These words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout your life…

There are Lessons of a Positive nature also for the Reality Creator. We often speak of the Positive Manifestation as it pertains to The Shift in consciousness for humanity. Our positive input fuels The Shift, quite literally. Now what of the Positive Manifestation within the Personal Reality Field of the individual? An example for our further understanding…

Consider the human engaged in creating prosperity for themselves and their family. Let us say that this group was previously “doing without,” for the most part. They were without the necessities of existence and were suffering Lack. Then it dawned upon the consciousness of our example – a woman – that she was sabotaging her financial growth subconsciously by obeying self-limiting scripts created in her youth. She was told as a child that she was incapable of creating anything of value, for she was a “”natural born loser.” She was told by her parents that she “destroyed everything she touched.”

Now these words acted as a dramatic script for our example throughout her life. Her parents knew what they were talking about, she assumed, and so she created a life of failure to corroborate her parent’s assessment of her. The script became subconscious over time, until now, as an adult, she wonders if she may be cursed. She wonders why her projects seem doomed to fail.

Then the example becomes aware of the momentary thoughts, images, and emotions within her consciousness. She identifies a common thread: “you are a born loser,” and rather than continue to accept that, she challenges it within her own experience. She proclaims to herself that she is a natural healer and has successfully facilitated the return to health with many friends over the years. She is successful in this area of her life. Perhaps she may transpose the positive states of consciousness she is experiencing when she is successful in healing to the task of creating prosperity. She discovers that she does have a circular thought that is common to her states of consciousness while being successful. The thought is a statement:”I can do this if I keep at it.” This thought fills her with motivation and positive emotion.

By noticing in her self-assessments in the moments of her waking reality, when and where she is creating through the internalized statement/belief that she is a born loser, she is able to respond to this negative assertion with her own positive statement: “I can do this if I just keep at it.” Over time, the negative belief is replaced by the positive assertion through the “habit” of ritually replacing the negative thought. Soon the example is experiencing an improved reality in the financial realm.