Category Archives: Emotions



The Promise of Magic

This current Blog Series is quite similar, a cousin you might say, to earlier Blog work. The Magical Way. This IS the magical way I am offering , updated of course, to be agreeable to the modern sensibility. Notice how these empowering statements of mine offer you-the-BlogReader the promise of magic, of Soulful creativity, of manifestation of the heart’s desire.

Many of the statements I use in this Blog Series are Essential Metaphors; metaphors for the activity of consciousness in our dimension. They are essential, in the sense that they are necessary to this Teaching; they are required so that the student can comprehend the system. They are also essential in that they contain the essence of what they purport to represent. Let go on a bit concerning this very important idea.

Thinking back to my description of The Telepathic Network... This Essential Metaphor suggests a subtext or an intuition that we ARE in a reciprocal relationship with everything in our world. It is an idea that wants us to comprehend it. Do You grasp the meaning here? These essences are POTENTIALLY active. They are activated by our Intent, or what we may call our Will. Please keep this in mind as you make your way through this Blog Series.




Now I hope I have not lost you with these discussions of ancient Precepts, Telepathy, and the Etheric World. I am laying the groundwork for our exploration of manifestation through Resonance and will be a passage through the Hidden World. It is the steady path I take when presenting this information to you in my new Blog Series.

Feel free to consult the previous Blogs Series’ if you are having trouble following my narrative. And please keep an open mind and do discount, at least for the time being, the admonitions of the ego/intellect to put this Blog aside and run away.


1 – Unlucky – Lucky

2 – Fear of pleasure – Ecstasy

3 – The mundane – The Exalted

4 – Status Quo – Visionary

5 – Job – Quest

6 – Rat Race – Healing Journey

7 – The Paycheck – The Abundant Universe

8 – Common Trance – Uncommon Trance

9 – Obey Authority – Self-Authority

10 – Sleeping – Awakening

11 – Subconscious Creation – Conscious Co-Creation

12 – Holding On – Letting Go

13 – Assessing – Going With The Flow

14 – Tension – Release

15 – Past – Future

16 – Persona – Guides

17 – Ego/Intellect – Higher Gestalts

  • Awakened Self
  • Soul Self
  • Objective Observer
  • Reincarnational

18 – Personal Reality – Consensus Reality

  • Magician Shaman Witch

19 – Sick – Wounded Healer

  • Precept – Percept

20 – Consumerism – Healing Journey

21 -Negative Creation – Positive Reality

22 – Status Quo – The New World

23 – Worst Case – Best Case

24 – Denial – Personal Responsibility

25 – Intellectualization – Visionary Perspective

  • Trance State



Now this communication stream presents to succeeding generations a context for awakening to the inner world. But it is not obvious, at least at first. It is there in potential to be drawn-in to the personal consciousness. This occurs during the practices of your spiritual traditions, and also in your accidental visitations to the Unknown Reality. Here are some examples: When you are taken out of your body in nature as you witness the majesty of a natural event, such as a thunderstorm; or when you experience a deeply moving encounter with the animal kingdom; or when you encounter a “ghost” or other non-physical being; or when you experience extreme negative emotion or even pleasure. Though you may not be looking for it, you are finding Spirit, and you are thoroughly transformed during these moments of awakening.

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What can you do when you’re faced with the numinous? My answer is this: “Change your behaviors, enlarge your beliefs, use your Intent to embrace the transformation you are witnessing. Embody it, my friend.” If you do, you will be altered to the core, ‘to nth degree,’ as we also say.


We are in our systems to learn how to use energy to create what we want…

The New Age Canon

” I am on Earth to be happy.” “It all works out for the best.” “There are no accidents.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Each cloud has a silver lining.” ” There is an inner world that gives birth to the outer.” “You create your own reality.” These are some of our modern sayings from the New Age, metaphysical, and spiritual genres of literature. They each have sense of magic about them, do they not? The very notion that, “You create your own reality” holds within it the presumption of power, of fertile creative energy.

Now I have some good news for you. If you subscribe to these magical Precepts you are certainly on the right track in your evolution. For you ARE on Earth to be happy, Dear Blog Reader. This is quite true. And we do create our own reality, what we now call the Personal Reality Field in my Blogs. Specifically, we are in our system to learn how to use energy to create what we want, what we desire.

I speak to you from a particular perspective, one that is outside of our much theorized space/time continuum. I see that some may doubt this statement. Some will fear that you are in your dimension to suffer and experience pain and disappointment – at least for the better part of the journey – on the way to another highly theorized locale you call “heaven.” This limited perception is a gift from our ancestors and others who have taught us through religious conditioning the “benefits” and perhaps “Spirituality” of Lack.

We could say that these New Age concepts answer the question, “Why am I on Earth?” in a very affirmative fashion. This movement, indeed, is a response to the naysayers, those who have controlled us for many hundreds of years. The New Age emphasize the Virtues of Humanity, the experiencing of Love and pleasure by everyone, healthy self-esteem with an absence of shame, guilt, and the other detrimental states of consciousness. I think that we can immediately sense how this perspective – we shall call it the Visionary Perspective – challenges the status quo espoused by our governments, our mainstream religions, our military establishments, our Negative Media, and other authorities.


Now we live many lives and those with whom we are experiencing our current life also live their many lives. And just as those humans with whom we interact in our current existence – our genetic family, our adoptive family, our colleagues, our acquaintances – are learning their individual Lessons with us now, so too are each of us in what we are calling the Soul Family, learning our Lessons together in other Lives. In all of our lives, in whatever era we are experiencing our lives – Renaissance Europe, for example, or perhaps within a tribal unit in our prehistoric past – we are also interacting with Soul Family members, the same group of people with whom we always interact, for they live their lives just as we do: in different bodies, in different times in different circumstances


To simply, to distill, to bring forward out of darkness these ancient truths, we present a theory of reincarnation that will be understood by the average modern. You needn’t have an encyclopedic grasp of the information we are providing here, to read, to enjoy, and to employ the messages. A willingness, a desire, a rekindled memory is all that is needed to begin and sustain you in these Blog Studies.

And as I said before on other Blogs, the new theory is presented in hopes that you may come together as differences at the expense of our similarities. In the new Blog material I am rectifying that by drawing attention to this Oneness of the human consciousness. We are all one great expression of the Divine – All That Is. Now let me provide supporting material for this statement….


Let me answer that for you outright: to quicken your awakening. Now the longer explanation would entail divulging my secrets that I use to inspire my students and to transmit knowledge directly to the consciousness. Let me say this, however. on a superficial level, as you are engaged in experiencing the amnesia of the human in physical reality, it may appear to you as though I am relating pleasant stories for your entertainment. Please understand, though, that these examples are for purposes of catalyzing the awakening of your ” sleeping” memories – your memories of previous lives, for example, within Third-Dimensional Reality and in other dimensions. So do not be surprised when you may experience, upon reading one of my innocent examples, a reliving of experiences from one of your own Simultaneous Lives.

That is the purpose of my new Blog messages to you, after all, and so we would expect this types of phenomenon to occur in the life of the attentive Blog Reader. When these flashes of insight occur, I suggest you take a moment to write, down the sensory information that you are receiving. This data will be of use to you as you complete the exercises in this Blog Series, and indeed, as you continue with your awakening.


We have a saying:”There is a reason for everything.” This statement is quite close in meaning to another of my favorites: “There are no accidents.” Indeed, there ARE reasons for everything. There are spiritual reasons for each and every behavior, emotion, and thought created by the human being. Dear Blog Reader, this series, as well as all of the other Blog Series I have written since 2014, is a Blog on spirituality.

I hope I have not frightened you away with my revelation. I am quite aware that the term may bring up uncomfortable images and emotions for some of my Blog Readers. However, because there are no accidents, we simply assume that you are reading this Blog for very good reasons. Perhaps you were prompted by “impulse” to pick this particular Blog and read it online. Perhaps you were drawn to the image of this Blog in some search engine on the Internet or elsewhere. Perhaps you are a longtime Blog Reader of the current Blog material. Whatever the case with you, I realize that it is my job, as the host here, to catch your attention in the moment, and then hopefully keep your mental awareness focused in my direction long enough to get the message I am attempting to convey to you. I take my job quite seriously. The message is, also, of a serious nature.

Now whether you are just beginning to explore the non-physical world or whether you are an old hand at these adventures, I will know I am successful when you make the Courageous and Loving gesture toward learning the Lessons of physical reality in a conscious and deliberate fashion. Spirituality is just that, you see. It is really quite simple. That is why we call it waking up. We are waking up to our true reality: a reality of the moment-to-moment learning of Lessons.



Now we ARE living all our lives at once, here. We are now musing on the possibility of a better life for ourselves, dreaming. However, with a slight altering of perception we could, if properly motivated, Tune-In on our life in a probable reality in which we are experiencing a predominance of the common good, everyone “winning,” and so on.

We are an authority on our current existence. We know more about it than any other being. In just this way, we are also an authority on this other existence that is playing out in a probable “field” of experiencing of a Less-Than-Perfect reality to this probable reality, is the emotional state we describe as dreaming. We might also describe it as a pleasant longing. These are simple techniques here… dreaming, longing: you are essentially using your self-generated Positive emotional state as a homing device to Zero-In on the probable reality you desire. Your emotional tone will become quite positive when you do this properly.

When you indeed reached this Best-Case-Scenario life that you are living in a probable reality – remember, all probable realities are explored by your consciousness, in Perpetuity, you might say – imagine yourself luxuriating in the influences that create this positive reality. Soak up these Positive feelings.

The Positive manifestation ALWAYS exists for you as a probability. When you conduct this exercise, you divert your attention from your current moment of creating Less-Than-Satisfactory Reality Constructs, to the creation of positive, life-affirming, ecstasy-filled Reality Constructs. It only takes a moment to improve your reality in this way.


HYPOTHESIS: We may explore Sumari consciousness in the Trance State.

Currently this is a highly-energized Idea construct within our collective awareness. These values of the Sumari Love, courage, compassion, altruistic public service – resonate with the overall collective of humanity at this time, for the ideals of the Sumari are quite necessary for the healing of our Earth and the peoples that live upon Her. On the subtle levels, all of us are aware of this.

Additionally, by identifying with, by allying with, by embodying the Sumari code, so to speak, we become Sumari. What we focus on within our consciousness strengthens and develops in our reality. What may have begun as a simple interest in New Age practices, for example, representing a fragment of Sumari consciousness within our mental environment, and expand as the Sumari aspect strengthens.

Now the language of Sumari is the language of the post-Transition environment. As an etheric being, after our physical death, we use Sumari to communicate with others who have made the Transition and are considering their options as to what lives to explore next. Sumari is the language of the non-physical world. All of us are well-versed in this language, for we have all experienced many deaths, many Transitions, many opportunities to use this language. With this in mind…..


As in our explorations in this Blog Series, use our Intent to tune-in to that aspect of our consciousness we identify as Sumari. There is an assumption here that you are reading this Blog for a reason. It may be that you are keeping appointments that you have made in other lives. Consider what it would feel like to keep an appointment with an aspect of your greater consciousness, this Sumari. In essence, you are using your Intent to remember something here. When you feel you have experienced noteworthy Findings, come up to surface awareness. Document your experiences.
