Dream Recall

Suggestions will allow us to awaken ourselves as soon as a dream is completed.


The dream will then be fresh. If you use a recorder app easily at hand, then you can speak your dream with less effort than is required to write it down. Of course records must be kept. The simplest part of this experiment will involve the use of suggestion to awaken yourself at the completion of each dream. Of course there may be ways to also improve the quality of your sleep which could alter how deeply you dream. Deeper and less disturbed sleep could make for more vivid dreams, potentially changing your mattress to somethings similar to one of the Best mattress 2022 or a more high-quality mattress than your current one could have a positive impact. Consuming certain foods such as cheese and kiwi before sleep could also improve your dream quality. If you, or someone you know, snores at night, you may wish to invest in something like nasal strips ( has a list of some of the options out there) to help the snorer in your life and, crucially, those around them, get some restful, healthy, sleep.

The number of remembered dreams should be much higher than our present system allows. I suggest that the first recalled dream from other evenings, and that the second recalled dream from any one evening be compared with the second dream from other evenings, and so forth.


This should prove highly interesting, and if such experiments are carried on consistently over a period of years, then the results could lead to excellent evidence for the various layers of the subconscious and inner self, of which I have spoken in past blogs.

Particular notice should also be taken of characters and settings and the approximate period of history in which the dream action occurs. If the dream seems to happen in no specific location and in no particular time, then these facts should also be noted.


Unknown characters within the dream action, persons unknown to us in daily life, should be given careful attention also, and the roles which they play within the dream drama. The primary colors should be noted. It goes without saying now that all dream events should be checked against physical reality so that any clairvoyant elements are clearly checked and recorded.

There are many ways in which you can approach these newer dream experiments. You may, if you prefer, begin by suggesting that you will waken after each of the first five dreams. If possible, you want to get the dreams in order here.


Now, there is something else to be considered. The very self-suggestions that will enable us to recall dreams will also change their nature to some extent. This is all right, and the effect will be minimized when the newness has worn off. Again, we want the dreams in the sequence in which they occur. If you do not want to wake up after each dream of the evening, then the suggestion should always include ‘I will recall the first three dreams, or the first five dreams, or whatever.’


You may try two different wordings for a start, and now I am speaking of precise wording. The first ‘I will wake up after each of my first five dreams and record each one immediately.’ The second alternative wording would be the same as the one I have just given, but the ‘wake up’ would be omitted. That is, it is possible for us to record the dreams, speaking into the microphone app without awakening in our terms.

This is not only possible but by far the most convenient. You should try both methods and discover which one works the best for you. If at all possible, the recorder app should be in the bedroom. It is the immediate dream recall you are after. We want you to record the dream at the instant of awakening or at the instant that the dream is about to dissolve.


The time involved in going from one room to another could result in the loss of dream content and vividness. The very motor responses demanded on the part of the body and the extra arousal tendency would force you to lose a good deal of valid material. I would prefer that you work less, if necessary, using the recorder app in the bedroom, than work more intensively leaving the recorder app in another room.

It is the dream you are after, the dream experience in all the vividness that you can capture, and if you are going to get a watered-down version in any case, then you may as well continue with our present method (of writing them down in the morning) and save our sleep.


With the method I have just given you, you will be able to capture as much of the whole dream experience as any investigators manage to do (in dream-labs) when the awakening is done by a mechanical device or by another person. You will also be gaining excellent discipline and training over your own states of consciousness and this, in itself, will be an important yardstick of progress.


Now, mankind and womankind use but a portion of their capabilities. When you are well along in these experiments, you will find that you handle them very well, with no draining of energies. Your sleeping hours are already productive. We shall also use them to give you training in the utilization of various stages of consciousness, and you can support that by getting the right mattress by checking out mattress reviews to find the best one. Added to this, the training will give you valuable insight into the nature of dreams in general, the stages of the subconscious, and the inner life of the personality when it is dissociated from its physical environment to some considerable extent.


Much later in future blogs, there will be other suggestions for my blog readers in which I will direct your sleeping self to perform certain activities, visit certain locations and bring back information. This is obviously still very much in the future, but it is well within the abilities of the inner self.


There are several kinds of time that will appear within our dreams, and we must sort these out carefully. While sleeping in our present time, we may have a dream that concerns our past, with events that we know to have occurred years ago. Nevertheless, we may experience these events [ within the dream] as happening within the present.


The present within which we seem to experience the dream is not, however, the present in physical time — the present in which our body lies upon the bed. There is a fine distinction here and one that we will learn through experience as we go on, so I will not discuss it now.

It should be obvious also that within our dreams a special location that belongs to the present physical time can be experienced in the past of in the future within the dream framework, and again, there is much more here also than meets the eyes; so watch out so that you can catch these developments.


I am particularly interested in these experiments, and as a preliminary for them, we will have you work with suggestion alone before you attempt to begin with your recordings. We shall have you working well in your sleep, for the dream will not be captured in a laboratory — by scientists who will not look into their own dreams.


The nature of reality can be approached only by an investigation of it is directly experienced in all levels of awareness: reality as it appears under dream conditions, under other conditions of dissociation and as it appears in the waking state. Even studies dealing with the conscious state are usually superficial, dealing only with ‘upper’ levels of egotistical awareness.


All layers of the personality are ‘conscious.’ They simply operate like compartments, so that often one portion of the self is not aware of other portions. As a rule, when we are awake we do not know our sleeping self; we know our neighbor far better, so our sleeping self seems mysterious indeed. When we are awake, we cannot find the dream locations that have been so familiar to us only the night before.

In our sleep, we may have greeted friends who are strangers to our waking self. But consider the other side of the coin. For when we are asleep, we usually cannot find the street upon which we live our waking hours, and when we are asleep, we do not know our waking self. The sleeping self is our identity.


There are connections between these two conditions, and there are definite realities that exist in both states, and these are what we are looking for. Only by finding these can we discover the nature of human personality and the nature of reality within which it operates.


We have also spoken of the dream as a drama, and we must discover the various levels within which these dramas take place. We will also find that the various levels of the ‘subconscious’ will yield their own characteristics, and as our your records grow, this will become apparent. It is necessary, then that dreams are recorded in consecutive order whenever possible.


  1. Dream location that represent places familiar to you in your present daily life.
  2. Dream locations that represent places (such as foreign countries) to which you have never really traveled.
  3. Dream locations that represent definite places that appear as they were in the past. If you dream of your childhood home as it was, not as it is now, then the location would belong in this category.
  4. Dream locations that represent places that no longer exist physically.
  5. Strange, completely unfamiliar, dream locations.
  6. Indistinct dream locations.
  7. Strange dream locations to which you keep returning.

I suggest that we pay particular attention to unfamiliar dream places.


People who have always remembered many of their dreams may be less impressed with the idea of recording dream activities. But for those who use cannabis products (available on websites such as Vibes CBD) to fall asleep or who do not usually recall their dreams, sleep would mean oblivion, and dream recall would be an extremely fascinating endeavor. Even those with good dream-memories will find that persistent dream recall experiments are invaluable. As we discovered, it is the effort required to remember dreams, and the resulting stretching of consciousness that finally opens up dream reality.


Besides exploring our own dreams and our dreaming selves, there is also the adventure of discovering the greater dimension in which all dreams take place.


But if all this is so important, why can’t we do it more easily and naturally? Why do we need experiments? The way we use the ego and its idea of reality stand in our way.

A Million Trained Dreamers

Even when we admit the inspirational and supportive nature of dreams, even when we learn to recall dreams and apply them to daily life, we still only begin to glimpse their multidimensional reality. Dream interpretation is important to our three-dimensional mentalities, for example. We believe in utilization; if dreams can’t be useful, then what good are they? Dreams can give us consistent, valid information about our motives, needs and decisions. They can be utilized as very practical aids to daily life. But this is only a portion of any real exploration of dream reality.


Dream investigation or manipulation as an aesthetic pursuit — as an art, embarked upon for its own sake — this is something else again and is sometimes because of its solitary nature. Yet the fact remains that there is a dream reality with a “structure,” “landscape” and images that appear to be made of matter — but matter that obeys different rules than those with which we are familiar.


Dreams are not just psychological events. There is a dimension of reality (an “objective” dimension, if you prefer) in which all dream events happen. There are rules:  I call them root-assumptions that operate in all realities, our own included. We have to learn what root-assumptions govern dream reality. I know that we can on occasion manipulate dream events; my blogs readers and I do it frequently. If we follow certain “rules” given to us, we will get more or less predictable results in the dream state — an indication that an “objective” dream dimension exists quite independently of us or our dreams, a dream dimension in which my dreams and yours have their being.


Just reading such ideas will never convince you of their validity. All true knowledge must be directly experienced; therefore I will include throughout my blogs instructions and suggestions for dream recall, investigation and manipulation.

If we ever hope to “map” the dreamscape, we need a million trained dreamers: a million individuals trained to use dreams as vehicles and then, courageously, to leave them to explore the environment in which they find themselves. We need people able to distinguish between the environment-within-the-dream and the far vaster environment (or atmosphere or medium) in which these dream-places exist.


Records of individual dreams are not enough, nor are studies of the physiological effects of dreaming. Most psychologists would not admit the existence of a definite structured universe in which dream acts, rather than physical acts, happen. Therefore, at this time, they will not consider dreams in this larger context. We will understand ourselves as dreamers only if we are also aware of the larger environment in which dreams take place, that we interact in the dream state as we do in the waking one and that we form mass dream events as we form physical events on a mass basis.


Because we must start somewhere, however, we will begin with dream recall and those practical aspects of dream investigation that let us use our dreams in daily life. For one thing, I use this method to lead my blog readers into dream reality. This is a gradual process that gently leads the ego into largely unfamiliar territory and at the same time encourages flexibility of consciousness.


My next few blogs will include the general nature of dream reality, dream investigation and recall and will be followed by a series of blogs on various kinds of dreams captured by some of my blog readers as we check out some of my theories, as far as we are able. Later, we will journey further into the inner dimension in which dreams take place.


The whole idea of deliberate dream recall is not new. The methods are not new. I’ll paraphrase them here: Simply buy a notebook to be used exclusively for dreams. Keep it with a pencil or pen by your bed. Before you fall to sleep at night, give yourself this suggestion: “I can remember my dreams and write them down in the morning.”


You will find that your dreams actually are in your mind when you awaken. Write them down at once, before getting out of bed. If you have a tendency to scribble, then use loose sheets of paper and later transcribe them in the notebook. Don’t worry about neatness, but concentrate on capturing as much of the dream content as possible. If you recall several dreams, jot down a quick sentence about each, then add the details. Leave space after each entry for future notes.


This method is really easy and workable — but it can be sabotaged. One of my blog reader, had great difficulty remembering her dreams until I discovered that she was using a clock radio to awaken her in the morning and the news happened to be on. The dreams must be recalled before you become mentally involved with the world’s activities.

If you have remembered only unpleasant dreams in the past, you may have built up a block against recalling any dreams at all.


The unseen self is not a dungeon of repressed ideas and feelings, dangerous to behold, but the fountainhead of individual existence, upon which our present physical survival is dependent. Beyond this, it is our pathway to creative expression, inspiration and wisdom — a doorway to our own greater identity. This does not mean that we do not repress fears and desires beneath consciousness. It means that we must allow ourselves greater flexibility, look into ourselves, admit the fears and release the energy used in repression. As you will see in later blogs, dreams can often release such repressed material for your conscious examination.


The method of dream recall just given will allow many people to remember more dreams in a month than they previously did in their entire lives. Variations will occur, however. Periods of excellent recall are sometimes followed by poorer ones, and each individual seems to have his or her own cycle of significant activity.


A recorder app may also be used, of course. You must still play back the app recorder and transfer the dreams into a notebook, however, so that the records are easily accessible. This actually takes more time, but many people prefer to speak their dream recollections into a recorder app at once, rather than to write them down.


The Inner Senses

The inner senses give much stronger impressions than those given by the outer ones. We should, in the future, be able to achieve the counterparts of sight, sound, smell and touch, embellished by inner counterparts of width and existence, using the inner senses. We have trouble now with the duration of our inner visions because we are trying to transpose them according to physical time — and this is going about it in the wrong way. As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, we have at our command, even now, an inroad, a relatively accessible one, in what is termed psychological time.


This is closely related to the second inner sense, and it is upon psychological time that we must try to transpose our inner visions. You can see how handicapped we are because of the difficulties involved in trying to explain inner data in terms of outer data. For instance, when I tell you that the second inner sense is like our sense of time, this does give some understanding of what psychological time is like, but we are apt to compare the two too closely.


Any communications coming through the inner senses will exist in our psychological time. Psychological time operates during sleep and quiet hours of consciousness. Now, in dreams we may have the feeling of experiencing many hours or even, days. These days and hours of psychological experience are not recorded by the physical body and are outside of the physical time camouflage. If in a dream, we experience a period of three days, physically we do not age for these days.


Psychological time is so a part of inner reality that even though the inner self is still connected to the body, we are, in the dream framework, free of some very important physical effects. Now, as dreams seem to involve us in duration that is independent of clock time, so can we achieve the actual experience of duration as far as our inner visions are concerned.


But the minute — the physical minute — we try to transpose these visions upon the physical minute, then we lose them. Many times, in so-called daydreaming, we have lost track of clock time, and this experience of inner duration has entered in.

“What did we intend clock time to begin with? Some ask.


It was invented by the ego to protect the ego, because of the mistaken conception of dual existence; that is, because man and woman felt that a predictable, conscious self did the thinking and manipulating, and an unpredictable self did the breathing and dreaming. He and she set up boundaries to protect the ‘predictable’ self from the ‘unpredictable’ self and ended up by cutting the whole self in half.


Originally, psychological time allowed man and woman to live in the inner and outer worlds with relative ease, and man and woman felt much closer to their environment. In prehistoric times, mankind and womankind evolved the ego to help him and her deal with camouflage patterns that they had created. This is no contradiction, as will be explained in later blogs. He and she did the job so well that even when he or her had things well under control, he or she was not satisfied. He and she developed at a lopsided level. The inner senses led him and her into a reality he and she could not manipulate as easily as he and she could physical camouflage, and he and she feared what he and she thought of as a loss of mastery.


Hypnosis can be used to better our condition. It is, after all, a method of acquainting the ego, through effects, with the abilities of the whole self of which it is a part.

When my readers reread my blogs, they will see that it must be studied carefully. One, point, however: conscious fear is usually the main hindrance as far as inner data is concerned. Therefore, a realization that theses senses belong to us and that they are quite natural, will help avoid the closing off of such data by the conscious mind.


If we remember this, inner data will come through much more easily, and we will be able to control it. It is never of itself overpowering. We can train ourselves in the recognition of such data, its utilization and control. Within the framework of psychological time we can also lengthen such experiences.


They are always paramount in evolutionary development, being the impetus behind the physical formations. The inner senses themselves, through the use of mental enzymes, imprint the data contained in the mental genes onto the physical camouflage material.


I become impatient, though I shouldn’t, with this continued implied insistence that evolution involves merely the human species –or, rather, that all evolution  must be considered some gigantic tree with humanity as the supreme blossom.


Humanity’s so-called supreme blossom seems to be the ego, which can be, at times, a poisoning blossom, indeed. There is nothing wrong with ego. The point remains, however, that man and woman became so fascinated with it that he has ignored the parts of himself or herself that make the ego possible, and he or she ignores those portions of himself or herself that gives to the ego the very powers of which he or she is so consciously proud.

The Psychological TIme

Psychological time belongs to the inner self, that is, to the mind. It is however, a connective, a portion of the inner senses which we will call, for convenience, the second inner sense. It is a natural pathway, meant to give easy access from the inner to the outer world and back again.


Time to our dreaming self is much like ‘time’ to our waking inner self. The time concept in dreams may seem far different that our conception of time in the waking state when we have our eyes on the clock and are sitting alone with our thoughts. Then, I am sure, we will see the similarity between this alone sort of inner psychological time, experienced often in waking hours, and the sense of time experienced often in a dream.

I cannot say this too often — we are far more than the conscious mind, and the self which we do not admit is the portion that not only insures our own physical survival in the physical universe which it has made, but which is also the connective between ourselves and inner reality. It is only through the recognition of the inner self that the race of man and woman will ever use its potential.


The outer senses will not help achieve the inner purpose that drives him or her. Unless he or she uses the inner senses, he or she may lose whatever he or she has gained.

Psychological time is a natural connective to the inner world. As we can experience days or hours within its framework in the dream state and not age for the comparable amount of physical time, so as we develop, we will be able to rest and be refreshed within psychological time even when we are awake. This will aid our mental and physical state to an amazing degree. We will discover an added vitality and a decreased need to sleep. Within any given five minutes of clock time, for example, we may find an hour of resting which is independent of clock time.


We can look through psychological time at clock time and even use clock time then to our greater advantage; but without the initial recognition of psychological time, clock time becomes a prison. A proper use of psychological time will not only lead us to inner reality but will prevent us from being rushed in the physical world. It provides quiet and peacefulness.


From its framework we will see that clock time is as dreamlike as we once thought inner time was. We will discover that ‘inner time’ is as much a reality as we once considered outer time to be. In other words, peeping inwards and outwards at the same ‘time’ we will find that all divisions are illusion and all time is one time.



Who do I share this image with?

What ghost haunts this house?

I smile and reach for a cup of Starbucks

And motions beyond my will begin.

My fingers move smoothly out

And lift the curving spoon.

With just the proper touch

They pick the Starbucks up.

Yet I have nothing to do with this.

Who moves the cup? Who moves?


And while I speak to you, my lungs

Rise and fall behind breastbones,

Fill their secret tissue mouths

With the air that swirls in this bright room.

They breathe for me the very breath

Upon which all I an depends.

Yet I do not know how this is done.

Who is this ghost,

This other one?

Who moves the lung? Who breathes?


While I sleep and lie stretched out,

Eyelids closed and pupils dark,

Who walks wide-eyed downstairs

Through the door in the cold night air,

And travels where I have never been?

Who leaves clear memories in my head

Of people I have never met?

Who takes these trips while I

 Never lift one inch from bed?

Who dreams?


The mover, the breather, the dreamer

Shares with me this fond flesh.

He or she is a twin so like myself

That I cannot recognize his or her face.

He or she goes his or her way and I go mine.

We never meet head-on, and yet

I am aware of this ghost

Behind my every word or act.

Who moves? Who breathes?

Who dreams?

Parts of The Individual

Some part of the individual is aware of the most minute portions of breath; some part knows immediately of the most minute particle of oxygen and other components that enter the lungs. The thinking brain does not know. Our all-important ‘I’ does not know. In actuality, my dear friends, the all-important ‘I’ does know. We do not know the all-important ‘I’, and this is our difficulty.


It is fashionable in our time to consider man and woman as the product of the brain and an isolated bit of the subconscious, with a few other odds and ends thrown in for good measure. Therefore, with such an unnatural division, it seems to man and woman that he and she does not know themselves.

He or she says, ‘I breathe, but who breathes, since consciously I cannot tell myself to breathe or not breathe? He or she says, ‘I dream. But who dreams? I cannot tell oneself to dream or not to dream.’ He or she cuts himself or herself in half and then wonders why he or she is not whole. Man and woman have admitted only those things he or she could see, smell, touch or hear; and in so doing, he or she could only appreciate half of himself or herself. And when I say half, I exaggerate; he or she is aware of only a third of himself or herself.


If man or woman does not know who breathes within him or her, and if man or woman does not know who dreams within him or her, it is not because there is one self who acts in the physical universe and another who dreams and breathes. It is because he or she have buried the part of himself or herself which breathes and dreams. If these functions seem so automatic as to be performed by someone completely divorced from himself, it is because he or she have done the divorcing.


The part of us who dreams is the ‘I’ as much as the part of us who operates in any other manner. The part of us who dreams is the part of us who breathes. This part of us is certainly as legitimate and necessary to us as a whole unit is, as the part who plays Pokemon or Scrabble. It would seem ludicrous to suppose that such a vital matter as breathing would be left to  subordinate, almost completely divorced, poor-relative sort of a lesser personality.


As breathing is carried on in a manner that seems automatic to the conscious mind, so the important function of transforming the vitality of the universe into pattern units seems to be carried on automatically. But this transformation is not as apparent to the one part of ourselves that we are pleased to recognize, and so it seems as if this transformation is carried on by someone even more distant than our breathing and dreaming selves.

We form the world of appearances as effortlessly and unconsciously as we breathe.


Because we know that we breathe, without being consciously aware of the mechanics involved, we are forced to admit that we do our own breathing. When we cross a room, we are forced to admit that we have caused oneself to do so, though consciously we have no idea of willing the muscles to move, or of stimulating one tendon or another. Yet even though we admit these things, we do not really believe them.

In our quiet unguarded moments, we still say, ‘Who breathes? Who dreams? Who moves? How much easier it would be to admit freely and whole-hearted the simple fact that we are not consciously aware of vital parts of oneself and that we are more than we think we are.


Man and woman, for example, trusts himself and herself much more when he or she says ‘I will read,’ and then he or she reads, than he or she does when he or she says, ‘I will see,’ and then he sees. He remember having learned to see, and what he or she cannot consciously remember, he or she fears.


The fact is that although no one taught him or she to see, he or she sees. The part of himself or herself that did ‘teach’ him or her to see still guides his or her movements, still moves the muscles of his or her eyes, still becomes conscious despite him or her when he or she sleeps, still breathes for him or her without thanks or recognition and still carries on his or her task of transforming energy from an inner reality into as outer one. Man and woman becomes trapped by his or her own artificially divided self.


It is true that, as a rule, we are not aware of our whole entity. There is no reason, however, why we must be blind to the whole self of our present personality, which is part of the entity, and which can be glimpsed in terms of the breathing and dreaming ‘self’ of which I have spoken.


It is convenient not to be consciously aware of each breath we take, but it is sheer stupidity to ignore the inner self which does the breathing and is aware of the mechanics involved. I have said in past blogs that the mind is a part of the inner world, but we have access to our own minds, which we ignore; and this access would lead us inevitably to truths about the outer world. Working inward, we could understand the outward more clearly.

The Midplane

The midplane is an excellent description of the semi-plane some people now inhabit. It is a waiting plane for personalities at certain stages of development.


The midplane contains a conglomeration of fragments, who have not attained sufficient knowledge or manipulability to progress further at this point. They may be at various stages of development, but, usually, they have attained only a fair level of achievement. They have not excelled, neither have they ‘failed.’ They are working out problems of their own. They are not as yet committed to the next plane of their advancement.

They can be of benefit along certain lines. The validity of their information may be excellent. On the other hand, it may be less than trustworthy at times, simply because their achievement level is not high. If they err, they do so through ignorance.


The ego is the tool by which the hidden self manipulates in the physical universe. In our case, it enables us to focus our ability along lines necessary to make it effective on our plane. However, when the ego becomes involved with fears, it ceases to be an effective tool and becomes instead a hammer hitting us incessantly over the head.

When the ego becomes overly concerned, it becomes overly conditioned to negative responses. The creative energies build up their thickly-dimensioned pseudo-realities of pain. For a certain amount of time, according to our condition, they automatically create the patterns of fear that belong to the ego.


These fears do not belong to what we think of as the subconscious. Then these materializations of panic and pain, play about the physical body, projected by the ego, and steal the powers of the subconscious mind from their natural constructive tasks. In other words, the ego become a tool to disrupt rather than to create.

Our own subconscious is the fountain of our individuality and personality; from it springs our talent. When the ego becomes too concerned with daily matters, with worry, then it becomes far less effective. The freely working subconscious — or the inner you — is completely capable of taking care of all practical considerations and will use the ego as a tool to do so.


Dissociation puts the power back where it belongs. Daily methods of dissociation are extremely practical. You will notice within a few weeks’ time an added energy. So-called impulses on our part are often blocked because we do not consider them practical. But the subconscious knows its own meat and its own sauce and the best means for its nourishment.

Begin yoga exercises and follow them faithfully. A few experiments with auto-suggestion upon falling asleep will  be ego-bound. Think of this in terms of muscle-bound, and you will see what I mean. Be in a drowsy state and suggest, suggest, suggest.Do not attempt to bully or command the subconscious.


My affection for my blog readers is strong. If I speak heavy-handedly, it is because i want you to have a light touch. Dissociation brings about a strong unity with the creative aspects of personality. It puts us back, or it puts our creative talents back, in the driver’s seat.

Animals catch our emotional contagion and according to their own abilities, translate it for themselves.


The viruses and infections are, of course, present. They always are. They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments, without intention of harm. We have general immunity, believe it or not, to all such viruses. Ideally, we can inhabit a plane with them without fear. It is only when we give tacit agreement that harm is inflicted. To some degree, household pets are dependent upon our psychic strength. They have their own, it is true, but, unknowingly, we reinforce their energy and health.

When our own personalities are more or less in balance, we have no trouble at all looking out for these creatures and actually reinforcing their existence with residues of our creative and sympathetic powers. In times of psychological stress — or in periods of crises — quite unwittingly we often withhold this strong reinforcement.


I would like to make it clear that animals do have energy to maintain their own health, but this is reinforced as a rule by the vitality of the human beings to whom they may be emotionally attached.

At times, the ego can hold us in a tight vice, which the dissociation breaks. This is what happens after dissociation exercises. Allowing ourselves psychic freedom. However, conscious fears cause the ego to tighten its grasp, and some effects of this nature startup.


The fact that the fearful ego begins to tighten explains our reactions to dissociation exercises. The ego can build up around the inner self like a glacier, and the dissociation exercises help melt it away. Even the prickles in our neck are like tiny picks chipping away at icy fears. You release so quickly as a result of the exercises that you don’t know what had happened.


Often when we think we are dealing with a matter or a person in a dissociated manner, we might be instead exhibiting a cold, conscious detachment. This is a pose of the ego and is not to be confused with the lithe subconscious detachment which is actually warm, flexible and expanse.

The Fifth Dimension

As far as fifth dimension is concerned. It is space. I will have to try to build up the image of a structure to help you understand, but then I must rip down the structure because there is none there.


Consider, then, a network of wires somewhat like, though different from the conception of “Idea construction” — a maze of interlocking wires endlessly constructed, so that looking through them there would seem to be no beginning or end. Our plane could be likened to a small position between four very spindly and thin wires, and the next evolving plane could be likened to the small position in the neighboring wires on the other side.

Not only are we on different sides of the same wires, but we are at the same time either above or below, according to our viewpoint. And if we consider the wires as forming cubes… then the cubes could also fit one within the other, without disturbing the inhabitants of either cube one iota — and these cubes are also within cubes, which are themselves within cubes, and I am speaking only of the small particles of space taken up by your plane and mine.


Again, now think in terms of our plane, bounded by its small spindly set of wires, and my plane on the other side. These, as I have said, have also boundless solidarity and depth, yet in usual terms, to one side the other is transparent. We cannot see through, but the two planes move through each other constantly.

I hope you see what I have done here. I have initiated the idea of motion, for true transparency is not the ability to see through but to move through. This is what I mean by fifth dimension. Now remove the structure of the wires and cubes. Things behave as if the wires and cubes were there, but these are only constructions necessary, even to those on my plane, in order to make this comprehensible to our faculties, the faculties of any entity.


We merely construct imaginary lines to walk upon. So real are the wall constructions of our rooms that we would freeze in the winter time without them, yet there is no room and no walls. So, in a like manner, the wires that we constructed are real to us in the universe, although … to me, the walls are transparent. So are the wires that we constructed to make our point about the fifth dimension, but for all practical purposes, we must behave as if the wires were there.


Again, if you will consider our maze of wires, I will ask you to imagine them filling up everything that is, with your plane and my plane like two small birds nests in the netlike fabric of some gigantic tree. Consider, for example, that these wires are also mobile, constantly trembling and also live, in that they not only carry the stuff of the universe but are themselves projections of this stuff, and you will see how difficult it is to explain. Nor can I blame you for growing tired when after asking you to imagine this strange structure, I then insist that you tear it apart, for it is no more actually seen or touched than is the buzzing of a million invisible bees.


Dreaming is a creative state of consciousness, a threshold of psychic activity in which we throw off usual restrictions to use our most basic abilities and realize our true independence from three-dimensional form. In dreams, we write the script for our daily lives and perceive other levels of existence that our physical focus usually obscures.


The dream universe has its own basic laws or “root assumptions” — mental equivalents to our laws of gravity, space and time. In other worlds, dream reality only seems discordant or meaningless because we judge it according to physical laws rather than by the rules that apply within it.

Dreams, then, are not just imaginative indigestion or psychic chaos. We are not temporarily insane when we dream, as some theorists maintain. To the contrary, we may be far more sane and alert during some dream states than we  are ordinarily. Certainly we are more creative. We may even be more “alive,” as we will see from our own experiences.


Many dreams are precognitive, and personal experience is a great convincer we discover for ourselves — recalled, and dated and recorded dreams and then checked them against events.

We think that we are only conscious while we are awake. We assume ourselves unconscious when we sleep. In Freud’s terminology, the dice are indeed loaded on the side of the conscious mind. But pretend for a moment that we are looking at this situation from the other side. Pretend that while we are in the dream state we are concerned with the problem of physical consciousness and existence. From the viewpoint, the picture is entirely different, for we are indeed conscious when we sleep.


The locations that we visit while dreaming are as real to us then as physical locations are to us in the waking state. What we have is this: In the waking state, the whole self is focused toward physical reality, but in the dreaming state, it is focused in a different dimension. It is every bit as conscious and aware.

If we have little memory of our dream locations when we are awaken, then remember that we are in  the dream situation. Both are legitimate and both are realities. When the body lies in bed, it is separated by a vast distance from the dream location in which the dreaming self may dwell. But this, dear friends, has nothing to do with space, for the dream location exists simultaneously with the room in which the body sleeps.


There is, of course, an apparent contradiction here, but it is only apparent, our dilemma being this: If we have another self-conscious self, then why aren’t we aware of it? Pretend that you are some weird creature with two faces. One face looks out upon one world [the dream reality] and one face looks out upon another world [the physical one].

Imagine further this poor creature having a brain to go with each face, and each brain interprets reality in terms of the world it looks upon. Yet the two worlds are different, and more the creatures are Siamese twins. At the same time, imagine that these two creatures are really one, but with definite parts equipped to handle two entirely different worlds.


The subconscious, in this rather ludicrous analogy, would exist between the two brains and would enable the creature to operate as a single entity. At the same time — and this is the difficult part to explain — neither of the two faces would ever ‘see’ the other’s world. They would not be aware of each other, yet each would be fully conscious.

Flying dreams are not all disguised sexual fantasies, as Freud maintained, for example. In many of them we are flying, and the destinations we reach are quite physical.


My future blogs will be mainly concerned with events that happen precisely when consciousness is turned away from normal objective life. Much more is involved than even the nature of the dream state and man’s and woman’s fascinating ability to withdraw consciousness from the body. These phenomena are only evidences of the greater creative consciousness that is inherent and active in each of us — the interior universe of which we know so little.

It often seems to me that only when we close our eyes do we begin to see, literally and figuratively. This is somewhat of an exaggeration, and yet my experience as a metaphysical student makes several facts clear. Our ordinary consciousness shows us only one specific view of reality. When we learn to close off our senses momentarily and change the focus of awareness, other quite valid glimpses of an interior universe begin to show themselves.


This is most obvious in dreaming, of course. Dreams may well represent us at our most creative, for not only do we process the past days activities, but we also choose tomorrow’s events from the limitless probable actions that are presented to us while the waking self is still.


It’s tricky to play hopscotch back and forth between various stages of consciousness, to travel into little-understood subjective realms, explore those inner landscapes and return with any clear clues as to their nature. Such explorations are highly important, however, because they bring us in touch with that basic inner reality that underlies our individual conscious thought and existence and which is the bedrock of our civilization.

Dreams Promote The Conservation of Knowledge

In a fashion dreams allow for a curious mixture of learning processes, while at the same time serving to introduce surprising developments.  That is, dreams promote the conservation of knowledge. They are an aid in the development of skills. They conserve available information by weaving it through the other structures of our experience.


At the same time dreams have their startling qualities, promoting the insertion of unexpected developments, in which case they appear to deal with the breaking down of conserving principles. In this fashion they also mirror our more exterior behavior, conserving what we know already, and yet introducing new patterns, new spontaneous orders that would sometimes seem to run against conservative issues. They reinforce the past, for example, when we dream of past situations. They also seem to undermine the integrity of the past by showing it to us in an unfamiliar light, mixing it with present and future tints.

Many people might wish that I would add many more methods to help study dreams and their nature. In such a manner also dreams suggest nature’s spontaneous order throughout the centuries, and allow us to look at the species in a truer light. Our lives, for that matter, are dependent upon the curious relationships that are involved: We would not get by for one day if the conserving principles and the unexpected did not exist exactly as they do. There is so much we must learn and remember in life, and so much we must spontaneously forget — otherwise, creation itself would be relatively meaningless.


We perform far more actions in a day than we recall. We do not know how many times we lift our arms, speak a sentence, think a thought. With the kind of consciousness we possess, an over-reliance upon conserving principles could then end up in a reduction of life’s processes.

In private living and in so-called evolutionary terms, however, life necessitates the intrusion of surprising events, unforeseen actions, leaps of insight or behavior that could not come alone from any accumulation of knowledge or simple conservation of energy, but seem to suggest entirely different new developments.


Dreams often serve as the frameworks in which sudden remarkable insights appear that later enable a man or a woman to envision the world in a way that was not earlier predictable. The world’s activities always include the insertion of surprising events. This is true at all levels of nature, from microscopic to macroscopic. All systems are open. The theories of both evolutionists and creationists strongly suggest and reinforce beliefs in the consecutive nature of time, and in a universe that begins in such-and-such an end — but there are horizontal events that appear in the true activity of nature, and there are horizontal entry points and exit points in all experience. These allow for the insertion of unofficial new energy, the introduction of surprising events.

Again, it is very difficult to explain such activities. They can affect — and do affect — the rise and fall of civilizations. We are used to reading nature in a particular manner, however, and to experiencing events at surface levels. We are naturally equipped to appreciate a far richer blend, and as I have often blogged about, we are ourselves possessed of a need to explore the subjective ramifications of our existence.


As “the times change” we tire of the old ways. Even our dreams begin to reach out into new avenues. The relationships between nature’s natural conservative behavior and nature’s need for innovation are stretched. More and more remarkable events begin to occur, both in private and mass experience, in physical and mental behavior, in the events, say, of both stars and human.

People want, then, to throw aside old structures of belief. They yearn, often without recognizing it, for the remembered knowledge of early childhood, when it seems that they experienced for a time a dimension of experience in which the unexpected was taken for granted, when “magical events” occurred quite naturally. They begin to look at the structure of their lives in a different fashion, that attempts to evoke from nature, and from their own natures, some graceful effortlessness, some freedom nearly forgotten. They begin to turn toward a more natural and a more magical approach to their own lives. At such times the conserving elements in nature and in society itself do not seem as strong as they did before. Surprising events that were earlier covered up or ignored seem to appear with greater frequency, and everywhere a new sense of quickness and acceleration gradually alters the expectations of people in regard to the events of their own lives, and to the behavior they expect from others. We are in such times now.


Old honored explanations suddenly appear withered. Unpredictable remarkable events seem more possible. The kind of work done in dreams to some extent is changed. They become more active, more intrusive. Predictable behavior, even of the natural elements, is harder to take for granted. Man begins to sense more and more at such times the vaster dimensions of behavior upon which that appearance of conservation resides.


There are considerable changes that occur under such conditions in man’s and woman’s subjective experience. Man’s and woman’s feelings about himself or herself change too, but little by little his and her trust in unpredictability grows. He or she is more willing to assign himself or herself to it. The species begins its own kind of psychic migration. It begins to sense within itself further frontiers and the possibilities for action. It begins to yearn for the exploration of mental lands, and it sends portions of itself out as couriers.


I am that kind of courier. There are many in all areas of life, and this involves not only an excitement on the part of our  own species, but the same kind of curiosity and excitement on the part of other species as well. Again, most difficult to explain — but those connections that exist between all species and the environment are themselves affected. The horizontal communications stretch and expand to allow for later developments in terms of probabilities, for consciousness always knows itself in more than one context, and it is possible for nature to experience itself in ways that would seem to be most improbable when the properties of  conservation and learning are at their strongest spring.

The Importance of dreams in Man’s and Woman’s early background

We have a hand in forming all events to one extent or another, and at certain levels we are therefore involved in the construction of those global events that affect the world, whether they be of so-called natural or cultural nature.


In earlier blogs I spoke about the importance of dreams in man’s and woman’s early background, and their importance to us as a species. Here, I want to stress the social aspects of dreams, and to point out the fact that dreams also show us some of the processes that are involved in the actual formation of physical events: We actually come into an event, therefore, long before the event physically happens, at other levels of consciousness, and a good deal of this prior activity takes place in the state of dreaming.

Yet (remembering what I said about seeming contradictions), our dreams are also social events of a kind, and the state of dreaming can almost be thought of as an inner public forum in which each man and woman has his or her say, and in which each opinion, however unpopular, is taken into consideration. If we want to call any one dream event a private event, then I would have to tell you that that private event actually was our personal contribution to a larger multi-sided dream event, many-layered, so that one level might deal with the interests of a group to which we belong — say our family, or our political or religious organization — reaching ” outward” to the realm of national government and world affairs. As our private conscious life is lived in a community setting of one kind or another as a rule, so do our dreams take place in the same context, so that as we dream for ourselves, to some extent we also dream for our own family, for our community, and for the world.


Group dreaming was at one time taken for granted as a natural human characteristic — in a tribe, for example, when new locations were being sought, perhaps in time of drought. The various tribal members would have dreams tackling whatever aspect of the problem that best suited his or her abilities and personal intents. The dreamers would travel our-of-body in various directions to see the extent of drought conditions, and to ascertain the best direction for the tribe to take in any needed migration.

Their dreams would then be shared by the tribe in the morning, or at special meetings, when each dreamer would give a rendition of the dream or dreams that seemed to be involved. In the same way, other dreamers would simply check with the dreamers of other villages or tribes — perhaps a hundred or even more miles distant. Some such dreams were extremely direct, others were clothed in symbolism according to the style of the dreamer, but in any case the dream was understood to have a public significance as well as a private one.


The same still applies, though often dreams themselves are forgotten. Instead, for example, for news or for advice we watch our morning television news, which provides us with a kind of manufactured dream that to some extent technologically serves the same purpose. Instead of sending camera-people and newspaper people to the farthest corners of the earth, early man and woman sent out aspects of himself or herself to gather the news and to form it into dream dramas. Oftentimes much of the material did not need to become conscious: It was “unconsciously” acted upon, turned directly into action. Now such dreams simply act as backup systems, rising to the fore whenever they are needed. their purpose was and is to increase the value fulfillment of the species and of the individual.

Psychologists often speak of the needs of man and woman. Here I would like to speak instead of the pleasures of man and woman, for one of the distinguishing characteristics of value fulfillment is its pleasurable effect. It is not so much that man and woman or nature seeks to satisfy needs, but to exuberantly, rambunctiously seek pleasure — and through following its pleasure each organism finds and satisfies its need as well. Far more is involved in the experience of life, however, than the satisfaction of bare needs, for life is everywhere possessed with a desire toward quality — a quality that acknowledges the affirming characteristics of pleasure itself.


In our terms, there is a great pleasure to be found in both work and play, in excitement and calm, in exertion and rest, yet the word “pleasure” itself has often fallen into disrepute, and is frowned at by the virtuous.


One of the main purposes of dreaming, therefore, is to increase man’s and woman’s pleasure, which means to increase the quality of living itself. Dreams are mental work and play combined, psychic and emotional rich creative dramas. They also involved us in the most productive of enterprises as we begin to play with versions of events that are being considered for physical actualization, as one a personal level we “view” the probable events which our family, tribe, organization, community and country will actualize.


As physical creatures we human beings cannot bear to directly confront the basic, vast, unimaginably awesome and creative consciousness of All That Is. Since we cannot bear to face the great raw power of nuclear energy either. I’ve often wondered whether this situation can be an earthly, imperfect and time-ridden analog to what must be the reality of All That Is.

Inner Backbone of Perception

Master events are those that most significantly affect our system of reality, even though the original action was not physical but took place in the inner dimension. Most events appear both in time and out of it, their action distributed between an inner and outer field of expression. Usually we are aware only of events’ exterior cores. The inner processes escape us.


Those inner processes, however, also give many clues as to some native abilities that we have used “in the past” as a species. Those inner processes do sometimes emerge, then. Here is an example.

One morning last weekend I found myself suddenly and vividly thinking about some married friends. They lived out of town, separated in time by a drive of approximately half and hour. I found myself wishing that the friends lived closer, and I was suddenly filled with a desire to see them. I imagined the couple at the house, and surprised myself by thinking that I might indeed call them later in the day and invite them down for the evening, even though my wife and I had both decided against guests that weekend.


Furthermore, I did not like the idea of making an invitation on such short notice. Then I became aware that those particular thoughts were intrusive, completely out of context with my immediately previous ones, for only a moment or so earlier I had been congratulating myself precisely because I had made no plans for the day or evening at all that would involve guests or other such activities. Very shortly I forgot the entire affair. Then, however, about fifteen minutes later I found the same ideas returning, this time more intently.

They lasted perhaps five minutes, I noticed them and forgot them once again. This time, however, I decided not to call my friends, and I went about my business. In about a half hour the same mental activity returned, and, finding myself struck by this, I mentioned the episode to my wife and again cast it from my mind.


By the time it was somewhat later in the day, my wife and I ate lunch, and the mail arrived. There was a letter written the morning before (on Friday) by the same friends that had been so much in my mind. They mentioned going on a trip (on Saturday), and specifically asked if they could visit that same afternoon. From the way the letter was written, it seemed as if the friends — call them Drick and Dorian — had already started on their journey that (Saturday) morning, and would stop in San Diego on their return much later toward evening. There was no time to answer the letter, of course.

Drick and Dorian would be on the road, it seemed, unreachable by cellphone, though they had included the number of their answering service, and had also written that they would call before leaving — yet no such call had been received.


It would be simple enough, of course, to ascribe my thoughts and feelings to more coincidence. I remembered the vividness of my feelings at the time, however. It looked as if Drick and Dorian were indeed going to arrive almost as it I had in fact called and invited them. That evening the visit did take place. Actually, some work had prevented the couple from leaving when they intended. Instead, they called later from their home to say that they were just beginning their trip, and would stop on their way.

I was well prepared for the call by then, and for the visit. Now the visit and my earlier feelings and thoughts were part of the same event, except that my subjective experience gave me clues as to the inner processes by which all events take place. More is involved than simple question: Did I perceive the visit precognitively? More is involved than the question: Did I perceive my information directly from the minds of my friends, or from the letter itself, which had already been mailed, of course, and was on its way to me at the time?


What we have is a kind of inner backbone of perception — a backup program, so to speak, an inner perceptive mechanism with its own precise psychological tuner that in one way or another operates within the field of our intent. This is somewhat like remote sensing, or like an interior radar equipment that operates in a psychological field of attention, so that we are somewhat aware of the existence of certain events that concern us as they come into the closet range of probabilities with which we are connected.

In a certain fashion we “step into the event” at that level. We accept or reject it as a probability. We make certain adjustments, perhaps altering particular details, but we step into and become part of the inner processes — affecting, say, the shape or size or nature of the event before it becomes a definite physical actuality.


For centuries that is the main way in which man and woman dealt with events of his or her life or tribe or village. Our modern methods of communication are in fact modeled after our inner ones. My thoughts almost blended in enough to go relatively unnoticed. They were almost innocuous enough to be later accepted as coincidence. They did have, however, an extra intentness and vitality and peculiar insistence — qualities that I have learned are indicative of unusual psychological activity. The point is that in most such cases the subjective recognition of an approaching event flows so easily and transparently into our attention, and fits in so smoothly with the events of the day, as to go unnoticed. We help mold the nature and shape of events without realizing it, overlooking those occasions when the processes might show themselves.

Even the conscious mind contains much more information about the structure of events than we realize we possess. The physical perceiving apparatuses of all organizations carry their own kind of inner systems of communication, allowing events to be manipulated on a worldwide basis before they take on what appears to be their final definitive physical occurrences in time and space.


Individually and globewide, value fulfillment is in a fashion the purpose of all events. Value fulfillment, again, is the impetus that drives the wheels of nature, so to speak. As the origin of our world did indeed emerge from the “world of dreams,” so the true root of all events lie in such subjective activities, and the answers to individual challenges and problems are always within our grasp, ready to appear in physical actuality.


In my next blog I hope to show the importance of value fulfillment on our own life, and give clues that will allow us to take better advantage of our own subjective and objective opportunities for such development.