Category Archives: LOVE


Let us move to the Foundational Statement. Here the practitioner looks to the primary outcome they wish to create. The end results is considered and then expressed in simple evocative terms. We need not spend hours struggling with the proper words and syntax. This is a spontaneous exercise to be completed within just a few minutes after our exercise in Getting Clear.

For example: suppose a reader has done their assignment and they have surmised that they are learning Lessons of independence and empowerment in this lifetime. In previous partnerships they were prevented from empowering themselves. Their partners did not allow them any sort of independent expression.

This subject may then desire a partner who would support their search for empowerment and independence. We might say that this proposed partner would of necessity already have mastered these aspects of living so that they could assist our subject in their search for personal empowerment and independence.

In return, let us further postulate that our subject, though admittedly thwarted by their past mates in the quest for these states of consciousness, had developed a capacity for nurturing and for mastering the domestic realm. This person could bring these skills to the relationship.


My Soul Mate will understand my needs for independence and personal power and will assist me in meeting those needs. In return I will teach them what I know of nurturing in relationship…

Now write down your own Foundational Statement . Do not worry about getting it just right. You may always amend it as your project moves forward and you gather your Findings.


On a piece of paper, while you are in an open and receptive frame of mind, write down what comes to you when you think of the Soul Mate and Love relationships

  • What are your Issues?
  • What Lessons are you learning?
  • Are you creating from a position of victimhood? You may create a relationship of victimization.
  • Do you want to be saved? You may create a relationship in which you will be rescued.
  • Are you creating from a position of power? Are you awakening at this time? Then you may well create the Soul Mate relationship that is empowered, awakened.

Now list the desired attributes of your proposed Soul Mate. List the attributes you bring to the relationship.

Work with this information over the course of a day to come to terms with it, is your truly desire.


Because my new Blogs are essentially research manuals for the awakening human, we will once again approach our subject in a systematic way. Now… we are learning in this life how to use energy to create what we desire. Given this fact, can we see how our desire for a meeting a human who meets our particular requirements for relationship automatically sets into motion the manifestation of that desired outcome?

It is a subconscious process, one that goes on largely unnoticed. Do we then agree that it is important to be as clear and conscious as we can about what we want to create?


This is a creative project, and as such, it requires a plan. The Blueprint is quite simply our personalized best practices discovered through experimentation. This is the Scientist of Consciousness model, the one we employ as we study our manifestations. We research our own existence and gather our results.

These findings are noted, and over time we alter our experiments in our search for what is most appropriate, for what works in the attainment of the Soul Mate. Look to the end of the next Blog for more on the Blueprint.


Soul Mates are co-created, rather than “found” or “attracted.” You co-create with ALL That Is AND your potential Soul Mate, the context for experiencing one another. When the meeting occurs, it has the underpinnings of the Divine supporting it. The co-creation of your Soul Mate can be described as an awakening experience, then: collaborations with ALL That Is.

Now let me ask the obvious question that arises here:

Can I co-create the Soul Mate relationship from a current relationship, one that may have problems of one kind or another.

The answer is a resounding YES! Indeed, you may have entered into such a relationship – one with problems – for the specific purpose of working out your Issues together, and thus attaining the fulfillment of particular values. You may already be experiencing a Soul Mate relationship yet you are not fully aware of it now.

Let me digress… this idea of asking for what you want in relationship is complicated, again, by your Lessons: the subconscious materialization of your Personal Reality. This is why we suggest you adopt the conscious co-creator perspective. It allows you more leverage in the moment, in that, you may experience a form of objectivity with regards to your unconscious projections onto others.

So yes, please do the exercises with this in mind and see if you are already connected with your Soul Mate. Then should you discover that you are, you may use this material to deepen your relationship.


Of course, in our New Age Literature it is primarily the romantic relationship that is being referenced in these Blog discussions. So that we may be assured that the speaker is quite probably commenting on male-to-female, male-to-male, or female-to-female relationship, when they speak of Soul Mates.

There are also, quite often, the elements of destiny, synchronicity, and indeed, magic, attached to these Soul Mate discussions. In terms of these ideas, then the human does what they do best, in that they personalize these empowered images, concepts, emotions of the beloved Soul Mate with their own projections, their own criteria, their own personal needs in the matter of romantic fulfilling scared relationship.

Thus, we could say that the Soul Mate Gestalt of Consciousness includes each and every projection of every human who has ever fallen in love, for example, or wished, or hoped, or dreamed or visualized of an ideal Loving mate. The Soul Mate, in this way, exists as an evolving pool of opinion, desire, prejudice, dream and fantasy among other potent potentials.


Soul Mate

The concept of the Soul Mate is paramount in the minds of humans in our time frame. The search for the perfect partner occupies millions of moderns, who feel obligated I suppose, to seek out their most perfect match. It is somewhat of a biological imperative that drives so many of us on the quest for our Soul Mate, whatever that may imply for us.

The phenomenon is further complicated – or enriched, however we wish to see it – by the contributions of our popular media. This is not necessarily the Negative Media we speak if often and mystical genres. Through our daily horoscopes that have become popular, much of what was once material is being available to the public at large.

With this revelation of the Ancient Wisdom comes the inevitable degradation of these concepts by authors with an agenda based on the ego/intellect. And so we have a sacred concept transformed into some romanticized idea denoting the “must have” relationship for men and women in our era. We wish to acquire a Soul Mate as we wish to acquire a new car or furniture. Forgive me for making light of our lust for acquisition.


With this in mind explore a simple experiment on which we will be asked to briefly experience our existence without the amnesia that “protects” us. Keep in mind, please, that this secret information about our identity and our experiences has the potential to heal us on many levels of understanding. It is, in fact, our ego/intellect – the persona – that is being protected with this protective shield.

Moving beyond this shield is a simple matter of embodying our two tried-and-true states of consciousness manifestation: Loving Understanding and Courage. This is painful and difficult material to apprehend. Therefore, Courage is necessary in the beginning. As the secret material is revealed. Self-Forgiveness becomes quite useful as an ongoing state of consciousness: Loving Understanding, you see.


HYPOTHESIS – We can wake-up from the amnesia

We exist in a camouflage reality. This means that the true nature of our existence is hidden from us. Now Imagining what it might be like to view our world with full-disclosure, in a sense, of all that we know and have known in all of our lives.


Assume a comfortable position and relax you body. Breathe deeply and enter your Trance State. Because you are a student of your own experience and you are learning the facts on your own life, it is now possible for you to step further into the Unknown Reality of your own deep psyche.

With a recognition that you are prepared to accept more truthful information on the nature of your reality, let that courageous expectation guide you further into relaxation, dreaming, longing for contact with your deep self.

This is that aspect of your consciousness that knows of all your activities in all of your Simultaneous Lives. It is that central focus of consciousness that knows what will occur in any given day. It is that part of you that sees your world as you open your eyes from sleep, directly before your ego/intellect takes charge.

Now you are drifting, drifting, and gradually you are getting a feeling for this part of you. This part of you exists in a pure state, free from limitations of any kind. Free from the censorship and judgements of your ego/intellect, free from negative emotions. If you feel a sense of losing control, of descending into chaos, gently direct the unfolding of your sensations with your Loving perception.

You are guided by Love here and you are quite Courageous in your investigations. Feeling your way through this inner landscape, watch for dramatizations of various types that attempt to catch your attention. Note any sounds, visuals, or other sensations for documenting later.



The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


I have an extensives Soul Family that is only now becoming apparent to me. As we create Blogs for the betterment of humanity, and I frequently have meetings with Soul Family members. It is obvious that these humans are connected to me. I sense it; they sense it. A reunion experience of great depth often occurs to further validate this phenomenon for all concerned. Synchronicities are noted; memories are evoked, and so on.


In this transformation our Mother Earth is healing herself by “throwing off” the harmful parasites that have plagued her. The negative leaders, the corrupt business officials, the violent among us now being “processed” by the TRUE powers that be. These powers are the Higher Consciousness – the higher selves of these humans. Let me go further with this. This inspirational spiritual transformation that is well underway with many thousands of our fellow citizens who are members of mainstream religions.

Let me first say that ALL expressions of the Divine within human consciousness, are what we might call “legitimate” or “worthy” expressions. All That Is seeks to know itself through the spiritual expressions of human beings within their simple religious practices, that we might experience when we ask for help from the Divine in a simple personal matter, as in prayer that our operation will be successful, and through their more complex and obvious spiritual practices, such as we might see within the walls of our great churches, as hundreds join in the contemplation of the Divine in prayer and other rituals.

So it is all Divine, you see. Everything is born out of the Divine and Loving energies of All That Is. Now the key word here is Loving. Where there is devoted unconditional Loving powering these practices of the Divine, there will be Soul Evolution in these groups of practitioners. For as you well know as a Blog Reader of my works, what we are calling Love with a capital L is the veritable creative force of the Universes.

Wherever the path of devotion in any religious practice or “spiritual” practice if you prefer, takes a divergent path from the foundational energies of Love, there will be corrective measures instituted within the consciousness of the sole practitioner or within the group consciousness of the church members. These corrective energies serve to direct the spiritual expression back to one Love with a capital L.

In our new Blogs Series I have been critical of our priests and other leaders within our religious hierarchies for playing upon the fear and prejudices of the church members, particularly within our mainstream religions. Some of these leaders have knowingly led the people astray by bringing politics into the church. The cause of Love has been forgotten within these groups as the leaders seek to curry favor with powerful politicians and other secular leaders.

These religious leaders, as we add to this Blog manuscript, are engaged in a Turnabout also, just as the many of us who have been engaged in the negative practices – fear mongering, hatred – are engaged in a Turnabout. With the assistance of the Energy Personalities associated with individuals within these groups and within these hierarchies of control and power, these personalities are being directed back to Love with a capital L.

Currently we are just able to see a few of these Turnabouts in our media, as some journalists seek to report the truth of the matters at hand. By the time we publish this Blog of ours, This Turnabout will be well underway for many of us, with truly global – and need I say, multidimensional – implications.

My advice to you, if you feel that you are engaged in this Turnabout, is that you allow yourself to go back to Love. If you witness your Earthly associates obviously engaged in this transformation, assist them in finding their way back to Love. You do this by demonstrating within your own Personal Reality Field, the practice of Loving Understanding.