Category Archives: 4th Dimension


Now in so far as the development over time of the Lemurian expression is concerned, we must go back to the formative years of our world civilizations. As, for example, the European civilization developed from distinct, small tribal collectives into larger groups of humans, what we calling the Ancient Wisdom we kept alive and transferred to succeeding generations through myths, legends, song, and other social media. Each separate tribe, then, had their own particular expression within the mythological world, for the precepts of the Ancient Wisdom.

It must be said, that in these days of long ago, the mythological realm and the activities of the gods and goddesses, Spirits, and what have you, were quite well-known to the average citizen. The spiritual world was just a gesture away for most people, and all members of the group were steeped in the traditions, rituals, and other paraphernalia of their respective religious traditions.

Now compare this with our modern experience. The Divine is quite far removed from our everyday life. Indeed, the spiritual is divorced from our mundane existence. We are only allowed to practice our spiritual traditions on Sundays, for the most part, while setting aside the majority of our waking hours for work. It is often only during the dreamstate in sleep that we are allowed our explorations of the spiritual realms.

Fortunately for us in this exploration, it is to the altered state of the dream that we will turn to explore this non-physical Mystery Civilization. For this exercise, you would best be prepared by having mastered the Trance State, as we have presented it to you in our Blog Series. For what you are doing in the deep Trance State, is in fact, bringing to you the sleeping-dreaming state of consciousness. This is the “foot in both worlds” phenomenon we speak of in the previous Blogs.

There is a peculiarity in the manifestation of this underworld for the individual. Often what you may find in your investigations is the appearance of the spiritual heritage of your lives. For example: if you are living a life within a mainstream religion currently, you may be presented with the symbols and other material of the religion’s history. If you are experiencing one of your other lives within another religion’s context, elements of the spiritual material may come to you through bleed-throughs.

The truth of manifestation in the physical world is apparent in the spiritual practices and imagery of the religious practices. The Ancient Wisdom, in other words, is there for you to observe and gain benefit from, if you can look beyond the additions and elaborations out upon it. Having said that, let us present our experiment:

EXPERIMENTLemuria is the underworld of the world civilizations

HYPOTHESIS: The repository of the mythological and religious practices of humanity may be accessed in the trance state.


Your are emulating your tribal ancestors here in this experiment. The seeker of visions travels to the underworld through contact rituals enacted time-and-time-again, With your Intent, you simply direct your consciousness to travel in what you might call the non-physical vehicle, down into the Earth. You may visualize openings in the Earth that lead you to your desired destination. Using your Intent, simply means that you keep a simple focus on your destination within your consciousness.

Now you are of good, positive, divine Intent here. We have called this perspective the Divine Will in our blogs. It is a state of consciousness that is developed over time. Your intentions are good, in that, you are exploring the underworld of world consciousness, with a reverence for the beings that inhabit that dimension. You will find your own way with practice.

When you sense that you have gained sufficient information from this experiment, direct your Intent to take you up to surface awareness. Please document your findings.



For the most part, these beings lived within other star systems, other dimensions of reality, before coming to the Earth plane to develop and grow. These other systems are Arcturian, the Sirius system, and the presently unknown undiscovered systems that will be identified by our astronomers in our lifetime.

Now can you imagine these separate, distinguishable repositories of spiritual essence – the Gestalts of Consciousness we are calling Light Bodies – as representing, not only the humans existing within the Asian continent, for example, but extremely well-defined “to the nth degree,” such that an emissary from the Divine was created from the collective human thought energy of members of individual small tribal units, as we have stated, and then, in a sense “summoned” to these individual territories around the globe?

If you are poetically inclined, you might say that a “call” was put out by humans everywhere around the world at that time two thousand years ago, to the specifically appropriate Light Body that held within it, again, the hopes, dreams, spiritual essence, of those particular people, to come to their aid.


We always have a choice, Dear Blog Reader. The great question for us as a physical being is this: when we awaken to our true reality, will we choose to create our life of Lessons consciously, or will we try to escape, play hooky from this dramatic enterprise of physical existence? Many of us well know what I am saying in these paragraphs, for we are well on our way to wakening fully.

Yet some of us may look on these new essays of mine with the all too critical eye of the ego. Fear, cynicism, competition rule the roost of the ego. I would ask you to pull back from this type of scrutiny and attempt to use the perspective of the “awakened one.” The heart is open as anger is transmuted into Loving Understanding. Fear is turned to Courage and faith.

The awakened or enlightened human may choose to be creative with the creation of events within their own reality. We may postpone the event of our physical death, for example, and undergo The Transition at a later date, perhaps learning more and gaining the Divine Knowledge from these additional months or years of living experience.


Of course the reason we are not as familiar with these other Masters, is that we are a product of our Western Civilization. We take as fact what we have learned in our Western schools. We have perhaps been brought up within a mainstream religion, such as Catholicism, and have not thought of what other just-as-powerful and valid demonstrations of the Divine there have been elsewhere, in other countries. We have tunnel vision here. I will attempt to rectify that somewhat.

For your information, at about the same time two thousand years ago, Masters and Teachers related to what we are calling The Christ in these Blogs, entered into the bodies of humans within our dimension. Their stories are the stories of the magic ancestors that we have documented in this Blog. Their stories are the legends of our gods and goddesses as well as Gods and Goddesses with a capital G. All of these beings began their lives around the same time, for they were observing great cycles of incarnation and development.

Again, without lapsing into the metaphysical and etheric too much here, let me just say that these beings were/are Light Bodies, essentially. They did and do now exist as the repository, in a sense, of the spiritual, arcane practices and potentials of humans throughout our perceived past.


Let me use this exercise in a different way here in our discussion of the Mystery Civilizations. Now: you look in front of you wherever you happen to be. Dorian (my wife), for example, is looking in front of her desk table on which she writes on her computer in the room looking out to the woods behind our house. Dorian sees a beautiful landscape before her: the Sheep Mountains, many fir trees and some walnut trees, the other homes in the area as well as a glimpse of the beautiful lake that lies a mile or so away. This is what Dorian sees, and you Dear Blog reader, naturally are seeing something else in front of you. Now for my point….

What you see in front of you is your view of All That Is, interpreted through your Lessons, your beliefs, your issues. So you seeing what it is possible for you to see here, according to your beliefs. If you are of a modern mindset or cosmology, I would guess that your perceptions, do not include non-physical beings emerging from the trees, or gigantic crystal transmitters sparkling in the distance. Briefly, what we are saying is this: your perception of your current existence is a focus ON your current existence, yet it could just as easily become a focus on your existence within, for example, the Mystery Civilization of Atlantis, in which we assert there does indeed exist gigantic, black crystal transmitters and receivers. Or let us say you change your focus a bit and pick up on your existence in an aboriginal culture in which you did indeed perceive the Spirits of trees and other objects. You could see the personalization of the spirit energies and you communicated with them.

Now let me be blunt. We have suggested that space and time are mere conveniences for us in Third-Dimensional Reality. They are useful for those of us creating lives within the linear time conceptualization. Yet ALL of our existences are “out there in front of us,” right where we are now. In other words, you need not travel to France to tune-in to a life you lived in Paris in the 17th Century. Because of the telepathic holographic nature of the Conscious Units that comprise your reality, everything exists at once, and so all of our lives, including those lived in the Mystery Civilizations, exist at once, all in the same “place” at the same “time.”

This is a difficult concept to embody, perhaps, and so I shall go further here. Our world, your personal Reality Field, is an illusion, Dear Blog Reader. We create it out of “whole cloth,” to coin a phrase, through the energies of our Soul Self. Yet the life we are living does seem solid and convincing, does it not? Your life seems to be more than a group of ideas. It is convincing, it is authentic, it is a realistic portrayal of your Issues in dramatic form in physical reality.

It is convincing enough to keep us focused in the current existence and not spinning off into some Simultaneous Life we are living elsewhere in another time. Yet the boundaries of space and time are loosening with these practices we are teaching. Slowly, I am sure, most of us are learning how to keep a foot in both worlds. Now for some experimentation…

Not each and every single one of you, the Blog Readers of this new Blog material, have experienced lives in the GA society. However, most of you have done just that. Before we have an experiment that we first offered in our Blog material on Soul Evolution in general attempt to contact the Mystery Civilizations, consider this: do you tend to be a lover or a hater; a mystic or a cynic; a student or soldier; a helper or a taker? Are you intuitive or do you fancy yourself an “empirical” scientific observer of the event before you? Do you see where I am taking this? If you do, let us now have pour experiment, with the specific purpose of tuning-in on probable lives lived in the Mystery Civilization we are calling GA.


HYPOTHESIS: Using your Intent in the moment-point allows you to tune-in on other time frames.

Here we are using the term “tuning-in” in specific way. This relates to our suggestion in the last Blog. that the researcher in experimentation with the non-physical reality, use the essential metaphors. Tuning-in refers to the Radio Dial metaphor that we offer as a simple, powerful visualized device that will allow you to ritually bring in the frequencies of the non-physical beings, for example, in a sense, tuning-in on their waveband. This technique works quite well also with the Simultaneous Lives. It is simply a personalized metaphor that you may use to give some context to these metaphorical pursuits. Of course, you may use your own techniques, if that serves the purpose here. Let us begin.

Then simply relax. We are assuming you have, as my student, created a Ritual of Sanctuary for yourself, so that you may safely and without anxiety or fear or any kind, explore non-physical reality.


If you have yet to create this Ritual, please envision golden, protective field around your physical body construct. Nothing harmful may enter this field. You are therefore protected, and you may even take this protective state with you in your outings in waking reality.

So relax and move your body in such a way as to elicit relaxation. You are in your state if Sanctuary. You may now surrender to the healing forces of your greater consciousness, your Soul Self. As you let go in this way, the good feelings build within you. You can feel the ecstasy below the surface that supports you in your Earthly existence. This quest is a very natural one for you. You have been doing these type of experiments for many lifetimes. You are the type of person that enjoys finding our about your unknown lives. And so you can easily use your Intent here to direct you.

Focusing on your goal, allow yourself to drift slowly and easily toward a recognition of the life you are living in GA. This is a matriarchy. The feminine principle, as you understand it, is accentuated within your personal consciousness. Tune-in that sense of affirmation for the feminine, perhaps visualizing a radio dial before you, and seeing the dial turn to making GA. As you turn the dial, images may come to mind. You may hear voices and feel a variety of emotions. Keep our Intent on traveling toward the good feelings generated in GA on your radio dial. The good feelings may now grow noticeably. This may signify that you have reached your goal. With your Intent, stop your voyage and rest within the good feelings.

If you have reached your destination: look down at your feet. What type of shoes are you wearing? Look around you. What do you see? Find a mirror or something else that will reflect your image and look at your reflection. Are you a male or female? What age are you? And what is your name? Do you remember the Sumari language?

You will have complete recall of all that you are experiencing. When you come up to surface awareness, you will easily be able to remember what you have experienced here.

You may certainly use this experiment when exploring any of the Mystery Civilization we have noted in this blog series. The techniques are the same. Simply focus with your Intent on the name of the Mystery Civilization and the feelings emanating from that Mystery Civilization. Each Mystery Civilization has a distinctive vibratory signature that you may tune-in to with your human consciousness. These energy signatures create their own distinctive emotional states. You will, of necessity, have to experiment with these states and follow your own Inner Guidance in these matters.

When you have finished your investigations for this experiment, gradually return to surface awareness. Document your Findings


The Shift to the positive that is occurring in our dimension is largely a RETURN to the practices of the GA civilization. This is a cyclical manifestation that is being experienced by us as a people. Most of us have lived and living in GA thousands of years ago NOW. Most of us have consequently experienced lives of Loving Understanding and Courage: the hallmarks of the GA civilization. Most of us are conversant in Sumari, the predominant language in GA. The old ways, what we refer to as the Ancient Wisdom, are the ways of the GA civilization.

Additionally, GA was the source of many of our myths concerning the magicians, the divine kings and queens, and so on. Magic was practiced by the majority of the population and because everyone in the culture appreciated and condoned this practice, the magic “worked.” The cosmology of belief system of the average GA citizen, you see, supported magical practices and so the collective realities experienced by the citizens of GA comprised a magical reality: one in which miracles did happen; one in which healings of self and others did indeed occur; one in which Lack and other negative realities were, in a sense, “banished” from the collective experience of the people. Evidence of the GA civilization was destroyed by religious leaders. Practitioners of the patriarchal, vengeful god-centered religions were absorbed into the culture, and grew to influence the religions of GA.


Here we will speak briefly on a typical day within the Mystery Civilization.

Atlantis as a collective was in many ways further advanced than our present modern societies in the USA, Europe and elsewhere. Dorian is struggling here with her description. Let me simplify… Within the spacious moment, i.e., the eternal moment of the enlightened human, ALL civilizations exist. Simultaneous time is our baseline for experiencing all of our lives.

So for example Dorian, you are typing into your computer my messages, now, in your current existence as my collaborator. You are also, within this moment, utilizing communication technologies quite similar to our Internet and other computer services, within the life you lived and indeed I lived, within the Atlantean civilization. I repeat, there is a similarity of Reality Construction within ALL of your existences. You are typing into your computer NOW. In our Atlantean life, you are using a device we have mentioned before, that is powered by crystal technologies, to record your literal thought energies into a method for tuning-in to the subtle energies of thought, and recording this information stream. Typing into a computer was not necessary there, you see. The transcription of thought into manuscript was instantaneous with the use if these devices.

Now not only do your activities in physical reality reveal similarities on all levels of consciousness manifestation. In this Atlantean life, you Dorian are also a scribe for the non-physical beings. This is, in a sense, a “career path” for you over your many incarnations.

The correspondence are apparent to the nth degree. Anywhere you would care to look within your other life, you would notice the correspondences to your current life you are living within your current timeframe.

Now to continue, you are using your crystal device in Atlantean, even as you attend to other activities and obligations there. You Dorian currently are contemplating what to have for breakfast. You are hungry and you are visualizing possible combinations of foods to prepare, while you type into your computer. In this life, you are engaged in a similar visualization. However in this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis, the process is simplified also. The preparation of the desired foods in the preferred was is accomplished automatically, you might say.


Now as a tidbit of intriguing data, to comment further on some of the other aspects of Atlantean culture we hinted at in previous sessions.

The manufacture of “spun” crystalline material that had the properties of creating, storing and transmitting energy was perfected by Atlantean scientists. Common materials from Earth were subjected to electromagnetic forces to facilitate the crystallization of these minerals into implements of various sizes and intensities. The catalyst in this manufacturing process was an element as yet undiscovered by our modern researchers. It is an unknown element that exists extra-dimensionally. When the Fourth-Dimensional Shift is completed, our scientists using their Inner Senses, will discover this element within the common sand and soil of our planet.

These crystals were grown to lengths of one or two inches to great heights of 50 and one hundred feet. The large crystals were often ten or more feet in diameter. They were a dark ashen color, almost black, with the threads of the crystal composition visible within.


Now I would ask you Dorian, what would be the “result” of your directing an intense stream of emotional energy – of Love let us say – at this Atlantean life? Would you have an effect on the personality living this life? Let us assume for the moment that, yes you would have a subtle effect upon this life. Within the Gestalt of Consciousness that you participate in with all of your Reincarnational Existences, your thoughts may be intercepted by your Atlantean self. Then, also subtly perhaps, you might notice a change in behavior in this other life. Perhaps this other life is now musing upon the concept of Loving Understanding. Let us state here that, prior to the reception of this Loving thought complex, your Atlantean self was experiencing anger, perhaps hatred. Do you see how your etheric message from the future may assist a past existence in achieving a more positive state of consciousness?

Given this explanation, do you see how our current behaviors pave the way for altered realities within all of our Reincarnational Existences? cumulatively, you might say that our current behaviors have such an influence on the “future,” in our terms, manifestation of the Atlantean Civilization, that we could very well assist in redirecting the civilization from its catastrophic trajectory of development.

Now you change the past from the current moment. We do this naturally, subconsciously. We create BOTH past and future from within this spacious moment. Do you see how collectively, if the millions of us experiencing this current time-frame as well as the Atlantean existences, were to change our attitudes “all at once,” that the mythological outcomes of Atlantis might become positive rather than negative historically. If this were to occur, we might see a wholesale alteration in the depiction of this “myth” in our books and other media. As a collective, we would be recreating a more positive manifestation of Atlantean Civilization, just as we perhaps may be influencing our current civilization in positive ways.


Question: Anything concerning the Anizasi of the American South West and the origins of North American tribes…

Inter-dimensional Beings

This is an excellent question. Let me answer this question in a general way without naming names, as in specific tribes, for the list of civilizations that preceded the North American tribes would fill this Blog volume.

I am speaking of the probable manifestation of large human groups, here. This is how our consensus realities are crafted: through the selection of Reality Constructs from the limitless field of probable constructs by the people of a given area. The reality constructs are given life by individuals. The civilization is enlivened by large groups of individuals.


Now let us talk about origins. The North American tribes are and were the descendants of inter-dimensional beings from beyond the solar system that includes Earth. The way this occurs is this: as in all manifestations of the individual human form upon Earth, the Soul Self of particular Entities of consciousness associated with All That Is, send out a seed to grow within the baby, the human baby. It is not productive to ask which came first, the human baby or the transmission of the spark of All That Is into the consciousness of the baby. Everything exists at once. Linear time is an Illusion. However, let me give you some background information on this process of birthing a civilization.