Category Archives: LOVE


Let us discuss an issue that is quite obvious. Perhaps that is why we have neglected it thus far in these new blog writings. The issue may be framed with a question: “Why do we assume that the blog readers of our new blogs are looking for spiritual understanding? If the path to Loving Understanding and Soul Evolution is so perilous and fraught with physical and psychological pain, why would anyone in their right mind want to pursue it?”

To begin, the blog reader of my blogs, as I have observed them over the many years since I first begun, are seekers. They are drawn to this work, I assume, because it “speaks to them.” Others of a different personality style and temperament, perhaps, would de drawn to other Teachings.

Now it is true that the older blog material were quite barren of discussions of spiritual matters. This was an editorial decision. I have continuously offered my spiritually-informed content to humanity. However, since it is the human co-creator of the blog who creates the blog in physical reality, it is the human co-creator who determines what they consider to be appropriate content for the blog.

These new blog manuscripts are the spiritual – you might say the divine – counterparts to the old blog material. If you are a student of The Entity, to complete our studies we would do well to attend to the spiritually-based blog material contained in these new blogs. Now I have attempted to include weighty intellectual discussions in my new blog work, to satisfy those of you who are focused on the physical dimension in which we live. The spiritual is merely the other side of this physical dimension. To become a well-rounded, educated human, we would do well to study both aspects of reality.

The path to Soul Realization may be thought of as arduous by some. This is true. Certainly it is not for the meek and mild. It is easy to lose confidence and perhaps quit the journey before it has truly begun. As we examine our expanded reality, we most definitely will be experiencing some of our lifetimes within less than ideal circumstances. If we tune-in, for example, to a lifetime in which you are dying slowly from starvation or an illness of some kind, this witnessing may be so distasteful and shocking that you are thrown out of your meditative state. I would suggest that you remember in these cases, under these circumstances of harsh conditions, that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is the Soul Self. This ecstasy ,may help to motivate you to continue your studies.

Now suppose that you are experiencing negative realities within your current life. Should you attempt these explorations of your other Simultaneous Lives? Generally, I would suggest that you first gain some mastery over the exercises and conduct the various experiments I have outlined in my previous tow blog series.


You will join me as I have joined others

  • No physical form or physical thought
  • can express my existence.
  • The term love, with its message
  • of caring for another
  • is the most important of our
  • messages in the physical.
  • The Other is to me now what Self was to you.
  • I am a step higher but not removed.
  • Yet, I have changed enough since “my
  • death’ that it is difficult, at times, to relate to your existence.
  • The love and the emotions you feel are
  • the connectives between us.
  • My love for you has not changed but expanded
    • in a way you do not comprehend.
    • Physical needs are for physical beings,
    • and I understand and know this.
    • Touch is important at your level.
    • My new or returned mind loves you more
    • deeply than in our earth time together,
    • but it is also much more understanding of physical need.
    • When I said, “Be for me as I would
    • be for thee,” I didn’t mean to limit you.
    • Be the physical person you need to be,
    • as you as physical for a limited and
    • for a purposeful reason.
    • Enjoy physical reality between others,
    • for the mind endures and exists
    • beyond your understanding and existence.
    • I love you as we will be.
    • Your now is for you to enjoy.
    • I never judge your actions, and this
    • I repeat with love and utmost understanding.
    • Be yourself and in being yourself
    • you will be for me as I would be for thee.
    • You do well and I watch you often.
    • Continue to love physical life
    • while you are physical.

Until Later,



Now remember that this metaphor for the projection of All That Is into our system. Lessons is our Essential Metaphor for why the human comes to the physical plane. We suggest it is to experience the Lessons of Value Fulfillment, as the Virtues of Humanity are endorsed and Embodied, or perhaps denied and vilified. However, the lessons is a Lesson BECAUSE you are noticing it and interpreting it as a Lesson. You create your own reality, and as you do YOU are the value-fulfiller, whether it is the fulfillment though behavior, emotion, imagery and thought of physical violence, as in a perpetrator of violence upon others, or as is the case with a do-gooder type, who bestows goodness, Love, compassion on others. In both cases values are fulfilled. In both cases Lessons are learned.

Now let us look at the two examples in terms of frequency of vibration. We have suggested that negative emotion holds a lower vibration than does positive emotion. This is our premise upon which we build our theory of Resonance. In one example, the subject builds negative Reality Creations with negative emotions. This low frequency resonates with negative emotions everywhere. Within the collective gestalt of emotion, within the Collective Unconscious, your negative emotions resonate with other similarly-created negative emotions of humanity. You could say that this amalgam of negative emotion that is seeking out other “like” emotions within the consciousness field, eventually, through resonance, finds a home for itself. These “homes” we call the Gestalts of Consciousness, the foundational elements of Reality Constructs of all types, including of course, Reality Constructs of air, of ideas, of soil and stone, and so on. But again, these theorized activities of consciousness are simply metaphors for the exceedingly complex activities of the Consciousness Units.


Yes, it is cyclical. The Changing of the Guard is underway. The Shift in Consciousness transforms all. Specifically, for the interested citizen, those of you who are waking up, it is this Resonance in action, once again. Now the cycle of domination is changing. The idea that you must conquer the Earth, that to succeed you must dominate others, that the proper way to raise a child is to punish them when they misbehave, these concepts are giving way during this cycle of change. A cycle, a natural cycle of manifestation, implies that changes occur quite naturally, in the natural order of things, you might say. This is the case with The Shift. The dominators have had their say for many generations on Earth. They have created a crisis situation worldwide with their selfish behaviors. In the natural order of things, do you see how this Shift brings up the Ancient Wisdom that contains NEW ideas, NEW images, NEW and positive means of creating, behaving, Loving in the world?

I hope that you sense my irony, once again, as we speak in terms of the NEW ideas that the Ancient Wisdom brings. They ARE new to many of us, for we have practiced over these manys years, the way of forcing ourselves on others and on our environment. It is, from my perspective, completely and utterly expected that the “season” of the dominators would give way, in time, to the era of the Lovers of Earth, of humanity.


Please begin to note the lines below, the perceived outcomes of your Practice and Regimens.



Now do personalize the protection Ritual. Put your personality and your personal energy in it. Also it helps to link this creative state of consciousness to a memory, a thought, an image or gesture. In this way you may immediately create a felt sense of protection, security, Love while you are out in your waking world with a mere snap of your fingers. Or perhaps you carry a card in your pocket with the word “Sanctuary” printed on it. Every time you take it out of your pocket and look at it. Sanctuary is created automatically. Again, why does it occur? It occurs because you create your reality.


Transformation – An example: You area a bully, let us pretend, and you enjoy picking on people, making them miserable. You rationalize your behavior by blaming it on your father, who was also a bully, per the reports from your mother. However, the truth comes out that your father was far from being a bully and was quite Loving and nurturing. He made his Transition at an early time in your life. You were not able to feel fathered completely by this human.

What do you do now? You have an opportunity to change your behavior, to in fact change it to its opposite. You can attempt to Embody the Virtues of Loving Understanding, nurturing, and so on. You will be working on a negative reality you have created for you have found proof that it is based on falsehoods. You have it within you to create these Virtues, as do we all. And so you practice Embodying these opposites of the bully.

Will this practice make an angel out of you, a profoundly Loving and spiritual person? Perhaps. Yet if you do continue this practice of polarizing the Feeling-Tones you have used to create the bully persona, you will undoubtedly improve, in Soul sense, in the sense of creating progress in your Soul’s Evolution.


This reasoning also applies to any attempts at body conditioning through exercise and other physical activities. The important piece here is this: “What do you think of your physical body NOW in this moment?” Now in the moment is when you create your future, you see. Now in the moment is when you must Love yourself, Love your body. If you can see the potential trim and fit physical body beneath the chubby exterior, then you have the right idea. That is your focus, from my perspective. That positive image, that positive Feeling-Tone of Love and success is what may drive your manifestation activities over the course of the Regimen.

Obviously, if what you see before you as you look in the mirror repulses you, you have some important changes to make in your self-assessment activities. That is where you begin, then, to appreciate the body you now have while also anticipating the improvements.

On this Regimen you will be Loving your body into fitness. You Love how you are in this moment, first, and then you move toward the creation of an improved reality moment-to-moment, as you, for example, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and all the while you are keeping this Loving Understanding of self intact.


You limit yourself if you believe you have limitations...

We limit ourselves if we believe we have limitations. In truth, there are no limits to what we may create. You may see this for yourself by observing what surrounds you in your personal reality. A true appreciation of your surroundings would convince you, that, as the creator of your world, you have great talents and energies at your disposal.

Of course it is also true that there may be for you the absence of what you truly desire within your self-created world. We call this Lack in the Blogs. If you are seeing the founding beliefs of that Lack?

Your beliefs create your reality. If you are seeing the absence of what you desire in front of you, you may trace that back to your own creative consciousness. It is there that you may receive an intuition of what is holding you back from creating abundance. The beliefs that you are using as a blueprint for the creation of your reality may be self-limiting. Look for where you limit yourself. Move beyond those self-imposed limitations and see the infinite creativity that is your birthright.


The negative emotions are the creators of states of consciousness and thus personal realities…

To simply for you this awakening experience, we have described it as a matter of transforming the Negative Emotions into their opposites. We will now add to this with an example. Now the negative emotions are the creators of states of consciousness and thus personal realities. These emotions run the course from fairly harmless, such as mild irritation, shall we say, to murderous anger at the other pole of this comparison.

We are speaking of Anger here. However, with the emotion of Fear, we could also place it is scale, perhaps beginning with a subtle anxiety in the financial realms, as the negative media continually remind us of the treacherous state of the world through our television or radio. So we are a wee bit anxious on this side of our theoretical pole, but if we were to exist on the opposite end here, we would be experiencing aghast dread and fear for our existence, possibly. We may fill in the “reasons” for this ruinous state of affairs.

Let us then examine where your Intention of Will resides within this matrix of emotional experiencing. We have said before that if we are experiencing extreme anger or fear in any particular moment, we are no longer “in control” of your consciousness. We have relinquished control of our Reality Creation powers to the Negative Emotions. We are assisting in the re-creation, moment-to-moment, of these emotions through this shirking of responsibility.

As you, Dear Blog Reader, lay the blame for your negative states of consciousness on the doorstep of your neighbor, friends, family, or colleagues, not only do you dis-empower yourself, but you help to empower the negative spheres of influence, what we have called the Negative entities in these pages.



This is our concept for discussion at this time. Now there exists a barrier to understanding for some of you that prevents your intellect from accepting the fantastic premise that you cooperate with All That Is in the literal creation of our physical world. This barrier is one of the last to fall as you approach your wakening. Let me set the stage, If I may…

You are in nature, in a forest, writing in your journal, and you are approached by a deer. You are motionless and quiet as the deer comes closer and closer to you, so close in fact that you could reach out and touch it. As you quietly contemplate this miracle of nature, a pair of quail walk onto the scene. They too are oblivious of you as they stroll past, again, within arm’s reach.

Then, as if to further impress you, Dear Blog Reader, the birds in the trees fly quickly past you to perch on nearby branches and to feed directly next to you. You are still here. You are quiet. You are ONE with nature. This is the perfect state for experiencing the Divine. The ego/intellect is off to the side, out of the way of your perception, as the Soul Self observers/creates your Personal Reality.

Ah, but then you make an abrupt motion with your hand to write down what you are experiencing. The ego/intellect has taken charge. The animals disperse in alarm. The fragile moment of appreciation has passed.

Now moments later the animals have again taken their places within nature, in that timeless moment beyond ego, beyond the intellect, beyond the rational mind. However, as you take your notes in your journal you are merely a reporter commenting on the preceding events. Your ego/intellect has taken you out of the moment. Whereas the “dumb” animals as you call them, for they lack your rationality, continue their precisely focused existences in the moment – the divine moment of creation.