Category Archives: Time


Let me use this exercise in a different way here in our discussion of the Mystery Civilizations. Now: you look in front of you wherever you happen to be. Dorian (my wife), for example, is looking in front of her desk table on which she writes on her computer in the room looking out to the woods behind our house. Dorian sees a beautiful landscape before her: the Sheep Mountains, many fir trees and some walnut trees, the other homes in the area as well as a glimpse of the beautiful lake that lies a mile or so away. This is what Dorian sees, and you Dear Blog reader, naturally are seeing something else in front of you. Now for my point….

What you see in front of you is your view of All That Is, interpreted through your Lessons, your beliefs, your issues. So you seeing what it is possible for you to see here, according to your beliefs. If you are of a modern mindset or cosmology, I would guess that your perceptions, do not include non-physical beings emerging from the trees, or gigantic crystal transmitters sparkling in the distance. Briefly, what we are saying is this: your perception of your current existence is a focus ON your current existence, yet it could just as easily become a focus on your existence within, for example, the Mystery Civilization of Atlantis, in which we assert there does indeed exist gigantic, black crystal transmitters and receivers. Or let us say you change your focus a bit and pick up on your existence in an aboriginal culture in which you did indeed perceive the Spirits of trees and other objects. You could see the personalization of the spirit energies and you communicated with them.

Now let me be blunt. We have suggested that space and time are mere conveniences for us in Third-Dimensional Reality. They are useful for those of us creating lives within the linear time conceptualization. Yet ALL of our existences are “out there in front of us,” right where we are now. In other words, you need not travel to France to tune-in to a life you lived in Paris in the 17th Century. Because of the telepathic holographic nature of the Conscious Units that comprise your reality, everything exists at once, and so all of our lives, including those lived in the Mystery Civilizations, exist at once, all in the same “place” at the same “time.”

This is a difficult concept to embody, perhaps, and so I shall go further here. Our world, your personal Reality Field, is an illusion, Dear Blog Reader. We create it out of “whole cloth,” to coin a phrase, through the energies of our Soul Self. Yet the life we are living does seem solid and convincing, does it not? Your life seems to be more than a group of ideas. It is convincing, it is authentic, it is a realistic portrayal of your Issues in dramatic form in physical reality.

It is convincing enough to keep us focused in the current existence and not spinning off into some Simultaneous Life we are living elsewhere in another time. Yet the boundaries of space and time are loosening with these practices we are teaching. Slowly, I am sure, most of us are learning how to keep a foot in both worlds. Now for some experimentation…

Not each and every single one of you, the Blog Readers of this new Blog material, have experienced lives in the GA society. However, most of you have done just that. Before we have an experiment that we first offered in our Blog material on Soul Evolution in general attempt to contact the Mystery Civilizations, consider this: do you tend to be a lover or a hater; a mystic or a cynic; a student or soldier; a helper or a taker? Are you intuitive or do you fancy yourself an “empirical” scientific observer of the event before you? Do you see where I am taking this? If you do, let us now have pour experiment, with the specific purpose of tuning-in on probable lives lived in the Mystery Civilization we are calling GA.


HYPOTHESIS: Using your Intent in the moment-point allows you to tune-in on other time frames.

Here we are using the term “tuning-in” in specific way. This relates to our suggestion in the last Blog. that the researcher in experimentation with the non-physical reality, use the essential metaphors. Tuning-in refers to the Radio Dial metaphor that we offer as a simple, powerful visualized device that will allow you to ritually bring in the frequencies of the non-physical beings, for example, in a sense, tuning-in on their waveband. This technique works quite well also with the Simultaneous Lives. It is simply a personalized metaphor that you may use to give some context to these metaphorical pursuits. Of course, you may use your own techniques, if that serves the purpose here. Let us begin.

Then simply relax. We are assuming you have, as my student, created a Ritual of Sanctuary for yourself, so that you may safely and without anxiety or fear or any kind, explore non-physical reality.


If you have yet to create this Ritual, please envision golden, protective field around your physical body construct. Nothing harmful may enter this field. You are therefore protected, and you may even take this protective state with you in your outings in waking reality.

So relax and move your body in such a way as to elicit relaxation. You are in your state if Sanctuary. You may now surrender to the healing forces of your greater consciousness, your Soul Self. As you let go in this way, the good feelings build within you. You can feel the ecstasy below the surface that supports you in your Earthly existence. This quest is a very natural one for you. You have been doing these type of experiments for many lifetimes. You are the type of person that enjoys finding our about your unknown lives. And so you can easily use your Intent here to direct you.

Focusing on your goal, allow yourself to drift slowly and easily toward a recognition of the life you are living in GA. This is a matriarchy. The feminine principle, as you understand it, is accentuated within your personal consciousness. Tune-in that sense of affirmation for the feminine, perhaps visualizing a radio dial before you, and seeing the dial turn to making GA. As you turn the dial, images may come to mind. You may hear voices and feel a variety of emotions. Keep our Intent on traveling toward the good feelings generated in GA on your radio dial. The good feelings may now grow noticeably. This may signify that you have reached your goal. With your Intent, stop your voyage and rest within the good feelings.

If you have reached your destination: look down at your feet. What type of shoes are you wearing? Look around you. What do you see? Find a mirror or something else that will reflect your image and look at your reflection. Are you a male or female? What age are you? And what is your name? Do you remember the Sumari language?

You will have complete recall of all that you are experiencing. When you come up to surface awareness, you will easily be able to remember what you have experienced here.

You may certainly use this experiment when exploring any of the Mystery Civilization we have noted in this blog series. The techniques are the same. Simply focus with your Intent on the name of the Mystery Civilization and the feelings emanating from that Mystery Civilization. Each Mystery Civilization has a distinctive vibratory signature that you may tune-in to with your human consciousness. These energy signatures create their own distinctive emotional states. You will, of necessity, have to experiment with these states and follow your own Inner Guidance in these matters.

When you have finished your investigations for this experiment, gradually return to surface awareness. Document your Findings


The story of the decline of GA is quite similar to the accounts we read in our history books of the decline of an civilization. Forced to defend its borders from attack by less developed humans, less socialized humans, the governing body was obligated to divert resources to security matters, rather than education and the other perceived “healthier” concerns.It is an old story. Eventually, over several hundred years of matriarchal rule, the advantage was lost on the Northern borders of the territory. Though GA were fierce fighters when defending their land, once the boundaries were breached by the warring tribes, it became more common for the intruders to be taken into the culture and “forgiven.” Inter-marrying occurred quite naturally along the borders of GA. This tendency to absorb cultures from without continued until a homogenization of culture occurred.

Yes Dorian, connect the following to the previous post on untruthful histories.

Now continuing here… Without generalizing too extensively here, the tribes that infiltrated the GA borders were comprised of humans who practices a patriarchal religion. A wrathful vengeance-seeking god was favored by these warriors. The men were asked to support the patriarchal god of war as they went to war. As is usually the case, this was a system created to priests within the tribes, who sought political power to complement their perceived spiritual power. The GA forces were quite integrated. Men and women served in the country’s defense.

As GA absorbed surrounding tribes, the countries and peoples we know as present-day Europe were created. Much of what we know as Western Civilization is based upon a matriarchy, not the patriarchal concerns that predominate now.


Now GA did not exist as a pure matriarchy for the extent of its reign upon the European Continent. The country was forced to defend their extensive borders from infiltration by warring tribes of various types and nationalities. This is the way it was, in fact. However, let me take a brief side road here in my explanation. I will ask you to conceive of what we know of human history, what we have read in books, learned in school and observed in our dramatic representations, as a highly subjective and romanticized portrayal of what actually occurred.

You may know that the history of the world is the history of the victors. It is the winning tribe, country, civilization that “lives to tell the tale,” so to speak. Typically, the historian has a cultural bias. They have created their ” truthful” depictions according to their own perceptions within their individual Personal Reality Fields, you see. This is the way is has always been done. And so our written histories are lacking in truth, always.

To put it another way here: our history books and portrayals will NEVER be able to give us a comprehensive view of even one second of historical experiencing by an individual, much less a country or people. This is because, please remember, everything that has a probability of happening, does indeed happen. And so if we were to document the history of even one second of the world, to be comprehensive we would have to document the multitude of probable experiences, thoughts, imagines and emotions entertained by this single human. This is a fine point, to be sure, yet I trust I have given some perspective here in our analysis.

THE “GA” (Gematrie Arssa) LANGUAGE

They spoke Sumari, for the most part. This is the same Sumari I described in my earlier Blogs. It is a language of Love, quite literally, as we have said. There is a “lightness” to it, and a sense that you understand the emotional content, as a modern observer now, even though you do not understand a word of what is spoken. The telepathic messages are received regardless of having any knowledge of the language itself.

In my earlier work, it was thought that an understanding of Sumari was attainable; now it can be told, that All of us have the potential to speak and understand this language in our current existence. It is the language spoken and understood in the non-physical worlds, for example. All of us know this language. Again, we have felt we must create amnesia around this fact, to protect our current reality creation. Please know that times have changed. We shall have an experiment shortly, to give you the Blog Reader a chance to “remember” our facility with the Sumari Language.

G for Gematri. A for Arssa. GA., the name is not stable at this time. It evolves as everything evolves. We are changing the past through our input in the present.

Now in the Sumari language the name Gematrie ArssaLiterally, Loving Land. However, the spelling is mutable. What we have there will suffice for now.

Sumari was the primary spoken language. The written languages was diverse and quite different across the continent, the European continent, as we know it today. The intentional telepathic communication we noted, involved images and emotions primarily with the capacity to trigger memories, even neuronal growth in the brain. Healing at a distance, as we now call it, was accomplished through this medium.

I mentioned earlier that GA was FIRST a matriarchy. Indeed, this was the most powerful and extensive matriarchy our world has seen. Our myths reflect the heritage of this ancient civilization, particularly the Greek and Roman mythologies. Though GA predominated on what is presently the European continent, through bleed throughs the Greek and Roman cultures were “seeded” with the matriarchal concepts: the idea of a strong, female goddess, the concepts of democracy as extolling the highest good for all concerned, and so on.


Let us first present for our Blog Readers a summary of what has gone before in our descriptions of the divine matriarchy.

This collective was first a matriarchal expression within human society. What we would in modern times call the “feminine” aspects of consciousness predominated in all social structures. Women took on the dominant leadership roles, for example, within families on the small level, as well as within the political organizations on the larger on the larger level, you might say. We have stated before that there was no competition in GA, as you might conceive of this concept currently. There was no “battle of sexes,” as we moderns refer to it. Cooperation was key, here, and ALL personal aspirations were sublimated towards the success of relationships within all the spheres.

The men were predominately builders and practitioners of various trades. Women took on leaderships roles in all relationships, modeled after the mothering role of mother-to-child. For this reason, the society in a business and personal sense was suffused with tenderness and an all pervasive sense of Loving Understanding.

Now the females modeled this unconditional Loving Understanding for the others. In a sense, you could say that when others saw the power, the grace, the extreme utility of this Love in action, they felt entirely justified in sublimating their own desires for the common good, the greatest good of all.

These are primarily dark-complected humans we are describing. If you may think of the current Romanian peoples, you may get a feel for the physical appearance of the GA peoples: Black curly hair, for the most part. Dark colored eyes. Stocky builds generally for men and women. Defined musculature. Indo-European characteristics.


The people of this civilization were of varied body types, of course, yet for the most part we would notice the Nordic features in these humans: fair skin, blonde and quite prominent noses. Blue eyes predominated yet there were also green and even hazel eyes here. This human form might be described as the prototype for the Nordic peoples who would come later, we are speaking now of some 20 thousand years and more before our Christ drama.

The Atlanteans existed then as fervent explorers of both the physical and non-physical worlds. They were, as a race now, quite intelligent in so far as the intellect is concerned. They also cultivated a sort of “natural” intelligence, an intuitive understanding of the way realities are created. This knowing sense was obvious in the countenance of the Atlantean citizen. The adults projected an intensity of personal power, we might say, to those around them. There was at that time, within the Atlantean culture, a mutual respect for the individual. There was not the prevalence of racial prejudice, hatred, anger, that sort of thing. These emotional complexes were to gain ascendance much later, in other civilizations on Earth.


Now as a tidbit of intriguing data, to comment further on some of the other aspects of Atlantean culture we hinted at in previous sessions.

The manufacture of “spun” crystalline material that had the properties of creating, storing and transmitting energy was perfected by Atlantean scientists. Common materials from Earth were subjected to electromagnetic forces to facilitate the crystallization of these minerals into implements of various sizes and intensities. The catalyst in this manufacturing process was an element as yet undiscovered by our modern researchers. It is an unknown element that exists extra-dimensionally. When the Fourth-Dimensional Shift is completed, our scientists using their Inner Senses, will discover this element within the common sand and soil of our planet.

These crystals were grown to lengths of one or two inches to great heights of 50 and one hundred feet. The large crystals were often ten or more feet in diameter. They were a dark ashen color, almost black, with the threads of the crystal composition visible within.


We have spoken in our Blog Series about the similarities in Lessons faced by the Atlantean and by the moderm developed nations. The use of Power; the manifestation of Spirit, spirituality within the culture; the ethical use of technology.

Our modern civilization and our mystery civilization of Atlantis are engaged in the learning of similar Lessons, for both collectives of humans are of the same Entity of consciousness. In this way, we and the other members of our nation, as well as others in their developed nations on our Earth at this time, have the opportunity to indeed LEARN all these valuable Lessons, to the degree that the cataclysmic effects of our negative thoughts do not result in a global thermonuclear war – as I have warned about in our new Blog writings – or a tragic FALL of the Atlantean empire through earth changes – calamities brought on by these same negative thoughts within our “past” incarnations.

It all happens at once. Each change of thought, emotion, and behavior toward the positive manifestation is reflected in ALL of our reincarnational existences, including those within the Mystery Civilizations. As you can see, I am being rather vague. I am not allowed to interfere with the learning of our primary Lessons. We will either learn our Lessons individually and as a group or we will not. We decide.


The past is just as fluid as the future. Anything can happen in the past just as anything can happen in the future, in our terms. It is easier for us to accept the future is more open to change than our past, for we are hypnotized by our consensus reality. However, if we would step out for just a moment, of our obsessively-created consensus reality, as I suggested, we would naturally begin to create independently.

Now to relate this to matters of Atlantis and its “fall.” Our civilization, the American empire shall we say, exists, grows, survives simultaneously with the “preceding” empire occupied by our Native American tribes, as well as countless physical and probable manifestations of civilizations that occurred and are to occur on our world. All manifestations of these civilizations exist at once. The past, the present, and the future civilizations exist now, in this moment.

Let me add that questions of locals and sites of ancient civilizations need not have a bearing on these discussions. For not only is time simply a convenience for us in 3D Reality, but space is also. Again, we decide as a collective of human creators, where, when, and how we will create our individual lives, in what timeframes, and in what groupings or civilizations. We decide as a collective where our civilization of Atlantis will develop and has developed as well as the particulars of every aspect of the society.


Now: it is well known by researchers that the Christian principles, imagery, and so on, were borrowed from preceding spiritual practices, including, if course, the GA religion. Obviously, the founding priests heavily elaborated on the original Christian ethics established by the Energy Body known as Christ. Before, I have reminded that the fundamental tenet of The Christ was all-important Love concept. That was it. It was a simple pronouncement; that with Love of self, of our colleagues in the world, a successful life could be experienced.

Now the priests ignored the original statements of The Christ and other founding energies, of the importance of the “multiple lives” concept. They rejected this foundational principle in favor of an “everlasting life” that the devotee was to experience upon their transition after having lived “a life without sin,” or at least a life that included atonement for sins committed.

The creative priests did not have to look far for the patriarchal elements to add to their model christian practice. The warring tribes that were inculcated into the GA culture brought with them several different pantheons based on vengeful patriarchal gods. These warring tribes were on missions from their territories to conquer the people and to obtain land. They were on the offensive, then, while GA, for the most part, merely attempted to defend herself against encroachment by the aggressive warrior tribes.


Now I would ask you Dorian, what would be the “result” of your directing an intense stream of emotional energy – of Love let us say – at this Atlantean life? Would you have an effect on the personality living this life? Let us assume for the moment that, yes you would have a subtle effect upon this life. Within the Gestalt of Consciousness that you participate in with all of your Reincarnational Existences, your thoughts may be intercepted by your Atlantean self. Then, also subtly perhaps, you might notice a change in behavior in this other life. Perhaps this other life is now musing upon the concept of Loving Understanding. Let us state here that, prior to the reception of this Loving thought complex, your Atlantean self was experiencing anger, perhaps hatred. Do you see how your etheric message from the future may assist a past existence in achieving a more positive state of consciousness?

Given this explanation, do you see how our current behaviors pave the way for altered realities within all of our Reincarnational Existences? cumulatively, you might say that our current behaviors have such an influence on the “future,” in our terms, manifestation of the Atlantean Civilization, that we could very well assist in redirecting the civilization from its catastrophic trajectory of development.

Now you change the past from the current moment. We do this naturally, subconsciously. We create BOTH past and future from within this spacious moment. Do you see how collectively, if the millions of us experiencing this current time-frame as well as the Atlantean existences, were to change our attitudes “all at once,” that the mythological outcomes of Atlantis might become positive rather than negative historically. If this were to occur, we might see a wholesale alteration in the depiction of this “myth” in our books and other media. As a collective, we would be recreating a more positive manifestation of Atlantean Civilization, just as we perhaps may be influencing our current civilization in positive ways.