Category Archives: Gestalt


Hypothesis: You may identify members of your Interdimensional Soul Family in the moment point


It is best to have some experience in working in the field before you attempt this experiment. These moments of high-emotionality, of joy and anger, are in themselves Moment Points for the explorer of consciousness. High emotionality is a form of Trance State, and so you only need to focus a bit on your objectives here, when you are within one of these experiences.

As you let go and relax into the feelings here, allow the emotions themselves to guide you to the other lives: the target lives you wish to study. Imagine that you are tuning-in on these theoretical existences with your thoughts, with your Intentions. You will know you have made contact when you sense an other-worldly element to your sensings in the moment of the experimentation.

You may feel somewhat disoriented as your travel interdimensionally to other existence. This is multitasking here, as you participate in the high-emotionality of the current lifetime experience, while simultaneously using your Inner Senses to peer into other lives in other timeframes.

You might ask yourself what are the Lessons being learned in the other existence. You might ask for the particulars of the Soul Family member you are encountering in this representation of the Soul Family member with whom you are currently interacting? Ask for as much corroborating data as you can to enable verification later.

The material may come as a bleedthrough – a brief multisensory experience. If this is the case, you will have full memories of this when you come to surface awareness.

What you are illuminating here in this experiment are your Soul Family Past Life and Future Life Issues. These are the Lessons you have worked on in other lives with these people.

When you feel the experiment is complete, return to surface awareness at your own pace.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings on the chart below. In the next blog you will combine these Findings with the material gathered earlier in the Blog Series.




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We are multidimensional beings in a physical body. During our waking times we are constantly peeking into our other lives. This is how we come to an agreement about what to do here in our current existence. Then, paradoxically, the moment we make our reality, we forget how we came to that place of divine creativity.

We refer to these separate time segments or time frames in which we have our individual existences as dimensions. Our current existences takes place in the Third Dimension, as we know. Our past existences had occurred and ARE occuring in what we might call the Past Dimensions. The same can be said of our future existences: they are playing out in Future Dimensions.

You might remember that in my theory we hypothesize multiple existences that are lived by the Soul Self within this current timeframe in which we live. So there is indeed another human or humans, quite related to you via the Soul Self, living out their lives as your contemporaries.

As I have stated before, there are similarities in the experiences and behavior of ALL of our Simultaneous Lives. To be sure, these similarities are not obvious at first glance. In other words, the outwards manifestation, the physical countenance, for example, is entirely different in each instance of our existence.

We ARE living our other lives within vastly differing body types, of differing temperaments, and so on. Yet within the psyches of all of these representations of our singular Soul Self, note the similarities. These are similarities in thought, imagery, emotional content, and so on.

In this section of our Blog Series, we will show you how to use these attributes that you share with your other lives, as a method for honing-in on these lives while in Trance State. Because you are learning how to take this Trance State with you into your waking reality, you will also be able to do your research into your other existences outside of your home: “in the field,” as we say.


Hypothesis: The non-physical beings may assist you in this project

In all of our regimens we suggest the student enlist the powers of the non-physical beings. The Energy Personality, the gods and goddesses, Nature Spirits, and so on, all can be counted on to assist you. This experiment is a simple one.


Assume your trance state as usual. When you are completely relaxed and going with the flow of manifestation, imagine that your Spiritual Guides are coming to greet you in the non-physical world. You may have an imaginary playmate from childhood that makes an appearance. The saints and other religious figures may show up. Friends and family who have made the transition as well as Ancestors of various types may make themselves known to you in this experiment, which is really just a calling-out for assistance.

As you imagine your Helpers surrounding you, you might ask for help in a general way. Ask that your Guides contact you when you are in the vicinity of a potential Love and Romance support you on your quest. Your thought-energy and your Spirit literally energize these constructs and assist in their manifestation into your Personal Reality. Your fervent desire to have these beings assist you, is the main force behind these creation in your world.

Now please assign your various tasks to the Guides who have made themselves known to you. When you are certain you have gained as much information as you require in the session, slowly return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your findings from the experiment.


Let me clarify this for you. You know that everything that can exist is created NOW, in the eternal moment that holds all. Yet you exist within the confines of a linear time construct that depends on these laws of cause and effect , and others. If it helps you, please think of this Resonance as a process THAT INCLUDES what you call the attractive principle, the principle stated in our so-called Law of Attraction. It exists within the activity of the Consciousness Units. The Consciousness Units are active multi-dimensionally, past, present, and future, in our terms. They express themselves as different Reality Constructs in different dimensions of time. As these units of energy come together through an affinity of shared attributes, THE OPPOSITES ARE ALSO PULLED TOGETHER, expressing what you might call the “glue” of consciousness: that which gives thought form.

This occurs in somewhat the opposite manner as when centrifugal forces separate out the constituents of a liquid substance with matter dissolved within it. Bioelectric forces, meaning, the energies that animate ALL substances, in league with natural cosmic magnetic forces, all at the same time, remember, in this spontaneous process, in a sense, “push and pull” the Consciousness Units into the desired form of consciousness manifestation: consciousness in action, evolutionary consciousness expressing itself in all ways, in all forms, at all times. There is a Holographic Insert attached to this message, if you would care to look for it in your mental environment. Please note my use of the word desired as a pun.


This is a creative project, and as such, it requires a plan. The Blueprint is quite simply our personalized best practices discovered through experimentation. This is the Scientist of Consciousness model, the one we employ as we study our manifestations. We research our own existence and gather our results.

These findings are noted, and over time we alter our experiments in our search for what is most appropriate, for what works in the attainment of the Soul Mate. Look to the end of the next Blog for more on the Blueprint.


Because everyone we meet has something to teach us, and vice versa, we have no doubt found that perceived “strangers” may enter our life for intense interacting. Great emotionality is often experienced within these temporary relationships as the stranger may make themselves known to us on both the physical and the subtle levels.

Some of these relationships act as the catalyst to help propel us onto another path, another trajectory of experiencing. The partnership may last only a short time but the effects within the Personal Reality Field may well be quite powerful and lasting.

There are Lessons being learned here. The stranger who becomes known, if only for a brief time, is learning Lessons. We are learning Lessons also, as we participate in the interaction. An example is in order for the next blog here…


With this in mind explore a simple experiment on which we will be asked to briefly experience our existence without the amnesia that “protects” us. Keep in mind, please, that this secret information about our identity and our experiences has the potential to heal us on many levels of understanding. It is, in fact, our ego/intellect – the persona – that is being protected with this protective shield.

Moving beyond this shield is a simple matter of embodying our two tried-and-true states of consciousness manifestation: Loving Understanding and Courage. This is painful and difficult material to apprehend. Therefore, Courage is necessary in the beginning. As the secret material is revealed. Self-Forgiveness becomes quite useful as an ongoing state of consciousness: Loving Understanding, you see.


HYPOTHESIS – We can wake-up from the amnesia

We exist in a camouflage reality. This means that the true nature of our existence is hidden from us. Now Imagining what it might be like to view our world with full-disclosure, in a sense, of all that we know and have known in all of our lives.


Assume a comfortable position and relax you body. Breathe deeply and enter your Trance State. Because you are a student of your own experience and you are learning the facts on your own life, it is now possible for you to step further into the Unknown Reality of your own deep psyche.

With a recognition that you are prepared to accept more truthful information on the nature of your reality, let that courageous expectation guide you further into relaxation, dreaming, longing for contact with your deep self.

This is that aspect of your consciousness that knows of all your activities in all of your Simultaneous Lives. It is that central focus of consciousness that knows what will occur in any given day. It is that part of you that sees your world as you open your eyes from sleep, directly before your ego/intellect takes charge.

Now you are drifting, drifting, and gradually you are getting a feeling for this part of you. This part of you exists in a pure state, free from limitations of any kind. Free from the censorship and judgements of your ego/intellect, free from negative emotions. If you feel a sense of losing control, of descending into chaos, gently direct the unfolding of your sensations with your Loving perception.

You are guided by Love here and you are quite Courageous in your investigations. Feeling your way through this inner landscape, watch for dramatizations of various types that attempt to catch your attention. Note any sounds, visuals, or other sensations for documenting later.



The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


I have an extensives Soul Family that is only now becoming apparent to me. As we create Blogs for the betterment of humanity, and I frequently have meetings with Soul Family members. It is obvious that these humans are connected to me. I sense it; they sense it. A reunion experience of great depth often occurs to further validate this phenomenon for all concerned. Synchronicities are noted; memories are evoked, and so on.


Hypothesis: By anticipating the positive future we create it.

Anticipation occurs in the spacious moment. In past Blogs I have defined for you the Moment Point and the Point of Power. These are terms that describe the current full moment in your present co-creation activities. Simply, it is your Moment Point if you say it is, Dear Blog Reader. You are bringing your Intention and power to bear on the manifestation phenomenon in the present moment.

Perform your Ritual of Sanctuary

Relax and attain your Trance State. You might experiment with achieving this through linking the Divine state of consciousness to sitting down in your comfortable chair or wherever you hold your meditations.

Now… you are in your Moment Point. Your Point of Power exists Now as your portal to affecting your future IN A POSITIVE WAY. Imagine before you all the positive realities you have related while working with this material. The ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness supports you. The contact with the Divine may be experienced as a tingling sensation between your physical eyes. All of your Guides and Helpers, known and unknown, surround you and support you. Bring all of your Inner Senses into this exercise to enliven it and strengthen the manifestation. Stay with it for a few minutes. Return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your experiences.

EXERCISE – Consolidate your findings.

While working with the many techniques and experiments provided for you in this Blog, you have no doubt had differing outcomes of success. You are an individual with individual educational needs. Hopefully you are taking what serves you best and incorporating it into your Reality Creation agendas.

In this final exercise we are asking you to make a list of those techniques and experiments that have helped you the most in the creation of positive realities and in the learning of lessons. Please take a few minutes to go over your notes and Findings and assemble the material that “speaks to you” most strongly and authentically here. This should be a pleasant and easy exercise. The material that did not work quite well enough for you may be saved for another day. For now, simple make your list of five to possibly ten relevant Findings and particularly successful outcomes of the techniques and experiments we have offered in these Blogs.


Now those among us who find ourselves called to act within our social groups, will find our paths are cleared of obstacles to progress. Soul progression is the order of the day, you see. This divine attitude is therefore reflected within our Personal and Collective Reality Fields. It is really as simple as “keeping a good thought,” as the saying goes. Is this simplistic New Age wishful thinking? Yes it is, simple and direct and extremely powerful.

This Blog Series we title THE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY for a very good reason. The simple act of keeping a good thought, when observed ritually by many thousands of humans, will lead to the creation of positive Loving realities that are the catalyst for the mass-awakening of humanity.

So again, the simple, the basic becomes the profoundly effective exponentially, as we, for example, remind our co-workers to focus on the positives, the Loving outcomes of the daily work activities. Or when we teach our young child the simple skill of focusing on the positives, as a basis for the creation of positive outcomes. The simple becomes the profound, my friend.