Category Archives: Energy

Sleep and Astral Travel

Our sleep times are highly important for our health physically, psychologically and spiritually, and so we will now comment on this state of consciousness. Now the adventures of you and your Soul Family are ongoing. Within your waking reality you experience your waking Soul Family manifestation. However when dreaming you may be experiencing other manifestations of your Soul Family, within your current incarnation and possibly within past and future timeframes.

If you watch your dreams closely, you may notice the appearance of “familiar yet unknown faces” on this inner stage of awareness. These hard-to-place characters may indeed be members of your Soul Family as they engaged with us in activities on the subtle levels. Let me leave it at that and encourage us to do your own research in this matter.

On a biological level, as you may know, the body rests and repairs itself during sleep. Without going into too much detail, this restoration begins with the onset of sleep and continues until waking. During sleep, the consciousness, for the most part, travels from the physical body to visit locations far and wide in our Third-Dimension as well as other dimensions. Your Soul, therefore, is engaged in many different activities while your physical vehicle rests and recuperates.

These Sojourns from the physical body have been named Astral Travel by some of us, and this is an adequate description. We do indeed visit the Astral Levels during sleep, but there is much more to it than simply “visiting” these non-physical locales. You-The-Soul are refreshed, revitalized and energized via these inter-dimensional travels.

These are the roads we have traveled for countless years while in incarnation and in the time in between lives. We know these pathways in the grid work of the higher dimensions, as well as we know the route to take to the market in the physical world of the Third-Dimension.

Many of us are engaged in projects and collaborations on these subtle levels. Without the physical body, times takes on a fluid aspect. Travel is instantaneous. We progress by simply intending to go to a particular location. For example: we may be providing comfort to a human or group of humans who are in Tragic Circumstances. We may be providing support to these people in their dream state, even as we may be supported by other in ours.

As I describe in other parts of my Blog, during sleep the consciousness also participates in the creation of what will be local, regional and worldwide waking environments. We create the framework for our reality during sleep. When we awaken, you and our fellow humans “fill in the details” by choosing from the limitless field of probable realities open to us, those that will become our Personal Reality Fields

The Soul Family

We do have different beings assisting  with our Soul. Some have been Guides and friends in other incarnations on Earth. Some of these Energy Bodies have been watching over us and others in our Soul Family since the beginning of time as we understand it.

Broadly speaking, each of us has a constellation of these Energy Bodies, and we are each potentially able to achieve contact with some or all of them, depending on our level of Soul Evolution or spiritual growth. These entities are awaiting our call.

Mankind/Womankind are at the stage of development that it is necessary to make these connections with the Higher Self. This must take place on a grand scale before the Fourth-Dimensional shift can occur.

Now, let me go further with this explanation by discussing the concept of Soul Family. Each of us lives within what we might call our “core” family. This would be the family or families that raised us. These are the people who we call our family members.

Now among this group of humans that we may or may not be related to genetically, are members of our Soul Family these would be the Souls that have incarnated with us into our current timeframe to learn their lessons with us. These members of our Soul Family may well have participated in NUMEROUS permutations of family groupings with us throughout the millennia.

Some of these family groupings may be or have been in other solar systems, on other planets and so on. For the most part, however, our Soul Family has developed in the Earthly realms. Again, members of Soul Families reincarnate together in different roles, of different sexes, of different temperaments and so on, to experience different Lessons for the Entity – the overall collective of Souls in which Soul Family resides – and of course, for the greater experiencing of All That Is.

I must mention, that our Soul Family may include others that we may not acknowledge as “family” members. These participants might include, for example: the cashier at the local market that you may be very attracted to or perhaps find abhorrent, as well as others within your community that you hold strong emotions for.

However, the Soul Family may be thought of as that small group of active participants in our reincarnational activities in our current timeframe. This primary group is the one in which we learn our lessons while other members of the group also learn their Lessons.

Now if we are clever and if we learn to use our Inner Senses, we may find the connections between our current Soul Family, and the Lessons learned and to be learned, as well as perhaps the most “Immediate” or “Recent” past lives. For those of us interested in such things, I suggest we conduct your experiments with this information in mind. The connections will then “come to mind” as we put together your findings

Transforming Fear and Anger

Hypothesis: You can use your intention to transform Fear and Anger into Courage and Loving Understanding.

Think of a fear or anger-creating an idea or image that you have been entertaining lately. Surely most of you can come up with an example. Now that you have it in your mental environment, enliven it with your thoughts and make it seem real. Do this for a few seconds… Now mentally say, “Stop!” and have the intention that you will now turn down the energy on the thought or image, by using your dial or other metaphorical tools, and remind yourself that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is indeed your Soul Self.

You may consult your Energy Personality or other Guides for help in this matter. When the positive emotions of love and compassion are felt, experience them and relish them for a few seconds. Then end the experiment with your intention to go about your activities, this time experiencing the residual feelings of Ecstasy that you will no doubt be enjoying for some time after the experiment.

FINDINGS – Make your notes or remember this use of the Inner Senses for the next potentially Fear or Anger-producing experience. Document your findings.

Consecutive Positive Assessments-2

EXPERIMENTConsecutive Positive Assessments

HYPOTHESIS: Positive assessing all that you experience creates the positive future.

In addition to enacting your Ritual of Sanctuary before you go out into your world, I suggest you practice positively assessing everything that comes your way in your existence. Practice until it becomes a matter of fact – a positive habit that you practice ongoing throughout each and every day. Perhaps an experiment is in order here. Again, this build upon exercises in previous Blogs.

Let us say that you are about to begin your day. You have awakened from sleep, you have opened your eyes and you are perhaps walking to the bathroom.

This may be habitual for you now. It should only take a few seconds to perform your ritual. Then here is where you immediately intervene between the Moment Points of you waking life. In between the moments of remembering and forgetting… you intervene. “It’s easy to find the good in each sequential perception.” This is your idea for the day.

Remembering to conduct your Ritual of Sanctuary; remembering that you create your reality out of your perceived beliefs, ideas and images about your world; remembering to positively assess each sequential perception. Then do you see how the positive perceptions create the positive future, moment-to-moment? You are rolling out your positive moments before you to create the positive path of your future.

(Thought afterwards – this experiment is a especially useful for when you can’t avoid the negative media. The blog reader hopefully will choose not to watch negative TV, violent movies etc.)

FINDINGS – Remember to write down your findings from worthwhile experiment.

Consecutive Positive Assessments

In our world currently, we as a race are experiencing the disintegration of the fundamental structures that hold our societies together. It is easy for us to see this phenomenon in our Western World, for our media proclaim the disasters and upheavals within our institutions on a daily basis.

I refer to these media as the “negative media,” for obvious reasons. In a very real sense, our media shape and negatively spin the events of our world to depict the basest interpretation, appealing to the lowest aspects of humankind. Because there are very few alternative voices in our media network, the media as a whole tend to reinforce and perpetuate negative experiences in the minds of humanity.

Those of us who wish to go into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension “with our eyes wide open,” would do well to divorce oneself from all forms of negative media.

I have explained in previous blogs how the violent images and stories serve to trigger biochemical responses in our bodies, so that we are conditioned to continue watching, reading or listening. It becomes an addiction in time, so that we become “hooked” on negativity. We become hooked on the adrenaline that is released with our bodies.

Remembering what I have described concerning the activities of the Negative Entities as they seek out fear and anxiety, perhaps the blog reader can see how a daily diet of this – such as violent movies, newscasts and the like – could increasingly attract the Negative Forces, until there is not room with our mental environment for love, compassion or the human virtues.

“But how,” you might say, “can I protect myself from these media if they surround me in the physical environment? They are everywhere and I must confront them every second of my life just to go out and do my job, go to school, go to church etc. etc. etc.” I appreciate your dilemma and I have an answer for you.


By expressing negative thoughts about war or anything, we are colluding with the Negative Forces. Make the effort to deal with these issues in Love. Love is the strongest of all energies in the Universe. Focus on the Love that we can feel for everyone, including the “war people.” The only way to convince the haters is to model Unconditional Love in all our actions.

Be a peacemaker by converting your negativity into Love and by turning hatred into its opposite. This skill is what will convert people to peaceful side, and this skill is what will allow us to stay in the Fourth Dimension. So practice, practice, practice.


With an appreciation for Loving Understanding and the power of this state of consciousness to transform fear and anger, comes the possibility for peace. Dear Blog Reader, if we want peace, we can have peace. Make it with our thoughts. If we want the wars to cease, we can create that with our thoughts.

It all begins with our Loving Intention in the moment. Our thoughts of peace and Loving Understanding coalesce on the subtle levels, to create their counterparts in physical reality. What is the counterpart to peace, love and understanding? A physical world where WAR IS NOT TOLERATED BY THE PEOPLE.

War cannot be sustained on a diet of peace and Loving Understanding. War perishes in such circumstances. And as war and violence fade into memory, new, positive life-affirming Reality Constructs are thrust into our world with the energy of the loving thoughts, the peaceful thoughts, the thoughts of understanding and acceptance for our fellow human beings

Belief Change

When we look at our Personal Reality and see a change, one that reflects a change in our beliefs, and perhaps it feels uncomfortable to acknowledge it because it feels so foreign to us, let that serve as validation that you are on the right path. For example: where once there was fear of a particular group or race and there is now acceptance and growing affection, let that serve as validation that our Soul is evolving in beneficial ways.

No, we cannot err on the side of too much love. We cannot have too much affection for our fellow humans. My advice is to practice loving one another WITH ALL OF OUR MIGHT. The emotional content, highly-charged, is what helps the new reality break through the old, and establish itself as the new manifestation.

The New World.” I continually encourage to be ruthlessly loving and confident, and I suggest that also to the Blog Reader of these words. Continually, moment-to-moment, create our world through a perception of love and confidence. We can be a model for those who need this guidance, in how to think, feel and act.

For those of us who can accept such responsibilities our growing skills with the use of the Non-Physical Senses and our growing knowledge of how to use the powers of love and confidence, can thrust one to the forefront of the movement of humans beings who are seeking their own enlightenment and the Soul progression also of the species.


The other members of the Soul Family are learning their Lessons also: some consciously, some by default. Each participant in this drama is learning something according to the requirements of their Soul Self. As I said, each of us enters into life in the Third Dimension with an agenda, with a general plan for development on all levels – body, mind and Soul. As we live our life, our Higher Self definitely keeps tabs on our activities with regards to the learning of Lessons.

Incidentally, some or even all members of a particular Soul Family Group may be expressions of a singular Soul Self. This happens quite frequently within our system. As such, these types of groupings often express a particular intensity of character and emotion around certain values: these values being the Lessons learned in the collective.

We might say that this tendency of some Souls to experience multiple lives within a singular genetic family, shall we say, is a repertory expressions and shows itself throughout time. In these cases, we would find this repertory expressions in the home, in the workplace, in the church, and so on. A similarity of Lessons being learned by all members of the collective would be noted.


Now because we create our own reality. We also create all of our human relationships in cooperation with everyone and everything involved. We do this on a basic level in the dreamstate and in other altered states of consciousness. We create a strategy for development during these times, then we flesh-out our designs on awakening.

Additionally, we agree with the premise so popular within New Age circles, that everyone we meet enters our life for a reason. Does this then mean that everyone we meet is part of our Soul Family? Let us more clearly define our terms…

Soul Family members are those humans who enter our life to teach us something or for us to teach them something. We feel this connection, you see.


A simple example to illustrate: we are introduced to someone at an event or on the job and we shake hands with them. As we shake hands, let us say we look into their eyes, perhaps in an attempt to learn more about them or simply because it it required thing to do in our culture. As we maintain eye contact with this human, we have a deja vu type of experience in which we receive impressions on the mind.

In this split second of perception, images, sounds, feelings arise. We are busy shaking hands and do not have time to pursue these sensations. Yet we do note a connection of some sort with this human. We note to ourself the feeling-tone generated within this meeting. Most humans have had these experiences I am sure, not merely the seekers of wisdom we address in our blogs.