The bleed-throughs may be anticipated through a form of meditation or Trance. Simply, the researcher “takes hold” of their current Moment Point, creating a Point of Power as I have described it elsewhere. In this moment, the Inner Senses are activated to draw-in data of a visual, auditory, tactile nature, you see, to the Personal Reality Field. This anticipation, as we call it, sets the stage for a bleed-through event to occur.

Incidentally, this is the exact mental state of the archaeological researcher who makes tremendous discoveries intuitively. They are so engrossed in their studies that they are quite naturally activating the bleed-through “mechanism” and do indeed obtain the valuable insights into the culture being studied.


Here with the Mayan civilization, we again have a society that has been studied fairly thoroughly by our scientists. More is certainly revealed as our archaeologists discover new sites where religious observances were held, and so on. Yet from my perspective, again, as we so often remind the Blog reader, YOU would be better off to use our own Inner Senses to explore this civilization.

Therefore, I would ask you, Dear Blog Reader, to consider our concept of bleed throughs in this analysis. A bleedthrough is a momentary piercing of the dimensional-veil, that allows the human in our time frame to briefly observe the going-on in another time period, most usually for us, from within Past Timeframes. Remember however, that the future is just as easily accessible through the use of our innate perceptual lenses, these Inner Senses.


Now in so far as the development over time of the Lemurian expression is concerned, we must go back to the formative years of our world civilizations. As, for example, the European civilization developed from distinct, small tribal collectives into larger groups of humans, what we calling the Ancient Wisdom we kept alive and transferred to succeeding generations through myths, legends, song, and other social media. Each separate tribe, then, had their own particular expression within the mythological world, for the precepts of the Ancient Wisdom.

It must be said, that in these days of long ago, the mythological realm and the activities of the gods and goddesses, Spirits, and what have you, were quite well-known to the average citizen. The spiritual world was just a gesture away for most people, and all members of the group were steeped in the traditions, rituals, and other paraphernalia of their respective religious traditions.

Now compare this with our modern experience. The Divine is quite far removed from our everyday life. Indeed, the spiritual is divorced from our mundane existence. We are only allowed to practice our spiritual traditions on Sundays, for the most part, while setting aside the majority of our waking hours for work. It is often only during the dreamstate in sleep that we are allowed our explorations of the spiritual realms.

Fortunately for us in this exploration, it is to the altered state of the dream that we will turn to explore this non-physical Mystery Civilization. For this exercise, you would best be prepared by having mastered the Trance State, as we have presented it to you in our Blog Series. For what you are doing in the deep Trance State, is in fact, bringing to you the sleeping-dreaming state of consciousness. This is the “foot in both worlds” phenomenon we speak of in the previous Blogs.

There is a peculiarity in the manifestation of this underworld for the individual. Often what you may find in your investigations is the appearance of the spiritual heritage of your lives. For example: if you are living a life within a mainstream religion currently, you may be presented with the symbols and other material of the religion’s history. If you are experiencing one of your other lives within another religion’s context, elements of the spiritual material may come to you through bleed-throughs.

The truth of manifestation in the physical world is apparent in the spiritual practices and imagery of the religious practices. The Ancient Wisdom, in other words, is there for you to observe and gain benefit from, if you can look beyond the additions and elaborations out upon it. Having said that, let us present our experiment:

EXPERIMENTLemuria is the underworld of the world civilizations

HYPOTHESIS: The repository of the mythological and religious practices of humanity may be accessed in the trance state.


Your are emulating your tribal ancestors here in this experiment. The seeker of visions travels to the underworld through contact rituals enacted time-and-time-again, With your Intent, you simply direct your consciousness to travel in what you might call the non-physical vehicle, down into the Earth. You may visualize openings in the Earth that lead you to your desired destination. Using your Intent, simply means that you keep a simple focus on your destination within your consciousness.

Now you are of good, positive, divine Intent here. We have called this perspective the Divine Will in our blogs. It is a state of consciousness that is developed over time. Your intentions are good, in that, you are exploring the underworld of world consciousness, with a reverence for the beings that inhabit that dimension. You will find your own way with practice.

When you sense that you have gained sufficient information from this experiment, direct your Intent to take you up to surface awareness. Please document your findings.
