represents the forces of healing, of conscious co-creation.

I am delights to see the efforts of the lightworkers and others combining forces in the millions to heal the planet and humanity. These movements are having positive effects on our world. The strategies for healing extolled in these varied groups hold the promise for the continuation of our species on Earth.


It is true: change the past and the present will take care of itself. We are not being flippant here. We have suggested before in this that through true forgiveness of yourself and others for the perceived mistakes of the past, you are actually changing those past realities. The molecular composition of the Reality Constructs is altered. The emotional charge is altered. The historical experience is altered, Dear Blog Reader.

With this fresh in your mind, we will move to this very powerful experiment. Your Imagined Death entails a visualization of what you might experience on your deathbed, directly before the transition to the Home Dimension. Your visualization will, of course, be different than others might create. The idea is to visualize the Death Scene to see what Lessons may have been avoided that are now in plain view with the imminent Death experience upon you. Please consider, then, this Death Scene as occurring in your very current reality: at the age you are now, in the home in which you now live, with the people around you who are in your life currently.

EXPERIMENT – Your Imagined Death

HYPOTHESIS: By imagining your death you remove the fear of death and bring your Issues into focus.


Now simply relax, as usual, as you rest comfortably in a quiet room where you can remain undisturbed for 15 minutes. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and imagine that you are on a beach somewhere or in another location that you have visited where you experienced complete calm and relaxation.

This is your imagination at work here and you have complete control over the activities in this experiment. You are, in fact, observing yourself from a vantage point near the ceiling of the room you are in. Imagine the particulars of your deathbed scene.

Feel the comfort of the sheets and blankets around you. Look at the room and notice the color of the walls, any pictures on the walls, any details you would care to notice about the room.

Now you allow memories to come to your consciousness, memories of painful events from your past. These memories you forgive and heal in the moment of remembering: Courageously, you see. Reenactments of experiences from your past when your were abused, neglected, unloved, or you were abusive to others may arise. In the moment of memory, forgive yourself and others immediately and the let that material fade away.

Courageous Forgiveness is your motto here as you imagine yourself surrounded by the people who have hurt you and those you have hurt in your life. One by one you look them in the eye, and with your boundless compassion you forgive them and yourself simultaneously. It’s exhilarating to be free of all that dead weight. You may feel like laughing out loud you are so completely cleansed of the trauma of the past. When you feel it is time to come out of Trance, slowly come up to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings immediately.


It is a fact of life that many of us postpone addressing our Issues until the moment of our Death. Often it is too late then, of course, and so we may be required to return to physical life to learn the avoided Lessons. Here we will help you avoid that possibility.

We will have more to say about Death in our forthcoming Blog on the Transition and the Afterlife. Now, however, we offer you an experiment in experiencing your own eventual Death imaginatively. This will not be morbid in the least, but a cathartic and indeed healing exercise for you.

The ongoing awareness of Death brings with it an ongoing awareness of what it is you need to do in each moment. The question, “What would you do now if you knew you were to die tonight?” enters here. What would you do, Dear Blog Reader? In our material in this Blog and others, we suggest that Loving Understanding and Courage are what you may do to best help create a positive reality for yourself and others.

Specifically here, if your Death is imminent, you would be in a perfect position to practice forgiveness: forgiving all perceived wrongs throughout your life. This is a two-way street here, then: forgiving others and yourself. Loving Understanding becomes complete forgiveness, powered by the relentless Courage that comes with this perspective