Another example: let us say that there is a single Soul Self that is experiencing this multitude of Reincarnational Existences for the purpose of dramatization of particular Lessons in physical reality. Now the lessons here obviously also have similarities.

Consider a human, perhaps a neighbor, family member, or friend of ours. suppose that this person, let us call them a Soul Family member, is experiencing a Lesson in forgiveness, that is, as is so often the case in these matters, not at all obvious or apparent to this subject, but quite painfully obvious to those around this person – the members of this person’s Soul Family. The Lesson is obvious to everyone but the subject here.

Yet on a deeper level of perception, through the eyes of the Soul Self, the subject here is also quite aware of a Lesson. Yet do we agree that it would be not much of a Lesson if the subject were to be painfully aware of the Lesson? What would be the point? And so the Amnesia is brought in to the mental environment of our subject through the creative powers of consciousness.

This is the way that all of us have set up our lives: to live without the deeper knowledge of our other existences. The Amnesia again. We have a perfect view of the status quo reality, but a very dim view of our true reality, the inner reality that creates the outer world. This narrowing of perception keeps us distracted by the minutiae of our moment-to-moment existence. It keeps us within the drama so that we are not compelled to look beyond what is directly in front of us.