Category Archives: Inner universe

Chromesthesia: color hearing.

Within our system colors may be perceived as sound (chromesthesia, or’color hearing’). Their connections with human moods are only too apparent. Sound alone, entering the body, instantaneously changes it. Any perception instantly changes the perceiver. It also changes the thing perceived.


Many people undergo some form of chromesthesia–that is, certain colors or color patterns are seen upon hearing certain sounds.


A fantastic sound that’s imprisoned in a crystal, that speaks through light, that’s the essence of personality. An almost jewel-like colored sounds.

Sound, and various symbolic attributes of that phenomenon, are uniting factors.

Not only slow and fast sounds, but inner, audible and inaudible manifestations or translations of sound.


My recent vision I’d had, involving a ladder-like series of doors opening and closing silently. Felt sound.


Basically, the physical body has the potential for perceiving stimuli on a generalized basis. By this I mean that although the eyes are for seeing, the ears for hearing, and so forth. The potentials of the physical body include the capacity to hear, for example, through any given portion of the bodily expanse. Sound, then, can be felt as well as heard, although in such cases we may say that the sound is heard in the depths of the tissues; this, however, being an analogy. Feeling sound, merely experienced from a different perspective.

Tachyons, are supposed faster-than light particles

In out-of-the-body states, consciousness can travel faster than light–often, in fact, instantaneously. Conscious “Units” moving faster than light. Super-speed entities. Some of these in our terms share the same space as our own universe. We simply would not perceive such particles as mass. And: there are many ranges and great varieties of such units, all existing beyond our perceivable reach.


Ordinarily we think of mass as meaning the bulk and or/weight of an object. In classical physics the amount of matter in a given object is measured according to its relation to inertia, which in turn is the tendency of matter to keep moving in the same direction, if moving, or to stay at rest if at rest. An object’s mass is arrived at through dividing its weight by the acceleration caused by gravity.


In his special theory of relativity, however, Albert Einstein showed that mass is a highly concentrated form of energy. Any object contains energy “on deposit” in its mass, then. The masses of colliding subatomic “particles,” for instance, can be transferred into both energy and new particles.


In the physics of elementary particles, time reversal, or symmetry, is a basic concept. Conscious “Units”, can move forward or backward in time. But they can also , move into thresholds of time with which we are not familiar. The relationship involving electron spin and the direction, or flow, of time.


Its a sort of super-relaxation; Almost profound, and mental and physical at once. A completely different thing than just yawing, even though I might be yawning.


The relaxation involves a curious sense of dropping down inwardly, of going slowly beneath the realities we usually recognize. It’s a smooth transition in which perception is slowed down top-wise, but deepened so that usually unperceived stimuli seem to rise from an underside of consciousness and bodily sensation. In that kid of relaxation the body itself perceives differently. Looking at a leaf while in that state, I easily feel myself as part of the leaf, and I think this is a biological as well as a psychic perception. At certain levels the body feels that way itself, although ordinarily we aren’t aware of it. Such relaxation, then is almost an extension of biological insight.


In conventional terms, atoms are regarded as the submicroscopic entities making up all objects and substances in our world. Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. (An atom of hydrogen, however, is made up of but one proton and one electron.) All is in balance: The number of positive charges on the nucleus equals the number of negatively charged electrons. Particle-wave duality involving the components of the atom.

Atoms combine to form molecules. If the assembled atoms are all alike, an element results; if two or more different kinds of atoms combine into molecules, a compound is created.

Atom’s Core Sound

The slow thing, represented by drawn-out sounds, is in the center of the atom. That’s surrounded by faster-than-light particles, represented by the real fast sounds. The center of this thing–whatever it is–is massive in terms of mass. I don’t know whether this means it’s heavy or not, but it’s tremendous in terms of mass–though it may be very small in size.


Everything is conscious, of course. Atoms and molecules, the whole thing. The massive part is the core. This core is, I believe, not discovered yet [by physicists], and it’s so slow to us that no motions is apparent. I don’t know whether this is an atom or not. We can call it a dead hole. Its motion in our terms is so slow as not to be observable, but in terms of time it’s backward motion.


This core is always surrounded by these faster-than-light particles. This is a structure, but it does cause a pulling-in or wrinkling effect where it appears. There are many of these, I think, in our galaxy as well as others. Nothing can be drawn through the dead hole, though, as things can be drawn through the black hole, because of [the dead hole’s] literally impenetrable mass. Now as with atoms alone, and all other such structures, these also exist as sound. Black holes and white holes do also. The sounds are actually characteristics that act as cohesive, characteristics automatically given off. The slower center portions of the dead holes themselves move backward into beginnings becoming heavier and heavier.


In a way of speaking we could say these centers fall through space, but they really fall through the space of themselves. As they fall backward through themselves–the faster-than-light particles collapse in on top. The dead hole seems to swallow itself, with the real fast particles like a lid that gradually diminishes. From our point of view the hole is closed, say, once the faster-than-light particles follow the slower core backward into beginnings.


As the core goes backward–“in time,” however, it begins to accelerate. I don’t know how to put this. When it emerges in another universe, the faster-than-light particles have slowed down, and the core becomes faster than light. The dead hole is repeated in microscopic size. Before the emergence of the atom, as an analogy, we could say that the dead hole we’ve been talking about emerges as an atom in another universe. But it’s the stage before the appearance, or the stage from which an atom comes.



Speaking of the dead hole in a galaxy, say ours, it emerges in what would be to us an atom of fantastic size, but the same thing happens on a different scale as far as the creation of matter is concerned within our own system.


Sound is connected here also, and each one of these phenomena has consciousness that does express itself, and is aware of the stages through which it passes. In certain terms, dead holes connect past, present; also future. In practical terms they have to do with the seeming permanence of an object. They are the invisible portions of the atom. There are giant-sized atoms, as well as the ones we are familiar with.

djg dxgc

Dead holes turn into live holes, where the motion and impetus, in our terms, would be toward the future. The core appears as matter-to-be.

Long sound

The moment point, the present, is the point of intersection between all existences and reality. All probabilities flow through it, though one of our moments may be experienced as centuries, or as a breath, in other probable realities of which we are part. There are systems in which a moment, from our standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe.
These are “side pools” of consciousness.
All consciousness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties.

The truth of dreaming is a science long forgotten.

Such an art, pursued, trains the mind in a new kind of consciousness–one that is equally at home in either [exterior or interior], well grounded and secure in each.


The Dream-Art Scientist, The True Mental Physicist, The Complete Physician–such designations represent the kind of training that could allow us to understand the unknown, and therefore the known reality, and so become aware of the blueprints that exist beyond the physical universe.



The inner atmospheric ‘waves’ have a certain regularity. They are more intense at certain times than others.

We are ‘reincarnated’ many times during one accepted lifetime.

There are often great challenges to which we respond. We pick these for our own reasons. In doing so we often change affiliations.


Consciousness forms patterns of identities. They move faster than the speed of light. They can be in more than one place at one time. They can operate in a free wheeling fashion as identities in themselves, or as ‘psychological particles.’ They can also operate in a wavelike fashion, flowing through other such particles. They can form together into endless, infinite combinations, forming psychological gestalts. Certain portions of these gestalts can then operate as ‘psychological particles’ in time and space, while other portions operate in a wavelike manner outside of time and space. These represent the unconscious elements of the species, which become ‘particleized’ in physical existence.


As long as we think in terms off [subatomic] particles, and WAVES we are basically of track .

The idea of interrelated fields comes closer, of course, yet even here we are simply changing one kind of term for one like it, only slightly different. In all of these cases we are ignoring the reality of consciousness, and its gestalt formation and materialization. Until we perceive the innate consciousness behind any ‘visible’ or ‘invisible’ manifestations, then, we put a definite barrier to our own knowledge.

There is now real different between the concepts of fields and wave/particles.

My words I hope will not be used to begin a new dogma

My dogma is the sacrilegious one–that each of us is a good individual. There is nothing wrong with our emotions, or feelings, or being. When we know ourselves that we are joyfully–responsive, and being joyfully responsive, we can carry our society to the furthest reaches of its creativity.


The slightest perception alters every atom within the body

There are changes in the positive and negative atomic charges, alterations of movement inside the atoms in the smaller particles, a change in pulsation rate. The activity of atoms is actually caused by perceptive qualities. To begin with, atoms do not just move with themselves because they are atoms. The constant motion within them is caused by the unending perceptive nature of any consciousness, however minute in our terms.



Each of the particles within the atom is perceptively aware of all the other particles within that same atom. They move in response to stimuli that come from other atoms. Each atom within a cell, for example, is aware of the activity of each of the other atoms there, and to some extent of the stimuli that come to the cell itself from outside of it.


Perceptions in general physical terms usually seem to involve information picked up from an arbitrarily structure, of an event seemingly occurring in another structure outside of itself. In the entire act of perception, however, there is a oneness and a unity between the seemingly objectively perceived event and the perceiver.


The entire act has its own electromagnetic reality, and the event is actually electromagnetic motion. The movement within the atoms, is therefore basically a part of the entire perceived event.


Egotistically, we make arbitrary designations of necessity, perceiving only portions of any given action, the ego attempting to separate itself from overall action, and to see itself as an entirely independent structure.


To go into modern knowledge of the components of the atom can be a very complicated task, note that such particles are regarded as actually being packets of energy, or “probability patterns”, that can also manifest themselves as waves, both the particle and the wave aspects are legitimate in space-time. An atom, then, is composed of a “heavy” positively charged nucleus orbited by “lighter” negatively charged electrons.


The electron is the lightest particle known to have mass and charge, and its internal structure – whatever it may be is unknown. The atomic nucleus is largely made up of more massive protons and neutrons, but investigation within the nucleus has either uncovered or produced many other subatomic particles as well – over 200 of these, some of them unstable, are presently known. All of the particles or probability patterns discussed here would be composed of the much , much smaller “units of consciousness”.