Category Archives: SOUL


Though this Practice is related to pretending, there is a great difference between conscious manifesting and pretending. Let me describe these differences briefly…

In conscious manifesting, at least in my view, the Highest Perspective is invoked throughout the Practice, throughout your Rituals, Regimens and studies. I submit that pretending does not require a connection to these Evolved Perspectives.

In pretending, there is also the playful approach that I see as a requirement in the Practice. However, this playful approach must be grounded, in my opinion, in the Higher Centers. The Divine Child or the Magical Child is invoked, as I have just said. This may most easily occur when you have an ongoing connection to your Guides, to your Energy Personality, to All That Is.

Additionally, in the act of pretending there is lacking a complete faithful expectation in the successful outcome, as I see it. You are not manifesting with Divine Intent the desired Reality Constructs or events. Pretending is a good start, in other words, however, please invoke the powerful non-physical beings if you are committed to conscious manifesting.

I do believe that some of my Blog Readers are neglecting the differences. The key here, is FIRST to connect with your Source, your Guidance, your Higher Consciousness. Then the Ancient Wisdom is revealed. Then you are indeed Guided to your destination. Then you are not alone; you have the resources of the Divine at your disposal.


Now that I have presented some introductory material we will now discuss the Essential Metaphor that is the subject of this Blog Series. Resonance: a very high concept indeed. It is a broad, overarching Essential Metaphor that may help you discover those aspects of your consciousness that can help you to create what you wish to create in our Blog Series on the Soul Family, we first defined Resonance in this way, What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance – the electromagnetic assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs.” This is Resonance with a capital R, you see. This is the activity that creates positive realities for the Practitioner.

Let me now add to this definition by expanding on the word “thoughtful.” By thoughtful what I mean is… Both subconscious and what you might call “intentionally” conscious thought create the reality that you then observe as feedback. The awakening student becomes aware of the particulars within the subconscious mind.

This accounts for the phenomenon of the Moment of Awakening in which the student realizes that they do indeed create their less-than-positive realities, and that they do so subconsciously, for the most part, through negative ruminations. This we may call resonance with a small “r,” if you don’t mind. These negative ruminations create negative realities. They are the opposites of the positive thought forms – the Precepts, for example – we suggest you use to create your positive realities. I am speaking of the positive circular thoughts that you create and then Ritually inculcate into your mental awareness.





The Promise of Magic

This current Blog Series is quite similar, a cousin you might say, to earlier Blog work. The Magical Way. This IS the magical way I am offering , updated of course, to be agreeable to the modern sensibility. Notice how these empowering statements of mine offer you-the-BlogReader the promise of magic, of Soulful creativity, of manifestation of the heart’s desire.

Many of the statements I use in this Blog Series are Essential Metaphors; metaphors for the activity of consciousness in our dimension. They are essential, in the sense that they are necessary to this Teaching; they are required so that the student can comprehend the system. They are also essential in that they contain the essence of what they purport to represent. Let go on a bit concerning this very important idea.

Thinking back to my description of The Telepathic Network... This Essential Metaphor suggests a subtext or an intuition that we ARE in a reciprocal relationship with everything in our world. It is an idea that wants us to comprehend it. Do You grasp the meaning here? These essences are POTENTIALLY active. They are activated by our Intent, or what we may call our Will. Please keep this in mind as you make your way through this Blog Series.





Just for fun, please joy down where you would place yourself on some of these trajectories of development. This will give us a benchmark that we will use to chart your progress as you diligently complete the exercise in this Blog Series.

For example, referring to our chart:

Are you on a Healing Voyage in your exercise? Or are you lurching forward in the Common Trance, oblivious to your surroundings, focused only on your subconscious desire to belong to the group?

Are you somewhere in between with the vast majority of humans?

Take a few moments to work with this material….


We are in our systems to learn how to use energy to create what we want…

The New Age Canon

” I am on Earth to be happy.” “It all works out for the best.” “There are no accidents.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Each cloud has a silver lining.” ” There is an inner world that gives birth to the outer.” “You create your own reality.” These are some of our modern sayings from the New Age, metaphysical, and spiritual genres of literature. They each have sense of magic about them, do they not? The very notion that, “You create your own reality” holds within it the presumption of power, of fertile creative energy.

Now I have some good news for you. If you subscribe to these magical Precepts you are certainly on the right track in your evolution. For you ARE on Earth to be happy, Dear Blog Reader. This is quite true. And we do create our own reality, what we now call the Personal Reality Field in my Blogs. Specifically, we are in our system to learn how to use energy to create what we want, what we desire.

I speak to you from a particular perspective, one that is outside of our much theorized space/time continuum. I see that some may doubt this statement. Some will fear that you are in your dimension to suffer and experience pain and disappointment – at least for the better part of the journey – on the way to another highly theorized locale you call “heaven.” This limited perception is a gift from our ancestors and others who have taught us through religious conditioning the “benefits” and perhaps “Spirituality” of Lack.

We could say that these New Age concepts answer the question, “Why am I on Earth?” in a very affirmative fashion. This movement, indeed, is a response to the naysayers, those who have controlled us for many hundreds of years. The New Age emphasize the Virtues of Humanity, the experiencing of Love and pleasure by everyone, healthy self-esteem with an absence of shame, guilt, and the other detrimental states of consciousness. I think that we can immediately sense how this perspective – we shall call it the Visionary Perspective – challenges the status quo espoused by our governments, our mainstream religions, our military establishments, our Negative Media, and other authorities.


To simply, to distill, to bring forward out of darkness these ancient truths, we present a theory of reincarnation that will be understood by the average modern. You needn’t have an encyclopedic grasp of the information we are providing here, to read, to enjoy, and to employ the messages. A willingness, a desire, a rekindled memory is all that is needed to begin and sustain you in these Blog Studies.

And as I said before on other Blogs, the new theory is presented in hopes that you may come together as differences at the expense of our similarities. In the new Blog material I am rectifying that by drawing attention to this Oneness of the human consciousness. We are all one great expression of the Divine – All That Is. Now let me provide supporting material for this statement….


Let me answer that for you outright: to quicken your awakening. Now the longer explanation would entail divulging my secrets that I use to inspire my students and to transmit knowledge directly to the consciousness. Let me say this, however. on a superficial level, as you are engaged in experiencing the amnesia of the human in physical reality, it may appear to you as though I am relating pleasant stories for your entertainment. Please understand, though, that these examples are for purposes of catalyzing the awakening of your ” sleeping” memories – your memories of previous lives, for example, within Third-Dimensional Reality and in other dimensions. So do not be surprised when you may experience, upon reading one of my innocent examples, a reliving of experiences from one of your own Simultaneous Lives.

That is the purpose of my new Blog messages to you, after all, and so we would expect this types of phenomenon to occur in the life of the attentive Blog Reader. When these flashes of insight occur, I suggest you take a moment to write, down the sensory information that you are receiving. This data will be of use to you as you complete the exercises in this Blog Series, and indeed, as you continue with your awakening.


HYPOTHESIS: We may explore Sumari consciousness in the Trance State.

Currently this is a highly-energized Idea construct within our collective awareness. These values of the Sumari Love, courage, compassion, altruistic public service – resonate with the overall collective of humanity at this time, for the ideals of the Sumari are quite necessary for the healing of our Earth and the peoples that live upon Her. On the subtle levels, all of us are aware of this.

Additionally, by identifying with, by allying with, by embodying the Sumari code, so to speak, we become Sumari. What we focus on within our consciousness strengthens and develops in our reality. What may have begun as a simple interest in New Age practices, for example, representing a fragment of Sumari consciousness within our mental environment, and expand as the Sumari aspect strengthens.

Now the language of Sumari is the language of the post-Transition environment. As an etheric being, after our physical death, we use Sumari to communicate with others who have made the Transition and are considering their options as to what lives to explore next. Sumari is the language of the non-physical world. All of us are well-versed in this language, for we have all experienced many deaths, many Transitions, many opportunities to use this language. With this in mind…..


As in our explorations in this Blog Series, use our Intent to tune-in to that aspect of our consciousness we identify as Sumari. There is an assumption here that you are reading this Blog for a reason. It may be that you are keeping appointments that you have made in other lives. Consider what it would feel like to keep an appointment with an aspect of your greater consciousness, this Sumari. In essence, you are using your Intent to remember something here. When you feel you have experienced noteworthy Findings, come up to surface awareness. Document your experiences.



However, specifically for our project here, we shall discuss the Sumari briefly. Because this group is primarily composed of the Vanguard we describe in the new Blog material – the Magicians, Shamans, Witches and Healers – I feel that we can once again speak of this group. It is germane to this discussion of the awakening of humanity, of The Shift in consciousness, of the remembering of the Ancient Wisdom, and other subjects we focus on in my new Blogs.

What has been called the New Age movement in literature, in the arts, in the social, political, and spiritual arenas, is being driven by the Sumari family of consciousness. We are always instigators of the beneficial and ENLIGHTENING movements of humankind. And so we are again gathering forces in our modern time frame to remember the Ancient Wisdom together.

Of course it is not enough to simply remember this material and reinforce it among ourselves in the Sumari collective. In order to be effective we must , as individuals and as a collective of do-gooders, see to it that our systems are transformed fo the highest good of all concerned. Simply: it is our duty to use Love with a capital in all of our behaviors to humanize all of the domains of human interaction and development. This is what we do, you see, this is our modus operandi, so to speak.

To this end, some of us will carry out our duties overtly, as in the practice of the New Agers. We will act in public under the flag, so to speak, of the Sumari: the Lovers of humanity. Others of us that are indeed the reincarnation of this Sumari family, will act covertly, undercover, without fanfare, without notice, really, yet certainly with the same precise agendas as our colleagues: to co-create a Loving world for ourselves, our families, and for all humanity.



Many of my Blog Readers have fallen in love with my theory of long ago, of families of consciousness. I did indeed separate out the various types of consciousness expression within humanity for teaching purposes. It was my wish that through describing our differences – I would point the way to deeper exploration of the self: The Soul Self of the reader.

I assume that some of the Blog Readers of my early Blog works have assessed from which of the families they have sprung, and have taken this designation to heart, identified with it, you see, in perhaps the same way that the lover of astrology identifies with the astrological sign and attributes of their birth date and time. How many though have taken the exploration further, to the discoveries that lie within the psyche, within the unknown reality?

Now this is precisely why I have returned with a simplification of my theories. We have dispensed with the families of consciousness and now propose an overarching concept of humans over time. The focus on the individual becomes a focus on the group: the Soul Family.


The question as to why the world religions grew from the same locations on our Earth can be answered in this way…

In the original inception of energy from the Arcturian system, it was realized that the Middle East and Far East contained the most positive influences for the establishment of particular religious systems. The manifestation process was and is accelerated in these regions. The portals to the etheric, as I have referred to them in the past, were and are quite open there. Thought is transformed into physical reality constructs quite easily there through these portals of energy exchange: what we have called Coordinate Points. This has to do with peculiarities of the electromagnetic influences that “charge” the environment in this area of our planet. This becomes obvious, if we think about it. For a more comprehensive explanation of this process I refer to my earlier Blogs Seires.

Now as we know, both the Divine and the not-so-divine are manifested in our reality. Thus, we have the tendency for the negative gods, to be made manifest there as well. This area is a proving ground for the perceived negative and positive are made known in the physical dimension.