The creation of positive realities is our responsibility. It is a personal issue. Because we are the creator in physical reality, it is a matter of how aware we become of our responsibilities.
Now the great majority of us, it is true, will remain in a sleep state, in a manner of speaking, right up until the time of the Dimensional Shift. On the surface it will appear as though we are unaware of the changes that our civilization is going through. Yet for most of us, there will be a great change already underway on the subtle levels.
We are being prepared for the transformation in the dream state. We are not aware of this, however, as we go about our waking reality. We prefer to “pretend” that life as usual continues to unfold, without any great upheavals to anticipate.
For this group of people the shift will take place over-night, quite literally. They will awaken one day and suddenly appreciate the vast changes they have undergone, as individuals and as parts of the collective. These are of the type of humans that wishes to “not think about” the future that much, for the future will “take care of itself.” This group comprises many millions of us on our Earth,
To pretend that business as usual is being experienced at this time in our history is a form of denial, a denial of the Soul Self. On the level of the Soul’s experiencing, we know full well that great changes are underway for us.
Constantly we are reminded of this by Beings of Light as they transmit their messages into our mental sphere. It is a simple matter to ascribe these messages, as we stated in the first couple Blogs of this Series, to bad memories or other forms of “negative thinking.” Then we may go on our way, blissfully unaware on an ego/intellect level, of what our Soul most surely knows. Let us present an example to make this clear for the BlogReader.
Suppose you are a typical human of the type I am describing. That is, you are one who discounts, perhaps as spiritual bullshit, the statements of your associates that describe the hearing of the voices of dead ancestors. Or else you deny accounts of those who describe the means to avoid a calamity they faced on the highway, as in an accidents or some such thing, as coming from a nonphysical source. The intuitive voice is discounted here, you see. These humans may even ascribe the great luck of winners of various prizes or monies from the inside information given to them by their Angels or etheric advisers to mere coincidence. They deny the voice of the sacred in the lives of others, and so they must be consistent as they deny the voice of the sacred within their own lives.
The Consensus Reality Field is our term for the broader field of Reality Creation of which we are a part by virtue of our individually created world. Our Personal Reality Field serves us well within our niche in our environment. It is “tailor made” according to our specifics, both conscious and unconscious. Now the broader field of Reality Creation may be thought of as comprising, for example, our neighborhood, our city, our state, our country, our hemisphere and finally our world – the planet Earth.
I will not bore you with more descriptions of how we create the Personal Reality Field. Suffice it to say that you and the others who live in our neighborhood, achieve a consensus while sleeping on what will be created, in so far as our neighborhood goes, upon awakening. Obviously this holds true for the manifestation of our city’s Consensus Reality, our state’s and so on.
Now briefly, our world is in the middle of the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. In our U.S.A. and other countries we risk succumbing to the forces of hatred and totalitarianism. As our election will again demonstrate, the system is broken. The will of the people is subverted.
It will take action on the part of many millions of us in the West to turn the tide. We do not have the numbers yet because we are complacent and afraid. But as the media gradually begin to present truthful stories for all to read, our numbers will grow. Act now to help make it happen. Participate in our community to encourage the truthful representation of reality within our media and within our communities.
We often use the phrase in these new Blog messages, “I am not telling you to something you do not already know.” This is a statement of fact. We are merely reminding you the Blog Reader of the knowledge you have acquired in your many voyages into physical form. This information on the nature of reality and the use of energy, you first brought with you from your existence in non-physical reality, before your ” physical” birth into human body. Now this knowledge also is a part of your FUTURE heritage, if you may understand this conundrum of mine.
Perhaps a better way to describe the relearning phenomenon in which we are engaged is this… bleed throughs – the perceptual breakthrough of our current self into other Simultaneous Lives – occur throughout our waking and dreaming periods. These are learning “field trips” in which our current conscious perception tunes-in on one or more of our past, other current or future lives. This is a function of the multitasking Soul Self as we awaken to our multidimensional experiencing. This is the acquiring of the Divine Knowledge we constantly refer to in these Blog manuscripts.
On a basic level, we already know this material. That is why it seems so familiar to you. That is why it seems so true. You have perfected this system in your numerous future incarnations, again in your familiar terms, assuming the linear time illusion that is favored in our dimension. And so you see, I use the phrase “this you already know” as a device to hopefully trigger memories here.
The little bleed-throughs that we experience I hope will keep us motivated enough to continue the voyage. These are tools the non-physical beings use as we attempt to educate humanity. The phrase is a deep and empowered one, a profound suggestion. However, just accepted it playfully and see where it leads us. This phrase may help us to wake-up to our greater reality.
Now there are times for us, as researchers and learners of Lessons, when we may seem to be engaged in ardently co-creating our reality in a very responsible fashion. We are “doing everything right,” let us say, and diligently attending to the transformation of Negative Emotions into their divine opposites. We are doing so very well in this endeavor that we perhaps feel as though we should be rewarded in some way, feeling that the Powers That Be could “have mercy” on us, so that we might relax and enjoy ourselves for a period of time. Yet let us say that we still continue to experience a challenging existence with a series of quite negative events serving to “drive home” this harsh reality.
“Am I being singled out for punishment,” you might ask yourself. Now we must at times such as these, revert back to first principles. We create our own reality. If we are feeling victimized, we are ultimately the tormentor. If we are in the midst of painful, negative personal dramas, we are ultimately the director, the producer and also the cast of these dramas.
We are composed of many personality aspects within our Personal Reality ego/intellect. But our greater personality or Higher Consciousness also participates through a lending of energy to the “dramatic flow” of the events in our life. In this way, we are whole – the cosmos – and us are also the individuals living component of the whole. I believe I must elaborate further on this phenomenon for our ULTIMATE understanding.
The reason that we sense a familiarity in the scenes of our everyday life, as if all of the characters in these daily dramas of ours are our “relations,” is that everyone we meet and interact with moment-to-moment is indeed our relation. The relevant aspects of our Higher Self are reflected through these other personalities relative to the learning of our individual, Soul Family and Entity Lessons.
Naturally there would be a familiarity in this dance of synchronicity we know as physical reality. We act in concert, then, at any one time and all of the time, with our cohorts, keeping our appointments with “perfect strangers,” to enact our behaviors in the quest for Value Fulfillment. We shall have more to say on this phenomenon in our forthcoming Blog on Soul Family.
This is our life, you see. This dramatic and sometimes comedic performance in Earthly flesh is our life, for which we have PURPOSEFULLY incarnated. We are experiencing both the positive and the negative life has to offer. Yes it is true that we inevitably age and die, perhaps being subject to much pain and suffering; yet there is also joy in these sequential moments of our life.
With the proper attitude we may even experience our suffering moments in what can be described as “joyful appreciation.” This may be difficult to comprehend for some of us. Let us have an example of how this paradox of feeling and behavior might be experienced by any one of us as we go about our meaningful lives.
As we awaken to the Unity of Consciousness Dimension, we will gradually become more aware of our Simultaneous Lives. Within these lives we are living the broad spectrum of existence. Thus, as we retain memories of a life lived within a society as a tortured being who is daily subjected to painful living experiences, we may compare this life with our current existence in the modern world.
Do you see how we might experience a sense of joyful appreciation for our current life? Relative to other lives we are living in the midst of great pain and suffering, our current existence may be regarded as joyful and complete.
I wish to make a point that All That Is encompasses all those names. The readers of this Blog should understand that their versions of god, whatever they call him or her, is encompassed in All That Is. All That Is is an infinite high-energy source. It is impossible for that mass of energy to contain itself into one specific life form. Not even for a minute is it capable of doing this.
We are all, extensions of All That Is in that we use this energy source to experience our lives and as we evolve so does All That Is. Every thought, every action, every feeling, every situation, every moment in time and space is different with each individual. No two people or beings will ever experience the exact situation in the exact same way. All That Is is experiencing what it has created in every way possible, thus expanding its abilities as well as ours, for All That Is is always acquiring more and more knowledge of itself through the existence of souls throughout the Universe, not just our limited little Universe that we are aware of but there are thousands of galaxies just like ours in the infinite amount of space.
Simply visualize. Make it as a fan that comes out in front of you when you are concentrating and send those energies to those lives. And don’t be overly concerned about whether they are received. Just do it and be done with it and move on with your day. It will be done as long as you do it. We interact telepathically with other portions of our energy day and night, were just not aware of it. There’s far more there than we can possibly comprehend in the third dimension but I’ve made it as simple as possible for the reader of this Blog. This is you, as you send the energies out to other portions of yourself.
“You visualize yourself. This is your self that you are focused in right now, in this point of power and you are sending healing energies to all of your lives. You then affect all experiences since they’re all related.”
It is only a past in our terms because of our linear thinking and the logic behind the time/space continuum. We are in a timeframe so we constantly consider the past over and done with. The past is not over and done with any more than the future does not exist, for they all exist together. They are all there. There are portions of our energy in each one of these lives, living these lives. Think of it this way: we have set up a variety of different lessons and scenarios with which we want to learn. We’ve picked various different lives and timeframes that we wish to be born into. For the timeframe of the Earth plane, we need only to enter within that portal of time to begin to focus on that particular life.
We are all focusing right now as we speak on this particular timeframe, the events of this part of our world’s experiences, the perceived reality of our world I should say without getting too technical here. I want this to be absorbed by the reader of this Blog in the most simplistic of terms. Now, we have in front of us, lets say, a dozen lives and we’ve said to oneself, “Ok I’m, going to choose this one now. Many others are going into this timeframe and I wish to go into this timeframe too. This is the life where I will go to learn the lessons I have set up for myself.” Based on our own point in evolution we may enter into that life more highly-evolved than others and use that knowledge to assist in the evolution of the others. We may have chosen experiences in other timeframes prior to choosing that one that were either farther into the future as we know it or farther back.
The point is that we choose what timeframes to enter into based on our own personal evolution and what we wish to bring to that timeframe from our base of evolutionary knowledge. Now all of the lives, as I said, are being lived simultaneously. When we are done focusing on one of those lives, we will go back to our home dimension, evaluate the life we have focused on and decide what it is that we needed to learn. Did we learn and experience that and do we need to go back and do it again or can we move on with another lesson in another life in another timeframe on Earth or wherever? We make those decisions. They are there, but because we only focus the greater ball of energy on one at a time, this is where our point of power is.
Now it’s not to say that we don’t have a point of power in all those other lives, for we do, but we are not aware of them in our present life. We are not aware that we are focusing on any of those lives because our focus is here and now in this timeframe. We are getting thoughts from all of ourselves all of the time, we are just not aware of it. The thoughts that we send out now are the thoughts that we wish to affect those personalities in those other lives, to help the evolution of our soul.
Now let me add one thing here. When we are in our home dimension preparing to enter into one of our lives and we did not or were not able to learn the lessons we had chosen, as in the case of suicide, we will go back into that period of time that we have just exited from almost immediately. There is a Universal Law involving suicides, which is only circumvented in very special cases where one was already scheduled to die because of terminal illness. In the case of unjustified suicides, we will go back and be reborn from the standpoint of a baby and you will still be within that perceived reality and belief system of the individuals of that time period from which we just came and we will have to re-experience all over again a life similar to the one we opted out on, until the lessons are learned and the contract fulfilled.
Because the evolution of mankind/womankind takes on what seems to be a slow process, we might miss out on a few years at best, but we will be right back in the same lessons with pretty much the same identical perceived realities. Due to the accelerated pace of our current evolution, for reasons that I won’t go into at present, there may be some changes as to what dimensional-level we we re-enter into. Since our planet is in the midst of a massive evolutionary change, many of us will not be returning into a three-dimensional reality. This is all predicated on how swiftly our citizens realign their consciousness.
The intense energy being poured into our world at this time by the forces of light is going to dramatically affect our entire world as our planet makes this necessary shift into the unity of consciousness dimension. Many of us will re-enter into that dimension because of this evolution. Many of the souls entering into our world at present through the birth process are already evolved to that level and will be assisting the rest of the world to make the transition and will also help with the restructuring of civilization.
We are evolving into Light Beings. In the fourth dimension our bodies will be lighter and more etheric than the dense physical bodies we have now, “light” also meaning information and knowledge. We will be aware of all our simultaneous lives and their experiences for we will be able to feel them and remember them. It is not to judge them though, but to go forth and acknowledge them for what they are, learning experiences that we wished to learn.
Our spiritual knowledge has been kept from us far too long. It is the knowledge that has been always been available to us but has been taken from us within our mass systems of belief, through our religions and our governments. I have not intended to put down the religious systems as they have their place in helping mankind/womankind, but they have also been great perpetrators of darkness. As you notice with the 9/11 event. The terrorists mask their actions and beliefs behind the label of god and religion. This is true in many aspects of government as well, for they try to keep us in the dark about other beings within the Universe for fear that they will be stepping on the toes of the religious leaders.
The forces that are trying to prevent us from gaining our soul’s knowledge are busily at work trying to keep us in the dark. They go to great lengths to feed off of our negativity. We can see how they have controlled our media. Unwillingly and unwittingly many souls fall prey to this belief system thinking that they are doing the right thing, when in actuality they are being manipulated by the forces of dark. They have handed over power of their thoughts to others thus serving up mankind/womankind huge plates of fear and negativity on a daily basis.
Let me begin, in the transition from one form of energy to another, for each life lesson that is completed, a symbol is chosen by us. This symbol is a reminder of the life experienced and generally it relates to the lesson or contract theme as it was completed. For instance, if we came into our life to perfect the experience of humility, and that experience was perfected, then the symbol would be chosen. The symbol is chosen by the individual, for you and is personal to one’s soul development.
The Council members for example have quite an elaborate array of symbols all together on one piece, which they wear around their necks. Since these beings have had many experiences, they are quite intricate. The same applies to you. Your symbol is your reminder. Now, when meditating often you will see these symbols, you may wonder what they are. If you look further, you will see that they have to do with the lessons learned in previous, past or future lives, since all lives are simultaneous. Now let me make this clear, that the present life as you see it is your current focus, however in meditation you are fully capable of focusing on lives that you deem to be past or future. Often when reviewing one’s life before entering into another, the soul will bring forth to the meeting with The Council the symbols of the previous life or lives, as a reminder of lessons learned.
All communication being telepathic, the Council will know what the symbols mean and will be better able to advise on a new life experience based on those symbols. The Council is always available to help in these matters in choosing the next group of lessons that are for you to learn. One life is not automatically predetermined to be the life following the previous. In other words, you may choose whatever lessons you are slated to learn in any order in which you want to learn them. Some lessons being very difficult. Other lessons may come in the form of an easy existence, thus explaining why some entities feel they are overwhelmed and have too much on their plate while others seem to skate through life without hardly a bruise.
It is all a matter if when you choose to participate in these lessons and their level of difficulty for your spiritual evolution. If you have had many seemingly trying lifetimes, you may then decide the next incarnation will be more peaceful to you. Now, keep in mind, not all incarnate on a variety of other existences. Solar systems and planets, however most of us will come back to Earth for this phase of our spiritual growth as most of our chosen experiences are part of Earth’s solar system and we are part of that Creator’s plan. The lessons that you have choose to learn and the stage of your soul evolution will determine the place in which you will manifest your energy.
The Earth’s third dimension encompasses your physical type of body which is usually chosen for the experience needed to evolve at the level. That is not to say that those on other planets do not have a physical body for they do. They are just different than ours because of some of the atmosphere conditions. Regardless, the symbols are many and there are multitudes of them.
When referring to the Council for guidance as to what group of lessons you wish to learn in your next incarnation (if you choose to do so) you will refer to your symbols. The more incarnations one takes on and the more lessons completed the more complex your symbols become. It begins to take on a complex personality of its own so to speak because it contains all your life lessons. It is worn as a medallion would be worn.
It is up to the individual as to how the soul makes the correlation between the lesson that was learned and the symbol that it chooses to associate that lesson with. For instance, you may have a tree or symbol of a tree if that reminds you of something that you learned in the previous existence. This is left up to you because it will make the most sense to you.
However we are very familiar with each other’s symbols as we see them because telepathically we are able to understand the evolution of each soul based on his/her symbols. When communing with other souls in our home dimension, as we recognize each other and identify with each other, we also know what each other has learned in our evolution based on our symbols. We visually can see these as if they were draped around our neck as in a large circular medallion.
Life on our planet was intended to offer to mankind/womankind an abundance of diversity. It was not intended that individuals would try to stamp out by any means available what they did not understand or did not fit into their own perceived set of ideals. This applies not only to the destruction of other humans but all species that exist on the planet Earth. The different cultures were set in place as a stimulus for creativity for mankind/womankind. It was intended from the beginning that Earth would be the planet that would have beings with free will and that there would be much diversity within its cultures. Humanity has used their free will and often destroyed it at the same time.
Because of our own perceived inadequacies we have sought out someone else to blame for our failures. Civilizations are rife with individuals playing the blame game. We alone are responsible for our actions. We have consciously made the decisions. Whether they are positive or negative, our thoughts stimulated us into action and what we have acted out upon we must claim as our own. Mankind/womankind has conveniently sidestepped accountability for his/her actions using whatever forum available to pass the buck. We should certainly be able to recognize this observing the actions of our politicians, as they are masters of this game. Every being if they truly examine their life’s motivations will find themselves guilty of blaming others for their life’s mishaps. We would benefit greatly of we would rise up and admit our failures and move on without endlessly punishing others for our distorted ideas of our reality.
Each being is here, as I have said before, to spiritually evolve. It is my sincerest desire as you read this material that all of us will put down our grievances against each other and consciously start to respect the life that was given to us and to others. We are very fortunate to have been able to incarnate on our beautiful planet Earth. There are millions and millions of beings waiting to come to Earth that have not been able to because our planet is relatively small compared to some of the others. It can only sustain so much life at one time. Humans should be using this opportunity to enjoy and share the lavish benefits of the planet and interact and experience their soul’s existence with all the others who have chosen to come here. It is not one of the more evolved planets of the multitude of Universes, however it has a vast amount of learning experience for those who choose to incarnate on it.
Behaviors of greed, violence, hate and war will only suffice to eliminate our being from ever experiencing our planet when it evolves its consciousness. Planets are being prepared to receive those that do not wish to move into the peaceful harmonics. I am told that Pluto is certainly one of those more inhospitable planets with a magnitude of fear that we have never known. Given our limited perception of what I am saying, many of us deny what we are hearing, but the fact still remains. We will find out when we experience the transition of our energy upon death of our physical body, that the thoughts we create now will affect our next reality.
No one is justified in the destruction of anyone else’s culture or nation. WE are seeing examples right now, with the fanatical ideas of rogue governments and terrorists, that if not got in check, humanity will experience the destruction of many nations. We are to experience and learn from each other, not stamp each other out like mosquitoes. When humanity follows leaders that have taken individuals on a path of self-destruction, then they are only furthering their own annihilation. There are no rewards in that for the soul, none whatsoever. Those individuals will be made to experience what they have done to others in their next incarnation, only their experience will be much harder and it may not be on Earth. We have free will. We may move forward in our evolution or we may not, the choice is always ours.
At this time on our planet there is a great war going on between beings: those that have positive intentions for peace and goodwill for mankind/womankind and those that are in pursuit of negative power for domination of mankind/womankind. The scales are weighing in evenly and that is a dangerous situation for our planet. There are many probable realities in play at this time and it is up to the individuals an masse to ensure that the survival of our planet is taken seriously. Our belief systems should be examined carefully and necessary changes made within those systems if we as a species are to survive.
Most of us still have many incarnations that we would like to experience and learn from whether it be on Earth or elsewhere. The point here is that elsewhere may not be a very nice option. Much of humanity over the last 30 years has started to raise their vibrational hum and move into alignment with the plan of our world and many of us are ready to receive divine knowledge. Knowledge can only be given to us as we evolve, due to the Laws of Non-interference. As we evolve our consciousness the knowledge is released. It is why I do not give specific solutions to problems, because we are here to learn from our experiences and the answers are not to be just handed to us. It is up to us to work out our beliefs on our own and come to terms with our soul’s purpose and evolution in our own way. Many mistakes have been made. Also much has been learned.
At this time though, our planet is in danger of experiencing some very serious events unless all of us consciously examine what we have been doing. Our thoughts and actions will greatly affect the survival of our nations and our world. Never before has there been so much conflict in so many areas of our world. Never before has humanity been so close to destroying itself with its weapons of mass destruction. The negative influences that wish to keep us from evolving will use whatever means necessary to accomplish their goals. The forces of light have been diligently pouring their energies onto our planet in an effort to seal off the negative forces in their own dimension. With those energies many situations will appear to be out of control, but rest assured that the walls of dark must crumble down before they can be rebuilt with light.
Within the many Universes, Earth is a most beautiful planet. It is teaming with all sorts of life that was specifically created to enhance its eco-system and the experiences of its inhabitants. It is a most desirable place to incarnate and experience life. It is also the only planet to incarnate and experience life. It is also the only planet where there are no boundaries as to what humans can experience. Free will is pervasive on our planet as it was intended to be. Our stories of Adam and Eve were to help mankind/womankind understand that free will was the thrust of his/her existence. Within the framework of those biblical manuscripts the ideas for humanity’s behavior were set into place, knowing that with free will here would need to be some boundaries within societies. Nowadays the boundaries are so restrictive that we have almost lost the ability to experience the very essence of our soul, and in feelings of frustration many wars have been fought.
Humanity knows through natural impulses how to experience itself, but because we have been taught to ignore those impulses, we have suppressed the natural creature-hood of our being. If we would allow those impulses their freedom, a whole world of experience would open up to us. We would joyously be able to experience everything that The Creator had intended for us. We have been fighting with others and ourselves because we have not been experiencing those impulses. We have thrown them into one of the dark recesses of our mind for fear that they are bad and only fools act impulsively experiencing their existence. Animals do not suppress their impulses. They do whatever comes naturally to them. They do not question their motives for they instinctively know what they need to do to survive. Babies and small children are always using their natural impulses to develop their experiences in life. It is only they are taught not to trust those impulses that they stop experiencing them.
If we would allow ourselves the freedom to experience our soul’s journey, much could be learned and there would be no need for wars. If we would learn to just dominate ourselves and not others, our evolution would be swiftly forthcoming. I use the word dominate here, because it seems to be a method of ours to conquer and control everything around us. Everything around us is perfectly capable of controlling itself and does not need to have the interference of another to suspend its experience on our planet. Children are a perfect example of experiencing life to its fullest, that is until the peers and parents inject their beliefs into them. If left alone to experience for themselves the wonders of our planet we would see that they are quite capable of learning for themselves and experiencing life. Certainty I am not telling not to supervise our children and look out for them, but when our influence is so restrictive that our children cannot experience what come natural to them, then we are shutting down their creative impulses.
Humans have systematically suppressed the natural impulses of the species at a young age, thus spawning another generation of beings who are trapped into the belief systems of the generations before them. The same old indoctrination, drummed into their minds from generation to generation, eliminating any growth or wisdom obtained along the way. We have been systematically injecting our offspring with fear, our own fears, in an attempt to control.
If we are to evolve as a species, we cannot have societies in fear of their existence and afraid to experience their lives. We will end up with the negative forces claiming our planet as their home. These forces feed off of fear and negativity. They have an intrinsic way of filtering into our everyday way of life and our antiquated belief systems. They have had a hold on mankind/womankind for too long and as the fanatic, they will use whatever means available to them to subdue our consciousness and enslaves us to their negative way of thinking. The members of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet and Beings of Light are releasing vast amounts of energy into our world at present to prevent this from happening. But it is all predicted on how we respond with our free will as to in what direction our planet will move.
These messages that I am giving are to enable us to know SELF, to be in touch with the essence of our being: you-the-soul. Because we are presently focused on this life in this time, the changes that we make in this point of power will affect all of our simultaneous lives. We are focusing a greater portion of our energies on this timeframe now, however there are portions of our soul’s energies living out those simultaneous lives as well. We are experiencing all of our lessons at once, we are just not aware of it.
When we experience the transition of our energy from this life to our home dimension, we will be given at some point another opportunity to focus a greater portion of our energy on another one or more of the many lives we have set up for experiencing our spiritual evolution. We will enter that life or lives as we have entered this one, in that point in time as we know it. We will focus a greater portion of our energy on those lives. Now, the messages that we send to those life existences from our current point of power will be received and will affect the life experiences of those lives. This is important because our planet’s survival depends on our thoughts. Moving our thoughts and beliefs into a peaceful, loving direction and carrying out those thoughts in our actions in essentially what is going to save mankind/womankind from its own self-destruction. We are in our point of power now. Now is the time to utilize it to benefit all of our existences, past, present and future. It does not do us any good to pass the buck shall we say and hope that someone else can figure things out for us. At the end of this Blog I will give you an exercise to help us in this point of power.
Since we are in the throes of a planetary evolution, what we focus on now – the ideas and beliefs that we have now – are what is going to assist us. Many of us are very familiar with the concepts about how our energies affect the planet and for those of us who are aware of this, we should be able to see that the effects of this are happening all around us. It does no good to dwell in the negative for this is not the time.
As we observe the planet Earth from our dimension, the swirl of energy around her has been quite disturbing. We have experienced many mass events both in nature and with the behavior of our citizens. Earth cannot sustain this kind of energy for much longer. If its citizens do not start to raise their vibrational hums, the planet itself will revolt against mankind/womankind with more and more natural disasters. Since our energies create the weather and all of the planetary problems, it would behoove us to start to take a serious look at what we have been doing. If the citizens of the planet surround themselves with an abundance of negativity, that negativity will and does create disturbing weather patterns around the planet. Everything in our eco-system is affected by our mind/thought energy whether we realize it or not. We can eliminate all of the disturbing weather patterns if we change our thoughts and move into a loving peaceful alignment with each other and the planet. If we could see it from another dimension we would be saddened to see the destruction of what was once a beautiful paradise where all creatures lived in harmony with each other. It is not too late to change.
EXERCISE: POINT OF POWER As I have mentioned before in other Blogs, focusing on your own point of power will allow you to know you: your soul. Take five minutes out of your day to focus on your emotional, spiritual and psychic abilities and nothing else. This is of great benefit and will enable you to bring your physical being in alignment with you-the-soul. Focus on you, your soul and nothing else. Bring to your thoughts a desire for an awareness of your being. Listen to the hum of you, feel the vibrational hum of your being. Again, do this and then forget about it. It’s that simple. Notice how you feel after the five minutes are up. For the human vehicle it can be almost intoxicating to suddenly become aware of the soul of self and the peacefulness that surrounds it when the ego is not involved. As you do this daily, you will start to increase your own vibrational hum and move your being into alignment with the planetary evolution.
In a sense, we could truthfully say that the foundational tenets and energies of Christianity, and indeed of all of our World Religions, originated in the divine matriarchy. This makes sense, does it not? The cradle of civilization, then, including the religions of all of the world, was this matriarchy we are calling GA. It is the mother that gives birth to the child; it is the matriarchy the gives birth to society and the world’s civilizations as a whole. Period.
Quite naturally now, and conversely here if you follow my reasoning: within linear time, within the evolution of cultures, within this melting pot of GA, the patriarchy made itself known through the actions of humans who resisted the notion of the ascendancy of the feminine generally, but particularly in the religious and political domains.
Notice here that we are not ascribing competing values to the matriarchal and patriarchal concerns. Both occur within our system of reality. Both are valid expressions. However, if you remember our assertion that the human is born, quite literally, out of Love: the all encompassing Love of All That Is, you may also remember that the negative emotions and all emotions in between Love and hate are also experienced while living the life. In this same way, out of a desire to know itself to the nth degree – to the ultimate perimeters of consciousness, you see – All That Is sought to create “tension” within the creative domain of evolutionary consciousness manifestation, by embodying itself in the form of human behaving in ways different than Lovingly and Courageously. Thus, a different perspective was found within individual consciousness, within tribes, within the smallest most elementary forms of society. A choice was created. The choice was between Loving Understanding and Courage of fear, anger and everything else in between the two polarities. In the case of the GA civilization, it was quite abrupt, the transformation. There was a critical mass achieved within the population once a majority of patriarchal god worshippers was reached. Almost evernight, you might say, the change occurred, and it was experienced within the collective consciousness of the GA people that an era had ended. A paradise on Earth was no longer possible. I hope you sense my irony in this last statement.