First, we are awakening now. I believe I may safely say at this time. You are reading this Blog material because you are interested in the Unknown Reality and other metaphysical concepts. You are of this type, quite probably, that honors the sacred within consciousness. You look for it, you find it sometimes, and allow it to transform you, to wake you up. As this occurs within the consciousness of, let us say, a production worker in an automobile plant, you may feel prompted to tell others about your experiences. As you share your findings with others you catalyze the awakening experience in them. Each of you in this collective of awakening humans becomes YOUR OWN leader. You are leading yourself away from authority and to your own truth.

This is the Visionary Leader: the one who learns how to access their truth, teaches it to others, and then leads by example, you see. The Virtues of Humanity are their leadership principles. The highest good for all concerned is their focus of creation, of manifestation. The awakening human, in short, Resonates their improved reality into existence, by allowing these inner Precepts we call the Ancient Wisdom to replicate themselves in the Third Dimension. The etheric is physicalized through this process of Resonance. The sacred is established in the physical world for the greater improvement of all that exists in our world.

Now, your primary Lesson in this reality concerns how you, as an individual with your own aspects of personality, will respond to negativity. You are on Earth to experience negativity and your reactions will determine how long you will stay in the physical body in any particular incarnation, as well as other particulars of physical existence, such as when and if you shall return to a human form to experience the opportunity to deal with your Issues and Lessons: those experiences you have avoided or not dealt with properly.

I do not wish to compare this phenomenon with the stories from our world scriptures. For the most part, these stories quite literally HIDE FROM VIEW the essential meaning of the reincarnational journey. That is quite simply because these Blog manuscripts were written by human beings with an agenda, an agenda of the ego. What we are here discussing is the Soul’s Agenda. The Soul sends out particles of itself, of its energy, into human babies to grow with the human and experience the Lessons.

Beyond your initial Lessons of reacting appropriately to negativity come the Lessons particular to individuals. Your focus, your perspective, your orientation, the lenses of belief through which you create your reality, determine to the most minute detail the presentation of your Personal Reality Field before you. It is feedback, it is a recapitulation, it IS a replication of the interior processes of consciousness. The reality constructs of your world assemble into solidity at the bequest of ALL consciousness involved.

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