Soul Mate

The concept of the Soul Mate is paramount in the minds of humans in our time frame. The search for the perfect partner occupies millions of moderns, who feel obligated I suppose, to seek out their most perfect match. It is somewhat of a biological imperative that drives so many of us on the quest for our Soul Mate, whatever that may imply for us.

The phenomenon is further complicated – or enriched, however we wish to see it – by the contributions of our popular media. This is not necessarily the Negative Media we speak if often and mystical genres. Through our daily horoscopes that have become popular, much of what was once material is being available to the public at large.

With this revelation of the Ancient Wisdom comes the inevitable degradation of these concepts by authors with an agenda based on the ego/intellect. And so we have a sacred concept transformed into some romanticized idea denoting the “must have” relationship for men and women in our era. We wish to acquire a Soul Mate as we wish to acquire a new car or furniture. Forgive me for making light of our lust for acquisition.