This emotional Body may be perceived as the intersection of “energies” of Reality Creation within our physical construct. We may experience it as existing within the heart region. It is within this construct that the Reality Creation agendas of All That Is of our Reincarnational Existences may read. We may, for example, observe within this Emotional Body the emotional and symbolic underpinnings of a chronic illness that currently plagues us. Or we may witness a dramatization of an event from our past that keeps us from enjoying prosperity in our present. Thus we may sense these strategies in our own particular fashion, using the Inner Senses that we are developing through experimentation in this project.
The greater sphere of activity within which rests this Emotional Body we refer to as The Light Body, as do many of the current teachers and practitioners in our world. This construct is “built” from the intersecting energies of existence – or dimensions if you prefer – of our many Simultaneous Lives. This Inner Senses representation of The Emotional Body, as well as the Inner Sense of sight itself, we are calling the Auric Vision.
For example: If my friend Rob was to select at random one of the planes surrounding the Central Field of Experiencing in our diagram, and using his imagination and his Inner Senses “tuned-in” to another life, he might very well find himself experiencing his aboriginal existence, or possibly his existence as a female in New Orleans Louisiana in the U.S.A. or as a Roman soldier from many hundreds of years ago, in our terms. These are just a few of Rob’s Reincarnational Existences.
You Dear Blog Reader also have a vast store of existences just waiting to be explored. This illustration may serve as a meditation piece for you in this way. In each of our Blog Series, we have presented these simple focusing tools to assist you in perceiving your greater reality – the reality of your Soul Self. Please utilize this tool in your experimentation as you attempt to access your other lives.
Let me add to this cursory explanation with a description of a new metaphor we are presenting: Central Field of Experiencing. Now we exist within an intersection of dimensional planes.
The intersection of several planes. They share a common area, that we shall call our Central Field of Experiencing. Let us say that each of these planes of existence represents one of our Simultaneous Lives. Let us further state that the common area here our Central Field, is our current self experiencing life in this time-frame.
Now all of these planes are connected at the Central Field and so not only does our current self have at its disposal the perceptual ability to experience events within our current life, but also, because we are indeed connected to the other lives – hard-wired, in a sense – we have the POTENTIAL to experience events, feel emotions and have thoughts from within these other simultaneously-lived lives.
The planes surrounding the Central Field represent our various Reincarnational Selves as well as the many PROBABLE existences that we co-create with our consciousness and All That Is. This Central Field, then, is our current Third-Dimensional existence. Look around at your surroundings. This is what we are referring to in this current discussion.
Now as we look around us what do we see? Do we see a futuristic landscape with mythological creatures grazing on the lawn? Do we see a vignette of interaction between two family members from a life in a Mystery Civilization, such as Atlantis? Do we witness the life we are living now, complete in every detail except for one? Perhaps there is a stranger, someone we do not recognize, apparently living their life with us in our home. Does this unique detail “prove” to us that we are viewing a scene that does not exist in our current physical reality?
I would guess that you are perceiving your surroundings as quite similar to those we left behind you as you proceeded to read this Blog. My point here is that the possibility exists for you, in this time of accelerated consciousness, during this Dimensional-Shift we have described, to briefly inhabit the bodies of your Reincarnational Selves. You accomplish this by refocusing your perceptive apparatus – the Inner Senses – on a tangential plane of existence. You will be picking up on the sensory experiencing of these humans who are indeed you, Dear Blog Reader, as you are engaged in living your lives within the many time-frames on Earth and in other systems.
Let us present an example here for illustration. Imagine if you will, a human undergoing an extremely stressful life event. Perhaps this person has incurred a job loss and is quite worried about the financial implications of this negative event. The emotional state of this human is chaotic – stress-filled – as a cascade of Negative Emotions floods their mental environment. Consequently, the Personal Reality Field of this person is also chaotic. And because it is created from Negative Emotions, there numerous triggers within their Personal Reality radius that “cause,” in a reflexive fashion, the continuing recreation of Negative Emotions with in their psyche.
Now immediately prior to the jobs loss, let us say that the mental environment of this human was quite balanced and even “happy.” Their monetary needs were met. Their needs for a social outlet were net with the job as well. So the firing of this person has a devastating effect upon their mental stability, as we may well imagine.
Now let us further propose that a great mistake was made here with this firing of out theoretical worker. The employer made a mistake through a mix-up of some sort, and upon discovering this, they immediately rectified the error, by perhaps calling the hapless human and giving them their job back.
Well, again as we imagine, the Personal Reality Field of this human example was instantly transformed with the call from the employer reinstating them in their position. Happiness was again experienced. Relief from monetary worry was experienced, as well as gratitude, perhaps, that they would continue to enjoy the social amenities of their employment with humans with whom they had developed strong, Loving relationships.
I hope you see my point here in this example. We are all, as humans existing within the Third Dimension, engaged in a witnessing of our mental environments projected outward into physical reality on a moment-to-moment basis. The ideas and images within our psyches are the blueprints for the creation of the varied Reality Constructs that compose our Personal Reality Field. The mutable emotions are the energies that power this reality Creation Phenomenon.
This Blog we will present the basics. The phenomenon we are calling Reality Creation will be discussed in a very simplified form. Though we will certainly add to my theory in so far as further describing the role of the Scientist of Consciousness in the exploration of the non physical reality, the following Blogs detailing the rise of the New Science will present a much more detailed analysis.
Now for information, Dear Blog Reader, our world is composed entirely of thought. A musician composes musical works of art with notes as the creative material. In the creation of realities, the human in the Third Dimension uses thought in artistic ways.
To carry the comparison further… just as the “mad” artist might refuse to admit their creation of the art before them – paintings, let us say – the majority of human beings refuse to admit that they have had a hand in the literal creation of their physical world. Certainly many of us would say that this is crazy thinking, or “magical thinking” as our psychiatrists refer to it. We have become so estranged from our works that we fail to see ourselves in the “mirror” of our physical reality.
One reason for this estrangement is that this creation of our world is done largely on the unconscious level. It is truly a projection, in this sense, for we are individually projecting our subconscious thoughts, images and other mental constructs out onto the “Screen” of our Personal Reality Field.
Our thoughts give birth to realities. Fearful thoughts gave birth to fearful realities. Thoughts of Courage and Loving Understanding give birth to Courageous and Loving realities. You may witness this for yourselves within your own manifestations. Watch and see how each element in your perceptual field REFLECTS your inner state of emotion and imagination.
Perhaps other examples are necessary to help pull you from your denial. Many of us are most probably familiar with denial of the drug addict or the Alcoholic. In these instances it is very clear-cut. The subject may be experiencing the destruction of all that they hold most dear – family, business, friends, it is all falling away – yet still they maintain their “innocence.” This is denial at its most obvious. But the negative effects of denial are also felt in every other sphere of human activity.
In the Consensus Reality Manifestation there is evidence of mass-created denial at work. Witness how the many millions of us in the West still deny our responsibility in the creation of negative conditions in the lives of those who live in developing nations. We are the squanderers of our Mother Earth’s resources. We in the West use a great deal more of the oil, minerals, lumber etc. relative to population than do those in the poor developing countries.
The rationalization here, a common one, is to state, perhaps under our breath, that “these people deserve their lot in life. They may be lazy. They merely have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps,” and so on. I have chastised quite gently for these offenses in our last series of Blogs. I now continue this tradition in this series of Blogs.
Now I am aware that you are a student of mine and you are attempting to “work” on yourself. You are attempting to learn your Lessons and perhaps you are awakening from your denial. But please also notice the residual aspect of denial that is always with us in this regard. It is the seed from which racism and other unsavory misperceptions and misjudgments grow.
With denial we have another very successful strategy for avoiding our Lessons. Here we are literally creating a reality for oneself unconsciously, and then disavowing any hand in the creation of the reality. “I am innocent,” you are in effect saying. Yet obviously it is your world that you are co-creating here. Your Personal Reality Field certainly bears the marks of your personality. Still, when we are up against something that we do not wish to face-perhaps because it is embarrassing to us, something quite true, yet something that challenges our standards – we disaffirm it, we disempower it, we DENY it.
We deny the thing with vehemence relative to the importance we place upon it. In other words, we deny what we most know to be the utter truth, in the honest appraisal of the subject at hand. Here again, those of us who observe our behavior, and know our motives and indeed our probable developmental paths as human beings, must laugh at such nonsense. The amount of energy wasted in such denials of self – for that is what these instances truly represent – is vast beyond all comprehension. And so we must laugh to ourselves, as we observe in the midst of our “Issues.”
For example: when we experience a twinge of Negative Emotion, perhaps triggered by something in our environment that reminds us of an event, a negative event for our past, we immediately redirect the ego/intellect to something other than the negative memory, the negative event.
Now you may use this skill of distracting the ego/intellect to our advantage within Reality Creation programs described in this Blog. The key to use of this technique is to FIRST listen to what the information stream is attempting to convey to us. Listen and understand. “Face the Music,” to coin a phrase.
In this sense, we have the opportunity for awakening to our denial in each and every one of our self-created moments. This current Moment Point, as you are reading this Blog, may become a moment of awakening if we but merely CONSIDER, that what we most ardently deny – particularly with regards to our so-called “Issues” – may be better embraced as the truth of the matter.
This is a simple test that we may utilize in assessing any perceived fact of life in our current existence. What do we most fear? What do we hate most strongly. Herein lie our weaknesses in our Reality Creation agendas. Inconsistencies, prejudices, cultural delusions, artifacts of consciousness that cause us to grimace or wince inwardly may be indicators of this denial of the Soul Self.
One of the most popular forms of avoidance for us is intellectualization. Through this strategy we assess the Divine information within our mental sphere as something completely explainable. Scientific reasoning – logical deduction – is used to place the information in a neat and tidy and already known and understood category. Here a stream of spiritually – informed communication is interrupted and redirected to other parts of the psyche where it will not cause any disruptions.
To continue this metaphor, the stream of Divine Information attempts to erode or melt away the self-limiting beliefs within the psyche – beliefs that may no longer serve the purposes of the evolving Soul. But the ego is in charge here, and the strategy of intellectualization works quite well for the majority of us. It allows us to ignore, as mere mental anomalies, these messages from our Higher Self. A brief example: when you experience a viewing of a non physical being – a “Spirit” in our terms – we ascribe the sensory information we are receiving to “Tricks” of the eyes, being perhaps mentally exhausted, hallucinations due to any number of “Rational” causes. I am certain that the Blog Reader may contribute their own examples.
Of course in the workplace this strategy allows us to keep focused on the task at hand. In our private lives the misdirection of the ego/intellect allows us to continue on our path of development, however nonproductive and even self-destructive this path might be. Indeed, it seems that the more nonproductive the life lived, the more firmly the ego intellectualizes – “explain away” – the information received from the Divine Sources.
I have suggested that our main task in physical reality is to participate willingly in this exercise, as though we were in school, for we are indeed in an educational relationship with our Third-Dimensional Reality. You the Blog reader are both teacher and student. Your greater personal consciousness, what we have been calling the Soul in these Blog works, acts as a teacher to our Earthly ego. On the subtle levels, You-the-Soul know full well what are your Lessons for your current incarnation.
The ego, what we are calling the student aspect in this description, “pretends” to be unaware of these Life Lessons and their dramatization in physical reality. This is “the play” of our physical world – our creation of learning experiences in ensemble with other humans, for our mutual edification, and for the greater experiencing of All That Is.
I have covered this quite thoroughly in the new Blog Series, and so I shall not digress. However, please take from this brief reminder this fact of existence: just as many other teachers both physical and metaphysical have stated, “Each” second of our Earthly experience is an opportunity for spiritual growth. The way to move forward in our Soul evolution, is to perfect the transformation of Negative Emotions into their diving counterparts.
Now this quest for self-realization may be short if we are prepared to face our Lessons directly, without the denial and avoidance for which humans are so famous. To those of us in higher dimensions, it can appear as quite strange how many continue to suffer the effects of anger, fear, and the like, all the while knowing full well how we may extricate ourselves from our dilemma.
Here I am referring to the continuous messages from Beings of Light that exist within our mental environment, yet which we ignore through various mental and physical maneuvers. Perhaps I should take a moment here, before we get into the substance of this series, to describe for you these incredible gymnastics of consciousness.
This is an series of Blogs on the subject of Reality Creation. It is assumed that you have developed the skills of self-observation described in the new material, or perhaps you have read other Teachings on the subject of receiving and translating divine information. As an advanced work, we shall take it for granted that you are learning your Lessons.
As you well know, the Lessons for you in physical reality are the emotional states of anger, fear, shame, racial prejudice and others, that you must transform with you intent into Loving Understanding and Courage. In this way, our system is quite similar to others that you may have known in your life as a seeker of knowledge. This makes sense, does it not? The seeker of wisdom tries as many systems as necessary until they have realized the Soul’s Intent.