Now it is common lament among those of us seeking mates, “If only they could see what I am truly like, inside, they would be drawn to me; they would fall in love with me and be my Soul Mate.” This assertion assumes that those around you do not know what you are “really” like. In reality, everyone around you “pretends” that they do not know your thoughts and what you are really like, to create a formality and a distance between you. But you do know that in the Telepathic Network, everyone knows what everyone else is thinking. We are a psychic race, and we intuitively are aware of the thoughts of others, yet only on the subliminal level.

Knowing this, do you see others are quite often responding to your “true” nature, with all of its fears, anxieties, resentments, and so on, and not to the idealized romantic persona that you identify as your “true inner self?”

The solution here seems to be a simple one: if you wish to create the conditions for meeting your Soul Mate, you must incorporate the idealized romantic aspects into your Essential Identity. This would entail transforming your fears, anxieties, and resentments into their opposites, perhaps. In so doing you might create an empowered Essential Identity capable of co-creating this Soul Mate.

It is true that your Auric Field acts as a beacon, displaying all of the attributes of self – both inner self and outer self – to the interested observer, including potential Soul Mates. You cannot hide, in other words, the display of your Auric Field from others, particularly those who are practiced in the use of the Inner Senses.