The subtext of the reincarnational drama: the hidden meaning , in other words..

Suppose that, because you have found a similarity of behavior in a loved one from this past existence and the behavior of your current loved one, you are therefore receiving more information – background information, quite literally – concerning your current existence and the current problematic loved one. This we also call the subtext, as in the subtext of the reincarnational drama:the hidden meaning, in other words.

With this new information a threshold of understanding is reached subconsciously. Suppose you have a brief glimpse into your past-life and witness the counterpart to your current loved one experiencing harm at your hand. This could indeed be violent harm directed at this loved one from another life, by you in your past-life body, your Simultaneous Life.

Now in your current existence you are using an entirely different body than in the past and the human that you abused in the past-life is inhabiting the body of the loved one that has been intentionally cruel to you for no apparent reason. Yet now, after the epiphany, the moment of increased understanding, you have an apparent “cause” of the intentionally cruel behavior. This may be “pay back,” in a sense, in response to a relatively innocuous perceived slight experienced by the loved one in question. The loved one is responding to a much greater slight received AT YOUR HAND in the past-life.

The epiphany is quite productive and healing, here, if you take the time to meditate on it. It may allow you to take this behavior with a grain of salt, as we say. Yes, they are overreacting currently. However, in the past-life experience. YOU were the perpetrator of much greater abuse on this loved one. It is an opportunity, therefore, to not react with anger and fear but with Loving Understanding and Courage, having seen the bigger picture.


Indeed, they are the ground upon which they stand as well as the entire Earth itself…

We are assuming that you have perfected the Ritual of Sanctuary somewhat, so that you may take your state of Sanctuary with you, from your home into the world at large. If you have not yet perfected this technique, please do so before attempting this exercise.

This exercise assumes you are in your protected state of Sanctuary out in the marketplace, in nature, in your workplace, or any other location outside of your normal living quarters.

The collective manifestation is continually being created from the subconscious status quo contributions of humans in the collective. In this way, the status quo reality is kept intact moment-to-moment. You will not see any great changes, therefore, in the day-to-day manifestation of our waking world. We agree as a collective, while we sleep, what will be created on awakening from sleep. When we wake-up we immediately go about creating the consensus reality subconsciously, along the lines agreed on during sleep. However, because we are gaining a facility with creating the state of Sanctuary and carrying it with us, it is possible for us to experience the inner world of consensus Reality Creation while still maintaining contact with Third Dimensional reality: a foot in both worlds, we say in the new blog material.

To attain the visionary state at-will is to embody All That Is at-will. We have spoken before of the researcher becoming Mother Earth by embodying Mother Earth. At these times the researcher feels quite grounded. Indeed, they are the ground upon which they stand as well as the entire Earth itself – Mother Earth. Here it is the same concept. We embody All That Is to gain the visionary perspective. Having assumed the perspective of All That Is, we may then approach the Positive Consensus Manifestation realm. Simply turning our attention inwards, toward the Soul, we might say.

We will be creating a light Trance for oneself. Anything deeper than this may be inappropriate for us as we experience our waking reality. Physical safety issues come into play here when we are experimenting in our community. Therefore, with an eye toward personal safety, having already conducted our Ritual of Sanctuary, consider, with the eyes open now, our visualized route to the realm of the Positive Manifestation for humanity.

The makers along the way on this visualized quest have positive emotion attached to them. These indicators will be personal to you and you alone, according to your orientation: visual, auditory, tatile, olfactory, and so on. The Inner Senses will guide us to our destination if we will allow them to. When we feel as though we are making contact with this realm make our mental contribution – an empowered thought, image, or emotion – and then return to surface awareness.


Gradually you gain some control over these bleed throughs…

You may at this time be sensing bleed-throughs from some of these lives in which you are experiencing negative emotional states. I have discussed this briefly in my Blogs of decades ago. The bleed-throughs begin spontaneously without any foreshadowing. The emotional materials, at first, is difficult to assess. One moment you may be in quite good spirits, and the next moment, though nothing has changed in your current existence, you are in quite low spirits. Your current mental environment has been contaminated by the past-life negative emotions.

It would be advantageous at these times to bring in your Sanctuary and protect your consciousness from further encroachment. Over time, using Sanctuary as a protective mechanism, the spontaneous connections to the negative past lives occur less often. Gradually you gain some control over these bleedthroughs, so that you can experience them on your terms.

For example: this type of information from your other lives may be necessary for your continued growth. Facing the negative aspects of your greater self may be a part of your awakening experience. Exploring these past-life sources of current negative experiencing may help you to achieve control in other areas of your life.


These templates of creation are limitless...

In this little essay we shall explore the concept of the human embodying certain perspectives, and so creating their realities through these blueprints, or Gestalts of Consciousness. Now you literally have at your disposal access to unlimited perspectives or Gestalt of Consciousness, that you may embody, ally with, and proceed to create our world in tandem, you might say, with another consciousness manifestation. These templates of creation are limitless, for they include the varied aspects of personality embodied by humans over the millennia. These ways of behaving, of feeling, of thinking, and imagination exist within your collective consciousness as a reservoir of potential Reality Creation energy to which you may turn in your many existences.

Thus, for example, you might be a human engaged in creating a life for yourself in your ancient Egyptian era, perhaps as a slave. Many of us have done and currently doing just that. Can you imagine how fantastically different is the self-created existence of our Egyptian friend we are discussing, to the life you-the-Blog-Reader are currently creating for yourself? Utterly and completely different, I”m certain you would agree. For the ancient one is working from the perspective of a slave living in an ancient culture within a totally different confluence of influences – the social, religious, and others – than you, Dear Blog Reader. This human is observing through their unique vision, their world: the Personal Reality Field.

Let us take this further on the assumption that what I am telling you here is quiet true: that we are all living lives as slaves in some of our Reincarnational Existences, even though we may be currently reading this Blog through the eyes of a typical modern human, one who has access to all of the modern conveniences, one who is relatively free, and so on.

Some of my Blog readers may now be seeing where I am taking this discussion. Let me continue. All That IS is the creative medium in which consciousness, through physical form, expresses itself. These expressions include the physical bodies and existences of all our Simultaneous Lives. ALL OF EXISTENCE occurs simultaneously, in the present moment – the spacious moment, as we also call it.

Do you see how it is possible for you to embody this timeless perspective here and now, allowing your current experiencing consciousness to tune-in to the other life lived as perhaps an Egyptian slave? You are already doing so, however you are probably not yet proficient in the multitasking necessary to retain the memories of your other lives. Practice is necessary here. Practice until you can remember.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the blog material we have covered projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as you project your Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, you are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as you experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for Reality Creation.


The personal Reality of the visionary of old may shed light on this discussion. Now the demeanor of the visionary was one of complete absorption with the forces of nature. However, this was not a pass-time activity. This immersion in the in the natural elements – to the degree that the participant would experience their existence as an integral part of the world – was their normal waking experience.

We might say that the visionary was attending to spiritual matters on a moment-to-moment basis. They were, quite literally, in constant contact with their Guides, the Energy Personality and others, as well as the many Gestalts of Consciousness that represent the energetic supports of our systems on Earth. There are indeed Nature Spirits, for example, that may be contacted and with whom relationships may be cultivated by human beings. ALL of our Earthly reality is supported by spirit in various stages of complexity.

The visionary, then, was quite often enthralled with the experiencing of visions of various types, transmitted from their “pantheon” of sacred energy bodies into their opened or awakened consciousness.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the Blog material we have covered on projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as we project Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, we are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as we experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for reality Creation.


There is certainly as much aggression and “thrust” within the feminine component…

Now our Earth is an entity unto herself. We call our world the Mother Earth, ascribing to this planet the feminine, nurturing qualities of life. However, there is also the counterpart to the feminine inherent in each atom of our physical existence. I have described to you before how this interplay of electromagnetic energies – the perceived opposites – servers to “light and power” our Reality Constructs. And so in our descriptions of the creation phenomenon, particularly with regards to the ascendance of the New World via the 4th-Dimensional Shift, we include and indeed honor the counter energies of manifestation.

For your better understanding, you might say that it is the feminine, nurturing, generative aspects of All That Is that serve to energize and support this thrust of physical reality into our system. The interested reader may reference my earlier blogs for discussions of natural aggression to further their understanding here of this phenomenon.

Still let us present our disclaimer, as must: there is certainly as much aggression and “thrust” within the feminine component of manifestation as in the so-called masculine. We are attempting to offer you simple descriptions of these deep issues so that you may grasp the meaning of the divine construct – Reality Creation.

Thus, in this birthing of the New World, all of us are playing our part. We are created from consciousness through the same process of manifestation as any other Reality Construct. If it helps, you could think of your Personal Reality Field as a reflection of your Inner Self, your Soul Self. The entire Universe, including our Mother Earth, is a projection from the Inner Self or Logos of All That Is. And so on, and so on, you see, down to the Personal Reality of an atom, for example, as it perceives its theoretical electrons spinning around it. And so on even further still, as far indeed as you would like to take this introspection: infinitely, if you have the patience.


We are allowing the Soul’s perspective to predominate…

In our new Blog Series we have given many words of explanation regarding the Fourth-Dimensional Shift. This transformative period in which we find ourselves, as a species and as a world, comes at the end of a long evolutionary cycle in physical reality. Many hundreds of thousands of years of consciousness manifestation have brought us here to the doorstep of a great awakening for humanity. We call it “consciousness becoming aware of itself, ultimately, to the nth degree.” Evolutionary Consciousness, or All That Is, has reached a culmination in the reality of the Third Dimension.

For practical purposes, for You-The-Reader, this Shift is having great effects on our Personal Reality as we speak. Undoubtedly we are “in our issues” with regards to the learning of our individual Lessons. So you do indeed know what I am speaking of here with The Shift, in so far as your personal relationship to it is concerned.

Now here is where our ego/intellect most probably will defend itself with “reasons” and “proofs” that we are different from the rest. We have no Lessons to learn. We are doing quite well and do not need personal critiques from someone who doesn’t even know us, from a discarnate being, no less. This we call intellectualization and denial in our Blogs. It is a normal response to these perceived allegations we proffer to the reader on a continuing basis.

However, if you continue to read the Blogs, you ARE looking for something of value, even as you somewhat deny the worth of these messages. So gradually you are making your way at your own pace, Dear Blog Reader. You are opening up slowly, on your own schedule. You are allowing the Soul’s perspective to predominate in your Reality Creation activities rather than the perspective of the ego/intellect.