Category Archives: Etheric Body


We always have a choice, Dear Blog Reader. The great question for us as a physical being is this: when we awaken to our true reality, will we choose to create our life of Lessons consciously, or will we try to escape, play hooky from this dramatic enterprise of physical existence? Many of us well know what I am saying in these paragraphs, for we are well on our way to wakening fully.

Yet some of us may look on these new essays of mine with the all too critical eye of the ego. Fear, cynicism, competition rule the roost of the ego. I would ask you to pull back from this type of scrutiny and attempt to use the perspective of the “awakened one.” The heart is open as anger is transmuted into Loving Understanding. Fear is turned to Courage and faith.

The awakened or enlightened human may choose to be creative with the creation of events within their own reality. We may postpone the event of our physical death, for example, and undergo The Transition at a later date, perhaps learning more and gaining the Divine Knowledge from these additional months or years of living experience.


Of course the reason we are not as familiar with these other Masters, is that we are a product of our Western Civilization. We take as fact what we have learned in our Western schools. We have perhaps been brought up within a mainstream religion, such as Catholicism, and have not thought of what other just-as-powerful and valid demonstrations of the Divine there have been elsewhere, in other countries. We have tunnel vision here. I will attempt to rectify that somewhat.

For your information, at about the same time two thousand years ago, Masters and Teachers related to what we are calling The Christ in these Blogs, entered into the bodies of humans within our dimension. Their stories are the stories of the magic ancestors that we have documented in this Blog. Their stories are the legends of our gods and goddesses as well as Gods and Goddesses with a capital G. All of these beings began their lives around the same time, for they were observing great cycles of incarnation and development.

Again, without lapsing into the metaphysical and etheric too much here, let me just say that these beings were/are Light Bodies, essentially. They did and do now exist as the repository, in a sense, of the spiritual, arcane practices and potentials of humans throughout our perceived past.


Here we will speak briefly on a typical day within the Mystery Civilization.

Atlantis as a collective was in many ways further advanced than our present modern societies in the USA, Europe and elsewhere. Dorian is struggling here with her description. Let me simplify… Within the spacious moment, i.e., the eternal moment of the enlightened human, ALL civilizations exist. Simultaneous time is our baseline for experiencing all of our lives.

So for example Dorian, you are typing into your computer my messages, now, in your current existence as my collaborator. You are also, within this moment, utilizing communication technologies quite similar to our Internet and other computer services, within the life you lived and indeed I lived, within the Atlantean civilization. I repeat, there is a similarity of Reality Construction within ALL of your existences. You are typing into your computer NOW. In our Atlantean life, you are using a device we have mentioned before, that is powered by crystal technologies, to record your literal thought energies into a method for tuning-in to the subtle energies of thought, and recording this information stream. Typing into a computer was not necessary there, you see. The transcription of thought into manuscript was instantaneous with the use if these devices.

Now not only do your activities in physical reality reveal similarities on all levels of consciousness manifestation. In this Atlantean life, you Dorian are also a scribe for the non-physical beings. This is, in a sense, a “career path” for you over your many incarnations.

The correspondence are apparent to the nth degree. Anywhere you would care to look within your other life, you would notice the correspondences to your current life you are living within your current timeframe.

Now to continue, you are using your crystal device in Atlantean, even as you attend to other activities and obligations there. You Dorian currently are contemplating what to have for breakfast. You are hungry and you are visualizing possible combinations of foods to prepare, while you type into your computer. In this life, you are engaged in a similar visualization. However in this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis, the process is simplified also. The preparation of the desired foods in the preferred was is accomplished automatically, you might say.


The past is just as fluid as the future. Anything can happen in the past just as anything can happen in the future, in our terms. It is easier for us to accept the future is more open to change than our past, for we are hypnotized by our consensus reality. However, if we would step out for just a moment, of our obsessively-created consensus reality, as I suggested, we would naturally begin to create independently.

Now to relate this to matters of Atlantis and its “fall.” Our civilization, the American empire shall we say, exists, grows, survives simultaneously with the “preceding” empire occupied by our Native American tribes, as well as countless physical and probable manifestations of civilizations that occurred and are to occur on our world. All manifestations of these civilizations exist at once. The past, the present, and the future civilizations exist now, in this moment.

Let me add that questions of locals and sites of ancient civilizations need not have a bearing on these discussions. For not only is time simply a convenience for us in 3D Reality, but space is also. Again, we decide as a collective of human creators, where, when, and how we will create our individual lives, in what timeframes, and in what groupings or civilizations. We decide as a collective where our civilization of Atlantis will develop and has developed as well as the particulars of every aspect of the society.


Now: it is well known by researchers that the Christian principles, imagery, and so on, were borrowed from preceding spiritual practices, including, if course, the GA religion. Obviously, the founding priests heavily elaborated on the original Christian ethics established by the Energy Body known as Christ. Before, I have reminded that the fundamental tenet of The Christ was all-important Love concept. That was it. It was a simple pronouncement; that with Love of self, of our colleagues in the world, a successful life could be experienced.

Now the priests ignored the original statements of The Christ and other founding energies, of the importance of the “multiple lives” concept. They rejected this foundational principle in favor of an “everlasting life” that the devotee was to experience upon their transition after having lived “a life without sin,” or at least a life that included atonement for sins committed.

The creative priests did not have to look far for the patriarchal elements to add to their model christian practice. The warring tribes that were inculcated into the GA culture brought with them several different pantheons based on vengeful patriarchal gods. These warring tribes were on missions from their territories to conquer the people and to obtain land. They were on the offensive, then, while GA, for the most part, merely attempted to defend herself against encroachment by the aggressive warrior tribes.


Our star system is hidden from view by other systems. I commented on this in my Blog Series on Soul Evolution. Our North American tribes originated from this star system. Inter-dimensional travel is instantaneous, in that one moment, the subject is existing on their home planet and in the next, they are living their life upon Earth, many light years from home, in our terms. To extend this description somewhat: the subject here would not be surprised or traumatized by this event. The subject, as an Etheric Being, would know quite well what was instore for them. They would know that they were to travel to Earth as an envoy of the sacred. All That Is, to assist in the creation of civilization.

Some of these beings traveled to the Third dimension of earth to serve as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This group serves humanity as the intermediaries between the physical and non-physical worlds. They are the beings that have been personalized by humanity to act as various gods, goddesses, and sacred beings.

These sacred beings, then, served as the Gestalts of Consciousness – the energy blueprints – for the creation of the spiritual world of the Native American tribes and indeed for many of the tribes of the South American continent. This simply means that the origin myths of the aboriginal tribes are not “imagined” – they are not the product of the ingestion of herbs and other potent screments, though these have certainly assisted the psychic voyagers within these tribes in identifying and cataloguing the divine spirits – they are as real as any other perceived/created Reality Construct we care to name.


Question: Anything concerning the Anizasi of the American South West and the origins of North American tribes…

Inter-dimensional Beings

This is an excellent question. Let me answer this question in a general way without naming names, as in specific tribes, for the list of civilizations that preceded the North American tribes would fill this Blog volume.

I am speaking of the probable manifestation of large human groups, here. This is how our consensus realities are crafted: through the selection of Reality Constructs from the limitless field of probable constructs by the people of a given area. The reality constructs are given life by individuals. The civilization is enlivened by large groups of individuals.


Now let us talk about origins. The North American tribes are and were the descendants of inter-dimensional beings from beyond the solar system that includes Earth. The way this occurs is this: as in all manifestations of the individual human form upon Earth, the Soul Self of particular Entities of consciousness associated with All That Is, send out a seed to grow within the baby, the human baby. It is not productive to ask which came first, the human baby or the transmission of the spark of All That Is into the consciousness of the baby. Everything exists at once. Linear time is an Illusion. However, let me give you some background information on this process of birthing a civilization.


The Anizasi are noted for their wonderworking. They are the magic ancestors. In this case, the activities of these proto-scientists have been documented and are now part of the “historical” record. Yet I am not exaggerating when I tell you that EVERY group, every civilization from our perceived past, exists simultaneously with its magic ancestors manifesting at the same time. The magic ancestors exist in an adjacent dimension. This dimension is connected to the Third Dimension through portals of communication some of us call chakras. These doorways into other dimensions may be accessed by the interested explorer of non-physical reality through techniques perfected by magicians, shamans, witches and healers over the ages.

There is a reason we are interested in the Anizasi people. We are connected to these people and we are attempting to “find our way back home.” Home for us then would be a star system that is as yet unidentified by our scientists. This planetary system is quite similar to the solar system in which our Earth resides. An assortment of planetary bodies revolves around a nurturing star. Life of many forms exists upon these planets. I have referred to these other systems as simply “dimensions” to assist the reader in finding the necessary wherewithal to “visit” these domains in their meditations. I have defined extraterrestrial as extra-dimensional, for this is a truer assessment. We will not need a spaceship to visit these other systems, only our creative consciousness.


The myths of the North America tribes are quite often literal descriptions of what took place in their inception. The Star People figure large in these descriptions of tribal origins. These narratives describe events that occurred on the inner world of the unconscious – the Underworld. Thus you have the predominance of essential symbols of great power. Now the birth of civilizations entails a mass inception of a great many sparks of Soul into bodies of human beings – babies and otherwise.

The question of what existed before this mass inception can be answered quite simply: previous civilizations existed before this mass inception. In the same way, a multitude of after-occurring civilizations simultaneously before this mass inception. To illustrate: the current residents of North America, including the Native Peoples, the Americans, the Canadians and the Latin Americans, are the current manifestation of these Mystery civilizations. All of these civilizations exist simultaneously, outside of time as we perceive it.

I sense Dorian that you require some details of confirmation and validation. I will attempt to provide these elements for you. In all of the cultures of our world, there are noted within their ancient histories, the activities of the Magic Ancestors. To the modern scientist including the anthropologist and others, these stories are conceived as myths: symbolic narratives having no REAL, basis in physical reality. In my new Blog Series I have made the statement that everything conceived by consciousness has a very real reality, including these so-called myths. Consciousness, in the form of ideas, images, emotion-powered concepts, creates itself in physical form or in dimensions other than the physical.


There is much talk in our media about getting in touch with past lives. Dear Blog Reader, we are already in touch with our past lives. They inform each and every moment of our current existence. These past lives include lives lived within what we are calling the Mystery Civilizations, as well as other of our Simultaneous Existences that are ongoing throughout our past, Our present, and our future.

Not only are we asking you to accept this data as true within our Personal Reality, we are also suggesting to you that we may, with just minimal effort on our part, explore OUR contribution to some or all of the Mystery Civilizations. For it is our contention that we have spent several lifetimes within these unknown worlds. It was there that we learned firsthand the secrets of the universe. We learned, for example, that we do indeed create our own reality: that we have the creative energies of the Logos at our disposal, in other words.

Through these other lives, we are again-and-again reacquainted with our own power, in that we are always born with the amnesia that prevents us from remembering our other lives. Then, as we live the life of a seeker of knowledge, let us say, we “remember” these Lessons learned in our Simultaneous Existences. You may be in a familiar place here and now as you read these words. You may be remembering this Ancient Wisdom once again in this timeframe. If this is so for you, I suggest you take it with a grain of slat, as we say. From my perspective, this is merely another opportunity for us to seek out the mysteries of our existence and share our findings with others: humbly, you see, with Courage and Loving Understanding.



I trust you have found something of value in our little Blogs. Certainly we have not explored the subject definitively. However, the complete expression of All That Is can be sensed inwardly as a Holographic Insert. Therefore, I now place this Idea Construct within these words. You may access this message at any time. Use your intent to guide your Inner Senses to the precise location within your mental environment. This construct has ecstatic emotion attached to it. This emotion will intensify as you approach it. You will know you have made contact when your emotional state becomes transformed to the positive. This is awakening, Dear Blog Reader. Good Luck with your studies.