Category Archives: Feelings


Let us now discuss Loving Understanding some of the great virtues of humankind. Now there is love and there is love. It would seem that each of us might have our own definition: “love of another is acceptance of another regardless of how the other appears, speaks of behaves.” This aspect of love comes from understanding what the human purpose is on our great Earth.

Generally, the purpose is to co-create with All That Is a life of learning. We are on the planet to learn from our experiences in our particular niche in our personal environment. When we can appreciate this overriding fact of life, we can come to a loving understanding of ANYONE we meet upon our Earth.

We are All on the same voyage: that of the path to Soul Realization. Each person we meet in our experiences is a teacher for us, therefore, and from these interactions we learn our lessons and our knowledge grows. Now, All That Is also grows in knowledge and experience with us, as we co-create and then experience our lessons.

All That Is is the energy source for all of creation. Indeed, we’re on our Earth to experience for All That Is, our life lessons that include EVERY MOMENT in our existence. Each second of our waking and dreaming hours provides learning opportunities for You-the-Soul.

This is true for not only our current life in this timeframe, but for all our many lives in this and other timeframe, past, present and future. This is not to minimize the importance of any given life. It is simply a fact of life, Dear Blog Reader. And when we understand this in its most profound sense, we can begin to have this sense of Loving Understanding I am describing, for myself as well as for others.


An excellent question in these matters be, “if negative thoughts and images lead to the creation of negative events, and these events are painful, why do people continue in the creation of negative thoughts?” I have covered this before and I now will elaborate on this paradox. Why would a human continue to think and imagine the negative and create negative Reality Constructs and thus feel the negative emotions that come with the negative manifestation?

In a way, the reason for this unusual behavior is that many of the negative reality creators are so accustomed to creating from their negative, repetitive thoughts and beliefs that they essentially know of no other way to think and feel. The creation of their negative personal realities has become “a force of nature,” to coin one of our phrases. The force is quite powerful and has become personalized over time so that the human is entranced with these thoughts and behaviors, thinking these is absolutely no other possible way to think and behave.

Sometimes under these circumstances of entranced negativity, the only way out is through a reincarnational drama or lesson. The Higher Self of the individual creates a life-or-death struggle to divert the attention always from the increasingly negative and self-defeating manifestations.

The human, then, is often quite relieved to enter into a different creative opportunity, even though it might entail a serious illness, accident, mental crisis and so on. The diversion has the effect of waking up the individual from the trance of negativity. They then see the world with a new-found clarity. They have a sudden appreciation and sense of gratitude for life where before they were living a robotic existence.

These creative opportunities may result in the death of the physical form. Still, the Soul experiences that result as a success, for the human has encountered and met the challenge in their own way. This is the Lesson they were to learn, and whatever was learned is now part of the knowledge of the individual Soul, The Entity and All That IS.

Of course, there is the probability we may avoid the life-or-death drama by approaching our lessons “head on,” and not avoiding them – learning what we have come to Earth to learn. The free will choice is always ours.


For the sake of argument, though the situation is exceedingly complex, let us suppose the our subject could go either way here. They may choose to ignore the advice of trusted friends and family and continue on the path of excess, or they may indeed heed the advice of Soul Family Members and pay attention to the signs within their mental environment that seek to direct them onto a different and more productive path.

Our subject has free will to choose one course of development over the other. All members of the Soul Family also have free will to choose their level of participation in the learning experience. At any second in linear time, then, each member of the ensemble CHOOSES, on either a conscious or unconscious level, to participate or not participate in the drama and to what degree.

Again, the Soul Self of each participant ALWAYS comprehends the subjective value in each choice. The Soul Self informs each participant in this example, through impulses received within the mental environment, on the unlimited probabilities for Reality Creation within any particular moment.


A simple example to illustrate: we are introduced to someone at an event or on the job and we shake hands with them. As we shake hands, let us say we look into their eyes, perhaps in an attempt to learn more about them or simply because it it required thing to do in our culture. As we maintain eye contact with this human, we have a deja vu type of experience in which we receive impressions on the mind.

In this split second of perception, images, sounds, feelings arise. We are busy shaking hands and do not have time to pursue these sensations. Yet we do note a connection of some sort with this human. We note to ourself the feeling-tone generated within this meeting. Most humans have had these experiences I am sure, not merely the seekers of wisdom we address in our blogs.


The Soul Family begins with us: an individual human learning our Lessons as best we can, without intellectualization and denial. And let us assume that you are such a human. We are on the path of self-awareness. You are reading this blog to discover where that might lead you in relationship with others. Let us move to the next Blog in this discussion.


Taking ownership of the difficulty is an important first step in creating this relationship of conscious co-creation. For example: in terms of health and the cessation of symptoms, we have suggested that the practitioner first own the malady. Take responsibility for our creation. Learn the Lesson. Then begins the task of doing things differently to create an improved reality. This is made easier through the realization of culpability.

Our strategies for creating the negative reality are apprehended and understood with all of the shame and other negative emotions that entails. The denial lifts to reveal our TRUE self. The intellectualization FAILS at long last, forcing us to encounter YOU, Dear Blog Reader. When it occurs, grasp it closely to our self and do not forget what you are learning in those moments. Use this knowledge to move forward in our Soul’s evolution.


The original Soul Mate conceptualization from our ancient spiritual traditions included honoring the negative aspects also: the shadow or Dark Side.

Now: every human has the repressed, hidden personality aspects. And so, in the practice of these ancient traditions, Lessons were learned regarding the negative aspects of consciousness as a way to mutually integrate the “forgotten” material. The Dark Side of the personality was honored just as the divine aspects were honored within the spiritual practice.

The modern metaphysical concept of the Soul Mate often lacks this component. Further, our religions tend to denigrate these Dark Soul Issues as the work of the Devil, or as the result of a “weak will” or Spirit. This practice quite naturally leads to further repression of the cast-off images, ideas, and emotions.

In fact, what many of us think of as the “born again” experience is simply the spontaneous release of this material into the conscious mind. The result of this influx of energized constructs is often a full-blown visionary experience: the spiritual rebirth, the transformation of the “dark” material into Light.

We are modeling our Soul Mate theory on the practices of the ancient paths. Therefore we shall include the creation of the Light from the Dark in relationship as a necessary process to observe and nurture. In the interests of integrity and power we shall work from both sides: the polar opposites of the creative principles.


There is no “fate” involved here, however. All realities are created at once, and expand, in a sense, “forever” within the eternal moment. Can we grasp this crucial point? We have free will within each moment of our life to select from infinite probabilities, those we wish to manifest.

Yet I do realize that these descriptions may appear as though there is no free will at all. This is how it looks from the outside looking into our reality. I sense, for example, not only me David as I write on this computer on the patio in my backyard, but the Soul Self of David as it presents itself within numerous other human life-forms on our Earth in other eras. All of these manifestations I can see if I wish.

What looks like destiny to us from within our system – the “fateful” meeting of our Soul Mate, for example – appears as infinite choice to my eyes as I observe all of us making our spontaneous free will choices within this moment in time. In other words, the end result of any reincarnational activity is determined by the Free Will choices of the participants.

In addition, we may remember that even the probable realities NOT chosen, continue on their trajectories of manifestation and development. Thus, we have these numerous probable worlds, parallel realities given birth by our varying choices moment-to-moment.


Our individual awakening is an awakening to our other lives. We have suggested before that we are not always a sweet and loving people in our many lives. In some of those lives we are, quite naturally, the opposite of Sweet and Loving.

Thus, when we are mastering this awakening exercise, we become aware of our own “baggage:” the leftover negative ideas, images, and emotions that we carry with us Lifetime-After-Lifetime. It is a distinctive residue of negativity, made up of the essence of every shameful, hurtful, hostile, envious thought or behavior of our Simultaneous Lives.

Now in this example, we are witnessing a religious zealot attempting to convince us of the value of their system. Yet something is not right here. Something is very distasteful indeed. Let us say for the benefit of this discussion, that we are being triggered by this human to re-experience our own negativity as we have expressed it in other lives.

That is why it is so personal, you see. That is why we may overreact with this human, and perhaps respond in an angry fashion. This time it IS personal, for they are our reincarnational mirror, reflecting back to us our shameful angry past. Perhaps we have even lived a life as a religious zealot, so that we are witnessing the negative lifetime in all its glory, in all of its educational power.


The energy Personality of Spirit Guide may assist me in my exploration into the Soul family. As we may already know, the road to awakening literally begins when we acknowledge that we have non-physical Guides that are watching over us and that may guide us.

It is an age-old story. Ritual contact with the non-physical beings is at the base of all our religious systems. Every spiritual tradition on our great Earth has the devotee first initiate contact with a spiritual being of some sort – god, goddess, God, animal spirits of various kinds, and so on.

Each culture has its variations on this procedure. This system I offer you as a metaphysical teacher of countless years. And so, yes, the first step here is to ask for assistance until you get it. We are thus not entirely on our own in this quest for spiritual understanding.


We may be already well aware of our Current Soul Family Gestalt in so far as they are also members of our genetic family, our adoptive family, our friends and our social networks. However, to fully explore the connections between us, and for example, the tens or hundreds of people we interact with on any given day, we are advised to consider researching our Personal Reality Field as a Scientist of Consciousness.

As a scientist we would delve into the thoughts, feelings, images evoked in the momentary assessment of the human we are evaluating or the experience we are exploring. We investigate with our Inner Senses within our own consciousness by simply Intending to do so.

How do you Intend? Briefly, we intensely desire to get to the bottom of this intuition we have about a possible Soul Family member, for example. Then we wait to see what arises. We may immediately receive more information on the subject via our Inner senses. Or later in the day it may occur to us, as in a dream or state of reverie, what the connections are. Then, as you are receiving information, we document it in some form – other than the memory, which can be quite volatile – for later study.

From these information streams we gather our data and glean our Findings. A Findings is simply something of value, in this case, something pertaining to Reincarnational Existences of the Soul Family that you didn’t know before the investigation.

This culling of knowledge from the Unknown Reality is how the Ancient Wisdom reveals itself within our system. These skills we are learning will help us become aware of our greater creaturehood on all levels.