It is within our power as co-creator with All That Is to use our Divine Will to create more appropriate realities for oneself. We may do this with the Metaphorical Tools of various types. In our Blogs on Soul evolution we described one such tool: the Radio Dial Metaphor. Let us again describe the activity of this magical dial. This is simply a visualized dial, possibly modeled on a dial we have seen on one of our radios or other electronic devices. By turning the physical radio dial, different radio frequencies are accessed and different radio stations are contacted. By turning the visualized dial on our visualized radio, the researcher “tune-in” to the Energy Bodies that compose non physical reality.

This is a Metaphorical Tool used in a ritual way. Time after time, as these connections and communications with Beings of Light are established, it becomes a habitual act. I might add, that it also becomes easier to make these connection, the more we use our Metaphorical Tools.

With the dial, for example, we may discover our Guides, learn their names, and consult with other Gestalts of Consciousness that may assist us. Through the use of this tool, using our Inner Senses in an Intentional way, we may safely observe and study the disease-producing Idea Constructs. With the Metaphorical Tools we create a “protective barrier” between our consciousness and the Idea Constructs that support the malady.

Of course we may use any Metaphorical Tools that we have already established for our use in our past experiments. Or we may develop our own set of tools to assist us in our project. So that we might create for our use a transportation device of our choosing, one that may take us to various locations in the past, present and future and in both the physical and nonphysical worlds. It is up to us to use our imagination to create tools that can serve our particular needs. Now let us begin the experimentation that will furnish us with data to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen.