Now my concept of Value Fulfillment enters here, as you might well expect. Money has value, I am sure you will agree. Yet please allow me to describe for you the “spiritual” basis of this value. An example for illustration: Dave receives a check from one of his blog readers in exchange for an item. When Dave takes the check in his hands from the envelope, he experiences an emotional response. These emotions may run the gamut from positive to negative depending on the context, the conditions of existence, you see. Remember, it is a process of creating realities from emotional states of consciousness, this Third-Dimensional existence. The emotions of Dave, and indeed of all of us, vary and degree throughout our waking hours. This is quite obvious to us I am sure.

Now let us say that our subject is perceiving through the perspective of The Abundant Universe, he is also strengthening this perspective through his appreciation and gratitude in the moment. Remember that in the Moment Point we are “priming the pump” with positive images and ideas that will set the stage for further demonstrations of The Abundant Universe in our perceived future. The creation of this positive reality of The Abundant Universe is becoming habitual.

On the other hand, just for the sake of argument, suppose for a moment that our subject is not necessarily perceiving from a grateful, magical, abundant perspective. Suppose that, moments before opening the envelope containing the check, he had an encounter with someone that “caused” him to become anxious, fearful, angry. These Negative emotions, further let us say, combine within his psyche to create a potent quite toxic brew of ingratitude and disdain that will color his Reality Creation efforts, as least for the short term – for the next few minutes of hours. You may possibly guess what might be the result of our subject’s opening the envelope containing the check. Certainly we might not expect gratitude or an appreciation of the magical nature of the Universe. Most probably we may expect a less than healthy response from him, for he has set himself up to create negative realities by succumbing to the energies of negativity.

Thirdly, may we take it for granted that our subject IS learning Lessons of gratitude, acceptance and the other virtues of humankind? If we may, let us also assume that he is actively involved in learning these Lessons consciously and has identified the negative GOC(Gestalt of Consciousness) resident in his psyche, one we might call Ingratitude. Knowing that he has the power to “change his mind” with his Intent, he uses his Divine Will to create Loving Understanding and Courage out of anxiety, fearfulness and anger. thus, upon opening the envelope and observing the check, he is well-prepared to experience gratitude, perceive The Abundant Universe and perhaps marvel at the magical nature of Reality Creation.

In the first case, our subject is appreciating the value of the magical aspect of money creation. In the second case, he is concerned with experiencing the value of Negative Emotions and those realities created through these emotions. In the third case he is experiencing the value of empowerment that comes with awakening in the moment to his Reality Creation agenda, and then using his powers of creation to change that agenda. In all cases, he is learning SPIRITUAL Lessons that will add to the experiencing of his Entity and All That Is.