Learning our Lessons often involves turning the negative into the positive: the negative emotions are transformed into the positive emotions. We may be experiencing negative emotions, but we are continually processing our experience to create a positive outcome. This we accomplish through a continual practicing of the virtues.

Will we become virtuous by so doing? That wholly depends upon our Lessons we have chosen to explore in this life. Let me just say, that, we are living in times of great potential. We do have the potential, therefore, to experience an enlightened existence in this timeframe. The energies, the vibrations, we might say, are quite supportive at this time.

The Shift is occurring NOW. Now is the time to address our Issues squarely and ultimately, to learn them once and for all.

As this occurs with millions of us, the vibratory level is increased for us as a collective. It becomes easier to transform within the group, being supported by the group in this way. This is why we are affirming in the new Blogs the activities of the lightworkers, the magicians, shamans, witches, and healers among us.

During The Shift it will be our group that holds the responsibility for personal transformation, so that the rest of humanity, the uninitiated, we might say, may be brought up with us. The Resonance Phenomenon, we may read about it elsewhere in this Blog material


We incarnate on our Earth to learn Lessons and these Lessons are learned in relationships. The Lesson itself is often the core relationship experience we may be having with a particular individual or group in any moment in time. There are also, usually, Past Life influences involved.

For example: we are confronted with a religious zealot. They are counseling us in a heated exchange on the street or in a market somewhere. They are suggesting the if we do not pay allegiance to their particular view of the Godhead that we are doomed. Our Souls will be consumed by demons. Do you get the picture?

Even with this extreme example of negativity, we may, with the proper perspective, absorb this communication stream and integrate it with our own belief structure. The information will assuredly undergo a transformation. The negative will be transposed into the positive. The good will then be saved within our comprehensive belief system.

Now the requisite objection may come to mind here, that it would not be a good thing to absorb the negative prejudices, and such, into our own system. Yet let us see how this works with the Master, the one who is getting quite good at this awakening enterprise.


Now we are here in our Blog era, discussing a concept of Soul Family. Do you see how the greater Soul Family includes the perceived Negative Other? We will have more to say on this in future blogs on humanity, however I shall briefly present my Findings on the matter now, in essence, our lives in the Third Dimension are about exploring The Other within relationships of various types.

Whenever we may truthfully encounter The Other with Loving Understanding and Courage, we are learning our Lessons consciously. If we find we cannot do this, in that, our Issues prevent us from doing so, we are not learning our Lessons. This pertains to all of the lives we are living, Dear Blog Reader.

It is really quite simple, yet admittedly, often seemingly impossible to accomplish long term. We would need to become a master at this. By mastering the techniques, we create an existence of habitually creating from a position of Loving Understanding and Courage.


There was a group-mind effect operative within our consciousness in the early days of humanity. This may be referred to as human instinct. We were all receiving communications from the greater group of humans on choices to make in order to preserve the integrity and continuity of the collective and thus the local consensus reality.

This instinct for the preservation and continuity of the whole was eventually challenged as other collectives of humans entered into our territory with different ideas, different images, different ways of doing things. These different mental communication streams were picked-up by the primal group, and the Idea Constructs that were found to be supportive and conducive to preservation of the group were integrated into the mental collective of the primal group. Those Idea Constructs that were deemed not supportive of the group were rejected.

Also, an “ethical marker” we placed on this stream of consciousness, identifying it as having the potential to harm the group. Thus the Negative Other was born. Remember here that all realities are born first within the mental environment of those concerned. We create our own reality. We create our consensus reality in cooperation with others. Period.

The Negative Other was created out of fear: fear of change, fear of a different type of human, fear of losing the cohesion and support of group life. From the moment of the creation of the Negative Other, we might say that humankind has been trying to get back to that basic unconditional human connection of one to the other, indeed, of one to all of humanity.

What served as an instinct in the primal collectives of humans, was simply an ongoing connection to the non-physical world, the Unknown Reality, as we call it, from which springs the known reality of the physical world. Of course, we may also call this Unknown Reality the Divine, our other term for this energy source.


We are writing today thinking about the 9/11 events. Many of us, particularly in the USA, are feeling somewhat on edge, as we wait to see if we will be once again “punished” by our adversaries. This is the ongoing mental environment for many of us.

We have been taught by our Negative Media, by our governments, by the authorities in our societies, to fear. We are obliged to fear the terrorists, those identified by our countries as enemies of us and our fellow citizens. Here I would like to take some time to explore this dynamic as it relates to Soul Family Issues.

This entire concept of The Negative Other is an ancient Gestalt of Consciousness that had been with us since the dawn of our human race. Originally, the idea of The Negative Other was one of careful attention to what mental energies we would entertain within our psyche.


The Charting is always done according to Lessons. It is not, therefore, so important to name the humans you are interacting with as a Soul Family as to note the Lessons being learned. This is why we are in your physical body, Dear Blog Reader. This is why we are here now. Yes, it is true that we may be involved in highly intricate, dramatic, and even entertaining reincarnational presentations. Thus it is good to note the memes of the participants. But the important thing here is to consider the Lessons we are learning within these relationships with The Other.

If privacy is an issue for you, create a Legend in code and keep your Lists anonymous. Hide your Legend if someone finds your list, they will not be able to understand it.


I will bring this Blog Series to a close with a very important experiment for the awakening student. This technique will give us the ability to assess, within the moments of our existence, the humans within our Personal Reality. We will be able to assess them for motives, ethical qualities, and other values.

In these Moment Point of assessment we become truly aware of what is around us. We may easily sense the “back story” to the current behaviors of even strangers after we have gained some experience in our assessment practice.

As we practice this technique, it becomes quite easy for us to identify the members of our Soul Family, generally and specifically. As we proceed it may be a good idea to organize the members into groups according to the separate spheres of activity in which they are known.

Thus we might speak of our “business Soul Family,” or our “spiritual practice Soul Family members.” We may even identify perceived “enemies” with whom we have Issues to be resolved from Past Lives, and so on. Out them all on the lists. later in future Blogs we will chart the Current Soul Family and the Interdimensional Soul Family.


Yet fortunately, for millions of us who are awakening currently, what we are calling the Uncommon Trance is becoming quite familiar, quite common to us. We speak of the Ancient Wisdom being remembered in our current timeframe, and part of this wisdom entails the intentional creation of uncommon states of consciousness.

Through various types of experimentation, the explorer of non-physical reality ritually creates the Uncommon Trance, so that it becomes as automatic as the Common Trance. It becomes a new form of perception.

Practicing in our waking reality the re-creation of the Uncommon Trance helps to make it habitual. Like the Ritual of Sanctuary creates a movable Sanctuary for you-the-students, within the portable Trance State we may assess the people we meet as far as Soul Family status goes.

If we have an intuition that the salesman at the hardware store, for example, is connected to us in some way, take a second to create our Trance State and assess this human with our Inner Senses. Trying the attainment of the Trance State to a gesture, or statement, or thought, to talisman is also quite practical.


Our Guides are accessed through Trance an intermediary state of consciousness that separate our Third Dimension from the non-physical world. Here we distinguish between two types of Trance: the common and the Un-Common.

Now the common Trance we are already experiencing when we go about our daily activities as a modern human. As we focus on “getting through the day,” we quite literally put our cognitive faculties on automatic. We go along without thinking too much about what we are doing.

Many of us take cues from our mass media about how to think and feel about the issues of our day. We do what the authorities – the media experts, the scientists, the leaders – “suggest” we do.


The energy Personality of Spirit Guide may assist me in my exploration into the Soul family. As we may already know, the road to awakening literally begins when we acknowledge that we have non-physical Guides that are watching over us and that may guide us.

It is an age-old story. Ritual contact with the non-physical beings is at the base of all our religious systems. Every spiritual tradition on our great Earth has the devotee first initiate contact with a spiritual being of some sort – god, goddess, God, animal spirits of various kinds, and so on.

Each culture has its variations on this procedure. This system I offer you as a metaphysical teacher of countless years. And so, yes, the first step here is to ask for assistance until you get it. We are thus not entirely on our own in this quest for spiritual understanding.


We may be already well aware of our Current Soul Family Gestalt in so far as they are also members of our genetic family, our adoptive family, our friends and our social networks. However, to fully explore the connections between us, and for example, the tens or hundreds of people we interact with on any given day, we are advised to consider researching our Personal Reality Field as a Scientist of Consciousness.

As a scientist we would delve into the thoughts, feelings, images evoked in the momentary assessment of the human we are evaluating or the experience we are exploring. We investigate with our Inner Senses within our own consciousness by simply Intending to do so.

How do you Intend? Briefly, we intensely desire to get to the bottom of this intuition we have about a possible Soul Family member, for example. Then we wait to see what arises. We may immediately receive more information on the subject via our Inner senses. Or later in the day it may occur to us, as in a dream or state of reverie, what the connections are. Then, as you are receiving information, we document it in some form – other than the memory, which can be quite volatile – for later study.

From these information streams we gather our data and glean our Findings. A Findings is simply something of value, in this case, something pertaining to Reincarnational Existences of the Soul Family that you didn’t know before the investigation.

This culling of knowledge from the Unknown Reality is how the Ancient Wisdom reveals itself within our system. These skills we are learning will help us become aware of our greater creaturehood on all levels.