Category Archives: Etheric Body


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist in the Spiritual Prosperity Program.

Can you see that you are pursuing these studies for a purpose? You are well into this description of the Spiritual Prosperity Program. I believe it is safe to say that you are concerned about the level of prosperity that you are currently experiencing. In other words, in the nomenclature of this teaching, one of your Lessons for your current existence might well be to investigate the possibilities for increasing abundance in your life.

Now you may have been drawn to this new Blog material for a variety of reasons. But can you accept the possibility that perhaps the main reason is that you were “prompted” from within to look at the new Blog material. If you can accept this premise, then perhaps you may take it one step further, and admit the possibility that you are already in touch with non-physical beings.

Inner prompting are often communications from non-physical beings. Whether you believe that it was you guide who has prompted you, or another Spirit Guide, or simply your individual human consciousness – the amalgam of “conversations” between you and your Reincarnational Existences – do you see that you are possibly already quite well along on your path of belief change? Many of the exercises, experiments and techniques in the new material are for the express purpose of belief change in the Blog Reader. Your belief in a non-physical reality populated by Beings of Light and other Gestalts of Consciousness is a prerequisite for our continued growth as a Soul.

There are specific non-physical beings available within your mental environment that may be enlisted in the achievement of Spiritual Prosperity. You may refer to these Light Bodies as Prosperity Guides, if you wish. They are specially gifted beings that have served as financial advisors to humanity. The Crystal Light Messengers. They exist just outside of our Earthly realm as Fifth-Dimensional Beings. Simply have the Intent that you will contact your Prosperity Guides while in your times of meditation within your sacred state of Sanctuary. Then you will meet with success.

The researcher may also use the Energy Personality and other Helpers in this program. Now this is assuming you have already made these connections. If you have not, please simply ” pretend” that you have made these connections and then conduct the following experiment.


Relax you body. Attain your Trance State. Here we are “opening the gates.” you might say, to your divine consciousness. Now you are protected; you are in your state of Sanctuary. As you open the gates you are doing so with the security that comes with divine protection. The Negative Emotions have no place here. Only the Divine is made manifest under of an opening gate or other portal, visualize your assistants in attaining prosperity and abundance crossing the threshold and coming into your awareness.

The non-physical beings of whatever stripe and purpose, emit Light according to the conditions of their particular existences. Vibration, you see, is their calling card. It is with your Inner Senses, also, that you may distinguish one Guide from another, procure their names, ask what services they offer, and so on. Use your Inner Senses in the Best way that suits you for this purpose.

Reality Face Virtual Wire Rack Mask Psyche

This experiment may take just a few minutes. As we have stated elsewhere, your Guides are Literally on the threshold of your awareness, waiting to be acknowledged. Now some of my Blog Readers are perhaps unaware of how easily this is done. They are expecting something difficult to accomplish. They are therefore quite surprised when they encounter one or more of these diving Guides on just the most cursory of exploratory voyages. So I suggest to you that you approach this experiment as one that is easily done. Here you are a child, you see, having some fun with your imagination. When you are done having fun with your nonphysical associates, give yourself the suggestion to return to full sensory awareness in Third-Dimensional Reality.

FINDINGS – Document the names of your Guides and the service they offer.


Hypothesis: You may manage soul family relationships in the Trance State.

We have stated before in these new Blogs series, that each and every human being that you meet – including the delivery person and the teller at the local bank – is in your life at the moment to teach you something. Many of the more intense relationships you create with these humans are Soul Family connections. Of this broad group of humans who are within your field of experiencing to interact with you in the learning of Lessons regarding the acquisition of money and the perception of the Abundant Universe.

This statement may bring to mind events from your own life in which you were quite intrigued with the good fortune that came your way, at hands of one of these mysterious extended family members. Or perhaps you were “taken for a ride” by one of your acquaintances, and relieved of some of your hard-earned money. Either way, you were learning Lessons from Soul Family members. These interactions often have an element of Fate attached to them, as though they were “meant to be,” to coin a phrase from our New Agers. However, as you know, you and your colleagues are making it happen. You are just currently unaware of the intricacies of this cooperative effort.

The perspective of experiencing Lessons from within a broad collective called the Soul Family can be learned. I suggest you conduct the following experiment with the idea that you are already embodying this perspective.


The first step here would be to identify those Soul Family members who may act as partners in the realization of abundance you require. Using your Inner Senses you may home-in on these personalities in your times of meditation. Some you may have already identified within your field of experiencing as potential allies. This is a form of communicating with the Energy Personality of another. You will be identifying specific characteristics of personality and Soul that will assist you in creating good fortune within the lives of all of you, everyone benefits, you see.

Now this group may be small in number or it may be quite Large. Either way, you will be working with these humans on the subtle levels. You might think of yourself as the business manager of this assembly, and you are working with their High Selves for mutually beneficial purposes. This is you Intent. You are grounded in your sense of Divine Will to communicate your interests to these humans via their Spirit Guides – their Energy Personalities. If EP of the Soul Family member resists, do not press further. You are not to force yourself on others in any way. This is a sacred form of communication. If you meet with resistance, move on to another potential partner. In the mundane world, there may be no signs that you are interacting with these people in any special fashion. “Business as usual,” as we say. However, do note the attainment of group goals that could have never been realized had these secret connections not been made.

FINDINGS – Document the establishment of connections with Soul Family members and the realization of Soul Family goal in matters of abundance.


Hypothesis: We may tune-in the abundant universe

Perception creates reality in the Third Dimension. When you visualize and embody The Abundant Universe, you are CREATING and SUSTAINING this Gestalt of Consciousness. You are withdrawing from this template of creation, the highly personalized elements in the form of Conscious Units that you require to create the reality of abundance within your Personal Reality Field. You can’t help yourself, you see. Your thoughts are composed of Conscious Units. All Consciousness seeks manifestation of itself. By simply thinking of something you lend your efforts towards creating it.

Now we each have our idealized view of the perfect world. You know quite well what objects, what types of people, and what behaviors would exist in this world. For your own reasons, however, you choose not to put your energies towards manifesting The Abundant Universe. As I have said to you, your “reasons” for doing something or not doing something in your life – the denials. The intellectualization – serve to aid you in encountering and experiencing your Lessons.

For example: consider a human that finds themselves within a precious financial situation. All is lost financially for whatever reasons in physical reality. Additionally, this human makes matters worse by continually blaming themselves for the financial loss. It is a personal issue. They feel as though they have failed personally as well as financially.

Now this negative assessment of the Personal Reality, as you may remember, serves to perpetuate it. The person is trying all of the domains of existence into one know. They are in effect saying, “I have failed financially because I am a failure personally. I am a bad person, an undeserving person.” The entire existence is colored with this negative assessment.

How does this person perceive and create The Abundant Universe under these drastic conditions? Remember, this is an unconscious process. If you wish to this Gestalt of Consciousness that is your personalized Abundant Universe, then you must go to the unconscious and explore. It would be wise to use the emotionally neutral state of Trance. In the Trance State the subject may gain a broader view of the life and the conditions of existence. The Agenda of negative Reality Creation is easily interrupted by the Trance. The opportunity for introducing changes into the reality creation strategies is made available.


Attain your Trance State. If you are in your quiet meditation area, relax your body, breathe deeply, rest upon the floor or do whatever behaviors assist you in creating the Trance. If you are out in the world, you may, as we have suggested in the last Blog, tie the attainment of the Trance State to a gesture such as snapping the fingers, rubbing a good-luck piece or whatever suits you.

In this experiment we will assist the researcher in withdrawing from the negative reality of lack and “waking up” in The Abundant Universe. This has a distinctly magical quality to it.

As you are resting comfortably, out in the world or in your meditation area in your home, within your Trance State, embody the perception of entering the Gestalt of Consciousness we are calling The Abundant Universe in this Blog. A playful approach here may be best. As child would, imagine yourself in your inner world, coming into a kingdom, perhaps, in which all of the desired Reality Constructs that populate your personalized Abundant Universe are displayed. You are venturing out and away from your normal world to visit this inner world where the outer world is created.

As we have suggested in our other experiments in using the Trance State, the information stream may be sensed in various ways. The Gestalt of Consciousness may present itself to you “full blown” as in an intense, multisensory visionary experience. Or you may get your “glimpse” of this idealized state as though you were receiving a Holographic Insert or other inspirational missive from the nonphysical world. You may hear sounds and voices that represent abundance and good fortune for you personally. You may also simply experience a “good feeling,” a pervasive sensation of grace, a feeling that all is well with you in your world.

As you receive you data, note the information for documenting later, then proceed to go deeper into you relaxed state and uncover more Findings. Typically, because the emotions experienced in perceiving The Abundant Universe are so positive, you will be motivated to continue your explorations. When you feel as though you have enough information from the session, return to full sensory awareness of Third Dimensional Reality, bringing with you The Abundant Universe that you have perceived/created into existence on the subtle levels. If you are out and about, on a park bench let us say, snap your fingers, rub your good-luck piece. If you are indoors in your meditation area, give yourself the suggestion that you will return to your normal awareness with the full memories of The Abundant Universe intact.

FINDINGS – Document your findings.


As I suggested our practice of giving to worthy causes only when we may claim a deduction from our taxes, is not Giving in truest sense. This is not the magical act of that we are teaching in this new material. To be honest, it is a sad form of money exchange, this corporate giving that is celebrated in our world. Many of us who give in this fashion expect something in return. Whether it is a tax deduction, God’s grace or simply the good karma that is so valued by the modern human, something is expected in return for the giving. Might I state it bluntly here? We taint this process with our bargaining. In Giving there are only the communication streams of Beings of Light. There is only the transformation of Light into something else. There is no bargaining.

I believe it might help us to think of our Giving of our money, our time, our Loving Understanding to others is simply the transformation of our Light Energy into what is needed by the recipient of the Giving. From this perspective, you may envision the immediate transformation of our gift of Light into what is desired, what is required by the receiver. In this context, the recipient uses their Reality Creation energies to collaborate with us on the subtle levels in the co-creation of the necessary constructs.

Take for example here my previous description of the children in our poor undeveloped countries. I am not suggesting that we refuse the tax deduction we “deserve” for contributing to their cause – though that would indeed demonstrate our commitment to true Giving – but please try attaching your powerful Light energies to the gift when we do make our donations for the purchase of food, medical care, and so on. And remember, Dear Blog Reader, there is no pity here in this true reality of the Soul. We are equals on the subtle levels, equals who are merely learning different Lessons. Do not give because you feel sorry for the other; give because you acknowledge the opportunity to endorse the Courage of another.

It may help you to think of oneself as a Light Body in this exercise. I am a Being of Light. You are a Being of Light. On the etheric levels, within the Telepathic Network, we both have equal powers. We communicate with one another instantaneously. We observe the instantaneous manifestation of our thought-forms. We are in the Third Dimension and we have a perception of a lag-time in manifestation. However, this is merely a perception. Your reality is my reality at its base. Our holographic messages are received INSTANTLY by the recipient. On the etheric plane, the recipient IMMEDIATELY benefits from our Loving and Courageous act of imbuing our transmissions with these creative energies.

Now if you are coming from a perception of lack, it is quite true that on the physical reality level, it appears that we are giving up our resources, our money, our personal property. However, as I said, the Soul Self of each of us engaged in the interaction know quite definitely that this is not the case. As the Soul Self of the cashier at the market, for example, receive the energy from our transmission as we hand them our payment for our food products, our higher Self receives an influx of beneficial energy from them. Now on the physical plane, all that we may notice is a slight knowing smile on the face of the cashier. This is our cue, however, that our thought-form is manifesting.

The Abundant Universe

The Abundant Universe exists, as does any other potent GOC, (Gestalt of consciousness) as a holographic entity within our collective consciousness. Both past and future memorized of this state are released in ecstatic dreaming. Our myths of paradise and our stories of the Garden of Eden and other highly idealized Utopian constructs, are fragments of this GOC that serve to remind us of how pleasant physical reality can be. We feel a great sense of longing when engaged in these visionary activities, as though a priceless element of existence has been lost forever. This, however, is OVER-dramatizing the issue. The Abundant Universe is there before us, where it always is, where it has always been, in our terms. The perceptual blinders we are calling the Negative Emotions serve to block our view of this paradise.

We have used terms such as calcification, hardening of the vision, etc. to explain the process of the human creating the self-imposed “blindness” within the personal consciousness. Knowing this. I am certain that you may grasp the simplicity of succeeding in this enterprise Spiritual Prosperity. It is a matter of waking-up to our true reality. It is a matter of facing our Lessons with Courage and Loving Understanding. It is a matter or remembering paradise and then recreating it in the moment.


You are required to learn your own Lessons in physical reality. The nonphysical beings are not permitted to interfere. Now this is why I must be rather vague in my presentation to you of these Ritual and Techniques. You are to work out the particulars on your own, and by so doing, gain the expertise and Value Fulfillment entailed in this project. Some of you will be satisfied to obtain modest results in this endeavor, while others will accept nothing less than “perfection.” These are your beliefs that determine “success” in this or any of our other projects. It is all a matter of your free will choice.


Hypothesis: You can receive advice from your future healed self.


This experiment would be a form of “back engineering.” For example: as you visit this future healed self, using your visualized transport, you might ask yourself, “What am I doing differently now that has perhaps helped me achieve this healed stat?” Make a list of what comes to mind. You are indeed in that moment of contact, receiving information from a probable future self that is experiencing a healed state. This information gathering may take the form of an informal interview. Have a list of questions prepared prior to the experiment. If you are sufficiently comfortable in Trance that you will not be distracted by reading your questions, have the questions available to refer to during the interview.

Now…. this is your most effective advisor, your future healed self. This information from your future self may take the form of nonsense. You may, for example, be advised to perform an absurd gesture, motion or such thing. This does not make sense to your third-Dimensional ego, for it may seem embarrassing, silly etc. If you feel that you are in contact with your Guides, that you are guided by them and you are in contact with your future healed self, my advice is to take the advice of this Energy Body. Perform the silly gesture. Do the embarrassing behavior. Obviously, we would not wish to harm anyone, including the practitioner, in taking this advice.

You may, using your Inner Senses, perceive this future healed self and you might ask questions of this self and receive the telepathic responses that you may integrate into your Healing Regimen. These responses may come in symbolic form. Again, using your intuitive faculties, interpret these messages and act on them or not. Of course you have free will here, as do you in all facets of your existence, and you may act accordingly.

FINDINGS – Write down the answers you are receiving or in another way document this information from your future self.


Hypothesis: The emotional body displays the causes and cures of all maladies.

Now let us attempt to “read” The Emotional Body. You will be attempting to assess, with your Auric Vision, the energy signatures of the various imbalances and cures inherent in the Auric Display.


First, please attempt to embody a deep state of relaxation. You may accomplish this by focusing on your breathing for just a few moments. You may also stretch your body in your particular fashion that leads to relaxation and a focus on the inner world. Use whatever methods you have perfected in your experimentation.

Now what we are attempting here, as in all experimental research in this new Teaching of mine, is nothing less than the entering into Trance State. This state of consciousness is simply the mental environment of your Soul Self. Here you bridge the inner to the outer worlds with your awareness. You fine-tune the perceptive tools – your Inner Senses – with you Intention to achieve the precise focus of awareness that YOU require to accomplish your goals.

The perceived representation of The Emotional Body may encompass the majority of the physical body, but is centered, as I said, within the heart region The “reading” of The Emotional Body has a visual component, yet it may be a felt sensation, as in a sense of tingling or other energy signatures within your own body. You may also experience it as a “heard” vibrational message in manner of song. These sensing’s may come to you as images and full visions, possibly composed of personas or animals in various roles, acting out various scenes for your education and enjoyment. The dramatizations may be sensed on the inward eye, though the eyes may indeed be open. The visionary state permits these contradictions – feeling the pulse of visualized scenes of hearing the songs of manifested illnesses and their sources.

The Auric Vision is the Inner Sense representation to your mental awareness of the health issue in its totality. This potent Idea Construct or Gestalt of Consciousness exists as a holographic reference that contains everything you as the Healer require to diagnose and bring balance to your own body or the body of your subject. Each of you will sense and interpret this information in your individual ways.

This Auric Vision may come to you quite quickly, just as you enter your state of awareness, or it may take several minutes for you to focus on your Inner Senses and achieve a diagnosis and perceive possible cures. You may need to “sleep on it” and receive the bulk of the information in the dream state, for assessment, diagnosis and curative measures to be achieved on awakening. These are matters of the healing process. Do what serves best your needs or the needs of your subject.


Use your hands to fan around the body, “feeling” for any anomalies of energy vibration. You may do this literally, with your physical hands and make passes around your own body or the body of your subject, or you may do this in the visualized form, using your imagination.

Project your consciousness into your body or the body or your subject, to search from within it as a miniature explorer.

Listen to the narrative of subject and derive from these words, the messages from the Energy Bodies that will serve to direct you to the cause of the difficulties. This narrative may serve to bring to your mind a visual or other sensory dramatization that holds the diagnosis information in symbolic or literal form.

When you are working on your own healing, simply attempt to tune-in to your inner ruminations. These messages are the supports of the Gestalts of Consciousness we are calling disease process. Now also within this inner dialogue are messages from Beings of Light. These suggestions may have come from your future probable existences of from other Guides who are attempting to assist you in your Healing Journey. Simply put, here in this experiment you are tuning-in the healing states and tuning-out the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the disease.

Now illness is a Lesson that your Soul Self has “arranged” for you to experience in physical form, yet it is possible to heal yourself if you can learn the Lesson in other ways. For example: suppose on reading your Light Body you discover that the “reason” for your diabetes, is an imbalance in The Emotional Body. You are having difficulty accepting and processing “the sweetness that life has to offer.” This manifests as physical illness in a very literal way. You may heal yourself by learning how to accept and transmit the sweetness of life. You needn’t suffer unto death from the illness. So it is essential that the underlying “cause” of the malady be addressed or the difficulty may come back in another form, as in a physical, mental or spiritual malady of some sort. These are matters of belief revision. This subject will be explored next.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings from this ongoing experiment.


HYPOTHESIS: The non-physical beings may assist you in the healing regimen.

You may have already contacted your Guides, such as the Energy Personality and others to assist you. If you you have yet to create these relationships, I suggest that you continue with The Healing Regimen “as if” you were in contact and communication with your Guides. Let me elaborate for just a moment.

Consider your powerful imagination. Now the imagination is the great creative force in our system that assists us in our creation of Reality Constructs. The emotional energy that “fuels” this Reality construction, as I have stated, is based in Love, a very potent emotion. Now here in this instance, in our protected state of Sanctuary that we are experiencing, can you imagine with your great creative intelligence, a relationship with what you might call a Spirit Guide?

Can you sense the powerful current of Love and compassion that supports and sustains this relationship? Stay with this for a few moments. Images may come to mind for you, suggesting characters from your childhood, possibly representing “imaginary playmates.” Loving characters from your mythologies may appear in the mind’s eye. I suggest you go with the flow here, knowing that there is Loving intent, and envision your Guide into being.

Ask for the name of the Guide and it will come to you. The name may have a nonsensical quality to it or it may be rather mundane. Accept the name if you intuitively feel it is right. This is a preliminary exercise here. You are not seeking perfection, simply progress in this endeavor. Whatever comes to you in so far as name and appearance and emotional content is quite sufficient. Honor this process and accept what you are creating with All That Is in this moment.

This is simply a way for you to conduct the necessary behaviors and Idea Constructs into reality formations in the Third Dimension. You usually do not value something as real, unless a beginning, middle and end to it in your Physical reality. This is why your Guides, even though they are seeking your contact, do not suddenly appear to us “out of the blue.” Our guides do not wish to scare us, in other words. This is the beginning of the manifestation of your Guides into your Personality Reality Field, and in a sense, we will “believe them into existence.”

FINDINGS – Take a few moments to document your experiences in contacting your guides.


The second part of this experiment deals with the calling in of your various Guides and Helpers, for those of you who have already established these relationships.


You are in your state of Sanctuary. From this perspective it may be easy for you to envision your Guides as they appear on your mental screen perhaps, and what skills each may employ in assisting you in The Healing Regimen. Your Energy Personality, for example, may be asked to assist you in remembering that you are embarked upon a path of positive moment-to-moment assessments of your experiences. You might ask, that, should you lapse into the robotic trance or negative ruminations common to many of us in our system, we would be reminded, possible by some specific sensory cue from your Energy Personality, to awaken and proceed with the Rituals of Healing.

You may have specific Helpers that you rely upon in matters of healing and balance. I suggest you call them into assist you in day-to-day program of positive assessment and Reality Creation. The Guides may provide you with the ongoing Loving emotional energy required to sustain The Healing Regimen.

In essence, here you are attempting to create a divine state of consciousness long term. You are asking for the assistance of your divine Guides, and as they help you through each successive moment in The Healing Regimen, you will feel the beneficial energies and effects upon our physical body.

FINDINGS – As the project moves forward, document your experiences in assessing and utilizing your Guides.


It is within our power as co-creator with All That Is to use our Divine Will to create more appropriate realities for oneself. We may do this with the Metaphorical Tools of various types. In our Blogs on Soul evolution we described one such tool: the Radio Dial Metaphor. Let us again describe the activity of this magical dial. This is simply a visualized dial, possibly modeled on a dial we have seen on one of our radios or other electronic devices. By turning the physical radio dial, different radio frequencies are accessed and different radio stations are contacted. By turning the visualized dial on our visualized radio, the researcher “tune-in” to the Energy Bodies that compose non physical reality.

This is a Metaphorical Tool used in a ritual way. Time after time, as these connections and communications with Beings of Light are established, it becomes a habitual act. I might add, that it also becomes easier to make these connection, the more we use our Metaphorical Tools.

With the dial, for example, we may discover our Guides, learn their names, and consult with other Gestalts of Consciousness that may assist us. Through the use of this tool, using our Inner Senses in an Intentional way, we may safely observe and study the disease-producing Idea Constructs. With the Metaphorical Tools we create a “protective barrier” between our consciousness and the Idea Constructs that support the malady.

Of course we may use any Metaphorical Tools that we have already established for our use in our past experiments. Or we may develop our own set of tools to assist us in our project. So that we might create for our use a transportation device of our choosing, one that may take us to various locations in the past, present and future and in both the physical and nonphysical worlds. It is up to us to use our imagination to create tools that can serve our particular needs. Now let us begin the experimentation that will furnish us with data to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen.


Our ego/intellect is an expert in the creation of status quo realities. It always begins its work on awakening after our sleeping times, whenever that might be. As we open our eyes, there is a tendency for the ego/intellect to take charge IMMEDIATELY. It is our job to remember that our regimen will begin or continue at that particular time, and circumvent the strategies of the ego/intellect to control our Reality Creation agendas.

We do this by distracting the ego/intellect. This is a divine distraction. We divert our attention from the mundane to the Divine. This is simply a personal reminder from our Soul Self that we are supported on a wave of ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness. We have described this feeling state in our last few Series of Blogs. We are supported; we are endorsed; we are Loved. We do not need to recreate the status quo reality of suffering, illness and other negative states. We may also use our Energy Personality and other Guides to help remind us of our Scared Quest in these moments.

However, if we are like most people, our ego/intellect will not enjoy these attempts to divert the manifestation energies toward the Divine. The ego/intellect may flood our consciousness with Negative Emotions, traumatic memories, reminders of financial peril etc. We may experience a sudden fear that we are taking these explorations too far, perhaps wandering into “the danger zone.”

Religious conditioning may serve to bring doubt to mind. We may feel that perhaps we should go to church soon or speak to a priest. Or course we may do these things. We have free will. But might I suggest that we are now acting as our own intermediary? We are bridging the physical and subtle realms with our awareness. Just as the magician, the shaman, the witch does, we are acting as our own intermediary between the physical and the Divine.

My advice, when you are experiencing these responses from the ego/intellect, is to intervene with your Intention, and possibly with the assistance of your Guides, and divert your attention back to the Divine. It is really just a matter of choice in the moment. We are choosing from the perspective of the Soul Self, a path of improved reality Creation.