Category Archives: Feelings

Emotions and Fear of Death

Refined emotions, yes you will no longer operate on the emotional level of fear. The fear is what is going to be removed from us at this time in the evolution of our soul. Fear is the emotion of the dark forces. The dark forces would love to see mankind/womankind bathed in a sea of fear. Many, many books have brought to light the evolution of the soul and have thus started to eliminate mankind’s/womankind’s fears about his/her being and about his/her so-called impending death, because death does not exist.

One of the first and biggest steps of mankind/womankind is to realize that death is just a transition of his/her energy from the physical body to another form of energy. We are no more dead now than we will be on the day that we die and “die” meaning the day that our physical body ceases to function.

The preservation of the species of mankind/womankind is predicated on the knowledge that he/she will know that he/she will continue to exist in a peaceful and harmonious environment and that with his/her very thoughts he/she will move his/her species into that peaceful realm. Most of mankind/womankind does not want to have to come back and face the negativity and fears associated with our existence right now. As we know, we have chosen to experience these lives and in doing so it would behoove us to experience then in a more peaceful manner than to constantly be fighting for our ego-survival.

The negative forces have had such a horrible impact on the physical body and the mass belief systems of the entities on our planet. They have done much to destroy the natural healing processes that the body was built with. If left alone the body is perfectly capable of taking care of itself. It does not need artificial means to stimulate it or to prevent it from doing its job. It was beautifully designed to enhance the experience of the human condition. It was meant to experience all of its parts joyously and freely for the growth and the evolution of the soul.

Anger is a natural emotion. If left unchecked to just allow itself to manifest it will dissolve itself. We need to experience anger to release the energies that caused the anger but in that release we should not be hurting others but instead question why we had the anger. What were the circumstances that caused our perceived beliefs about how and what we expected from the person or persons that we feel caused the anger?

Had we set up false perceived realities for oneself and then those realities were not manifested? Did we not get what we were expecting and therefore we lashed out in anger and hurt others because it didn’t go our perceived way? It would appear that people or persons are not conforming to our perceived reality. We set ourselves up for our own anger. If we would allow others to perceive their reality in their own way and we experience ours in our own way and leave no expectations out there we would be much happier as a species. We would take what we get and be happy and move on.


Western civilization cannot assume that they are the all-good-doers of the world, so to speak. There are mass amounts of corruption within the ranks of our Western democracy. Most of our nation’s citizens are kept in the dark as to what their government officials are really up to. It has been put under the guise of national security, however there have been many atrocities perpetrated under this guise. Many of the government leaders are quite hypocritical in the way they portray themselves, for the vision portrayed to the nation’s citizens is not always what it appears to be. In the case of the Middle Eastern movement, they perceive the West as evil and on the other hand the West perceives them as evil.

Understand however that these individuals in the Middle East have been killing each other for centuries and to them is has become a way of life and the only way that they know to get their individual points across. I am not condoning it because it is not the way, it is a violation of Universal Law. But then we see that this area has been riddled with negativity for centuries. They have been manipulated by the dark forces for thousands of years. This area is considered to be the dinner table of the dark forces to Beings of Light. There are many forces within that area that are coming into play. It is truly the battle of good and evil in a lot of respects if one was to believe in good and evil.

The Western world has a democracy going for it, in that this is the entry into a peaceful existence. However it can be abused and has been abused as well. Many atrocities have been perpetrated under the name of freedom and democracy, many things that our citizens are unaware of. You know it all boils down to, whose way is the right way and is there such a thing as the right way. But with the ending of some things is the beginning of others.

The realities of a distorted world

Now , I want to discuss the mentality and belief system behind the terrorists and their followers. Whenever a society has allowed their beliefs to be predicted on the beliefs of one individual it is a recipe for disaster. Under conditions of hopelessness and despair it is easy for many individuals to look for hope in the promises of others. Many individuals are fearful of experiencing themselves and feel that they have no power over their own being. They suffer from extreme feelings of guilt and unrest. Often they become so paranoid and delusional that their reality seems only marginal at best. When the mass beliefs systems of many appear to be norm, these individuals subscribe to the reality of their leaders instead. They have essentially given up on their own power and handed it over to their leaders. Oftentimes, as is the case with the guise of religion. The religious indoctrination in the Eastern cultures starts at a very young age and is accepted by all. Many atrocities have been perpetrated under the auspices of religion.

The leaders themselves are often quite paranoid and their reality straddles between the dream state and the physical waking state. It is often difficult for them to decipher between two. They are usually individuals with a sense of grandeur and cannot relate to the rest of society. It is their greatest satisfaction to remake their reality into one in which they are the leaders. They will go to whatever lengths they have to at the expense of others if needed to get their point across, all the while feeling completely justified in doing so. In their attempt to project their beliefs on the rest of the world they have attracted the powerless ones as followers. The reality of the leaders then becomes the reality of the followers all sharing the same distorted set of beliefs. The paranoid leaders then systematically undertake the process of eliminating everything that does not conform to their beliefs. The leaders then often turn into raging fanatics. Since they have now gained a certain amount of momentum it becomes easier for them to reinforce their delusional beliefs. Their followers all along are reinforcing these beliefs. They are indeed frightened of the nature of their existence. They will go along with whatever their leaders have in store for them since they are under the belief that they cannot exist on their own. They are caught between different conflicting sets of beliefs and have decided that they must turn over the responsibility for their state of being to someone else. They are looking for anyone they can to take over the job of making decisions for them.

It is easy to see the fanatic leaders can gain such momentum. Usually the “evil ones” are perceived as the ones who will not conform to the fanatic leader’s system of beliefs. In order to rid the the world of these disruptive individuals, in their minds, they must resort to violence and mass deaths, again using religion as the justification behind the cause. I will say this again, “Killing of any kind is a violation of Universal Law.” It is not tolerated and when these souls make the transition of their energy upon their physical death, they will most assuredly see what I mean. The followers eventually succumbed to the madness of their leaders, since they feel they have no voice with that of their leaders. To these followers death is their final statement. Some cultures believe that a martyr’s death is a holy thing. In fighting for their distorted religious beliefs and the mass beliefs of the members of their organizations, they perpetrate their madness upon the rest of the world, again feeling fully justified in doing so. An effective brainwashing indeed to allow for the leaders to fully carry out their plans of attempting to make the world conform to their beliefs, all in the name of God.

We have a natural response to the thoughts of others though and generally speaking have built-in protections from becoming entranced in another’s beliefs. It is only those who feel that they have no power of their own who fall prey to the belief systems of others. Those are the ones who would rather give the responsibility of their thinking to someone else rather than confront their own conflicting sets of beliefs. Oftentimes as these individuals move away from the mainstream religious indoctrination they get caught up in fanatic cults that our societies have been experiencing in recent years. Their ideas and thoughts attempt to move as many minds into the realm of their thinking, thus removing them from the mainstream of society. Once removed from the mainstream the leaders then have complete control over the ideas and movements of their followers.

Fear is the primary tool that these leaders use to keep their followers in the group. The other is rewards, rewards they they believe and are convinced of by their leaders, that they will most assuredly obtain when they give up their lives for the movement. Most often the followers will abandon everything in pursuit of these new sets of beliefs. As the followers grow in numbers, the beliefs are then reinforced stronger until the point when the rest of the world is perceived as the enemy, the enemy that does not understand their perceived enlightened state of being, because this is how most if not all see this new revelation of experience. Since it is not the norm for the rest of society, then it must be something new for only the chosen to experience. These individuals perceive themselves as the new leaders of the pack, out to manifest the ideas of their leaders as good little soldiers would do.They become so entwined in these new sets of beliefs and often they will fight to the death to get the distorted point of their idealistic leaders, and now themselves, across.

As governments will do, they go in and blow the perceived enemy up, thinking that killing them off will solve the problem. The belief systems of the people have not been changed though and many more will spawn and continue the movement unless the beliefs of these fanatic individuals can be realigned. If left unchecked and to their own devises these fanatic groups will wreak havoc on the rest of the world’s societies. They fully believe that they are justified in using whatever means available to them to get their point across. Hitler was another example of a paranoid fanatic gone awry and the projected mass belief system that was able to sway so many individuals into the realms of his thinking.

Humanity is on the verge of making giant leaps in the further evolution of its souls and is starting to awaken to the systematic indoctrination of beliefs that they have for so long accepted. We can make a difference in this world by telepathically sending messages of love to these individuals. We can surround them and their nations with a ray of The Creator’s healing light. As we surround oneself with love light and use our own positive intuitions and abilities, motivated by love for our fellow man/woman to send our messages, we are then making a difference in changing the world for the betterment of mankind/womankind. The exercise below can be used whenever we wish to bring some positive healing energy to another.

This is simple to do and quite effective. Whenever you choose, envision a ray of The Creator’s healing bright light beaming down directly on another. You may envision the ray on one individual or many. For instance: when driving in one’s car, if you experience a driver under the control of negative energies, envision a ray of this light descending down upon them. Focus all of your energies on sending loving thoughts to that person and surrounding them with a protective shield of light. Ask that The Creator remove the negative energies away from their soul and heal their thoughts. You may then keep the ray on them for the rest of their day if you wish. Just ask that it remain and it will.

Let us give some thought here to idealism and fanaticism. In a way each being on Earth is an idealist to some extent. Most individuals devote a good portion of their daily lives actualizing their idealized goals. It is most important to be aware of your actions and monitor them on a daily basis to ensure that you’re realizing your ideals and that they are in line with the soul aspects of self. It is when your idealism turns into the negative and controlling arena that problems arise. If you are willing to express your idealism at any price to others no matter what, then you have engaged in fanaticism. This can be seen with the leaders of the terrorist’s organizations, political leaders, politicians, corporations and religious groups and cults. Anywhere you see a select group of individuals trying to control the masses you will find idealists in some form or another.

Fanatics are inverted idealists with visions of grandeur and an obsessive desire for power. Anyone or thing is dispensable in order to achieve their distorted version of the world. They do not tolerate dissent or opposition to their perceived vision of reality. Oftentimes money is the driving force behind these unscrupulous beings. They perceive money as power, so the more they amass, the more power they feel that they have. All the while, these individuals have had issues with their own lack of power for the majority of their lives. They have decided that mankind/womankind is evil and that they are going to take what they can get by whatever means necessary, always justifying their actions in pursuit of their perceived ideals. Ideally there is nothing wrong in wanting to change the world for the better, but when “for the better” comes with unrealistic visions that create fear and cultivate greed and ignore the desire for mankind/womankind to experience his/her soul’s essence in a peaceful way, then we have stepped into the role of fanatic.

If we are willing to violate Universal Law and kill one another in the pursuit of peace or our distorted version of reality then we have only perfected the art of killing, not just physical killing, but killing the spirits in the minds and hearts of mankind/womankind and animals. There is more than one way to kill, and all of it is a violation. Anytime humanity is willing to sacrifice the lives of beings whether animals, plants of other humans it is a violation. They have lost respect for life of any kind and that is itself is a step towards the further erosion of our environment and our societies. Only when humanity can demonstrate with their actions that all life is sacred and that all living things are part of the Divine energy of The Creator, can we begin to evolve our consciousness.

Our perceived beliefs are what get us into so many wars, unnecessary wars, as all are, for they have no value. We have only succeeded in identifying oneself with a defensive illusion. Both sides are fanatical about their perceived sets of beliefs and are unwilling to tolerate the perceived beliefs of the other. Now, the terrorist organizations that our world is currently experiencing are a matter of great concern to Beings of Light, for they are truly influenced by negative energies and must be dealt with for the peaceful survival of the planet. In our world presently, because of this threat, war has been projected to the masses as the only answer that our governments can undertake. There are other alternatives, though our leaders are unwilling to entertain them. Killing for the sake of peace leaves humanity with a true lack of understanding of peace.

I will give you just a small, belief synopsis about one of the terrorist leaders. He often was overindulged, living within the confines of his family “palaces” as he liked to think of them. He maintained much power over the rest of his siblings, often in a very negative light. He realized early on in his adulthood that her was able to manipulate anybody he chose to by virtue of his charm. He set himself out to be very charming for he realized that he had much more control over others using this tactic. He was quite powerful within those structures in his own right; however this was not enough to satisfy his/her enormous appetite for power and ego-gratification.

The unfortunate thing about this individual is that he so easily manipulates others with his/her charm and leads others down this same path of self-destruction. He was not pleased to be exiled from his home base and took on a vengeance that he swore he would make others pay. He is an idealist and a fanatic, caught up in his own version of reality the way he has created it and envisioned it. He has been ostracized by most of his family and that further enrages this being. He is now so obsessed with power of getting his point across and regaining the power that he feels that he lost, that he will use whatever means necessary at whomever’s expense to justify the means. He has assumed a self-righteous attitude now, masquerading behind the guise of religion and convincing his followers that he is the right hand of Allah. Because of the great wealth of this individual, he has latched himself onto a nation of people in turmoil with false promises under a religious mask.

Understand, his followers were in and are in a situation where they feel helpless and any answer to the current plight of the peoples is going to be a welcome one even if it entails mass killings. Since the people of this nation do not trust the leaders of the Western world along with other nations of power, and rightfully so, they will turn to one of their own for answers whatever those answers may be. The Middle East has been known by all in the Universe as one of the vortexes of the negative entities. It is going to be a great struggle to release these nations from the grips of this reality and change their way of thinking. No matter how many bombs our nations drop, the ideas and the movement have infiltrated all aspects of society in all nations to some degree or another. When the belief systems are aligned with the will and plan of The Creator, we will have peace.

The Misuse of Religion for the repression of humanity

Religious Beliefs

Through the ages humans have always been involved with religion. They have always been aware of God- energy, but oftentimes have distorted it to serve their own purposes and justify their actions and imposed beliefs. We have used it for various objectives and because of it powerful nature to has become a tool for us to control ourselves and others. With the illusion of beliefs that only serve to control our desires we have created roadblocks to our soul’s evolution. The natural aggressiveness of our creature-hood has been so repressed that we find oneself unable to control our pent-up energy at times. We have further damned up our being with our obsessive beliefs about guilt-ridden issues such as our own sexuality. We have denied our being the very pleasures of its creature-hood and again found ourselves wallowing in a sea of frustration.

Take for instance the the religious beliefs of the world. Many of these religions have made it mandatory to deny our own being and its natural aggression and sexuality, taking the word aggression and turning it into a negative when it is a part of the natural state of every living thing on the planet. Without natural aggression mankind/womankind would not have been able to survive, as his/her own creative abilities stem from this. As a flower blooms, it is performing its own natural aggression. This is a natural process of creature-hood and when used in a positive way can be very beneficial for our soul’s evolution. Even negative natural aggression can be a learning experience, for it forces one to confront their emotions.

If we take a society and tell them that they are to deny the forces of their physical being, the energy that would naturally be released has nowhere to go. It then begins to manifest itself in all sorts of repressed emotions until the physical being can no longer tolerate it and the self will act out in a highly aggressive nature or will force itself into an illness. Either way, the power of the being is damned up in such a way as to literally blow itself up. I might add that this is what happens when we hear of people who have been thought to spontaneously combust. Although this is a rare event, it can happen. The pent-up energy has nowhere to go. The individual is not given an avenue for release in their own perceived belief system. Instead, these individuals should be encouraged to release the restless energy they have, and try to find peace in nature with the help of energy healing (visit websites of companies like LightSong to learn more) and similar spiritual practices. A person can only truly let go of anger once they discover some sense of inner peace, and keeping turbulent emotions inside is not the way to go about it.

Religion have been notorious for trying to control the masses with mass systems of guilt-ridden indoctrination. The so-called religious leaders who were involved in writing the various manuscripts, were well aware that in order to tether us to their way of thinking they would have to make us feel guilty and unworthy, thus roping us into their belief systems and ultimately having control over you-the-soul. This gave them much power, but was in direct conflict with the intended messages of the Consciousness of God. We were stripped of our free will and made to feel embarrassed and guilty about our bodies. The body is a vehicle of expression and learning. It is the vessel with which we communicate with one another. When we truly understand this , we will be free to experience our soul’ true nature.

We were also told that we were sinners, unworthy, yet created in the likeness and image of our god. What then does this say about our god? If one were to believe that, then one would have to say that our god was unworthy and a sinner, for we were supposedly made in his/her image. This is not so, yet we have believed this for centuries, not even questioning as to why. The God of the Universe created us out of his/her love and in The Creator’s eyes we are no less than perfect.

The beliefs of some nations have not changed since the inception of these documents and have held firm for thousands of years without much cause for question. With the advent of modern transportation and the abilities of nations to move their citizens from place to place relatively easily, came a new era of information to many cultures. We now have entire civilizations questioning their beliefs, seeing the rest of the world and the way it is developing or not developing and in a sense confronting those issues openly. Many are torn between their society’s system of beliefs and their new ideas of freedoms that they could have. Many of the beliefs of these nations were directly associated with their man/woman-created versions of god.

Let us discuss mankind’s/womankind’s perception of God. Down through the centuries man/woman have always known that there was a force behind the creation of the Universe. Whether it was in his/her limited environment or in his visions of the stars he/she have always been aware that there was a greater force other then his/her own being. Many ancient cultures and civilizations were very in-tune with this force. As highly aware citizens of the planet they had much respect for the energies responsible for creation. It wasn’t until the last several thousand years that the power and image of the Divine Creator was brought into a human perception. Mankind/womankind felt it was to his/her advantage to put a face on the Creator, thus humanizing him/her to however he/she perceived. Along with this idea the hierarchy of religious leaders decided to take power of this newly created human god into their own hands. This perpetuated many myths and misrepresentations of who and what God was. The idea of God being a god of good and evil also came into play as another way for the religious leaders to control their followers by putting their ideas under the name of God and god’s rules and regulations, that mankind/womankind was supposed to live by. They lost sight of the fact that God is a force of pure energy that radiates with an abundance of love’s light and embodies every living thing. Because of the controlling religious idealists, all power that was once known by all of humanity as part of its own divinity was removed. It was given to this self-created man’s/woman’s god.

We have many versions of God in our nations at this time, all with their different mass belief systems, The writers of the manuscripts that we hold to be true, have had a hand at distorting the original messages at one point or the other and realigning them to fit their own perceived way of thinking. All of these versions have their various sets of man-made/woman-made rules, all mean to in some way or another prevent mankind/womankind from realizing the true purpose of his/her soul.

Mankind/womankind has been locked in an abyss, waiting patiently, believing that eventually he/she would be released and able to experience his whole being. His/her beliefs within the power structures of the religious organizations have kept him/she in the dark for many thousands of years. We cannot turn the infinite energy source of All That Is into a human. As much as our religious organizations would have us believe it, this is simply not the case. This energy source does not wear one face. It is everything in all of creation. All That Is is exactly that – All That Is.

Understand, the leaders of our religious organizations for the most part had good intentions when putting this system of beliefs together, but the same time, they were denying humanity the ability to experience itself. Most if not all of our wars have been created because of the misconceptions about God, as we perceive him, again “him/her” being loosely used here as this is our frame of reference. We have judged everyone and everything to the distorted ideas o f our illusions. We have been pitted against each other for what seems to be eons, competing and judging rather than cooperating with each other. Until mankind/womankind can break itself free from the spiritual ignorance of these beliefs, many more wars will be perpetrated. The belief systems of the masses are able to, so shall was say, swing with the tides, however it will take a powerful force to set things in motion. That powerful force is already manifest in our world as The Christ essences and will soon make himself known to all. Energy personalities are preparing us for the impending shift in consciousness and the emergence of the World Teacher. Return ourselves to the love that you-the-soul have always known. The soul does not know hate, greed, judgment, evil. These are all things that mankind/womankind and his/her ego self have subscribed to and in doing so, he/she has fallen further always from knowing the divine purpose of his soul. when you remove our judgment, we empower our wisdom. When we have wisdom, we will have peace.

We have always known that we were not in this Universe alone for it is written in our ancient manuscripts and it it part of our soul’s knowledge. Through religious beliefs, much of humanity has been locked into believing that they are the only living beings in creation. This idea is so wildly absurd that we cannot help but be mystified as to how mankind/womankind has been able to elevate itself in such a manner as to think that the entire cosmic Universe revolved by and create one planet to be inhabited by one species of humans and then say, “Well that’s it I’m done, I’ll learn everything from this group.” God, The Creator of whatever term we wish to use, is all part of the same energy source of All That Is and we are part of it. God is Us. All That Is encompasses many life forms in many Universes and on many planets. Most of them are far more evolved than Earth and its inhabitants.

There are hierarchies and Creator Gods in all of them and in us and every living thing ever created, whether it’s a plant, animal, insect or mineral. Everything in the multitude of creation stems from the infinite energy source of All That Is. The Creator Essence is one of the higher members of the Hierarchy of our planet and has decided to remain in service to Earth. This entity could have moved on to other planets and solar systems but chose not to. There are various levels of Hierarchy on all planets in creation. The Christ has been in our world several times to help humanity in its evolution, each time bringing forth messages that would assist in our evolution. Until we can break free and understand that we all have subscribed to the mass belief system of others, and have ignored the original messages of The Christ essence, we have stifled our soul’s growth. These messages go back further than the in conception of the world manuscripts known as our bible. But let us look at the bible for instance, for that is part of our Christian world’s belief system. Many of the messages from The Christ essence were either left out or distorted and many man-made/woman-made beliefs and messages attached to it. Many of the messages were so simple but humanity proceeded to distort them to fit into their reality at the time.

I will give an example here: Let us take the anticipated Antichrist awaited by Christianity. According to these beliefs, millions are awaiting the appearance of an Antichrist that will deceive and try to capture them into a false spiritual abyss. This is an obvious distortion of the Antichrist event that has already happened in our history. It happened with the Hitler regime and the slaughter of millions of people on our planet. Millions of people were branded with the tattoo of this Antichrist and thus this prophecy has already been fulfilled. Yet The Christian religious organizations cling to their ideas that this event is still to come. It has passed and as I have stated earlier, The Christ entity is now manifest in our world today and is working quietly among us until such time as he chooses to reveal himself/herself to humanity.

The Manipulation of Spiritual Truths
There are many distortions in other religious manuscripts as well. Much of the information was put into human comprehension with its own devices to control the masses inserted, hence the guilt and repression. The soul was not allowed to joyously experience its being. The nature of the soul’s human existence was under speculation and scrutiny. We were given many behavioral modifications because of the perceived fears of the ones in control. Our energies were then locked away from us for fear that if we did not, meaning mankind/womankind, succumb to the will of the religious leaders, we would be forever burned in our fiery pits of hell etc. etc. etc. All religions have their own facets of gloom and doom, taking the love away from God and putting fear there instead.

The religious leaders were quite good at manipulating the masses since the masses were under the belief they were not in control of their own spiritual nature. In the beginning there were heavy prices to pay for not staying within the guidelines of what the religious leaders considered acceptable behavior of the norm. No one wished to be burned at the stake. Anyone with any awareness of their soul’s true purpose was given the title of “demonic” or “possessed.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. They had an awareness that was feared by the religious leaders, for if the masses were aware that the manuscripts that they held to be completely true had been doctored in order to control them and keep the money flowing into religious leader’s pockets, they would not keep coming and believing. It was imperative that they be silenced and accused of being witches or possessed by the devil, another way to keep mankind/womankind in the dark by feeding him/her a steady diet of fear, fear of the devil, and in doing so they gave power to the source they had created. In acknowledging this kind of thinking and accepting it into our belief system, we create a reality for it. It becomes manifest within our thoughts and belief systems.

For the most part, our biblical manuscripts were trying to allude us to the fact that our behaviors would affect the outcome of our lives. It was put into a storybook fashion so as to be understood and accepted by all. Religions have always to some extent followed the development of mankind’s/womankind’s consciousness. However, not all the written information fines one the truth, since much if it has been distorted and rewritten over and over again. Much of it was deliberately distorted, for the original manuscripts have yet to found. Most of them are buried deep within the mountains of our planet. The negative influences have also quite cleverly written their own distorted versions of the truth and many religious organizations are following and believing those distorted manuscripts and holding them with much reverence and sacredness. There are and always have been negative influences that have fought to keep the citizens of Earth in the dark about their soul’s true purpose.

Now don’t misunderstand me here, because there have been many good things to come out of religious organiztions and humanity needs to acknowledge their religious beliefs and socialize within the structures of organized religion, It is part of our spiritual evolution as a soul. Many religious organizations are involved in helping humanity throughout the world. They are encouraged to continue and cooperate with the rest of humanity in bringing our world into the next phase of its evolution. It is imperative that humanity’s religious forces join together, united as one, for the spiritual enlightenment of all citizens on the planet. Instead of competing with each other, join together as one, and move into the peaceful harmonics of the new world awareness. If we are in alignment with the will and plan of The Creator, then we will recognize when the belief systems of the divided religious organizations of the world need healing. Our energies, thoughts and beliefs are the tools needed for this healing.

We would benefit greatly to move ourselves beyond the old ideas of one self, one world, one Universe, for this is surely not the case, and in doing so we will experience the vast richness of our being that we have denied for so long. It is important for the survival of the species to open itself up to other probabilities and realities. Questioning honestly the underlying motives of some of the doctrines and rules of the religious organizations will enable us to see that what was supposed to be a joyous positive experience for the evolution of our soul has been doctored to such a degree that it has done just the opposite. It has kept us in the prisons of guilt and repression, thus denying our own personhood.

We have the power to unite humanity and change our world for the better with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. We are the directors of our world and Universe. All comes from us and is within us. God’s creation in our world is unending. What he/she has not created is not real it is only an illusion. We are the co-creators of our Universe. We are all one. we are all Gods.

The realignment of beliefs systems and the awakening of humanity

Tolerance of Other’s Beliefs

Let us talk about the tolerance of others beliefs. Many if us are under the perceived belief that we do not like the beliefs of other races, thus again making them more intolerable to us. We have decided that our beliefs are the only right ones and discounted all others that do not fit into our picture of a perfect world within our perceived reality. Since we cannot come to terms with and tolerate any other beliefs outside of our limited perception of reality, we condemn the other beliefs to “our version” of “the wrong way,” always maintaining that ours is the right way. There is no right or wrong way in the greater scheme of things. One group will incarnate into a society that has mass beliefs in one direction while another may incarnate into a society with an entirely different set of beliefs. One perceives the other wrong because it does not fit into their mass-conceived system. We are all incarnated in our present physical system of reality for one purpose only and that is to further the evolution of our souls. These perceived ideas are merely obstacles that we have out into place to learn from. The problem is we have not learned much.

It does no good to stay locked in our narrow-minded version of our perceived reality. We are not benefiting anyone , least of all ourselves. When we observe that entire societies have been raised with their own version of a mass belief system, then we are able to understand why it is imperative that we break out of the mold of the masses and analyze those very beliefs and thoughts that brought us to where we are currently in our lives. I have said this many times, “We create our own reality.” We are obsessed with the ideas that we are right and everyone else is wrong. There simply is no such thing . It is a creation of our own mind/thought energy, another attempt of the ego to control our reality.

We have been blindly following the ideas of others without questioning them, taking them for granted. We have simply not allowed any thoughts that do not conform with our strict set of perceived beliefs to enter into our world, thus shutting out the beauty of the world itself. Our own fears of the unknown have entrapped our soul’s existence into a stagnant lumbering existence. We were not allowed to incarnate into our world to lock oneself away from the rest of humanity, yet with our actions this is precisely what we have done. We have shut out anything and everything that does not conform to our standards of our perceived reality. It has not gained us a thing except a lot of fear, anger and hate for the same souls that, when we are not incarnated into a physical body, we have a tremendous love for. We come to the Earth plane and decide that we do not like the packaging or the lessons and experience that other souls have come into incarnation to learn, so therefore we must shut them out of our existence. We don’t like what we see. We don’t want to see. We are afraid to see, so see we shall not. No one is at the mercy of another’s beliefs. Each one of us has the free will to change our system of beliefs.

Questioning the Mass Belief Systems

Light is information. It is the knowledge that is ours, within us and available to us. As we see the fall of our religious institutions, corporations and mass belief systems, know that this is the beginning of this evolutionary process and that we are part of it. Do not be afraid to question the belief systems that have been in place for so long. For they do not allow our soul essence to fully experience itself without guilt or fear, then they need to be examine and alter our beliefs, we can reprogram them, thus altering our own existence and experiences. We can move from one set of firm beliefs into a seemingly completely different set of beliefs by simply focusing on them daily. As our ideas and behaviors change so will our perception of the world around us. Then we have effectively enhanced our experiences and begun the spiritual journey in the evolution of our soul by recognizing the power of our own being. The way to a peaceful existence lies within our thoughts and beliefs.

Many of us are starting to realize the power of our being. We are waking up to the very nature of ourselves and claiming our rights to exist on our planet in a peaceful and harmonious way. The negative ego influences of some of the ones in power have been aware of this for some time and thus we see the aggressive actions taken on the part of those individuals to ensure that they keep their old systems of belief intact. They have been aggressively branching out into all nations in one last-ditch effort to ultimately, in their eyes, control the world and prevent the citizens of Earth from evolving away from the old ways and into the new. The only way humanity to stop this invasion is to start to reject the belief systems of these leaders. Question the validity and motives behind the ideas that are presented by these individuals. As we use our own powers of intuition, we will see that the agenda of these forces is quite self-serving and designed to prevent us from using our own free will to further the evolution of our soul and bring peace and harmony to our planet.

When the ones in power can persuade the masses to believe that killing is justified, then we need to take a good look at the motives behind their beliefs. Universal Law is clear: killing another for whatever reason is a Violation, plain and simple. It is not necessary to rob the life of another to get our perceived point across. It is only our perceived belief and does not reflect the beliefs of others, that is, unless we force it upon them, forcing them into relinquishing their power over their own being. The repression of humanity by those in power is beginning to erode and will no longer be tolerated by the citizens of the planet. Much of the world is in great turmoil because of the actions of powerful political and corporate leaders.

Often the belief systems of many only reflect the visions of a few. Many individuals simply follow the crowd and do not question as to why they are doing so. This is why so many individuals find it hard to change their perceived reality, for fear of not conforming within the structures of the belief systems of the masses. They are reluctant to be the odd one out. It is safer for them to go along with the masses than stop and think for themselves, for in doing so they would then have to confront their own reality and belief systems. If this were done however, the individuals would open up a vast amount of information to themselves about the nature of their being and move forward in the evolution of their souls. We would then be able to use this knowledge to joyously go about experiencing our life as we were meant to do. I am going to give an exercise here that we may use to confront the nature of our beliefs. It is an exercise to allow our own path to our soul’s evolution.


Let us look at the word right. What does that conjure up in your minds? Good , wholesome, upstanding, religious etc. All qualities that mankind/womankind aspires to have. Then look at the word wrong. What does this conjure up in your minds? Take a good hard look at this. Dark, negative, unsavory, lack of moral ethics etc. I’m sure that you could come up with at least 100 definitions for each word and that is exactly the exercise here. I want you to make two columns on a piece of paper and label the first column positive and the other negative. Here you are to list words that come to mind in your life that you think of as positive or negative. Now look at your list of words that you have organized into two neat columns. As you look at each word, examine your feelings about each one. What kind of thoughts do each of the words represent to you? What or whom do you associate with these words and why? This is the beginning of examining your beliefs, all of them. Notice that when certain words are examined that they also carry with them certain feelings. These feelings are a direct result of your association with the words of your lists. many will make you happy and many will not. Consciously look at all of them. For instance, if church makes you happy, then further explore what it is about the church that makes you happy. Do you love the unity with other humans that are of like mind with you? Most likely you will say yes. Now, what do those like minds have in common? Do they all elevate themselves as having the true right way that humanity should live? Of course, they all agree with your own system of perceived beliefs don’t they? Now, look at the other side of the paper and do the same. You will notice that all those things are in direct conflict with your own idea of your perceived reality, are they not? If you will examine where and how and who put these beliefs into your minds you may start to get the correlation. This exercise is a powerful tool in enabling your conscious mind to be more aware of the beliefs and thoughts of others and how they manifest themselves into your own beliefs. It will stimulate you being into recognizing whether or not it is part of your soul’s true nature to accept the information or reject it.


This discussion involves the belief systems of the nation’s leaders. Many of the world’s governments are very resistant to any changes. Politicians go into office with high aspirations of manifesting the ideals that they see would and could benefit society only to fall prey to the negative energies that are inherently manipulating the power structures of the system. Their lack of self-discipline and focus on their own power allow them to be sucked into the rituals of business as usual. They soon see that they cannot accomplish their goals without stepping on the toes of the forces that have weld the power. They are entrapped into a system of beliefs that is not their own, however to survive they must succumb to the wall of the controlling energies. They have little or no regard for the citizens of Earth as they are enveloped in the unlimited power that they now seem to possess.

The mass belief system that has been maintained by our leaders is starting to crumble. The leaders of the Western world have been quite successful at disregarding the cultural traditions of other nations, thus causing much strife within those nations. There is a constant battle between people of other nations to aspire to be westernized and still remain in the traditions and mass beliefs of their cultures. There is much resentment over the values of the Western world and many people of so called impoverished nations feel helpless in their situation and powerless to do anything about it. The very nature of their frustration is then taken out in an aggressive, negative way to try to regain their own power. There is much anger over the doctrines of Western civilization. Many citizens of other cultures are rooted in the beliefs that the western world with all its riches is evil. The Western world has been hoarding all the resources of the world for their own personal gain and ignoring the plight of the rest of the world. They know this and this angers them. They do not like it when the core of what they perceive to hate is knocking on their front doors. Their belief system has taught them that it is wrong to have too many material possessions, yet when we look at the leaders of these nations they are swathed in as many material possessions as they can create for themselves. The rest of their nation is bathed in poverty and resentment. The only way they have to regain their power is to lash out at the perceived enemy. Since it is a mass system of beliefs the anger and resentment is then propelled by the masses of those nations. The natural act of aggression of these individuals has been taken into the negative arena. They see no other way of regaining their power other than to lash out at the nations that they perceive have taken it away from them. The beliefs are so strong and there are so many individuals in this situation, we can see that it could create a disaster of mass proportions.

If the frustration continues at the present level there could be a worldwide war ending with the destruction of our planet. The Western world and some of the other nations of power can no longer afford to continue on their paths of domination. All citizens of all nations must be treated as though they are an important part of the world and not though they are an important part of the world and not shoved under the rug in favor of politics and corporate greed.

It is a shame that the Western world has been able to migrate its influences over much of the planet thus forcing many cultures to either accept these changes or fight for the sovereignty of their nations. Within those societies we have the pent up energies of those who have been forced to relinquish their own power to perceived higher forces and have been downtrodden with enormous amount of guilt about their very being. They have been repressed to the point of combustion and as mother Earth acts out her own way against the atrocities against her in the form of natural disasters, so it is that mankind/womankind is doing the same. The basic free will of mankind/womankind is being challenged at this point in our planet’s history like it has never been before.

Most of the middle East appears to be in for a slow awakening. The energies of Hierarchy are being concentrated on this area at this time to diffuse the situation but it is not an easy task. The people of these nations are entrenched in their religious beliefs, misguided as some of them are. It is a daunting task and will require much energy from the masters for many years to realign this area of the world. It will be just as hard for them to realign the Western world, for they are the ones who will likely put up the most resistance to sharing the resources of the world. Either way, the world as we know it is in for some positive changes that will affect every living thing on the planet. We have seen that mankind/womankind is starting to awaken to these and other injustices perpetrated by the ones in power. More and more individuals who are truly visionaries will soon start to replace the ones who have kept the great nations of the world in the dark. Just as we see the fall of our corporations we will also see radical changes in our government and the media.

I would like to discuss other life forms and how our thoughts affect the entire Universe. Our thoughts of negativity swirl up into the atmosphere and cling to the spatial grids of the Universe. They must be constantly neutralized and sent back to our planet with an abundance of love so that they do not affect other life forms in the Universe. Beings of Light are very sensitive to the energy created by our thoughts and have been surrounding our planet for years neutralizing them. We cannot see them for they are of etheric matter undetectable to the third-dimensional vision. Much of humanity still clings to the ideas had beliefs that the Universe involves them alone. However, this is far from the case. We have closed our minds and erected giant barriers against our soul’s evolution and other life forms. We have encased ourselves in a dark cocoon and locked the door, fearful of what may be out there. For us to discover the true nature of our soul, it would benefit us to open our mind to realities other than our own limited perceptions of self. There are many, many inhabited planets in our solar system and others. There are also many types of bodies, not always physical. Some are etheric. Mankind’s/womankind’s body is designed for Earth’s three-dimensional residency and is our vehicle for expression and communication. Our etheric body is our soul and it is within the realms of our physical body. It operates our physical body much as we operate a car. There are many other body types available to beings based on their point in evolution and the planets they choose to experience life on. They don’t necessarily
have to be flesh and blood like we have on Earth.

Many planets that we would deem uninhabitable are teeming with life. I will give an example: the planets Venus and Sirius are filled with the most peaceful, loving beings in the Universe. It is a place many of us often go to. In our third-dimensional perceived reality, we often have chosen not to acknowledge other life forms due to fear and our limited senses as to what is out there. We cannot see beyond the vision of the third dimension unless we have developed our etheric vision as a few of us have. When our etheric vision is developed we will be aware of a whole new world. That world will be in the forth dimension and eventually higher and with that we will be able to see and communicate with other Beings of Light. Many of us now are able to receive transmissions telepathically from Beings of Light and acknowledge them while also separating them from our own thoughts. Many of us though would appear to not be able to do this. That is only because we are not willing. Telepathic communication is available to all the method of communication is our future reality. As we consciously start to align our energies with the will and the plan of The Creator, these abilities will open up to us.

It is imperative that we live the life that we have chosen on Earth with the utmost of respect and love for our fellow human beings. We cannot make the transition in consciousness without changing our attitudes about each other. Anyone choosing to experience life at this time on planet Earth is learning some very valuable lessons about the effects of negativity. The great majority if the rest of the beings within the multitudes of solar systems do not experience negativity. This experience has been assigned to the inhabitants of Earth at this point in our evolution. Beings of Light carefully monitor how much the influence of negative energies are affecting the planet. If individuals on our planet continue on their present course of destruction they will miss out on our impending evolution and be left behind. These unfortunate souls will be sent back to the third dimension or offered lives in a two-dimensional reality where they will be able to enjoy the fruits of their greed and negative behavior. The souls that persist in their lifestyle of pillaging the planet and each other will be left in the lower dimensions until they seek the light. The rest of mankind/womankind are going to evolve with Earth, where all will reside in peace with a greater awareness of the connection of their souls to each other.

If our leaders attempt to use nuclear power for mass destruction, Beings of Light from the higher dimensions will interfere. Permission has been given to do so. Mother Earth will not be allowed to be destroyed by the fanatical behaviors of those who perceive themselves to be in power. Beings of Light are sending their energies to awaken mankind/womankind and assist with the transition of their consciousness. It will take a willingness on our part to promote peace in our world and take care of each other. It means using our free will and the energy of our being wisely to create a new reality on our planet. With our powerful thoughts we will have no problem doing this. For the stubborn few that insist on creating mass destruction and dominance over their fellow human beings and aligning their energies with the negative influences, the time is now to move towards the light. Some of us have already started to awaken. Stay awake, for if we close our eyes again we will fall back into our cosmic slumber and be left behind. Each one of us radiates with The Creator’s love and if we look for it in every being we encounter we will find it is there. Open our hearts and minds to being more loving and compassionate towards each other because we are all brothers and sisters evolving together. When we help another, we are also helping ourselves and both of us will benefit in our evolution. Forget about what people will think about us because it matters not to the soul. Do what you-the-soul knows is right in our relationships with others. The ego will always try to foil any attempts of the soul to circumvent its authority or challenge it by creating doubts or making one feel fearful of reaching out to others for fear of rejection. The only thing that is rejected is the ego and with this understanding one can certainly move always from that arena and let their soul shine through.

One of the areas that the ego likes to control is our emotions. Emotions come from the solar plexus area and are astrally grounded. At present in our evolution emotions have come to the boiling point and saturation levels are high as humanity is getting ready to make the transition of consciousness. This is to be expected, as there are many are as of our present reality that will start to break down as our consciousness makes the shift. Right now the third dimension is astrally polarized but as we move from Astral polarization to mental polarization we will start to gain control of the emotions. This stepping up will also begin to change the vibrational rate of the planet and its inhabitants. As the vibrational rate of the planet changes, the energy component of the beings that occupy it will move into a peaceful realm that has not been encountered in thousands of years. As the planet moves through this high energy field it will eventually move even further in tis higher-dimensional fields and complete the next phase of its evolution. The awakening of mankind/womankind is happening now. We are essentially re-scripting our future lives
during this awakening.

The future of humanity holds endless possibilities for peace. As our vibrational hum is raised so is our consciousness thus affecting our future with our future lives. Since we are able to affect our past, present and future with our thoughts and beliefs, what we focus our energies on now will either propel us into our new level of awareness or leave us behind in the lower dimensions of negativity. As more and more of us examine our beliefs and start to awaken to the purpose of our soul’s existence, we will naturally gravitate into higher vibrational frequencies. As humanity loses its fears and we begin to love one another, humanity evolves.

As many or us are now awakening, our souls are starting to radiate a brilliant light. As we move our energies into practicing unconditional love for one another, we are by our own thoughts moving the planet into a higher vibrational hum. many of us are very knowledgeable on the effects of energy and how it can be manipulated. As Beings of Light we are all energy. Humanity has already awakened to the creative abilities of its creature-hood and is now starting to focus on the evolution of its soul. As we start to awaken from the cosmic slumber that we have been in for so long the receptors of our neuro-cellular system are being charged with electromagnetic energy. Our planet too will be charged and the purification process will begin. The thoughts of many will create a positive radius of energy bathing the planet. The Earth will move into a tranquility unknown to mankind/womankind and eventually elevate itself into higher levels of harmonic vibration. It is not impossible to untangle ourselves from our perceived sets of beliefs and move our consciousness in the direction of Divine Light. Using some of the tools that I will provide , this should be an easy task for those of us who truly wish to evolve.

Moving out of darkness

It is time to stop competing with each other and start cooperating with one another for the good of all. The fruitless endeavors of our governments to dominate have brought about many of the circumstances that they are trying to prevent. The leaders of many nations have been interfering to various degrees with the sovereignty and cultures of other nations, trying to strip them of their heritage and individuality and manipulating them into the Western way of life. What I am getting at here is that America and some of the other nations of perceived power must not “assume” that their way is the only way. I am not advocating the actions of the terrorists, however I do see a certain amount of interference from our own country and that others that precipitated these events.

For years the plight of the people of impoverished nations has been relatively ignored by the nations of great power. Those leaders have done little to relieve the suffering of millions. Instead they have tried to westernize them and force them into accepting the invasion of corporate greed. Now, in hindsight they are wondering why this has happened. They need only look at their actions or lack of to find the answers. We cannot rape and pillage the Earth or its inhabitants without suffering dire consequences for those actions. It will not be allowed. There will come a time when the minds of the few in power will be halted abruptly by the minds of many.

Corporate Greed in rampant within the Western world and the mass globalization of capitalistic dream has left many countries in fear for their own sovereignty. When two thirds of the world is starving, as it is today, and the rest of the world is ignoring their plight, as it has been doing, terrorism will continue. It is the cancer of our societies today. Many in the so-called civilized nations of power bathe themselves in luxury, spending their money on materialistic goods that have been forcefully produced by undeveloped countries that cannot even afford to grow their own food, because of the demand for products from the Western world. If we will, just observe around us and take notice of how wastefully our fellow countrymen/countrywomen spend their money of frivolous objects of pleasure while at the same time ignoring the plight of millions of starving people worldwide. Because it is not in our own backyard, we refuse to look and see. We refuse to get involved. One cannot justify these situations by saying that this is what the people want, for it is not so. All of mankind/womankind should be able to enjoy all of the benefits of life on this planet, not just those who have money and power within their nations. The corporations of the world are forcing their products upon many of the world’s citizens, wiping out their way of life and slowly spoon-feeding them a diet of Western greed. It is sad for those of us to observe the careless way that the so-called civilized world views the rest of humanity. They are them, apart from us as we see it, but we are all in the same.

The mass globalization of the Western world into the lives and cultures of other nations fuels the fires of anger of the citizens of those nations. Corporate greed is stripping them of their identities and their power to sustain themselves. While the Western world is busy spending lavishly on themselves and feeding their bank accounts, they look away from the other two thirds of the world struggling to stay alive, two thirds of the world’s people who know not where their next meal is coming from or if their children will live through the night. The Western world and some of the other nations of power are busily creating useless objects – trinkets – from the sacrifice of other life forms, and every conceivable gadget to hold the limited attention of those who already have so much yet they are constantly on a mission to obtain more. The few organizations able to help are forced to beg others for money. “Others” are most often willing to donate only if it serves a corporate purpose, i.e. tax relief. Companies and businessmen then tend to look for experts in tax resolution to better understand their taxes. There are vaious aspects that come in when dealing with the ambit of business taxation, and for the same, only experts who are adept in corporate tax return canada or any other country, could prove beneficial. Not that it is wrong, but there should be a moral compass to say the least. There are those who will say that they give, and some of us do, but what are the true motivations behind the giving? When the giving comes sincerely from the heart, then and only then will we be able to see the need of the starving millions and understand the soul’s mission. As long as the giving is a political and corporate decision, it is without merit, for it truly is not given from the soul.

Companies’ taxes can be managed efficiently by looking at their business operations and employee performance. That is the reason why tools similar to OKR software and goals (of businesses) are moving in tandem in today’s world. The possible explanation for this is – the software might be providing a clear picture of how the company is doing – profit margins and employee performance. Businesses that use such software have a better evaluation of their business finances and, as a result, the business taxes that they give.

If one would consciously examine their life and their monetary assets it would be acutely obvious that much of what we spend on our desire to make ourselves feel better. All the material possessions in the world will not make us feel better, for you-the-soul knows better. They are but desires f the ego. What is the ego? It is like a tiny voice offering us everything, but really nothing. It is our creation. We have given power to it by believing in it. It will foil any attempt at our knowing the true feeling of feeling good. For feeling good to the soul is watching a starving human being eat a meal that is nutritious and seeing those individuals have proper health care and shelter. Allow the ego to slip away and our true self will emerge.

The world is on the brink of a global collapse. No longer can mankind/womankind blame anyone else for his/her situation, for mankind/womankind has to been willing to help others or take an interest in anything that is not within the realms of his/her own isolated illusions. If each one of you readers would look at the world in a different light and begin to help others less fortunate than yourselves and share the wealth and resources of our planet, there is an abundance of resources available to mankind/womankind on our planet, yet few nations with the most power and corporate interests have managed to hoard them all for themselves. Why is it that our governments have warehouses of food stockpiled, oftentimes just rotting away, and others have nothing to eat? How does mankind/womankind justify this kind of behavior? There is no such thing as a superpower in the eyes of The Creator. Superpower is manifested by the egos of mankind/womankind for the dominance of others. Others do not need to be dominated. Others need for the ones who envision themselves to be the superpowers to share the planet’s resources with them and allow them to have the freedoms and benefits that our Western world so lavishly enjoys.

If the very rich in our country would get off their pedestals and see that they are controlled by their own greed and illusions of power and start to answer the calls to abandon their kingdoms and help humanity, they would experience the true meaning of love. They would begin to know the love of self, for the love of self is not a material possessions and lavish vacations in the world will not bring us one bit closer to the reality of who we are, it will only increase the distance between us and our soul and delay our evolution.

When we stand by and watch millions starving, it is us who will be starved; starved of the light of The Creator and the diving nature of our soul and our purpose on our planet. If we cannot see the light, the light will remain dim or burnout all together until such time as we begin to seek the light. It would be quite a different existence to be living one’s life as a clam or inside of a rock for hundreds or thousands of years. Yet all is possible, and as the light dims, this may be the path chosen.

The soul-we knows whether or not we are living a life in alignment with The Creator’s diving energies or whether we are allowing the ego to rule the roost. The ego will always look for ways to elevate itself on the lack of others. The Western world is so caught up in materialistic trappings that many of us will simply try to ignore what we have just read. However, once we have read it, the soul knows that it cannot be ignored and the ego is fully aware whether consciously or unconsciously of its actions. We will justify the corporate greed as a means to support our families, or whatever pops into our minds. We certainly have to support our families, that is true. However look at it in a different light if you will. Why not dispense with the items that don’t really matter and start to concentrate on useful items for the people of the world. Food clothing, health care, medicines for the most basic needs, clean drinking water for all, sanitation, adequate and sturdy shelter. There are many useful items that mankind/womankind has invented that would greatly improve the lives of the starving millions. We can live a much simpler life. We do not need to live with all the trappings of the ego. many of us crave the simpler life, the life that we once knew when we were young. These are just a few of the things that would help to restore the the balance of the resources of the planet. The world is full of talented, educated individuals that could provide the necessary tools for the underprivileged nations of the planet. It is not about what we have in our world or how much wealth we can amass, it is about sharing the resources of the planet, about loving our fellow humans and taking an active interest in their lives so that all may experience the plenitude of gifts our planet has to offer.

If the wealthy nations of the world would learn to live with less and start to focus their energies on helping others, the entire world would remake itself. We do not have to buy into corporate greed and globalization. We have the power to stop the atrocities with our funds, for we are the ones who can make the difference to those in need. If we do not support the greedy corporations and refuse to buy their products, we will force them into looking at the way they do business with the rest of the world, for they are only motivated by money and profits.

Taking one small step at a time, by each and every one of us who feel that we have had no say in the plight of mankind/womankind, we will be able to create a peaceful world where all beings are free to live their lives without fear, prejudice or greed. The majority of us are living in splendid conditions with an abundance of items that we do not even need. Why not take those items and donate them to worthwhile causes or start our own and redistribute the proceeds to help feed the world’s hungry. It takes a willingness on our part to see the need of our fellow human beings and do something about it. If we sit back and wait for others to do it for us, then evolution will sit back and wait for us. It’s that simple.

Humanity cannot continue on its disruptive path of negative energy without having to pay a price. Search in our hearts and we will see what I mean. We have all participated at one time or another in hatred, greed, selfishness, and domination. Examine our inner self carefully and we will see that our or your leader’s actions or lack of actions precipitated the manifestation of 9/11 and other events. It is not a matter of good vs. evil. Now I know again we have have trouble this because of our preconceived ideas that if there is a good there has to be an evil. These are only realities that we have created. These are realities that we have subscribed to because we are not in touch with our soul’s purpose within the divine plan of The Creator.

The Beings of Light that are now descending upon the Earth are bringing many new energies that mankind/womankind will slowly begin to accept, “energies” meaning ideas and concepts that have long been forgotten. The souls coming into incarnation at this time are the ones who will lead our planet into its new level of consciousness. They are sending their energies to the minds of mankind/womankind at this time, bring an abundance of love into our souls and stimulating our awakening. The soul’s essence will begin to remember. There is a multitude of information available to each and every one of us. As we awaken we will be able to tap into this information. However, we are encouraged to make the effort to open our eyes and dissolve the hatred and racial barriers to our soul’s light. We have been gently stimulated to awaken our consciousness. When I say WE, I am speaking of myself and many others like myself, as I am not unto myself alone. I am not. I am no different than you. However, all my abilities and memories are available to me. They are available to you as well, you just have forgotten now to access them. The encumbrances of our bodies and our pre-programmed ideas of what our world if like have stood in our way much of the time. As we evolve, so do I.

We are very concerned about the Earth planet because there has been so much destruction. Mother Earth can no longer continue on this path. Our planet Earth is no longer in balance with the rest of the Universe. It is off balance and if it were not for the intervention of Light Beings from the higher dimensions, our planet would have been destroyed by now because of our actions. We are swirling in mass amounts of radioactive debris that is responsible for most of the new diseases and cancers on our planet. Each time we build a nuclear explosion underground, we are killing ourselves. Sure, everyone working on a nuclear plant needs protection and has looked into a hazmat suit for sale and other protective equipment. Sure, the workers are supposedly safe from the radiation when working near the toxicity. Despite this, the particles still could affect us in some way. Regardless of what our leaders have told us about its safety, tiny particles are being released into our atmosphere every day. It is of such great magnitude, that it is not stopped, there will be no more life on our planet. We have not developed instruments sensitive enough to detect this radiation, however I assure you, we are all breathing it every day. This is not part of the divine plan for mankind/womankind. There are other forms of energy available to us, all we have to do is implement them. Eventually we will be able to harvest our thoughts with light through the use of energy crystals but that time is not yet upon us. There are energy sources available to mankind/womankind that are free and are safe. As we evolve our consciousness towards the light all will be revealed to us, but until then these secrets will not be given to us. Mankind/womankind must prove that he/she is capable of using them fairly and wisely. At this point we are not ready. Our behaviors are too unpredictable.

Western world leaders have focused on their military might with such a vengeance that it is becoming the accepted norm to go after the perceived enemy with all sorts biological and chemical warfare. Our leaders are swathed in military arms that are capable of turning our planet into a cosmic pile of debris, hurling its citizens into the endless abyss of pace. The dire spiritual ramifications of such hateful and aggressive behavior are left to swirl about us like a cyclone of debris attaching itself to the very fibers or our existence.

This is not what the founders of our great nation had in mind when they spoke of the right to bear arms. These acts are not God-oriented and do not conform with Universal Law. I have spoken before on this as “a violation.” This is a violation. Intentionally projecting hateful thoughts and terrorizing society is a violation. Spinning like a web around the souls of man/woman, these thoughts eventually suffocate our very existence as we know it and leave us in a spiritual abyss, a limbo of sorts, until we seek the light. This kind of thinking only keeps the consciousness of mankind/womankind saturated in fear. We may think these weapons are protecting us, however our soul know better. When one “assumes” this to be their protection that is exactly what one is doing. Our protection lies in the unity of self with the will and plan Of The Creator.

This cannot continue much longer if we are to survive as a species. Increasingly disturbing weather patterns have been experienced across our planet. This will likely continue. The Earth is fighting back, manifesting weather patterns that will serve to wash away the destruction of her delicate skin by mankind/womankind. The great upheavals of our mountains spew forth the abundance or negativity that has been injected into the body of Mother Earth. The global cleansing has begun as the Earth prepares for the transition into the peaceful harmonics of the fourth dimension and her alignment with the rest of the Universe.

In order to facilitate the healing process on our planet, the energies of its citizens and leaders need to be realigned with the light energies of All That Is. If we wish to make a difference in changing the reality of our world, I will give another exercise that, if practice daily, will begin the healing.

If you will, meditate daily on creating peace in our world by focusing our attention on sending healing energies to our leaders that they become aware of the global problems in our world instead of their own isolated illusions. If you would send 20 minutes daily on this, the mass thoughts of all of us would begin to start the healing. You can do this at any time. You do not have to be in deep routine for just a few minutes at a time, sending messages. You may do this, for example, in the shower, driving cars, anywhere you do not have to be actively focusing on your daily activities at that given moment. The more you do this, the sooner you will begin to experience healing as a nation and as a world.

The contract with God and learning from Loss

We are on our planet to learn and evolve. When we have finished learning one incarnational group of experiences we will move on to another incarnational group of learning experiences until such time as we have mastered the Earth experience and can free ourselves of its limitations. All souls need to move on with their evolution. When we allow our life to be severely affected by the transition of another soul, we do not allow that soul to enjoy the peaceful existence it is now capable of experiencing. The constant longing for the soul to return to the Earth plane by its loved ones can have serious effects on the soul. For then instead of seeking the light and accepting the transition, the soul becomes absorbed with feeling the need to return to an Earth-life existence without the proper amount of rest time needed in its home dimension prior to the next incarnation. Their energy becomes trapped on the Astral Planes, not making it through to their home dimension. Some of these souls, because of the pull from their loved ones still experiencing a life on Earth, will hover in the Astral Planes for many years wanting desperately to return. Try to realize that by holding onto them we are not allowing them to be set free and move on with their soul’s evolution. We will meet these souls again. In most cases we have spent many lives incarnating with them. They are part of our soul group that may contain a large number of entities or just a few. We play various roles within the family hierarchies, each time experiencing different elements of life within these structures for the greater learning of soul.

The scripts or contracts that were made by us and the rest of the members of our soul group were set into place long before we incarnated into this life with the understanding that we would each play a role in the learning experiences of each other. Some may play perceived negative roles, others perceived positive roles, but it is all agreed upon for us to learn from the experience.

Now, the souls who have moved on or also moving on with their evolution but the lessons still remain for the Earth souls who are in the process of experiencing their chosen lives. We are to gain a valuable learning experience from this loss, as agreed upon by us before we incarnated into this life. It is our responsibility to continue with our contract until it is completed and we are able to make the transition ourselves.

Of course we feel sad at our loss, but it is really not a loss unless we see it that way and this becomes an ego perception. We create our own ideas about how we feel with our thoughts. The impetus behind thoughts is generally ego-motivated in this phase of our evolutionary path. If we choose to be happy then we will be happy. If we choose to be depressed and fearful, then that is what we will get. It does no good to dwell on the loss, for as I said earlier, it is not a loss but a transition from one state of energy to another. Allow the departed souls to move on by creating loving thoughts of joy for them that they are able to return home to where we all have come from. As we release them into their new existence, do it with an abundance of love and support. Know that we were not left alone so that we could wallow in our own misery but that we ourselves are now entering into a different learning path for our own soul’s evolution. The love light of the Creator will surround us and will never abandon us, for we are not separated from it. All we have to do is focus on the Divine energy of The Creator and we will be helped immensely in evolving our soul’s experience. All we have to do is ask. we can do this in either prayer or meditation, whatever is comfortable for us within our spiritual belief system.

I am going to deal with another subject right now, and this is related to suicide with 9/11. It is important to understand that our body is a gift. Some of us may feel the pain of our loss is unbearable. Please know that the souls involved in 9/11 chose to experience this probable death not only for themselves – for their own soul’s growth – but for ours. The rules are very clear about suicide. We my not take our life. It is a violation of Universal Law. Some of us may feel we cannot go on. We must stay to finish out our life and learn the lessons that we were brought to the Earth plane to learn.

The suicide mission entities have already been returned to incarnate in the bodies of babies in relatively the same conditions and circumstances. They will be returned into the same mass belief system of the nations from which they came and will have to try again to move towards the light. When a soul sheds its body, if the soul has created death for others or committed suicide, it is not allowed to re-enter its home dimension. The energy guides will escort the soul to Council where the soul entity will be advised by the Elders of the Council to return. A suicide can only be justified on an individual basis with the members of the Council and the soul present. There are only a few situations where it is acceptable. I will further elaborate. If we are terminally ill and our vehicle was in the final stages of the death process we will be allowed to re-enter our home dimension. If we have abused our life with drugs, alcohol or whatever, this is also considered a suicide and we will be returned to do it over again. The Council is the only force on the Astral Plane that makes these decisions when there is a borderline situation. Otherwise, it is fairly clear, we will not be permitted to enter our home dimension.

I may clarify what the home dimension is here. The home dimension of the Astral level is where most souls go to commune with each other and study. There are many home dimensions all based on various stages of evolution completed. As I said before, it is where we spend most of our time in-between incarnations on the Earth physical plane. The soul there will make their decisions as to whether they wish to transfer portions of their energy again or not and what planets they choose to go to although most will remain in Earth incarnations until the Earth experiences are completed.

Where we choose to incarnate and in what form is predicated on our spiritual evolution. There are certain experiences that one must master before moving on into the higher dimensions. All beings joyfully choose the type of body they wish to inhabit based on what experiences they wish to have while in that vehicle. Vehicles whether physical or etheric are tailored to the dynamics of the atmospheres in which they reside. Many life forms are simply not perceived by third-dimensional vibrations, therefore we would be unable to see them but they still exist and will be experienced by the soul at some point as part of its evolution.

For this next section I want to touch upon the perceived feelings of guilt. Perceived is exactly what they are for they are manifestations of our own mind experience. It is not a good practice to use guilt to blame oneself for the events that cause us to perceive our discomfort. If a choice was made that did not achieve the desired results, then so be it. It was a learning experience and most likely we will have learned from it. Then one moves on. By allowing ourselves to feel guilty about a situation, you are again setting up a chain reaction within the framework of our body consciousness to receive more than just guilt. These thoughts express themselves into many forms of illness whether mental or physical. They will begin to manifest because we have taken away the free will or our cells and injected into them our ideas and thoughts, thus changing the healthy and happy path that we were on in creating a whole and healthy being – oneself. Thoughts of this nature alter the consciousness of our cells, which in turn will affect the abilities of our body consciousness to keep our physical vehicle healthy.

Effectively it does no good to linger in thoughts of guilt, for essentially there is no such thing anyway. Guilt is a manufactured production of our own mind/thought energy. Guilt has no purpose. Punishing oneself with guilt only locks the doors on forgiveness of self and shuts out The Creator’s light. Realize that by letting go of the feelings of guilt and changing our conscious thoughts, we will have done more good than we are aware of. The thoughts that we harbor, when inter-playing in the negative arena, only serve to suppress our own soul’s growth.

I know some of us are saying as we read this that it all sounds well and true but how can I make myself stop those ideas from manifesting themselves? Be consciously aware of them. Look at and examine the underlying reasons that we have those thoughts and feelings. examine the physical sensations within the structure of the thought and analyze it. Are there other feelings and thoughts that have also participated in the creation of these sensations? We will see that there are indeed and perhaps many of them. Much can be said about the nature of our personal thoughts since they make up the nature of our very being. Without them we would not exist. When we can examine our thoughts on an honest level we will see that we have created not only the guilt that we have been speaking about, but also a host of other feelings that in some cases are interfering with our soul’s evolution. I will be including several exercise within this blog that will help us with analyzing our thoughts and realigning our beliefs.

Our physical vehicle is a marvelous thing, a very wondrous and ingenious invention. It is for our enjoyment, for us to experience all that the Earth plane has to offer. It is not meant to be locked-up in some closet of guilt or hidden under veils of fabric. Now I’m not saying that all of us should run out and strip off all our clothes and run willy-nilly into the streets, because of our society’s rules we would probably be arrested. Use this as a metaphor to release your ego’s energy from the bondage of its perceived beliefs and open up our powers of creativity. Learn to look at your fellow man/woman with a renewed interest in his/her being. We are all part of the same Divine energy source. As we observe our behaviors we send much love to us. It is the desire of all essences of the Divine energy of The Creator to live harmoniously with each other. Enough said on this subject of guilt for now. The messages that I have brought forth here can be applied to any situation where a perceived negative emotion surfaces and we have the desire to eliminate it from our perceived reality.

All of the souls who made the energy transition in 9/11 knew before coming into this life that they were going to be part of a mass awakening of consciousness on the planet be experiencing that event. Their transition from their Earth existence was worked out long before they were born. These brave souls knew that this event would realign the consciousness of mankind and start the process once again of moving us forward in our stagnant evolution. Their efforts were not in vain. Many of us came into an awareness of self and our relationship with the rest of humanity after this event. Our thoughts and ideas in our present reality are manifesting into actions now that are greatly affecting our future reality. As we move further into this material I will be stressing the importance of our thoughts on our reality and what we can do to change our world for the better.

Oftentimes when mass societies fall upon times of great stress, events will take place to redirect the consciousness back towards a peaceful existence. As with plagues and wars, these events orchestrated for the evolution of mankind/womankind. Many beings must learn from these events in order to maintain an equilibrium that is beneficial to the social order of their societies. The souls of 9/11, prior to incarnating into their lives, were aware that these events were probable reality and could lead to their probable deaths although they were not consciously aware of it as they lived out their daily lives. All probable reality is based on the actualized thought forms and free will of mankind/womankind. There were many, many others that for whatever reasons did not participate in the event, even though it was a probable reality for them as well.

The terrorists as we see them, for they do terrorize humanity with their beliefs, are no different than us or  in their soul’s essence. They are still part of The Creator’s energy source, however misdirected the ego-perceptive thoughts and actions of their physical vehicles are and have been. We are all connected as one within the many Universes. I realize this is hard for many of us to accept. Anyone who terrorizes individuals or nations is under the influence of negative forces and this should be apparent to most of us what we are witnessing. This event was a wake-up call to humanity and is one of many that are still to come until the leaders of our countries can put down their nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and start to help the people of the world out if their grip of poverty, fear and suffering.

If we will only stop and look at the information that we hold as true and see that for the most part we have unconsciously and consciously accepted them as being the norm. We have become complacent with the ideas of others and that all of society is evil and out to get us. When individuals are under the influence of the negative ego energies it would appear to be so. This is only an illusion, a temporary situation in which an individual has been caught in the web of these influences. With the realization that these forces exist, one can become more aware and thus begin to keep them from clinging to our light.

In this moment of our history we are witnessing the breakdown of many institutions that we thought were untouchable and indestructible. We are being awakened to the atrocities of our world and in doing so we will be in direct confrontation with many of the darkest forces of our planet. We will see more of this crumbling of our belief systems in the near future. This is is part of the process of the evolution of Earth and its citizens. There will be many more breakdowns in society;s firmest beliefs, for many of these beliefs do not hold any truths.

All souls have a built in desire to evolve, but because they have allowed outside forces to take over they are not sure how they will accomplish this. Many of us walk around in fear and despair because we have allowed our perception of the events around us to undermine our soul’s purpose on our great Earth. I will give a very simple exercise to remove negative forces from influencing us. It is important for us to learn how filter through and remove information that comes to us. Most of us take everything we hear from our leaders and media as truth. These truths that we believe to be truths are not what they appear. We can examine all data that comes into our mind and purge out what does not give us a positive approach to life.

When we find ourselves fearful and thinking negative thoughts or begin bombarded by them through the dialogue of others, when we are unable to break free of the situation, I would ask, do the following: I should you create a small box, an imaginary box. You will carry this box with you wherever you go. when besieged with negative information, take the thoughts, open the box, put them in and close the lid. You may envision yourself wearing a small box around your neck or carrying it in your pocket, but each time you become aware of an onslaught of negativity and you cannot get away from it, put it in the box. Put them in there and consciously remove them from your thoughts. This works quite well with not only thoughts, but people too. You may out the image of a whole person in there to be cleansed and returned whole back into the Universe. Each time you do this, you are helping to clean up the negativity of others even though they are not consciously aware of it. Put them in there with an abundance of love, no matter what they have done to you as you see it. When this is done with love, it will transmute back into love and back to you. Now, if you find the negative thoughts or people coming back into your head or life, simply open the box and out them in again until you get good at this. It will be routine. Now the thoughts may be hatred, greed, prejudice or anything that’s coming your way. If you’re driving your car and you suddenly create a hateful or a negative thought against another stop yourself, grab the thought and put it into the box. So you see this works both ways, incoming and outgoing.

The thoughts of mankind/womankind are neutralized by the higher-dimensional beings as they float into the Universe. We do not allow our negative thoughts to interfere with the lives of other beings in other solar systems. Since thought is energy and energy cannot be destroyed, there are very effective methods of neutralizing your negative energy through the use of crystals and then returning it in the form of love-energy back to our planet. When we put our thoughts of negativity into the box we are doing the same thing. Picture the box as a deep well lined with crystals at the bottom that will capture the negative thoughts as they fall in and neutralize them. when putting a person into the box, imagine them being surrounded by the healing energies of the crystals. If we do this often enough, you will begin to notice a positive change in yourself and others.

Second coming of consciousness

Prepare mankind and womankind for the impending shift of consciousness on our planet and questioning our beliefs, analyzing our thoughts and opening up our minds to our greater reality. As we awaken we will be opened to a new spiritual kind of existence – a unity with the rest of mankind and womankind – and released from our spiritual slumber. A mass continuity of consciousness is about to unfold and the belief systems of the world are in the dawn of an unprecedented historical change.

The Christ trilogy Paul or Saul as he was also known. Saul and the Jesus Entity Spiritual Hierarchy and are teaching among us along with several others. However, due to certain systems of probabilities on our planet, The Christ Entity himself has also emerged in our world today as a man. This personality will form a new psychic entity. The entity is now preparing to emerge fully into our world as prophesied as the “Second Coming” of the Christian religion.

That entity will not be coming at the end of our world as we have greatly distorted it, but to guide humanity in our world now. He has returned to set up a new system of thought, to reawaken humanity to its relationships with each other and to realign Christianity as it has greatly distorted the spiritual ideas that were originally to be implemented for the evolution of humanity. He has come into our world as a world Teacher and with him he brings many members of our planet’s Hierarchy that will help in the restructuring of our world. He comes as a multi-dimensional personality and will not be oriented in terms of one sex, one color or one race. He will manifest himself at will in many different forms thus exhibiting the multidimensional nature of his being. He will clearly reveal methods enabling each individual to be intimately in contact with their own being and that of the Creator. He will be guiding humanity to use those inner senses of their true spiritual nature and recognize the multidimensional nature of their reality.

As humans evolve our awareness, we will be confronted with our actions and memories of all our lives. A great realignment of the relationship with our souls and with each other will be revealed to all. This is happening now and he will soon emerge publicly and reveal himself.

Love and Light are Knowledge

Many of us have adopted destructive sets of beliefs, lives filled with ego-gratification, greed and selfishness. This however is not the soul’s true nature. If left alone without all of the negative stimuli, the soul would return to a peaceful hum that it has always known. Mankind and womankind would be in sync with Mother Earth and the rest of the planetary life that dwells in our dimension. If we would learn to surround ourselves with The Creator’s light and energy, we would essentially be able to eradicate the constant barrage of fears that have surrounded us. Love and light, which is knowledge, are the only things that are needed to free us from our path of self-destruction. They will dissolve the layers of negativity like acid on ripe fruit and release our soul’s essence from its spiritual slumber. The soul’s essence of each and every one us is trying to pry itself free from the grip of the negative energies surrounding our existence.

As we perceive our reality as something that We have created, then we can and will change it for the better. To find oneself, one must look within, for within lies the perfection of God and the Universe that it ultimately – US. Eventually all of us will see the light, if not now then later. For the entities that refuse to evolve and continue on their greedy, self-centered path with no regard for their fellow man, we may find oneself removed from the humming rhythms of the evolving Earth’s move into the peaceful fourth dimension and assigned to one of the lower-vibrational, two-dimensional planets until such time as our soul yearns to move towards the light and be cleansed. Like a stone encased inside a mountain, there we will sit and wait until we have had enough time to seek the love light.

Many of us have already been awakened from our spiritual slumber and are diligently participating in moving the rest of mankind and womankind into the arenas of awareness. Now when I am referring to negative influences or energies, I would clarify here what I am attempting to convey. It is with respect to our ability to allow our ego’s desires to control our vehicle instead of our soul’s light, as the soul only knows its light and love. It also refers to certain energies in and around our planet that do not serve to evolve with the plan of The Creator.

Now I am not trying to be gloom and doom here, for those entities that are relinquished to this dimension do not in any way reflect the majority of us. Most of us will start soon to get the messages and move towards the light. However, for those of us who persist in the cat-and-mouse game of dominating everyone and everything on the planet, our evolution will not be forthcoming as swiftly as the rest of our planet’s citizens and we may be left behind. I have spoken before about how we can change our reality with our thoughts. Since our reality IS our thoughts, this will not be hard to do.

Cave, camp, and open fires

An open fire elicits certain responses from the cells that for instance, a furnace does not. The effect of the light plus the warmth on the skin is extremely healing. People sit by a fireplace in wintertime because it is unconsciously recognized that recuperative and therapeutic results occur. Simply put, the cells respond to fire-light in somewhat the same manner that flowers do to sunlight. The stimulation is much more than skin deep, however, and an open fire is cleansing. It even helps clear the blood.

Cavemen recognized this. I am not suggesting that we use our fireplaces instead of the furnace. I am saying that in wintertime there are definite health-value effects to be felt when we sit in front of an open fire. Two evenings a week would be quite effective.

The proximity of so many trees also has considerable health value, and to those doing psychic or other creative work the effects are particularly conducive to a peaceful state of mind. Trees are great users and yet conservators of energy, and they automatically provide much vitality to areas in which they are plentiful. This is physically obvious in scientific terms. Besides that, however, the consciousnesses of trees are remarkably kind and enduring.

We think of dogs as friends of man, and we personify gods in human terms. We think of them sometimes as guardians. In those terms, now, trees are also guardians. They are attached to the people they know. You cannot put a leash on them and walk them around the block, yet trees form a protective barrier about, say, a home or a neighborhood. They are actively concerned. They have personalities–certainly to the same extent that dogs do, yet of an entirely different nature. They respond to us. The trees in a neighborhood are particularly friendly, strong, and protective, and they will help renew our energies.

The air may be drier in a certain way. Ocean air is wet but it is healthy. River air is wet, but it may be healthy or unhealthy, according to the nature of the river, the land, and the attitude of the people. After a flood, the river air is felt to be a threat, and to many it is therefore unhealthy. Why do some people, after being flooded in one location, then move to another equally threatening environment.

Life is far from Inflexible

Returning to alternate compositions, we can at any time bring into our own life-composition elements from and “alternate” ones.
Some people structure their lives around their children, others around a career, or pleasure, or even pain. These are simply certain focuses that we choose, that direct our experience. We can add other focuses while still retaining our own identity–indeed, enriching it.

Sometimes we act as though one ability contradicts another. We think “I cannot be a good parent and a sexual partner to my mate at the same time.” To those who feel this way a definite contradiction seems implied. A woman might feel that the qualities of a mother almost stand in opposition to those of an exuberant sex mate at the same time.” To those who feel this way a definite contradictions seems implied. A woman might feel that the qualities of a mother almost stand in opposition to those of an exuberant sex mate. A man might imagine that fatherhood meant providing an excellent home and income. He might think that “aggressiveness,” competition, and emotional aloofness were required to perform that role. These would be considered in opposition to the qualities of love, understanding, and emotional support “required” of a husband. In actuality, of course, no such contradiction apply. In the same way, however, we often seem to feel that our identity is dependent upon a certain highly specific role, until other qualities quite out own seem threatening. They almost seem to be un-selflike.

To some degree we feel the same way when we encounter the concept of probable selves, or of counterparts. It is as though we had an unlimited bank of abilities and characteristics from which to draw, and yet were afraid of doing so–fearing that any addiction could make us less instead of more. If all of this goes on personally as we choose one melody and call it oneself, then perhaps we can begin to see the mass creative aspects in terms of civilizations that seem to rise and fall.