Each and every human we meet in our day-to-day activities has the potential to teach us something about our existence. This student must become aware of this potential in the moment, or risk losing the opportunity for learning. Now this statement implies a teacher/student relationship. What does the classic relationship of teacher-to-student bring to mind for you-the-blog-reader? Allow me to assist you in this analysis… Humility enters into this discussion at precise this point. There is no student without the willingness to be taught.

The student aspect we are describing here is a facet of the personality or psyche that may be cultivated. It is the personality or psyche that may be cultivated. It is marked by an openness to discovery, to the novel. In the case of these studies of the Soul Family, the student would be quite open, intentionally you see, to the learning of the facts of life, you might say, about their true identity, their true personality AS OTHERS SEE IT.

This point is extremely important, and so I will elaborate on it for just a moment… the student is not the teacher to the student in these descriptions of Soul Family analysis. Others are the teachers to the student. The student does know everything. The student enters into the relationship with the teacher to learn something, in this case, to learn something about themselves. The student must be open to learning both the positive AND the negative about themselves.

The ego/intellect will always give us a slanted view of our self-created world. At some point in our development we will be required to rely upon our Inner Senses for at least part of our awareness in our waking reality. When we allow these Inner senses to guide us as we discover our Soul Family, we are turning down the volume, in a sense, of this ego/intellect, and turning up the volume on the Inner Senses. When we begin to receive less-than-flattering information from Others – the teachers we are speaking of – listen with our Inner Senses to these messages. Do not let egoic concerns prevent us from “facing the music” and learning the Lesson,