Category Archives: Emotions


Or seem to waken – in the middle of the night, try to get out of the body. Simply try to get out of bed without moving the body and go into another room.

This is a pleasant and easy method. With some experience you will discover that you can maintain control, walk out of the apartment and outside. You may then attempt normal locomotion or levitate. There is little strain with this method. Keep it in mind so that you are alert to the initial favorable circumstances. You may be half awake. You may be in a false awakening. The method will work in either case. You can, if you want to, look back at your body.

You must want to do this, however. Often, you do not want to see the body by itself, so to speak, and so choose methods that make this more difficult. Just this one exercise will sharpen your control greatly. It is an ABC. This experience is also less startling to the ego than a more abrupt projection, and the ordinary nature of the activities – walking into the next room, for example – will be reassuring. You are more calm in your own surroundings.

Now it is possible for someone within the body to perceive someone who is not, but it is not usual. The perceiver must be a person of strong psychic abilities or the projecting personality must be driven by high emotional intensity to make himself/herself known.


Whatever information I can give you will be of great practical benefit. I do not want you traveling about unless you know what you’re doing. Again I want to mention the matter of subconscious fabrications. Initially particularly, you will meet with them. You must remember that you are wandering in completely different dimensions, and the rules with which you are familiar simply do not apply.

You may, then, encounter images that are subsciously formed, quite valid images that belong in another dimension; or constructions created by others in other systems. For any control at all, you must learn to distinguish one from the other. Again, if you meet a disturbing image, you must first will it to disappear. If it is a subconscious construction of your own, it will vanish. But if you do not will it to disappear or realize its nature, then you must deal with it.

I have told you that the form in which you are traveling can be a tip off to you. If your levitation experience seems to carry you outside of the solar system, then you know that you are in the third form and that your abilities for the time are almost limitless, comparatively speaking. Any image you see here must be accepted. It does no good to call these forms hallucinations, for they are no more hallucinations than the chair in which my wife Dorian now sits. Respect physical reality. ‘Whether or not the automobile is a sensory hallucination, it can kill you.’ And I tell you that whether or not these projection images are hallucinations, they can be dangerous and you must respect the reality in which they exist. I want to be sure that you realize that some of these constructions will belong to other systems. You are safe as long as you do not meddle. You may explore, and freely, and that is all.

Now, here are my instructions. You may induce a medium trance in whatever way you choose. On occasion, this will be almost spontaneous, as you know. For best results in the beginning, make a projection attempt when you feel slightly drowsy, but pleasantly so. When you have induced the trance state, then begin to examine your own subjective feelings until you find recognition of the inner self.

This involves a recognition of yourself as distinct from the flesh fibers in which you reside. Then, begin to imagine this inner self rising upward. You should experience at this point an internal sense of motion. This motion may be from side to side as you gently shake yourself loose.

It may, instead, be a rushing upward. Whichever motion you experience, there will be a moment when you feel your identity and consciousness definitely withdrawing from the physical organism. Before you begin the experiment, the suggestion should also be given that the physical organism will be well protected and comfortable.

When you feel you consciousness withdrawing, the first step is this: Forget the physical body or what you are to do with it. Will yourself out in a quick motion. There is no need to experience the hallucinations mentioned by Fox ( in his book, Astral Projection). If the projection is a success, you will instantly lose contact with the body using this method. You simply will not be in it.

It will be far from lifeless, of course. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which I have spoken. I will give you alternate methods of projection, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the first few moments after leaving the body.

Once you are out of the body, then you are dealing with a different kind of reality, but the experience is as valid as any other. You may or may not have the sensation of traveling through doors or windows. This is dependent upon the kind of projection involved. The molecular structure of the projecting self is of a different nature than that of the physical body. There is no change in the physical nature of the door, for example. The molecular structure of the traveling self changes.

There is no danger of not returning to the body, generally speaking. If in your projection you seem to be flying past treetops, then you are doing so…. You can meet and speak with others on some of these excursions. It is possible, with training, to arrange such meetings. For any kind of scientific proof, of course, this would be a necessary preliminary.

Remember that I told you, you may visit not only the past, present or future as it exists or will exist in your terms, but you may also visit realities that never existed physically. In our Blogs, I mentioned that intensity regulated the ‘duration’ of experience. Now, many events that were only imagined never took place physically, yet they exist. They simply are not a part of your definition of reality. You may, therefore, visit a museum that was planned in the sixteenth century but never built. Such a museum has a reality as valid as the house in which you live.

I have been speaking of projection from the trance state. Projection from a dream is something else again, and when executed successfully, you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of awareness. Here the critical consciousness can be fully alert while the body sleeps. Spontaneous. Unrecalled projections of this kind happen often. It is beneficial that they be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn, therefore, to manipulate your own consciousness and to experience its mobility. Quite simply, such projections allow you practice in dealing with realities that you will meet when you no longer operate in the physical system.


We have spoken before of the gratifying changes in consciousness that come with Soul Evolution. What we are really talking about here is a systematic approach to belief change. The example we used pertained to a change in belief regarding radial prejudice.

In our example, the person had undergone a subtle transformation in consciousness by ” working on themselves” to the degree that they have no longer feared or hated a particular race or group of people, but they were indeed experience growing affection for these people, for the race as a whole. I described this feeling as a form of ambivalence, in that the person still harbored negative feelings for the group of people, but the positive feelings for the group were beginning to overtake the negative.

This person was on the cusp of positive belief change. They were comfortable with the uncertainty they were experiencing, for as I said, they were working on themselves, trying to learn their Lessons, and they were, at least for the moment, able to resist recognizing the negative inner dialogue concerning the group of people. They were able to “turn down the volume, ” you see, on the negative inner dialogue, and “turn up the volume” on their self-created positive inner dialogue. So this is what belief change entails.


Let us discuss an issue that is quite obvious. Perhaps that is why we have neglected it thus far in these new blog writings. The issue may be framed with a question: “Why do we assume that the blog readers of our new blogs are looking for spiritual understanding? If the path to Loving Understanding and Soul Evolution is so perilous and fraught with physical and psychological pain, why would anyone in their right mind want to pursue it?”

To begin, the blog reader of my blogs, as I have observed them over the many years since I first begun, are seekers. They are drawn to this work, I assume, because it “speaks to them.” Others of a different personality style and temperament, perhaps, would de drawn to other Teachings.

Now it is true that the older blog material were quite barren of discussions of spiritual matters. This was an editorial decision. I have continuously offered my spiritually-informed content to humanity. However, since it is the human co-creator of the blog who creates the blog in physical reality, it is the human co-creator who determines what they consider to be appropriate content for the blog.

These new blog manuscripts are the spiritual – you might say the divine – counterparts to the old blog material. If you are a student of The Entity, to complete our studies we would do well to attend to the spiritually-based blog material contained in these new blogs. Now I have attempted to include weighty intellectual discussions in my new blog work, to satisfy those of you who are focused on the physical dimension in which we live. The spiritual is merely the other side of this physical dimension. To become a well-rounded, educated human, we would do well to study both aspects of reality.

The path to Soul Realization may be thought of as arduous by some. This is true. Certainly it is not for the meek and mild. It is easy to lose confidence and perhaps quit the journey before it has truly begun. As we examine our expanded reality, we most definitely will be experiencing some of our lifetimes within less than ideal circumstances. If we tune-in, for example, to a lifetime in which you are dying slowly from starvation or an illness of some kind, this witnessing may be so distasteful and shocking that you are thrown out of your meditative state. I would suggest that you remember in these cases, under these circumstances of harsh conditions, that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is the Soul Self. This ecstasy ,may help to motivate you to continue your studies.

Now suppose that you are experiencing negative realities within your current life. Should you attempt these explorations of your other Simultaneous Lives? Generally, I would suggest that you first gain some mastery over the exercises and conduct the various experiments I have outlined in my previous tow blog series.


Now as you refuse from authority figures, you quite naturally learn how to trust YOURSELF. Again, this is a learned habit, like anything else in your reality. What you focus on habitually, whether subconsciously or consciously, you tend to create. The Courageous step of relying on your Inner Self to provide the information you seek, becomes a faithful expectation that you will receive what you desire and need. Over time it does indeed become second nature. You might also call it a faithful, trust-filled precognition that what you ask for is being provided.

This is the Ancient Wisdom, in fact, and this communication stream arrives from your greater Gestalt of Consciousness. It is personalized, this stream of data, for your perception. It is tuned to your frequency, specifically, to the frequency of your awakening Spirit. Thus, the awakening human becomes an expert on their own unfolding consciousness. And simply because you are connected to everyone/thing in the Universe, you are also mastering a perception of the macrocosm here: the greater gestalt you may call All That Is.


Our changing roles as awakening humans reflect this learning of Lessons through FACING our Issues. Let me explain. Now you begin where you are. You are not yet awakened but you are getting there. You have discovered that you have Issues, spiritual Issues that are DEMANDING your attention. There is no room for denial. There is no time left for intellectualizing away these basic Issues. You are compelled to take to heart, for example, the admonishments of your friends, family, and colleagues. This advice may range from the negative through the positive, as in, “You are a walking ego. You harm others through your insensitivity,” to “You should really get out more. You could find a great partner if you were to make the gesture, go out, meet people.” As you act on the advice of others, or perhaps on promptings from other sources, such as the nonphysical beings, you are expanding your boundaries, your beliefs, your societal role.

In this case, your collective consciousness is Resonating with the ancient civilizations. In those prototypical cultures the highest good for all concerned was practiced in all endeavors. These important life-sustaining, healing messages enter your awareness as impulses, impulses, perhaps, to do good, give to others, to work on yourself and become a better human being. As your personal consciousness Resonates with these messages, you are connected to the collective through your thoughts, through your images, and so on. Thus you achieve your particular state of Resonance with the Ancient Wisdom even as you contribute to the collective state of Resonance by your CHANGING of behaviors, emotions, imagery, “Waking up,” we call it. You are waking up to your responsibilities to create for the highest good.

As you claim this responsibility as your own, your “personal credo, “so to speak, you quite naturally, again, assume a leadership position within your family, your town, your state, country and world. You are modeling for others this assuming of the awakened experience. You then Resonate with other visionary leaders. You come together to make plans for the future. You work as a collective for the betterment of your collectives, large and small.


Please begin to note the lines below, the perceived outcomes of your Practice and Regimens.



There this unhappy person perhaps scowls at their less-then-attractive form in the mirror. Defects of appearance are noted and perhaps amplified to muse over later. As this person attempts to begin their day, they are already drawing negative correlations between the things they see in their environment and what they are experiencing inside, in the consciousness, in the personal identity. They will then spend the rest of the day validating their negative state of consciousness by noting other negative correlations that they discover in the home, on the job, everywhere they go. Thus you could say that the ego notes the perceived negative characteristics within the Personal Reality as the intellect proves them to be quite true; a fact of life, as it were. This is how beliefs are formed.


Let’s end this Blog Series with another quiz…

What would you expect to be the probable outcomes of the Reality Creation projects of an unhappy, spiteful, angry human? Can you name some specifically? I would suggest a few that come to mind. Let me speak about them If I may:

This human would probably experience unhappy, unfulfilling outcomes. Because they were creating through the emotional templates of anger, spite, unhappiness, they would experience probable outcomes that veritably ring with these negative states of consciousness. They would be choosing, probably unconsciously, from this pool of negative emotion, the particulars of emotional nuance with which they would color their Reality Creation efforts.

As this person awakens from sleep, then, perhaps it is automatic for them. They have experienced days, weeks, months and perhaps YEARS of unhappy, spiteful, and angry states of consciousness. They have become an expert at creating these states, simply because they have been at it now for quite some time. So rather than bounding out of bed, eager to approach the day, perhaps they are pulling the covers over their head, to attempt to keep the day at bay. Then, as they are forced to react to the alarm that they have programmed into their alarm clock, they begrudgingly roll out of bed and trudge into the bathroom.


Now you get what you focus on, whether it is subconscious or conscious focusing. So assume that you ARE remembering in this moment that you are magically engaged in creating what you want. You are focused consciously on the goal. You are perhaps visualizing the object or state of consciousness in detail, here moment-to-moment. But what if you are losing this focus as you become engaged in taking care of a mundane matter that seeks attention? What often occurs at these times is an appearance by one of these stimulants, one of the Resonance Factors, that encapsulates, in a sense, the creative project for you up to the point of departure, so that you can remember where you left off when you return after the distraction with no loss of momentum.

Again, it is a Feeling-Tone. It has imagery, it has emotion, it has circular thought attached to it. Then, you might take care of the distraction and afterward return to your project of manifestation. You might do this by remembering the Feeling-Tone, the summation from the Best Case Scenario, the Resonance Factors that engaged you directly before you broke your state. Embody those Factors and begin again on your creative project. This is a simple way to keep your manifestation projects on track, in spite of the inevitable distractions in physical reality.


Let us cover probable effects of consciousness in the Third Dimension. To begin, as we know, our individual and collective realities are created from limitless probabilities. These probable thoughts, images, emotions, and so on, exist within the etheric, what we also call the pre-manifestation domain. It is from this dimension that our Earthly dimension emerges.

Now all probable effects have a singular charge. This tendency to appear in the particular way of the proposed effect, has, as I said, bioelectric and electromagnetic properties. In our terms, everything in the etheric domain. With your imagination, with your consciousness, you consistently add to this repository of potential. By thinking about the goodness of humanity, for example, you positive imagery, emotions, thoughts and other elements seek out their likeness in this pre-manifestation domain, as well as their opposites. The opposites serve to give depth and counterpoint. Through Resonance these correlations are energized, amplified, supported, given life, you see.

In a sense, the negative is inferred through the positive expression, in contrast, you see, in relative contrast. If you wish to think in terms of dynamics within a system, a system of reality, you could theorize that through Resonance, both the positive and the negative, in addition to all expressions in between these two polarities, are expressed to the nth degree throughout the past, present, and future. Value Fulfillment occurs simultaneously with this expression.