Category Archives: HYPNOSIS


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from a future probable self who is succeeding in this project.

You exist within a Matrix of probability and potential. Every thought of yours attempts to prove itself in physical reality. Because all values are explored by consciousness in all cases, there exists for you personally a best-case-scenario with regards to your Soul Mate encounter. This ideal exists within the consciousness of a future probable self of yours that you may contact in the Trance State.


Achieve your Trance State as you usually do. Relax and enjoy this process of going deeper within. With your Intention as your guide, imagine your consciousness travelling, free, as in the Spirit Body, or perhaps within a visualized transport of some kind to the place where future probable realities exist for you personally.

When you sense that you have arrived, again use your Intention to tune-in on the Best-Case-Scenario probable life with regards to this Soul Mate project. You may notice it, in that, there is a pleasant aroma, image, sound, or tactile sensation associated with it.

Now conduct a brief interview with this future probable self of yours, to gather the information you require to replicate the behaviors, ideas, images and so on, upon which this ideal outcome is based. You will have total recall of this information you are receiving from this future probable self. Gradually return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings immediately.


As you master the Techniques and you gain your personally Findings from Experimentation, you will experience the confidence that comes from co-creating your existence with the Divine. In time you will find your own success in this project: success as YOU define it. Keep at it with Loving Understanding, Courage and with faith in a positive outcome.


Hypothesis: Suggestions given in the Uncommon Trance can help you improve your reality.

We have presented this experiment to you in different forms in our new Blog Series. Here we shall present the same strategy to you with a focus on the Soul Mate encounter. However, you could also make the focus one of Business Soul Family Members, Spiritual Practice Soul Family Members, and so on.


Enter your Trance State as you usually do in these experiments. Relax. Go deeper and deeper into your state of relaxation. By now you have no doubt discovered the level of Trance that is most effective for you to achieve your goals. Please adjust your consciousness to enter into that state now. You may have a gesture or empowered thought that triggers the state of consciousness instantaneously. If so, use that trigger now.

The goal here is to focus on a stream of Inner Dialogue, such that the words become internalized. This means you carry this empowered statement with you throughout your waking day, and indeed, into the dream state at the end of your day.

Keeping it quite simple, you might consider the phrase, “I am looking forward to meeting my divine partner. It is inevitable. It is exciting. It is happening NOW!” Repeat this phrase or a phrase of your own making, in the Trance State until it is committed to memory, until it becomes a circular thought that is habitually repeated without much effort.

After about 15 minutes of this, gradually come up to the surface awareness. You may find that your mood is elevated, empowered, romantically inclined.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings Immediately after coming out of trance and after you notice effects in the field.


HYPOTHESIS: You may enrich your auric display with positive attributes

Let us try this experiment. Briefly, you track the changes in the Auric Display as you intentionally feed it with positive images, emotions, and so on, relative to the desired Soul Mate.


First, you note the benchmark of Auric expression when you begin the exercise, as you did in the preceding Blog experiment. Then you would watch for beneficial changes as you feed the positive messages into your consciousness. These suggestions are built with affirmative statements that you energize with your self-generated positive emotions.

Thus, you might create a personalized mantra:

I anticipate an encounter with my Loving mate within the next two weeks time. I am filled with Loving Understanding and personal power…

As you turn over this mantra in your mind, open your eyes, if that is appropriate, and look in the mirror. You may notice with your physical eyes that your Auric Display brightens. Your energy expands.

Or if you would prefer to keep your eyes closed… get a sense of your Emotional Body, as we have described in Blogs, and look for changes on the perimeter of this image with your Inner Senses. You may also sense the improvements with your other Inner Senses, as in feeling a sensuous, even erotic intensification. You may hear voices of one kind or another. Aromas may come to you, suggesting romantic encounters, and so on.

Please notice how this Arua of yours brightens, and perhaps changes color with the thoughts of healing. This is the edge of manifestation we speak of in the blog. When you first notice improvements you duly noted these changes without cynical denial, without self-deprecation. In this way, you firm-up your creation, your effects. Then, in the next few moments of creation you push this altered state of perception into the future by keeping cynicism at bay.

The next step is to emerge from your Trance and into your waking world. You will be taking this improved Essential Identity into your Personal Reality for experimental purposes. Follow-up equals noting Findings on Soul Mate Encounters that happen in the field.

FINDINGS- Document your findings, perhaps noting the personalized triggers we described earlier.


I trust I am not overemphasizing these states of consciousness as I continually speak of their utmost importance in these practices. Loving Understanding and Courage are the primary tools we will utilize in this quest for the beloved mate.

Initially we will assess our own consciousness in a Courageously Loving fashion, perhaps practicing self-forgiveness along the way. Secondly we will go out into the world on a Courageous and Loving quest for our intimate partner, or as I said, we will identify our current partner as a potential Soul Mate.

The two attributes of consciousness also come in handy as we develop our relationship and live lives together. Thus, Courageous Intimacy: our term for the strategy used by partners who are awakening together.


This system for manifestation is similar to others in our Blogs. We present Techniques, Experiments, and Rituals for us to implement in our waking reality. Systematically, ritually, Loving observing these practices, leads to an eventual irresistible tendency to CONTINUE to carry out the practrices.

The system becomes habitual. Positive effects are anticipated and when they are manifest we are empowered. We master the practices through practice, practice, practice. This is the power of the Rituals of Healing.


Soul Mate

The concept of the Soul Mate is paramount in the minds of humans in our time frame. The search for the perfect partner occupies millions of moderns, who feel obligated I suppose, to seek out their most perfect match. It is somewhat of a biological imperative that drives so many of us on the quest for our Soul Mate, whatever that may imply for us.

The phenomenon is further complicated – or enriched, however we wish to see it – by the contributions of our popular media. This is not necessarily the Negative Media we speak if often and mystical genres. Through our daily horoscopes that have become popular, much of what was once material is being available to the public at large.

With this revelation of the Ancient Wisdom comes the inevitable degradation of these concepts by authors with an agenda based on the ego/intellect. And so we have a sacred concept transformed into some romanticized idea denoting the “must have” relationship for men and women in our era. We wish to acquire a Soul Mate as we wish to acquire a new car or furniture. Forgive me for making light of our lust for acquisition.


In our day-to-day existence it is quite easy for us to lose track of time as we go about our duties on our job, within activities in our home, etc. Our routines are just that, as we keep to habitual patterns of behaving and experiencing. Then suppose that something unique happens in our life to break the Common Trance for us, if only momentarily.

Suppose, for example, while we are within our home attending to our tasks for the day, that the doorbell rings and we answer the call to meet a man or a woman on our doorstep who is in obvious distress. This human has perhaps run out of gas directly in front of our home and needs to use our telephone to get assistance from a family member.

Any unusual intervention would do here, you see. The human in distress has interrupted our routine and brought us back into the moment of experiencing. We are now focused within this moment as we decide what to do with this stranger. We are perhaps assessing them as to whatever dangers they may present to us. Or we may be already assured, by some internal response, that they are harmless, let us say, as we prepare to allow them into our home. Or perhaps we are only prepared to make the call for them as they wait on the other side of the locked door.


Hypothesis: By anticipating the positive future we create it.

Anticipation occurs in the spacious moment. In past Blogs I have defined for you the Moment Point and the Point of Power. These are terms that describe the current full moment in your present co-creation activities. Simply, it is your Moment Point if you say it is, Dear Blog Reader. You are bringing your Intention and power to bear on the manifestation phenomenon in the present moment.

Perform your Ritual of Sanctuary

Relax and attain your Trance State. You might experiment with achieving this through linking the Divine state of consciousness to sitting down in your comfortable chair or wherever you hold your meditations.

Now… you are in your Moment Point. Your Point of Power exists Now as your portal to affecting your future IN A POSITIVE WAY. Imagine before you all the positive realities you have related while working with this material. The ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness supports you. The contact with the Divine may be experienced as a tingling sensation between your physical eyes. All of your Guides and Helpers, known and unknown, surround you and support you. Bring all of your Inner Senses into this exercise to enliven it and strengthen the manifestation. Stay with it for a few minutes. Return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your experiences.

EXERCISE – Consolidate your findings.

While working with the many techniques and experiments provided for you in this Blog, you have no doubt had differing outcomes of success. You are an individual with individual educational needs. Hopefully you are taking what serves you best and incorporating it into your Reality Creation agendas.

In this final exercise we are asking you to make a list of those techniques and experiments that have helped you the most in the creation of positive realities and in the learning of lessons. Please take a few minutes to go over your notes and Findings and assemble the material that “speaks to you” most strongly and authentically here. This should be a pleasant and easy exercise. The material that did not work quite well enough for you may be saved for another day. For now, simple make your list of five to possibly ten relevant Findings and particularly successful outcomes of the techniques and experiments we have offered in these Blogs.


Now those among us who find ourselves called to act within our social groups, will find our paths are cleared of obstacles to progress. Soul progression is the order of the day, you see. This divine attitude is therefore reflected within our Personal and Collective Reality Fields. It is really as simple as “keeping a good thought,” as the saying goes. Is this simplistic New Age wishful thinking? Yes it is, simple and direct and extremely powerful.

This Blog Series we title THE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY for a very good reason. The simple act of keeping a good thought, when observed ritually by many thousands of humans, will lead to the creation of positive Loving realities that are the catalyst for the mass-awakening of humanity.

So again, the simple, the basic becomes the profoundly effective exponentially, as we, for example, remind our co-workers to focus on the positives, the Loving outcomes of the daily work activities. Or when we teach our young child the simple skill of focusing on the positives, as a basis for the creation of positive outcomes. The simple becomes the profound, my friend.


Now we may discuss affecting the Consensus World Reality from the privacy of our own Personal Reality Field. Just as our advice to “keep a good thought” a simplistic solution to transform negative realities – was offered to you the blog reader, this technique of contributing to the Positive Manifestation within the Consensus World Reality from our Personal Reality if offered with just as much surety that you will find success. The simplistic becomes the profoundly effective, as in other examples we have discussed.

Now what are we saying, in so much as we are describing the Positive Manifestation? First let me state emphatically that we are NOT describing the reality presented to you in the media. You well know by now that I am quite impatient with the purveyors of madness and violence and negativity that we refer to as the Negative Media.

These media would be the sensationalist newspapers, the war-mongering television programs presented as “news,” the violent controlling internet websites. These media present what we might call “the accepted” worldview of our deluded leaders and their business associates, the pillagers of our worldly goods, including our natural resources, the stores of our Mother Earth.

This is why we find ourselves prisoners of quite toxic Consensus Reality, you see. Many of us are using the “templates” offered to us by these Negative Media, to create a negative fearful reality. In a sense, many of us believe it is our “civic duty” to do so.

For example: some of us believe with all our might that we are good citizens if we prepare for the “imminent” terrorist attack from our “enemies.” And so we stock up on the necessities of life in preparation for a few months or years underground, in our safe room. This is ridiculous my friend. Now I am certainly not speaking to you personally here, I am referring simply to those of you who have fallen under the spell of negative conditioning perpetrated by our leaders and the business interests that “rule” our world.

But let us examine what sort of Consensus Reality we help to create from the “safety” of our safe room. Are you contributing to a world based on Love and the acceptance of our fellow human beings without judgment of fear? I think not. In all probability, we are from our safe room, merely adding to the hatred, adding to the fear, helping to do our part in the perpetuation of negative realities.


The Consensus Reality Field is our term for the broader field of Reality Creation of which we are a part by virtue of our individually created world. Our Personal Reality Field serves us well within our niche in our environment. It is ” tailor made” according to our specifics, both conscious and unconscious. Now the broader field of Reality Creation may be thought of as comprising, for example, our neighborhood, our city, our state, our country, our hemisphere and finally our world – the planet Earth.

I will not bore you with more descriptions of how we create the Personal Reality Field. Suffice it to say that we and the others who live in our neighborhood, achieve a consensus while sleeping on what will be created, in so far as our neighborhood goes, upon awakening. Obviously this holds true for the manifestation of our city’s Consensus Reality, our state’s and so on.