There is spontaneity and there is spontaneity…
When you are in your Issues and succumbing to the forces of negativity, you are not consciously co-creating your world: you are being driven by the negative emotions to continue to create negative emotions and the negative realities that ensue when you focus on the negative. It is primarily a subconscious process, as we have said.

In my system, as in some others you might name, the process of change is quite simple; fear is transformed into Courage in the moment, anger into Loving Understanding. This is how we create positive realities.

Now there is spontaneously, “on impulse” as we say, re-create anger in your current moments? Over-and-over you create anger – second-to-second, minute-to-minute, and hour-to-hour – until you have created “spontaneously” a negative state of consciousness for yourself. From my perspective, this is not spontaneity nor is it acting on impulses. This is simply the habitual creation of negative states. It is irresponsible and it is largely counterproductive for the individual.

True spontaneity is not the robotic re-creation of the current emotional state. It is not reaction without direction. In the true spontaneous moment there is a brief pause of reflection that occurs. One responds to the positive, to the positive manifestation, rather than the negative. One responds to the divine emotions, you might say, rather than the baser emotions. The choice is made in this pause of reflection to do the right thing. And you do.