Our current relationships are alway representative of our affiliations on other lives. We may follow these correlations to the nth degree. Thus, the delivery person at the door may well represent a human interacting with you in another of your lives, a Past Life, let us say. The telemarketer you have just spoken with on the phone may represent a human from another era with whom you are interacting.

Indeed, the entire workforce at your place of employment may well represent a collective of humans with whom you have associated in other livers. For the Soul Family, broadly defined, incarnates together to work in groups, and learn their Lessons together.


Our human activities occur in cooperation with the creation of ALL of the Reality Constructs within the existences of all of our Simultaneous Lives. Everything in our system is alive, including what we call “dead” or “inert” matter. Everything is composed of the Consciousness Units that are anything but dead. They are each holographic and telepathic, alive and vibrant entities, with a defined consciousness and an agenda for development.

Now do you see how this brings us back to my God concept – All That Is? everything is a reflection of everything else. All That Is reflects itself through every Consciousness Unit that composes every Reality Construct in All of our self-centered lifetimes throughout time. All of our relationships may be thought of as divine associations, therefore. I trust I am not pushing too hard.

Soul Family(Computer Analogy)

Perhaps the computer analogy will help in this presentation. We have used this before… Imagine that this process of Soul Family member negotiation, acceptance, and denial occurs as though within the processors of the world’s fastest computer. Our subconscious mind, which is related to the Collective Consciousness of all humanity, is like this great computer, in that, without expending great amounts of energy, it instantaneously assesses each individual we meet in our existence and notes Soul Family connections throughout time.

We are unaware of this activity as we observe the person in front of you. We may be thinking to ourselves, “I am drawn to this person,” or, “I would like to feel this person out, to see if there is something to be discovered here.”

Now obviously, this great computer of consciousness may not reveal to us ALL of data it is processing about human individuals we meet. Our mental environment would become quite disoriented and flooded with information if this were the case.

And so we place amnesia upon the majority of this information and allow in only what is necessary to allow us to make our decisions and learn our Lessons.


We have free will within the Third Dimension to make our choices from an infinite array of probable choices. However, we are on Earth to learn Lessons within our collectives-humanity, Soul Family, genetic family, and so on.

Thus, our choices will reflect the information we receive telepathically from other humans. We are constantly keeping appointments and having reunions with Soul Family members that we have associated with, loved, and hated throughout time. We use our free will to accept, reject, or perhaps re-negotiate Soul Family agreements established in other lifetimes.


We come together in all of our lives to learn our Lessons together, as a group, we see. This is how it works… in the dreamstate we agree to enact behaviors of educational value for our own benefit and for the benefit of other Soul Family members. When we awaken after sleep, we generally fulfill these agreements in a largely subconscious fashion. Our lives may thus be described as dramatizations of life Lessons in the Third Dimension. The Lessons are learned within Soul Family relationships as the higher Consciousness of each of those involved, “speak to,” and energizes the participants.

Yet we may well ask, “But how can this be so, David? How could I have been kept from this information all of my life?” First let me say that this is something that we already know, for we are in telepathic contact with everything in our Personal Reality. Telepathy works constantly in our world on a subliminal level. On this subtle level of understanding, just below our conscious awareness, we know everything.

However, to get along in your world, you must keep yourself in an amnesia that allows you to forget your multidimensional reality and focus on the mundane world in which you live. This occurs even as you are continually receiving profound amounts of information on your life condition and on the lives of your co-inhabitants subconsciously. Your focus on “current events,” rather than your greater godlike reality, allows your consciousness to guide you through your existence without distractions

Learning Together

Now we live many lives and those with whom we are experiencing our current life also live their many lives. And just as those humans with whom we interact in our current existence-our genetic family, our adoptive family, our extended family, our colleagues, our acquaintances – are learning their individual Lessons with us now, so too are each of us in what we are calling the Soul Family, learning our Lessons together in other lives.

In all of our lives, in whatever era we are experiencing our lives – Renaissance Europe, for example, or perhaps within a tribal unit in our prehistoric past – we are also interacting with Soul Family members, the same group of people with whom we always interact, for they live their lives just as we do: in different bodies, in different times, in different circumstances.

Now Reality

To begin with my Blog friends…. you create your own reality. This has been my primary refrain to humanity in my messages over several decades, and I fervently hope that my blog readers remember. In this moment and in every moment of our life, we form the world that we know, even as everything else within our reality cooperates with us in this creation process.

Our world is made from Consciousness Units: awarized elements of energy that seek out the fulfillment of infinite values in the manifestation of Reality Constructs of infinite variety. This etheric substance – the stream of manifestation – literally travels outward from our body to create the world that we experience. It is fantastic. It is unbelievable. It IS the way we create our reality. Dear Blog Reader. For in this endeavor of Reality Creation, everything that can happen does happen, all in the spacious moment of creation – the eternal moment of NOW.

Included in this construction project of the Soul is the creation of our own physical body within a context of multi-dimensional existence. We do indeed live countless lives; some are lived in our future. We have referred to these as the Simultaneous Lives and also the Reincarnational Existences. These lives are our lives throughout time.