Category Archives: Inner universe


Thus the evolving experience of the awakening student represents these continually updated projections of the Essential Identity into the Third Dimension. This is our life. As a human on this trajectory of Soul Evolution, your awakening consciousness is reflected in the ongoing products of your consciousness: your body, your environment, your life.

Dear Blog Reader, you are always in-tune with your creations, your Personal Reality. You are always getting what you ask for. But you may ask, “I am certainly not getting what I want. I am poor, sickly and quite unhappy. How can you say that?” In my presentations to you in physical reality we rely on a basic assumption that you are the creator of your world. As I said, you create your reality, your Personal Reality Field. You are connected to everyone and everything else in the created Universe through the Consciousness Units. Thus, as a collective of humans, we create our consensus realities. On the basic level, then, you look out in front of you and see your part of this Universe: your home, your friends and family, your job site, and so on. Now on the collective, progressed level of perception, the Visionary State, you might call it, when you look out in front of you, you may be witnessing your multidimensional reality. Visions of other lives may play out before you or upon the inner screen of your creative imagination. So let us here differentiate between these two states of consciousness perception and thus Reality Creation.


Let us cover probable effects of consciousness in the Third Dimension. To begin, as we know, our individual and collective realities are created from limitless probabilities. These probable thoughts, images, emotions, and so on, exist within the etheric, what we also call the pre-manifestation domain. It is from this dimension that our Earthly dimension emerges.

Now all probable effects have a singular charge. This tendency to appear in the particular way of the proposed effect, has, as I said, bioelectric and electromagnetic properties. In our terms, everything in the etheric domain. With your imagination, with your consciousness, you consistently add to this repository of potential. By thinking about the goodness of humanity, for example, you positive imagery, emotions, thoughts and other elements seek out their likeness in this pre-manifestation domain, as well as their opposites. The opposites serve to give depth and counterpoint. Through Resonance these correlations are energized, amplified, supported, given life, you see.

In a sense, the negative is inferred through the positive expression, in contrast, you see, in relative contrast. If you wish to think in terms of dynamics within a system, a system of reality, you could theorize that through Resonance, both the positive and the negative, in addition to all expressions in between these two polarities, are expressed to the nth degree throughout the past, present, and future. Value Fulfillment occurs simultaneously with this expression.


Now do personalize the protection Ritual. Put your personality and your personal energy in it. Also it helps to link this creative state of consciousness to a memory, a thought, an image or gesture. In this way you may immediately create a felt sense of protection, security, Love while you are out in your waking world with a mere snap of your fingers. Or perhaps you carry a card in your pocket with the word “Sanctuary” printed on it. Every time you take it out of your pocket and look at it. Sanctuary is created automatically. Again, why does it occur? It occurs because you create your reality.


Prosperity and the Victim Stance

If you feel as though you are experiencing Lack, you have a perspective Issue. You exist within an Abundant Universe, however your Issues act as barriers between you and prosperity. Your beliefs, you see, are actively obscuring your perception of this Abundant Universe.

Let me explain the activity of Resonance at it applies to the Victim. Now Resonance is a dynamic process. It is composed of Light energy fluctuations achieving balance within electromagnetic influences. The Consciousness Units flash on and off, creating different realities in different time-frames. On the basic level, what you focus on consciously, or unconsciously, has a particular vibratory frequency that attempts to replicate itself in physical reality.

On the unconscious level, for example, let us suppose that you have a tendency to create just enough prosperity to sustain yourself, yet never enough to relax and enjoy your life. This is how you view it, your manifestation of your person reality.

This is a type of victim stance, in that, you see yourself as “trying to get ahead,” as we say, but it never quite happens.

In my terms, your prosperity evades you for you are creating unconsciously according to less-than-best case scenarios created in your past. These scenarios may have been developed by you in your response to perceived stress, trauma, negative experiences, you see. These are protective strategies that serve to protect you at THAT STAGE of your development: the point in your growth as a Soul in which you sustained the emotional injuries, the damage, you might say, to the Emotional Body. The ego/intellect, the conscious mind attempts to protect you in this way. It keeps from you this negative material. It represses it.

This resonance phenomenon is actively working within your subconscious to match the vibratory frequency of you victim strategy to people, places and things in your physical world. Subconsciously, then, you are creating your reality through this resonance effect, that seeks a match of outside to inside energies.


ESSENTIAL METAPHOR – You are on a path to your past, to your birth. As you go back in time on this path you see on the side of the road, events, places where you split off parts of yourself and left them. The idea is to collect these aspects or parts of self and integrate them into your personality through Intent. You go all the way back to your birth. When you have done this adequately, you can go back beyond and before your birth to the time in between lives, in the Home Dimension and into other lives.

Now if you have issues of abuse from childhood, these issues may be healed from the present. As you walk this path you see different events being recreated on the side of the road. You see where you have left parts of yourself at different stages of development in your life. The idea is to collect these Feeling-Tones and bring them back to the present. This is healing the Soul. It allows you to integrate all of this material and navigate the developmental phase that was interrupted by the trauma.


Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system

We are on our Earth to learn a variety of Lessons: some pleasant, some certainly not pleasant, as you perceive it. This may reference that it is the human condition that we may very well experience humiliation and ecstatic awakening in successive moments of Reality Creation. The possibilities are limitless within each moment of our existence. Thus may assertion that All of created reality is available to us within each moment of co-creating with All That Is.

Everything that can exist, does, within the Conscious Units. We could say that the Conscious Units has this limitless potential to become anything imagined. Yet we ARE experiencing our Lessons. We ARE witnessing the feedback of our mentality that is our Personal Reality, that is, remember, constructed through “instructions,” we might say, from our ego/intellect. Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system. This aspect of our consciousness believes that it is getting a “TRUE” picture of reality as it unconsciously creates the Reincarnational Dramas and comedies of our life.


They are co-creating their reality intentionally, with divine guidance..

As you learn your Lessons, consciously or unconsciously, you are aided and abetted by Soul Family members. Perhaps you already know of my theory of Soul Family: you incarnate together to learn your Lessons together. Consider the previous example. The challenging expert may well be a Soul Family member learning their Lessons with our subject, the male/female student on the spiritual path. Yet, suppose that the expert is NOT on a spiritual path of any sort. They are not aware of any subtext of Reincarnational Drama in their interactions with our student.

However, they are still learning their Lessons in this example. They are learning their Lessons by default. Suppose that this expert is arrogant but is continually experiencing opportunities to learn humility, as in our example. The expert has a choice of demeaning our student and learning their Lesson by default – essentially improving their arrogance and avoiding the Lesson of humility – or perhaps acknowledging the communication stream of the Divine within their consciousness. In this case they are relinquishing control, and allowing the higher centers – the higher powers – their involvement. Humility is achieved, thereby, and the expert is no longer learning by default; they are co-creating their reality intentionally, with divine guidance, you might say.

Similarly, for all concerned in this interaction, for all Soul Family members, there exists varying levels of participation in the Reincarnational Drama. Everyone is learning something here, either consciously or by default. In this way, even the simple representation of consciousness manifestation within this interaction between the expert and the student, is imbued with divine importance. For all involved have the opportunity to “do the right thing,” and co-create their existence from the divine perspective for the highest good of all , you see.


It is as though the subconscious is helping us to face the music…

As a creator of realities we witness our mental and emotional material projected outward into physicality. Because this is, for the most part, a subconscious activity, as we have said, this feedback that is the Personal Reality field may contain some disagreeable elements as in fear and anger-inspiring events – the Reincarnational Dramas.

This material “slips out” from the subconscious through the censor that is the ego/intellect and into the rich medium of Consciousness Units that composes our little piece of the Universe. In these dramas, as we are presented our Lessons, we are, in a sense, “forced” to perceive these Issues. It is as though the subconscious, at least for the moment, is helping us to face the music and learn our Lessons.

We are thus challenged to react to transform. Yet many of us, again, with the aid of denial and intellectualization, sidestep this intervention by finding reasons to account for the dramas. We find reasons for the dramas or we refuse to even consider our contribution. This we call denial. We do have a choice, however, in each instance.


This multitasking may produce profound insights into thoughts and behaviors…

Do you notice the difference here between conscious and unconscious creation? In my new Blogs we discuss a valuable exercise for the student: Embodying the Observer Perspective. One simply creates a personality aspect or aspect of the personal consciousness that observes objectively the events within the life.

This multitasking may produce profound insights into thoughts and behaviors. You are experiencing and remembering in this perspective BOTH the unconscious creation of realities and the conscious creation of realities. The two merge in the beginning of your studies, as you learn how to distinguish the one from the other. Then as you master the technique, you find that you may easily embody the observer perspective for successive moments, minutes, and even hours. You are making the unconscious conscious in this way.

Put another way… the explorer voyages into and through the unknown reality and Courageously and Lovingly acknowledges ALL that is found within this underground of the personal psyche. A broader perspective is obtained in this exploration.

And another… the conscious is taken into the subconscious ritually. Over time the two perspectives meld one to the other. As awakening occurs the Observer Perspective becomes enriched by both conscious and unconscious material. The synthesis of the two perspectives creates the Enlightened or Visionary consciousness.


I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world...

Now, intellectualization and denial are your friends here as you attempt to avoid your Lessons. We are all powerful. We have the capacity to experience our world as the Logos, the Creator, All That Is. We could have anything we want, potentially, anything we would wish to create.

However, you are a human experiencing a lifetime of Lessons on our world. You have forgotten – the necessary amnesia – your great powers, and now you see difficulties, Lack, all sorts of negative realities before you. So intellectualization helps you to find reasons for the negative realities you are creating. Denial helps you place the blame elsewhere for your negative states and your negative realities.

But look… an inkling of the truth beginning to pierce the veil of illusion that is our perceived reality. You are beginning to see the connections between your negative thoughts and the negative outcomes. Slowly you are formulating within your consciousness a new paradigm of understanding. Perhaps it goes something like this: I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world. All the reasons, in truth, point to my culpability in all instances of my existence,


Challenge your own beliefs about your world…

What do You See In Front Of You? You see All That Is in front of you. Everything in created reality is in front of you for you to see. But we have lenses of perception that prevent us from seeing All that is. You must filter All That Is through these lenses – beliefs – so that you are not awestruck, dumbfounded, fascinated to the extreme, every time you look in front of you.

However, if you believe our assertion that great numbers of us are awakening at this time, you may also see what is required for you and your perception of our world. In a sense, you could say that you are being challenged to “look beyond” your limited beliefs of what is out there in front of you. You are being asked to, courageously now, challenge your own beliefs about our world.

So when I suggest that DORIAN, for example, as she observes her bird friends bathing, drinking water, and eating the seeds, is also experimenting with a perception of the larger view – The Macrocosm – I am simply noting what many of us are now experiencing.

Specifically now… as DORIAN observes the birds, she may also fairly easily observe her Personal Reality Field through a “higher” perspective. This perspective is that of the Soul Self, the Energy Personality, the god within. Both perspectives – the mundane and the exalted – coexist without interference one from the other. In fact, each perspective envorses, and in a sense, “comments” upon the other, in a quest for further understanding, a clearer perspective, Enlightenment. Multitasking we call it. You are quite comfortably maintaining your Personal Reality Field through your ego/intellect perspective, while also achieving stability observing and creating through the Soul Self.