Dear Blog Reader, you now have at our disposal the great perceptive powers of the Inner Senses. In my last series of Blogs I described to you in detail how to access these powers and how to use them to your advantage in physical reality. Here I would like to elaborate on this data with some suggestions on how to sense the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream.

This material may also be used in conjunction with Carl Jung material. The Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, as I said, support and nourishes our created reality – our Personal Reality Field. In the dream state, and when we are in our Home Dimension between lives, we are well aware of this stream of energy and we sense it as easily as we sense the various constructs within our self-created reality. Now, the Inner Sense of sight, Auric Vision, may be utilized to sense this stream. The following experiment will assist us in the awakening of this valuable Inner Sense.

EXPERIMENT – Sensing Reality Creation

Hypothesis: The Subconscious Energy Manifestation Stream may be observed as it creates the reality construct.
The Reality Construct is our topic for the moment. The Reality Construct is all of created reality, and also describes the many elements of the created reality. Here I wish to digress somewhat and ask you the Blog Reader to imagine for yourself what it is I am attempting to describe to you.

Consciousness creates form, instantaneously, in the moment. We must use these descriptions of Reality Creation for us to make sense of this phenomenon, occurring as it does within a linear time conceptualization. The truth of the matter might be better expressed by describing the spontaneously responsive quality of manifestation in our system. So that here we could speak of consciousness creating form that creates consciousness, and so on, all within the spacious eternal moment. Everything is conscious. everything is creative. Everything creates consciousness. All That Is, another term for everything, IS the infinitely creative consciousness that gives birth to our own infinitely creative consciousnesses. This Idea Construct is an excellent one to entertain when we are attempting to KEEP IN THE MOMENT. I trust I have inspired quite enough to be receptive to these subtle energies.

So I would suggest you relax. If you are sitting in a chair, make yourself comfortable. If you are lying down, prop up your body so that you will not fall asleep as you read this. Now imagine if you will, what I have defined as the Moment Point. Use your current existence, the moment you are now experiencing, as somewhat more extended in duration than you have experienced moments in the past.

In a previous Blog, we provided an experiment for the Blog Reader to practice slowing down time within their Personal Reality Field. This is the same feeling we are creating here and now. You use your intention to imbue your Moment Points with duration. Please make creative use of your Inner Senses to accomplish this, perhaps intuitively visualizing your present sensory images and sounds as slowing down, slowing down with your Intention.

What we are getting at here is a slowing down of time to the extent that we may glimpse the creation of physical objects from ideas. This would be Reality Construction viewed at the edge of creation. Now these are grand terms, and you might say I am making it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing in the world. You are experts at creating “something from nothing,” and you can easily slow down this creative process to the microsecond level. Here you may see and feel what is involved in your creation of your Personal Reality Field. This includes your body and the senses you use to sense this manifestation activity.

How much must you slow down the act of reality creation to witness this? You will know you are meeting with success when you have a sensation of pulsing visually and as a felt sensation. This is the pulse of manifestation. This is the flow of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream through the Coordinate Points and “into” the Reality Constructs.

A taste of perspective. I am experiencing the pulsation. It feels like the heartbeat, only accelerated many times. Visually there is a dreamy quality. Briefly I experienced a twinge of fear, as if I was receiving forbidden knowledge. Possible religious programming?

The flow of information “through” the Coordinate Point is so rich in imagery and other content that the researcher must intentionally slow down the flow of Conscious Units through this gateway if they are to observe and study the construct.

Now can you imagine these theorized Coordinate Points as permeating “physical” space and matter, yet not taking up any space whatsoever? Let us refer to the Conscious Points as etheric in nature in this experiment. They are the nonphysical “precursors” of the “future” created Reality Constructs. They exist inter-dimensionally and holographic ally. They are each everywhere literally all of the time, past, present and future. They exist as the determinant “values” in the manifestation phenomenon. And again, consciousness in the form of Consciousness Units expresses intentionally, as in the unconscious co-creation of the human or elemental expressions of all the other varied forms of “substance” in your dimension. When you have received adequate information from your experiment, gradually disengage from the Trance State. Return to fully sensory awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your observations of the Reality Creation phenomenon.