Before I attempt to answer this question, first allow me to set the stage here a bit. Now remember, you are a Reality Creator. You are a manifester. So you are already, as we speak, resonating your Personal Reality Field into being, into existence, you see. The problem may be that you are manifesting unconsciously. As you do, you create reality through the templates of your Issues. These are your beliefs about yourself and your world. This expression of your unconscious in the physical world may not be to your liking, therefore. You may in fact find yourself always making the same mistakes, and so, always creating less-than-satisfactory realities.

These are synchronicities also, the negative events, the negative realities. They are showing you that you are on a path of development and that you must change your ways. The negative reality creator looks around them and says to themselves, perhaps: “Why do I always create the same failed relationships?” “Coincidentally,” this person has, once again, established a relationship with a new person, within a different environment, also, possibly, in a different context entirely, that eventually becomes the “failed” relationship they feared. Might I suggest that the resonance in this case, the Feeling-Tone created here that resonates within consciousness, is of a negative nature? You may also refer to it as a series of ongoing harbingers of negative events; omens warning you of future negativity. But you are creating unconsciously and so you are not consciously aware. Your conscious perceptions overlook this data, they deny this information, they intellectualize and “explain away” these harbingers.

Your consciousness is unconsciously, automatically resonating your failed relationship into existence, just as it always does, just as it always will, unless you wake up to what you are up to.

Now additionally, because we are being precise and brief in our new Blog Series…. synchronicity is a perception, and thus, a state of consciousness in which connections are made by the coincidental connections, perfectly unextraordinary perceptions of the brain as it attempts to “make sense” of seemingly similar sensory input. This is true to a degree. However, let us provide our own definition with my theory of Reality Creation in mind. Synchronistic sensings are signals from the Soul-Self to the ego/intellect. They are meant to draw you into the moment. They are the basis of awakenings, the momentary awakenings we speak of in the new Blog material. I often suggest to you, that these coincidental experiences are telling you that you are on a path of awakening, even though you may not admit it. Indeed, if you were to observe and honor the synchronistic connections being made within your consciousness, you may possibly discover that everything is connected. The deeper you go, the more that is revealed. Over time, when you have learned how to “ride” these synchronous moments into the “future,” you find that you are awakening to your greater creaturehood. The sensings of your simultaneous Lives, the workings of the Universe, the secrets of Reality Creation become your habitual, ingoing experience.

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