Category Archives: Evolution


I have just suggested that the human experiencing an absence of havingness has quite probably experienced emotional distress within the domains of personal power and authority. These injuries occur within the Simultaneous Lives and are re-experienced by the human via impulses sent to them from these lives. The human that acts upon these suggestions will create more unfortunate experiences in their ongoing life. Over time, the state of consciousness we are referring to as lack “solidifies” as the recreation of states of lack becomes habitual. It seems there is no hope here. The subject may feel they were born to be poor, to be without. Like depression, the entire field of the Personal reality is colored by these negative conditions. And in a reciprocal fashion, the outer environment reflects the inner state of emotional injury.

We create our own reality, you see. We have effectively created a belief in the inevitability of poverty. You have created poverty through the template of this belief. Because the emotional tone of lack is pervasive in the Personal Reality Field, you habitually will choose only those thoughts, images, behaviors that will recreate the status quo. Thus lack endures.

I have painted a bleak picture , Dear Blog reader. Now I shall present some Techniques and Experiments that will assist you in your Spiritual Prosperity Program, at whatever level of lack you find yourself.

Perception of lack

The key emotional support that the human brings to prevent the clear perception of The Abundant Universe is LACK. The perception of lack, emotionally experienced over time, creates and sustains the state of consciousness called poverty. In those who create lives of “just getting by,” this emotional tone is somewhat pronounced. In those who create lives of abject poverty, it is pervasive. The emotional Idea Construct of lack is the electromagnetic core to which the varying Reality Constructs that compose the Personal Reality of the human experiencing poverty are attracted. Briefly, if you see lack wherever you look, you are conceiving and perpetuating lack wherever you go.

Now before we continue with this explanation, please allow me to explain again the process of the Soul Self as it creates a life of Lessons. Thus far, my description of the self-created reality of poverty may seem to be quite heartless, a matter of ” blaming the victim.” After all, how does one explain the many innocent children living in famine-afflicted countries? How can I possibly suggest that these children CHOSE their current existences? Dear Blog Reader, remember that the Soul Self sends a fragment of itself into the body of the baby and then creates Lessons without guilt or other Negative emotions. Also, on deep levels of understanding, the baby also knows and accepts the conditions of the coming life. Yes, it is dramatic, the hundreds of thousands of humans who die under these miserable conditions. Yet that is the point here. The Soul is dramatizing for the Entity and All That Is, as well as the subject, these difficult Lessons.

Again, without generalizing too much here, I can tell you that many of these short lives are experienced by Souls who have reached the end of their incarnations of Earth. They are ready for the peaceful and Loving realities of other systems. They are quite enthused about “going out of the loop,” in a sense, with a great flourish – the short, dramatic existence of a child in a poor country, let us say, who seems to be truly a victim. In the greater perspective of the Soul Self, it is just opposite. These children are creating their lives through great bravery and Loving Acceptance. They are not victims.


Dear Blog Reader, I believe that a spiritual practice of prosperity is necessary to assist those in need of reconciling their religious or spiritual beliefs with their desires for material wealth. Within this spiritual practice of abundance it is perfectly “OK” to entertain thoughts of acquiring material possessions, engaging in desired behaviors with other humans, and so on. However, these thoughts or visualizations will be created within a different mental environment that you may be used to. For is it not true that there may be a lingering doubt that you may be engaging in desperation and foolishness, or worse yet, “the work of the devil” – the sin of avarice – may have held you back in your efforts at manifesting abundance. It is true, that in matters of conscious co-creation, the focus must be steady and unswerving with an element of hopeful expectation powering the exercise.

So faith enters the discussion, Here I would ask you to drop any negative connotations that you may have attached to the word faith. When we suggest you embody the state of faith, we would hope that no symbols or emotions, will be recalled that will keep you away from what you are attempting to create. Some examples of these counterproductive ideas are: fear of punishment by religious figures, thoughts that faith is a religious concept of empowered spirituality here. As in other experiments and exercises in this new material, we are asking you to change your beliefs and ideas about what is possible. In this case, the object that is Loving, accepting, Courageous.

Perhaps a short example may help you. Consider the bird, the rock, the tree, the mountain. Do they worry what the future will brings? I suggest they do not. All of these quite conscious elements LIVE within the moment, experiencing the existence as providing all that is required. The human, on the other hand, complicates matters in the matter of existence and brings fear, worry and doubt into the equation.

Let us say then that our faith, our trust, our hope in this theory of Reality Creation, is in essence the simple Loving expectation, in the moment, of consciousness. We may even go so far as to say that the human embodying this faith we are describing, is utilizing within the moment, the creative potencies of All That Is. Now the human would do well to emulate the bird, the rock, the tree in this embodying of faith. Look around you and see how the various living and “inert” compositions are sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not sustained within the moment. The future and the past do not exist. There is only the current moment of existence for consciousness.


Now all of us are on Earth to learn a literal lifetime of Lessons, The Lessons of value, abundance, money are often related to matters of authority, SELF– worth and personal power. We might say that the person experiencing a lifetime of lack has most probably experienced emotional injuries in these domains, certainly in the current existence, and also in other Simultaneous Lives. In this way, all perceived negative conditions are truly systemic, representing a focus by the Soul Self on the injurious Gestalt of Consciousness lending their creative energy and direction to the creation of the negative conditions in all of the participating Reincarnational Existences. It is indeed a group effort here, as it is in all matters of the individual human experiencing their Lessons – positive or negative – in any particular lifetime.

An example of this multidimensional group effort is in order. Imagine a Soul Self, an Entity composed of, shall we say, several thousand Simultaneous Lives, as well as innumerable probable existences. Each of these Selves, additionally, is unaware of the others. They are each individually living as suppose that of these many lives, a small percentage is experiencing what we call “Wealth” or a perception of The Abundant Universe. To simply, let us say that the remaining lives are experiencing less than favorable conditions. Now the lives experiencing lack “support” one another on the subtle levels via the Telepathic Network. Through impulses received telepathically from their fellow impoverished selves, the poor ones are given instruction and advice, in a sense, on how to create an impoverished existence. Now this is how it works under all circumstances for us in our world. As I said, you and all of your lives are learning Lessons. You support one another in learning your Lessons via these impulses sent and received on the subtle levels.

In these matters of the Soul Self and the learning of Lessons there is no judgment. There is no experiencing of the emotional complex of guilt on these levels of interaction. The Soul Self has a mandate, we might say, that is emotion-free, to assist in the creation of the reincarnational dramas and comedies for the Simultaneous Lives. It is the individual lives themselves that bring the emotional element into the mix for learning purposes.

Example of value fulfillment

Now my concept of Value Fulfillment enters here, as you might well expect. Money has value, I am sure you will agree. Yet please allow me to describe for you the “spiritual” basis of this value. An example for illustration: Dave receives a check from one of his blog readers in exchange for an item. When Dave takes the check in his hands from the envelope, he experiences an emotional response. These emotions may run the gamut from positive to negative depending on the context, the conditions of existence, you see. Remember, it is a process of creating realities from emotional states of consciousness, this Third-Dimensional existence. The emotions of Dave, and indeed of all of us, vary and degree throughout our waking hours. This is quite obvious to us I am sure.

Now let us say that our subject is perceiving through the perspective of The Abundant Universe, he is also strengthening this perspective through his appreciation and gratitude in the moment. Remember that in the Moment Point we are “priming the pump” with positive images and ideas that will set the stage for further demonstrations of The Abundant Universe in our perceived future. The creation of this positive reality of The Abundant Universe is becoming habitual.

On the other hand, just for the sake of argument, suppose for a moment that our subject is not necessarily perceiving from a grateful, magical, abundant perspective. Suppose that, moments before opening the envelope containing the check, he had an encounter with someone that “caused” him to become anxious, fearful, angry. These Negative emotions, further let us say, combine within his psyche to create a potent quite toxic brew of ingratitude and disdain that will color his Reality Creation efforts, as least for the short term – for the next few minutes of hours. You may possibly guess what might be the result of our subject’s opening the envelope containing the check. Certainly we might not expect gratitude or an appreciation of the magical nature of the Universe. Most probably we may expect a less than healthy response from him, for he has set himself up to create negative realities by succumbing to the energies of negativity.

Thirdly, may we take it for granted that our subject IS learning Lessons of gratitude, acceptance and the other virtues of humankind? If we may, let us also assume that he is actively involved in learning these Lessons consciously and has identified the negative GOC(Gestalt of Consciousness) resident in his psyche, one we might call Ingratitude. Knowing that he has the power to “change his mind” with his Intent, he uses his Divine Will to create Loving Understanding and Courage out of anxiety, fearfulness and anger. thus, upon opening the envelope and observing the check, he is well-prepared to experience gratitude, perceive The Abundant Universe and perhaps marvel at the magical nature of Reality Creation.

In the first case, our subject is appreciating the value of the magical aspect of money creation. In the second case, he is concerned with experiencing the value of Negative Emotions and those realities created through these emotions. In the third case he is experiencing the value of empowerment that comes with awakening in the moment to his Reality Creation agenda, and then using his powers of creation to change that agenda. In all cases, he is learning SPIRITUAL Lessons that will add to the experiencing of his Entity and All That Is.

The Abundant Universe

The Abundant Universe exists, as does any other potent GOC, (Gestalt of consciousness) as a holographic entity within our collective consciousness. Both past and future memorized of this state are released in ecstatic dreaming. Our myths of paradise and our stories of the Garden of Eden and other highly idealized Utopian constructs, are fragments of this GOC that serve to remind us of how pleasant physical reality can be. We feel a great sense of longing when engaged in these visionary activities, as though a priceless element of existence has been lost forever. This, however, is OVER-dramatizing the issue. The Abundant Universe is there before us, where it always is, where it has always been, in our terms. The perceptual blinders we are calling the Negative Emotions serve to block our view of this paradise.

We have used terms such as calcification, hardening of the vision, etc. to explain the process of the human creating the self-imposed “blindness” within the personal consciousness. Knowing this. I am certain that you may grasp the simplicity of succeeding in this enterprise Spiritual Prosperity. It is a matter of waking-up to our true reality. It is a matter of facing our Lessons with Courage and Loving Understanding. It is a matter or remembering paradise and then recreating it in the moment.

Gestalt of Consciousness and Prosperity

Prosperity, The Abundant Universe, havingness are all simply “states of mind.” They are also Gestalts of Consciousness as we have defined the term in this Blog. As Consciousness Units are manipulated by consciousness over the millennia in the creation of realities, templates of creation are “agreed upon” to serve as the blueprint for the creation of Reality Constructs of all types. Those states of consciousness that we may call “poverty” and “just getting by,” serve as the blueprints for self – The Soul Self – to create an ongoing less-than-prosperous life.

This may appear to you as overly simplified. Dear Blog Reader, it truly is quite simple. This is the basic dynamic of Reality Creation in the Third Dimension. I have also referred to this act of creation as a matter of “alliance” with Entities of various kinds. It is all the same here. Reality creation occurs at the point where our Intention, our focus, our consciousness, our spirit meets the Third Dimension. Period.

Do you notice how matters of worthiness and guilt do NOT enter into this discussion of the basics of manifestation? The human being in the throes of feeling unworthy, of feeling guilty, of feeling cursed interjects these Negative Emotions into the blueprints of the Reality Creation project. This could be our current existence, for example. AS the human degrades, in a sense, this basic template of creation, the GOC (Gestalt of Consciousness) we are calling The Abundant Universe is transformed over time into one that creates a life of “just getting by” or even one of “abject poverty.”

The Abundant Universe is our baseline reality. We are born within The Abundant Universe. Over time we have a tendency to make this GOC “our own” by personalizing it with our Negative Emotions. We do this for purposes of dramatizing our Lessons in physical reality. We are aided by members of our Soul Family in this endeavor. Our main task in creating Spiritual Prosperity is to work with our Soul Family to perceive and create The Abundant Universe.


We have titled this section of the Series of Blogs Spiritual Prosperity to again challenge your beliefs about what is and is not spiritual. Everything is literally made of spirit. Everything in our world is spiritual, therefore. Spirit is Light. Spirit is energy. We are on the Earth currently to learn how to use energy to create our world in an improved fashion. From this premise we shall move forward.

Our Spiritual Prosperity Program will allow you to transform your beliefs and ideas about abundance. If you are experiencing a lack of necessities, you will be empowered to alter your perspective in a necessary fashion to reveal The Abundant Universe. Now this Abundant Universe is always there for you to experience. It is a probable manifestation from the field of limitless probabilities before you.

Your focus upon the positive elements within your field of perception is the path to creating and experiencing The Abundant Universe. You may remember this as the Consecutive Positive Assessments technique from the last Blog. In the Spiritual Prosperity Program we shall avail ourselves of the techniques and experiments used in The Healing Regimen


The Blueprint consists of the studious application of the Ritual of Healing, the Techniques and your personal Findings to the issue at hand.

CPA – Consecutive Positive Assessment
DTEI- Distracting the Ego/Intellect
SD – Suspending Disbelief
MT – Metaphorical Tools
CIYG – Calling in Your Guides
RTEB – Reading The Emotional Body
BR- Belief Revision
HT- Healing Talk
CYFHS- Consulting Your Future Healed Self
CTP- Creating the Panacea


At the end of the day, assess on a scale of 1 to 7 your use of the Rituals and Techniques suggested in The Healing Regimen.

1 – Very little use 2 – Some Use 3 – Moderate Use 4 – Regular Use
5 – Consistent Use 6 – Concerted Use 7 – Very focused Use.



You are required to learn your own Lessons in physical reality. The nonphysical beings are not permitted to interfere. Now this is why I must be rather vague in my presentation to you of these Ritual and Techniques. You are to work out the particulars on your own, and by so doing, gain the expertise and Value Fulfillment entailed in this project. Some of you will be satisfied to obtain modest results in this endeavor, while others will accept nothing less than “perfection.” These are your beliefs that determine “success” in this or any of our other projects. It is all a matter of your free will choice.


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from your future healed self.


This experiment would be a form of “back engineering.” For example: as you visit this future healed self, using your visualized transport, you might ask yourself, “What am I doing differently now that has perhaps helped me achieve this healed stat?” Make a list of what comes to mind. You are indeed in that moment of contact, receiving information from a probable future self that is experiencing a healed state. This information gathering may take the form of an informal interview. Have a list of questions prepared prior to the experiment. If you are sufficiently comfortable in Trance that you will not be distracted by reading your questions, have the questions available to refer to during the interview.

Now…. this is your most effective advisor, your future healed self. This information from your future self may take the form of nonsense. You may, for example, be advised to perform an absurd gesture, motion or such thing. This does not make sense to your third-Dimensional ego, for it may seem embarrassing, silly etc. If you feel that you are in contact with your Guides, that you are guided by them and you are in contact with your future healed self, my advice is to take the advice of this Energy Body. Perform the silly gesture. Do the embarrassing behavior. Obviously, we would not wish to harm anyone, including the practitioner, in taking this advice.

You may, using your Inner Senses, perceive this future healed self and you might ask questions of this self and receive the telepathic responses that you may integrate into your Healing Regimen. These responses may come in symbolic form. Again, using your intuitive faculties, interpret these messages and act on them or not. Of course you have free will here, as do you in all facets of your existence, and you may act accordingly.

FINDINGS – Write down the answers you are receiving or in another way document this information from your future self.