So that its effects are experienced not only by the brain, but in the furthest reaches of the most minute cells of the human body. Dream experiences, long forgotten, are forever contained as electrically coded data. If an effect is felt in any one portion of human experience, then you can be sure that it is felt in all other possible ways, whether or not such an effect is immediately obvious.
Every effect of any kind, experienced by the human being, exists as a series of electrical signals and codes that in themselves form a pattern that is an electrical pattern.
They exist with the cells, or I should more properly say that the cells form about them. These electric coded signals then form about them. These electric coded signals then form electric counterparts of complete experience, as it has been felt by a given individual. That pattern is independent of the physical system, while residing in it. Each individual from birth on forms his own counterpart from built up, individual, continuous electric signals. At physical death his/her personality then exists in more or less complete form, and of course escapes the sort of ending that it would suffer if it were an integral part of the physical system.
The electrical pattern is the personality, with all the experiences of earthly time. It can then join or partake of the inner self. Though the ego was adapted ordinarily by the inner self and was also a product of physical heredity and environment, it does not die, but its existence is changed from physical reality into electrical reality. It is still individual. No individuality is lost but becomes part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experiences of the many personalities that have composed the inner self.