Category Archives: 4th Dimension


Challenge your own beliefs about your world…

What do You See In Front Of You? You see All That Is in front of you. Everything in created reality is in front of you for you to see. But we have lenses of perception that prevent us from seeing All that is. You must filter All That Is through these lenses – beliefs – so that you are not awestruck, dumbfounded, fascinated to the extreme, every time you look in front of you.

However, if you believe our assertion that great numbers of us are awakening at this time, you may also see what is required for you and your perception of our world. In a sense, you could say that you are being challenged to “look beyond” your limited beliefs of what is out there in front of you. You are being asked to, courageously now, challenge your own beliefs about our world.

So when I suggest that DORIAN, for example, as she observes her bird friends bathing, drinking water, and eating the seeds, is also experimenting with a perception of the larger view – The Macrocosm – I am simply noting what may of us are now experiencing.

Specifically now… as DORIAN observes the birds, she may also fairly easily observe her Personal Reality Field through a “higher” perspective. This perspective is that of the Soul Self, the Energy Personality, the god within. Both perspectives – the mundane and the exalted – coexist without interference one from the other. In fact, each perspective envorses, and in a sense, “comments” upon the other, in a quest for further understanding, a clearer perspective, Enlightenment. Multitasking we call it. You are quite comfortably maintaining your Personal Reality Field through your ego/intellect perspective, while also achieving stability observing and creating through the Soul Self.


Suggestions will allow you to awaken yourself as soon as a dream is completed. The dream will then be fresh. If your recorder is suitably situated with the microphone easily at hand, then you can speak your dream with less effort than is required to write it down. Of course records must be kept. The simplest part of this experiment will involve the use of suggestion to awaken yourself at the completion of each dream.

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The number of remembered dreams should be much higher than your present system allows. I also suggest that the first recalled dream for any given evening be compared with the first recalled dream from other evenings, and that the second recalled dream from any one evening be compared with the second dream from other evenings, and so forth.

This should prove highly interesting, and if such experiments are carried on consciously over a period of years, then the results could lead to excellent evidence for the various layers of the subconscious and inner self, of which I have spoken for so long.

Particular notice should also be taken of characters and settings and the approximate period of history in which the dream action occurs. If the dream seems to happen in no specific location and in no particular time, then these facts should also be noted.

Unknown characters within the dream action, persons unknown to you in daily life, should be given careful attention also, and the roles which they play within the dream drama. The primary colors should be checked against physical reality so that any clairvoyant elements are clearly checked and recorded.

There are many ways in which you can approach these newer dream experiments. You may, if you prefer, begin by suggesting that you will awaken after each of the first five dreams. If possible, we want to get the dreams in order here.

Now, there is something else to be considered. The very self-suggestions that will enable you to recall dreams will also change their nature to some extent. This is all right, and the effect will be minimized when the newness has worn off. Again, we want the dreams in the sequence in which they occur. If you do not want to wake up after each dream on the evening, then the suggestion should always include ‘I will recall the first three dreams, of the first five dreams, or whatever.’

You may try two different wordings for a start, and now I am speaking of precise wording. The first: ‘I will wake up after each of my first five dreams and record each one immediately.” The second alternative wording would be the same as the one I have just given, but the ‘Wake up’ would be omitted. That is, it is possible for you to record the dreams, speaking into the microphone without awakening.

This is not only possible but by far the most convenient. You should try both methods and discover which one works the best for you. If at all possible, the recorder should be in the bedroom ( not in another part of the house.) It is the immediate dream recall we are after. We want you to record the dream at the instant of awakening or at the instant that the dream is about to dissolve.

The time involved in going from one room to another could result in the loss of dream content and vividness. The very moto responses demanded on the part of the body and the extra arousal tendency would force you to lose a good deal of valid material. I would prefer that you work less, if necessary, using the recorder in the bedroom, than work more intensely leaving the recorder in another room.

It is the dream we are after, the dream experience in all the vividness that we can capture, and if you are going to get a watered-down version in any case, then you may as well continue with your present method (of writing them down in the morning) and save your sleep.

With the method I have just given you, you will be able to capture as much of the whole dream experience as any investigators manage to do (in dream-labs) when the awakening is done by a mechanical device or by another person. You will also be gaining excellent discipline and training over your own states of consciousness and this, in itself, will be an important yardstick of progress for you.

Now, mankind/womankind uses but a portion of its capabilities. When you are well along in these experiments, you will find that you handle them very well, with no training of energies. Your sleeping hours are already productive. We shall also use them to give you training in the utilization of various stages of consciousness. Added to this, the training will give you valuable insight into the nature of dreams in general, the stages of the subconscious and the inner life of the personality when it it dissociated from its physical environment to some considerable extent.

Much later, there will be other suggestions for you in which you will direct your sleeping self to perform certain activities, visit certain locations and bring back information. This is obviously still very much in the future, but it is well within the abilities of the inner self.

There are serveral kinds of time that will appear within your dream, and you must sort these out carefully. While sleeping in your present time, you may have a dream that concerns your past, with events that you know to have occurred years ago. nevertheless, you may experience these events (within the dream) as happening within the present.

The present within which you seem to experience the dream is not, however, the present in physical time – the present in which your body lies upon the bed. There is a fine distinction here and one that you will learn through experience as you go on, so I will not discuss it now.

I should be obvious also that within your dreams a special location that belongs to the present physical time can be experienced in the past or in the future within the dream framework, and again, there is much more here also than meets the eye; so watch out so that you can catch these developments.

I am particularly interested in these experiments, and as a preliminary for them, we will have you work with suggestion alone before you attempt to begin with your recordings. We shall have you working well in your sleep, for the dream will not be captured in a laboratory – by scientists who will not look into their own dreams.

The nature of reality can be approached only by an investigation of it as it is directly experienced in all levels of awareness: reality as it appears under dream conditions, under other conditions of dissociation and as it appears in the waking state. Even studies dealing with the conscious state are usually superficial, dealing only with ‘upper’ levels of egotistical awareness.

All layers of the personality are ‘conscious.’ They simply operate like compartments, so that often one portion of the self is not aware of other portions. As a rule, when you are awake you do not know your sleeping self; you know your neighbor far better, so your sleeping self seems mysterious indeed. When you are awake, you cannot find the dream locations that have been so familiar to you only the night before.

In your sleep, you may have greeted friends who are strangers to your waking self. But consider the other side of the coin. For whne you are asleep, you usually cannot find the street upon which you live your waking hours, and when you are asleep, you do not know your waking self. The sleeping self is your identity.

There are connections between these two conditions, and there are definite realities that exist in both states, and these are what you are looking for. Only by finding these can you discover the nature of human personality and the nature of reality within which it operates.

We have also spoken of the dream as a drama, and you must discover the various levels within which these dramas take place. You will also find that the various levels of the ‘subconscious’ will yield their own characteristics, and as your records grow, this will become apparent. It is necessary, then, that dreams are recorded in consecutive order whenever possible.


We are speaking of the magic ancestors here…

In the new Blogs I often bow to the superior wisdom of our human ancestors, the native peoples of our continents, the aboriginals who came before, the First People. Much was lost when the developing human moved beyond the simplicity of existence that denoted tribal living.

Yet make no mistake here, I am not advocating a “noble savage” perspective. I am merely noting that our individual, pioneer mentality we won at great cost, as in the effects of splintering the collective gestalt that was the nurturing mental environment of our ancestors.

We are speaking of the magic ancestors here, and we are speaking of the time when ALL of us appreciated the magical approach. We were all visionaries then, and you each and every one were capable of wonder-workings of various types. Yet even now as we observe ourselves in the modern era, perhaps detached from a collective of any meaning, we are still quite capable of attaining the visionary state of our ancestors through some thoughtful, focused experimentation.

Now the power of nature is the power of our system of reality. Our Earth and Sky were formed by the powers of nature, and in the words of our visionaries, the “miracle of creation” was a participatory event. Much in the way that the modern sports enthusiast participants in sporting events by watching and becoming emotionally involved, the magic ancestors participated in the give-and-take of the natural energies as they observed Mother Nature creating the Earth and Sky. We have called this involvement in various gestalts of consciousness “embodiment.” This is our modern term for participatory engagement with the Divine, or co-creation as some of us call it.



This is our concept for discussion at this time. Now there exists a barrier to understanding for some of you that prevents your intellect from accepting the fantastic premise that you cooperate with All That Is in the literal creation of our physical world. This barrier is one of the last to fall as you approach your wakening. Let me set the stage, If I may…

You are in nature, in a forest, writing in your journal, and you are approached by a deer. You are motionless and quiet as the deer comes closer and closer to you, so close in fact that you could reach out and touch it. As you quietly contemplate this miracle of nature, a pair of quail walk onto the scene. They too are oblivious of you as they stroll past, again, within arm’s reach.

Then, as if to further impress you, Dear Blog Reader, the birds in the trees fly quickly past you to perch on nearby branches and to feed directly next to you. You are still here. You are quiet. You are ONE with nature. This is the perfect state for experiencing the Divine. The ego/intellect is off to the side, out of the way of your perception, as the Soul Self observers/creates your Personal Reality.

Ah, but then you make an abrupt motion with your hand to write down what you are experiencing. The ego/intellect has taken charge. The animals disperse in alarm. The fragile moment of appreciation has passed.

Now moments later the animals have again taken their places within nature, in that timeless moment beyond ego, beyond the intellect, beyond the rational mind. However, as you take your notes in your journal you are merely a reporter commenting on the preceding events. Your ego/intellect has taken you out of the moment. Whereas the “dumb” animals as you call them, for they lack your rationality, continue their precisely focused existences in the moment – the divine moment of creation.



Our universe is experienced by us, through us; through the physical body, the physical senses; and so we feel as though we are “taking in” our experience through our perceptions, from the outside in. Yet we know by now that it is just the opposite, in truth.

The Universe, All That Is, the entire creation of physical reality exists within us in the collaborative moment. In each moment we project our personalized “take” on the state of the Universe outward into the Third Dimension. So we could truly say that everything that exists on the Earth at any one time, first exists within our consciousness “before” it is projected out onto our world.

We have limited perception in the Third Dimension, however, and we do not see everything within our cozy little Personal Reality. Depending on our Issues or Lessons, we may see very little at all in this personalized world view. Yet the potential is there to use our Inner Senses to discover within our world, the answers to any questions we may have on any subject whatsoever.

The whole is found within the part. The world is found within the individual. We are a part of everything and everything is a part of us.



Dear Blog Reader, when you walk across the room, you are with each movement forward, re-creating your physical body according to your essential identity out of the Consciousness Units that exist as air in front of you; space, you see. It is not a matter of “bringing” your body across the room; it’s more a case of re-creating your body in its totality within this field – within this medium, if you prefer – of holographic units of awarized energy: The Consciousness Units.

Step-by-step, then, your sacred identity – this Soul Self – assembles the physical body of you-the-Blog-reader from the Consciousness Units “in front of it.” The Consciousness Units – identified as atoms, or molecules, or Consciousness Units of blood, flesh, and bone.

Now… in the same precise fashion, the birds as they swoop down to feed, are creating from the Consciousness Units of air before them, their bird bodies.

But what of the tree, the mountain, you might ask? As the tree sways in the wind, it recreate itself out of Consciousness Units of earth and air surrounding it. As the mountain endures the weathering forces of rain and wind, it retains its mountain identity and re-creates itself with minute or catastrophic alterations, according to the weathering over time.



Beauty creates itself within the mind of the beholder first. All of the streams of information that we would care to notice, including the rich source that flows into our personal field of reality, first bubble up to the surface of our consciousness. Then they are displayed by us, for us to observe.

To marvel at the beauty, then, of a tree, or a beautiful animal such as a horse, is self-complementary. If you are having sunny weather and that is your favorite style of weather, then congratulate yourself; you have made the weather to suit your own needs and likes.

You create the weather as surely as you create everything within your personal world. Particularly within your immediate vicinity, your reality does spring into being in unison with the creative content of your mind.

Now with this description, questions of control may come to mind. Who is in charge? Who is the ultimate creator, the God of your world? These are questions best answered by the Blog Reader.


As The Shift unfolds in the coming years, our system will witness many more “opportunities” for negative manifestation. Thus, we may well see an acceleration in the manifestation of Earth Changes, such as natural disasters. There also exists at this time the potential for the creation of the Positive Manifestation in our reality. It seems as though it could go either way here, with the collective manifestation on our Earth. This is precisely why it is now more important than ever to attend to our positive thought-creation in our waking reality and also in our meditation practices.

In the final experiment for The Blog Trilogy, we will take a page from the practices of the New Agers on our Internet in the Social Media collectives.

EXPERIMENT – Heal the Earth and Humanity

Hypothesis: Through ritual meditation with people around the world the positive manifestation is strengthened.

This is a very simple experiment that you may conduct as part of your regular meditation practice or as a special adjunct to your practice. You may wish to conduct this meditation at a special time of day or on a particular day of the week, to keep in synch with the millions of other humans who are observing similar practices around the Earth. Your input into the collective stream of manifestation energy in these Ritual observances helps to empower and direct this flow of energy. Your individual contribution is felt in a very specific way within the collective manifestation of the ideal, the focus of the meditation, in this case, the healing of Earth and humanity. Through these energy transfers from the individual to the collective, you are directly influencing the Entity Mother Earth and the human species.


Conduct the experiment for 10 to 15 minutes at same time of day each week, perhaps on a Sunday at Noon or on another day of relaxation.

As in our other experiments… achieve your relaxed and focused Trance State as you usually do. By now you will have discovered ways to regulate the depth of your Trance, so that you may quickly achieve the desired state of consciousness.

Your focus here is on the collective of humanity as you exist on our Earth. You have many challenges facing you as a human in this era. Our Earth is under stress from development, from abuse. Your task is to embody a state of Loving peacefulness. This is an appreciation for all that is good in your human life and in your world. You are appreciating the good and you are potentiating that good with your Intent. Feed your positive Loving images, feelings, and sensations toward the healing of yourself, humanity and your world. Imagine all of humanity rising up in peaceful Loving cooperation for the highest good for everyone. See our Mother Earth returning to her natural state of peace and Loving Light. See the cessation of the tragic Earth Changes. Feel the healing vibration of Loving Understanding as it permeates all consciousness. Direct this thought-form to your fellow human beings and into the Earth herself. Slowly return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings.


Dear Blog Reader, you are ONE with all of humanity. Therefore, take care of one another. This is our best hope for continued survive as a species. There is a positive trend that I would like to note for you, in regard, as I have been witnessing it for several years as we promote our Blog work. Our internet and our various Social Media represent the exteriorization of the Telepathic Network we speak of in our Blogs.

This is to be expected, as the “interior” of consciousness expresses itself in the “exterior” as All That Is during The Shift in consciousness. The Social Media networks are proliferating as humans of like-mind and Spirit connect and make plans for the future. This global effort – in part by the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of our era – represents the forces of healing, of conscious co-creation.

I am delights to see the efforts of the lightworkers and others combining forces in the millions to heal the planet and humanity. These movements are having positive effects on our world. The strategies for healing extolled in these varied groups hold the promise for the continuation of our species on Earth.


It is a fact of life that many of us postpone addressing our Issues until the moment of our Death. Often it is too late then, of course, and so we may be required to return to physical life to learn the avoided Lessons. Here we will help you avoid that possibility.

We will have more to say about Death in our forthcoming Blog on the Transition and the Afterlife. Now, however, we offer you an experiment in experiencing your own eventual Death imaginatively. This will not be morbid in the least, but a cathartic and indeed healing exercise for you.

The ongoing awareness of Death brings with it an ongoing awareness of what it is you need to do in each moment. The question, “What would you do now if you knew you were to die tonight?” enters here. What would you do, Dear Blog Reader? In our material in this Blog and others, we suggest that Loving Understanding and Courage are what you may do to best help create a positive reality for yourself and others.

Specifically here, if your Death is imminent, you would be in a perfect position to practice forgiveness: forgiving all perceived wrongs throughout your life. This is a two-way street here, then: forgiving others and yourself. Loving Understanding becomes complete forgiveness, powered by the relentless Courage that comes with this perspective


To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing…

Taking The Lead

In previous exercises we have identified tendencies to be afraid of the Other. The exercises in this Blog will heal those fears within all Simultaneous Lives. But first you may take the lead in matters of Soul Family healing, Dear Blog Reader. You see, in a sense, your mission with your Soul Family as an Awakening One, would be to encourage Lessons to be learned by all Soul Family members before the Death of the physical body. To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing, in this context of study and experimentation.

An appreciation of Death and your ultimate demise, is also a celebration of your transcendence of Death. After Death, as you know, you transition to the Home Dimension, and then beyond into your multiple and varied Reinacanational Existences. With this in mind, to entertain Death as your companion, in a sense, in your waking existence, also motivates you to do your transformative practices, address your Issues without delay, learn your Lessons, and so on. Knowing that your time is limited in each incarnation, provides a focus and an intensification of perception and thus manifestation.