Tag Archives: Metaphysical

The Natural Person is the Magical Person

The natural person is indeed the magical person. When we are intensely involved in a project, just finished, we let much of our inner experience slide, relatively speaking. Then, however, we have been stuck by the magical ease with which we seemed, certainly, to perceive and act upon information that we did not even realize we possessed.


The main point is the importance of accepting a different kind of overall orientation — one that is indeed a basic part of human nature. This involves an entirely different relationship of the self we know with time.

Important misunderstandings involving time have been in a large measure responsible for many difficulties. All of this involves relating to reality in a more natural, and therefore magical, fashion. There is certainly a kind of natural physical time in our experience, and in the experience of any creature. It involves the rhythm of the seasons — the days and nights and tides and so forth. In the light of that kind of physical time, there is no basic cultural time, which we have transposed upon nature’s rhythms.


Such cultural time works well overall for the civilization that concentrates upon partialities, bits and pieces, assembly lines, promptness of appointments, and so forth.

I culturally have felt that each moment must be devoted to work. Natural time is far different than we suppose. Far richer, and it turns inward and outward and backward and forward upon itself.


Being our own natural and magical self when we dream, we utilize information that is outside of the time context experienced by the so-called rational mind. The creative abilities operate in the same fashion, appearing within consecutive time, but with the main work outside of it entirely. When we are working on our projects, our cultural time is taken up in a way we found acceptable. When the projects were done, there is still the cultural belief that time should be so used, that creativity must be directed and disciplined to fall into the proper assembly-line time slots.

There is much material here that I will give you, because it is important that we understand the different ways of relating to reality, and how those ways create the experienced events.


We have not really, any of us, been ready to drastically alter our orientations, but we are approaching that threshold. The ‘magical approach’ means that we actually change our methods of dealing with problems, achieving goals, and satisfying means. we change over to the methods of the natural person. They are indeed, then, a part of our private experience. They are not esoteric methods, but we must be convinced that they are the natural methods by which man and woman are meant to handle his or her problems and approach his or her challenges.

I use the word ‘methods’ because we understand it, but actually we are speaking about an approach to life, a magical or natural approach that is man’s and woman’s version of the animal’s natural instinctive behavior in the universe. That approach does indeed fly in direct contradiction to the learned methods we have been taught.


It certainly seems that the best way to get specific answers is to ask specific questions, and the rational mind thinks first of all of something like a list of questions. In that regard, my response before such a blog is natural, and to an extent magical, because I know that no matter what I have been taught, I must to some degree forget the questions and the mood that accompanies them with one level of consciousness, in order to create the proper kind of atmosphere at another level of consciousness — one that allows the answers to come even though they may be presented in a different way than that expected by the rational mind.

What we will be discussing for several blogs, with your joint enthusiasm– will be the magical approach to reality, and to our private lives specifically, in order to create that kind of atmosphere in which the answers become experienced.


Life as we know it is excitement; highly organized — excitement at all levels, microscopic, macroscopic, psychic. It is the result of the relationship between balance and imbalance, between organization and ‘chaos.’ It is excitement ever in a state of flux, forming psychic and material knots. It is explosive yet filled with order; it becomes so filled with itself that it explodes in the same way that a flower bursts; the same principle is acting in a hurricane or a food or a murder of the creation of a poem, or the formation of a dream; in the birth and death of individuals and nations. We instinctively know that disasters mimic the birth and death of cells within our bodies — we instinctively know that all life survives death, that death is the bursting of life into new forms, hence our fascination with accidents and fires. The psyche itself leapfrogs our beliefs at usual conscious levels, and sees us as a part of all life themselves to the brim, exploding, escaping the framework only to form another. The emotions themselves can sense this when we let them, and grasping that sense of excitement can show us a glimpse of the even greater freedom of our own psychic existence, which flows into us as individuals and then bursts apart that short-lived form into another, as the excitement of individuation leaps from life to life.

My own ideas must be colored to some extent by my place in time also, and middle age seems to be an excellent spot for such a study because theoretically time stretches as far ahead as it does behind. That is, there is as much anticipated time as there is remembered time.


In childhood we have little past time to remember. We seem to come from darkness, taking our parents’ memories on faith for proof that there was time before our birth. As we grow toward old age, if you take note of these 9 considerations to make before you retire, we have past time to play with — we know where we came from in usual terms — and the darkness that once seemed to stretch behind our source or origin seems to be our destination. Certainly, an examination of the mind and reality from the standpoint of old age will be invaluable. It would encourage one to live each day wholeheartedly, spend quality time with their loved ones and get their Wills & Estate planning laid out if needed.

Today now I feel that acceleration that tells me that my intent is traveling out into the unknown, or out into the universe to bring in answers to my questions, even questions I’m not consciously aware of. And from experience I know that enough energy is generated to do this though the results will come to me in time. I know I get them from outside of time in some unknown way.


My state of mind is in (telepathic) correspondence with my wife’s own state of mind, even as we are in some kind of correspondence with our old (childhood) environment, so in these cases we have a free flow of information at other levels.

Now when we understand that intellectually, then the intellect can take it for granted that its own information is not all the information we possess. It can realize that its own knowledge represents the tip of the iceberg. As we apply that realization to our life, we g=begin to realize furthermore that in practical terms we are indeed supported by a greater body of knowledge than we realize, and by the magical, spontaneous fountain of action that forms our existence. The intellect can then realize that it does not have to go it all alone: Everything does not have to be reasoned out, even to be understood.


I believe a great memory must be involved here, one that on deeper levels is coupled with s shortening of time as we think of it. Certain portions of the of the psyche must very shrewdly and carefully construct dreams in advance, so when the dreams are played back they render just the right messages to the other part or parts of the psyche that need them. I’m not being contradictory here when I write that dreams are also spontaneous productions.

The theory of probable realities — for like probable personalities, the unspoken channels available are certainly real whether or not they are actualized in our physical reality.


I am going to refresh myself by diving into some new concepts, for there are new concepts for me also, or course, and I dive into them from many positions all the time as well. Think of the questions one could ask relative to just this one statement! Such provocative assertions leave behind them unsatisfied voids of curiosity. Actually, most of information does, regardless of subject matter.

Schizophrenia Label

First of all, the term “schizophrenia” is of basically little value. Many people tabbed with that label should not be. There are so-called classic cases of schizophrenia — and borderline ones, so-called — but in any case the label is highly misleading and negatively suggestive.


What we are dealing with in many instances are exhibitions of various, sometimes quite diverse personality patterns of behavior — patterns that are, however, not as assimilated, or as smoothly operative as they are in the person we call normal. The patterns are seen in an exaggerated fashion, so that in some such cases at least we can gain glimpses of mental, emotional, and psychic processes that usually remain psychologically invisible beneath the more polished or “finished” social personality of the usual individual.

The person labeled schizophrenic, momentarily or for varying periods of time, lacks a certain kind of psychological veneer. This is not so much a basic lack of psychological finish as it it the adoption of a certain kind of psychological camouflage


Such people — in fashion, now — play a game of quite serious hide-and-seek with themselves and with the world. They believe in the dictum: “Divide and conquer.” It is as if, for reasons I hope to discuss, they refuse to put themselves together properly, refuse to form one fairly united self. The idea behind this is: “If you cannot find me, then I cannot be held accountable for my actions — actions which are bound in one way or another to betray me.”

The self becomes operationally scattered or divided, so that if one portion of it attacked, the other portions can rise up in defense. Such persons use the various elements of the personality as spies or soldiers, scattering their forces, and forced under those conditions to set up elaborate communication systems to keep those portions of the self in contact with each other. In times of stress, they set up an even greater isolation of one part of the self from another, which puts stress upon the system of communication, of course, so that it must be used constantly.

This can have a huge impact on many different areas surrounding their life, including their work. Not being able to function the same way can be difficult, and it could make performing their job harder than someone who doesn’t have schizophrenia would find. As a result, they may need to take a break away from the workplace for a while, as they are finding it increasingly difficult to cope. To help ensure that they still receive a source of income during this time, many may decide to have a look at something like this Disability Insurance to find a plan that best suits their needs. By doing this, they won’t have to worry about losing out on any missed income from their employers, as the insurance will provide this for them. Unfortunately, not being able to communicate in the way they want to can have a harsh impact on their day-to-day life.


The communications themselves are often a kind of psychological or symbolic code, such as might indeed be used in military intelligence. If the messages were to be clearly deciphered and understood, then of course the game would be over, for the one to understand the message would be the united self who had felt the need of such camouflaged self-troops to begin with.

Such a person does feel under siege. often such people are highly creative, with good reserves of energy, but caught between highly contrasting beliefs, either of good and evil, or power and weakness. They are usually extremely idealistic, but for various reasons they do not feel that the abilities of the idealized self can be actualized.


I am making generalizations here, but each individual case should be looked at in its own light. Such people as a rule, however, have an exaggerated version of the self, so idealized that its very existence intimidates, terrified of betraying this sensed inner psychological superior. Usually, such an idealized inner self comes from the acceptance of highly distorted beliefs — again, concerning good and evil. We end up with what can amount to two main inner antagonists: a superior self and a debased self. The qualities considered good are attracted to the superior self as if it were a magnet. The qualities that seem bad are in the same fashion attracted to the debased self. Both of them, relatively isolated psychological polarities, hold about equal sway. All other psychological evidences that are ambiguous, or not clearly understood by either side, group together under their own psychological banners. This is a kind of circular rather than linear arrangement, however, psychologically speaking.

Such people are afraid of their own energy. It becomes assigned on the one hand as a possession of the superior self — in which case it must be used for great adventures, heroic deeds. On the other hand, the person feels unable to use energy in a normal fashion, since in the ordinary world no venture could live up to the superior self’s exaggerated ideals. The person then becomes frightened of pitting himself or herself against the world, or committing himself to ordinary actions, since he feels that in the light of such comparisons he can only debase himself or herself.


He or she requires undue amounts of praise and attention from others, since he or she obviously will get little from himself or herself. In a fashion, to an extent he or she will refuse to be accountable for his or her actions– therefore taking them out of the frame of judgment within which other people must operate. He or she then can avoid putting his or her “talents and superior abilities” to the test, where he or she feels he or she would certainly fail. He or she half realizes that the superior self and the debased self are both or psychological manufacture. His or her abilities are not really that grand. His or her failures are not nearly that disastrous. The belief in these highly contrasting elements of personality keep him or her in a state of turmoil, however, so that he or she feels powerless to act in any concerted fashion.

The term “schizophrenia,” however, covers multitudinous experiences — some such people are quite satisfied with their condition, find their own niches, are able to support themselves, or have means of support. Others live in an atmosphere of constant fear of their own condition, while at the same time they are excited, as soldiers might be in combat. Some can be quite functional in society, and the condition in any case is highly variable, covering people who are simply social misfits to those who are in deep psychological trouble.


With most people, there is a kind of psychological paved road upon which impulses travel before they meet an intersection with the conscious mind, which then determines whether or not the impulse will be followed or acted upon. In the kinds of cases you are discussing, however, instead of a paved road you have a dangerous, rocky field that might be filled with mines ready to explode at any time.

Remember, we are dealing with a scattered force, various elements of the personality sent out to do different tasks — and in a fashion they are caught between the superior self and the debased self. There is, then, no clear line for action to follow. It must also be camouflaged. In stead of clear impulses toward action that intersect directly with consciousness, we have bursts of impulses that emerge as orders to act, coming from another source, or from other sources. These may appear as voices telling an individual to do this or that, as “automatic” commends through writing, or as perceptions that would be called hallucinatory. In this way the individual need not take responsibility for such actions. They do not seem to be coming from himself or herself. The terrible possibility of failure is there to that extent, in that situation, momentarily relieved.


There is always an overall order to the personality, even though it is in the background, so that in any given case all of the separate “selves,” or other sources with whom the individual feels in contact, would together point toward the totality, or unity, that lies beneath. The outstanding mental phenomena, therefore, show in isolated fashions those elements of the personality that are not to be assimilated in the usual smooth fashion.

There are countless instances where “schizophrenic episodes” occur in otherwise normal personalities, where for learning purposes and periods of growth the personality sorts its parts out, and helps them enlarge their frameworks.


The personality can indeed put itself together in multitudinous fashions. There is great leeway in the use of inner and outer perceptions, and the manners in which these are mixed and matched to form an acceptable picture of reality at any given time.

Physical perception gives us a necessary kind of feedback, but it is also based upon learning processes, so that from a young age we learn to put the pieces of the world together in acceptable fashions. In a way, under certain conditions, some schizophrenic situations can give us righter glimpses of inner psychological mobility, a mobility that was focused and directed as we grew through childhood. Schizophrenia represents a kind of learning disability in that particular respect.


I will have more to say in later blogs about such communications, and the ways in which they can point out the greater psychological mobility that is a more or less natural elements in children. when you are child, you are not held accountable for your actions in the same way that adults are, and schizophrenia often begins around puberty, or young adulthood, when people feel that their youthful promise is expected to bear fruit. If they have been considerably gifted, for example, they are now supposed to show the results of schooling through adult accomplishments. If they are nearly convinced, however, that the self is also dangerous or evil, then they become afraid of using their abilities, and indeed become more frightened of the self — which, again, they then try to conquer by dividing. They feel cut off from value fulfillment. In a fashion they begin to act opaquely in the world, showing a divided face.


I will continue the subject in later blogs, tying it more securely to value fulfillment, and stressing the importance of positive action in the physical world, so that ideals can be expressed rather than feared, and so that the doors between impulses and their activations can be left open with some confidence.

Master Events

Master events are those whose main activity takes place in inner dimensions. Such events are too multidimensional to appear clearly in our reality, so that we see or experience only parts of them. They are source events. Their main thrust is in what we can call the vaster dimension of dreams, the unknown territory of inner reality. The terms we use make no difference. The original action, however, of such events is unmanifest — not physical. Those events then “subsequently” show themselves in time and space, with extraordinary results.


They shed their light upon the “facts” of historical time, and influence those events. Master events may end up translated through those events. Master events may end up translated through mythology, or religion or art, or the effects may actually serve to give a framework to an entire civilization. As indeed occurred in the case of Christianity, as I will explain later.

Now the origin of the universe that we know, as I have described it, was of course a master events. The initial action did not occur in space or time, but formed space and time.


In our terms other universes, with all of their own space and time structures, were created simultaneously, and exist simultaneously. The effect of looking outward into space, and therefore backward into time, is a kind of built-in convention that appears within our own space-time picture. We must remember, then, when we think in terms of origins, that the very word, “origin,” is dependent upon time-conventions, and a belief in beginnings and endings. Beginnings and endings are themselves effects that seem to be facts to our perceptions. In a fashion they simply represent beginnings and endings, the boundaries, the reaches and the limitations of our own span of attention.

I said that in our terms all universes were created simultaneously — at the same time. The very sentence structure has time built in, so we are bound to think that I am speaking of an almost indescribable past. Also, I use time terms, since we are so used ourselves to the kind of categorizing, so here we will certainly run into our first seeming contradiction — when I say that in the higher order of events all universes, including our own, have their original creations occurring now, with all of their pasts and futures built in, and with all of their scales of time winding ever outward, and all of their appearances of space, galaxies and nebulae, and all of their seeming  changes, being instantly and originally created in what we think of as this moment.


Our universe cannot be its own source. Its inner mysteries — which are indeed the mysteries of consciousness, not matter– cannot be explained, and must remain incomprehensible, if we try to study then from the viewpoint of our objective experience alone. We must look to the source of the experience. We must look not to space but to the source of space, not to time but the source of time — and must look to the kind of consciousness that experiences space and time. We must look, therefore, to events that show themselves through historical action, but whose origins are elsewhere. None of this is really beyond our capabilities, as long as we try to enlarge our framework.

The entire idea of evolution, of course, requires strict adherence to the concept of continuing time, and the changes that time brings, and such concepts can at best provide the most surface kind of explanation for the existence of our species or any other.


I hope, again, to stretch the reaches of both imagination and intellect in my blogs, to give a feeling for events larger than our usual true-and-false, fact-or-fancy categories. Our existence as a species is characteristized far more by our unique use of our imaginations than it is by any physical attributes. Our connections with that unmanifest universe have always helped direct our imaginations, made us aware of the rich veins of probabilities possible in physical existence, so that we could then use our intellects to decide which of the alternate routes we wanted as a species to follow.

In that regard, it is true that in the other species innate knowledge is more clearly, brilliantly, and directly translated into action. I am not speaking of some dumb instinct, but instead of an intuitive knowing, a high intelligence different from our own, but amazingly complex, with which other species are equipped.


Man and woman, deals with probabilities and with creativity in a unique fashion — a fashion that is made possible because of the far more dependable behavior of the other species.

In a fashion man and woman also are equipped with the ability to initiate actions on a non-physical level that then become physical and continue to wind in and out of both realities, entwining dream events with historic ones, in such a fashion that the original non-physical origins are often forgotten. man and woman overlays the true reality quite spontaneously. He or she often reacts to dream events as if they were physical and to physical events as if they were dreams. This applies individually and collectively, but man and woman are often unaware of that interplay.


In the terms of evolution as we like to think of it, ideas are more important than genes, for we are again dealing with more than the surfaces of events. We are dealing with more than some physical mechanics of being. For one thing, the genes themselves are conscious, though in different terms than ours. Our cultures — our civilizations — obviously affect the wellbeing of our species, and those cultures are formed by our ideas, and forged through the use of our imagination and our intellect.

Certain bloodlines, in our terms, were extinguished because of our beliefs in Christianity, as people were killed in our holy wars. Our beliefs have directed who should go to war and who should not, who should live and who should die, who should be educated and who should not — all matters directly touching upon the survival of certain families throughout history, and therefore affecting the species as a whole.


I am not here specifically blaming Christianity, for far before its emergence, our ideas and beliefs about good and evil were far more important in all matter regarding the species that any simple questions of genetic variances, natural selection, or environmental influence. In man’s and woman’s case, at least, the selection of who should live or die was often anything but natural. If we are to understand the characteristics of the species, then we cannot avoid the study of man’s and woman’s consciousness.


Master events are actually other wrinkles in probabilities. They explain why Christianity has had such far-reaching effects, for almost 2,000 years, when its original experiences were so small in time and space — why we attach so much significance to those desert countries over there even now.

Units of consciousness are not neutral, mathematical or mechanistic

They are the smallest imaginable “packages” of consciousness that we can imagine, and despite any ideas to the contrary, basically consciousness has nothing to do with size. If that were the case, it would take more than a world-sized globe to contain the consciousness of simply one cell.


So our physical life is the result of a spectacular spontaneous order — the order of the body spontaneously formed by the units of consciousness. Our experience of the world is largely determined by our imaginations and our reasoning abilities. These did not develop through time, as per usual evolutionary beliefs. Both imagination and reason belonged to the species from the beginning, but the species has used these qualities in different ways throughout what we think of as historic time. There is great leeway in that direction, so that the two can be combined in many many alternate fashions, each particular combination giving us its own unique picture of reality, and determining our experience in the world.

Our many civilizations, historically speaking, each with its own fields of activity, its own sciences, religions, politics and art — these all represent various ways that man has used imagination and reason to form a framework through which a more or less cohesive reality is experienced.


Man and woman, then, has sometimes stressed the power of the imagination and let its great dramatic light illuminate the physical events about him or her, so that they were largely seen through its cast. Exterior events in those circumstances become magnets attracting the dramatic force of the imagination. Inner events are stressed over exterior ones. The objects of the world then become important not only for what they are but because of their standing in an inner world of meaning. In such cases, of course, it becomes quite possible to go so far in that direction that the events of nature almost seem to disappear amid the weight of their symbolic content.

In recent times the trend has been in the opposite direction, so that the abilities of the imagination were considered highly suspect, while exterior events were considered the only aspects of reality. We ended up with a true-or-false kind of world, in which it seemed that the answers to the deepest questions about life could be answered quite correctly and adequately by some multiple-choice test. Man’s and woman’s imagination seemed then to be allied with falsehood, unless its products could be turned to advantage in the materialistic existence. In that context, the imagination was tolerated at all only because it sometimes offered new technological inventions.


I have taken two contrasting examples of the many ways in which the powers of the imagination and those of the reasoning abilities can be used. There are endless varieties, however — each subjectively and genetically possible, and many, of course, that we have yet developed as a species.

Why would an individual form the reality of schizophrenic behavior?


On the question of “mental disorders,” it is highly important that individual integrity be stressed, rather than the blanket definitions that are usually accorded to any group of symptoms. In many such circumstances, however, such individuals are combining the imagination and the reasoning abilities in ways that are not in keeping with their historic periods. It would not be entirely out of keeping, though somewhat exaggerated a statement, to claim that men and women who stockpile nuclear weapons in order to preserve peace are insane. In our society, such activities are, in a way that completely escapes me, somehow under the label of humanitarianism!

Such plans are not considered insane ones — though in the deepest meaning of that word, they are indeed. There are many reasons for such actions, but an overemphasis upon what we think of as the reasoning abilities, as opposed to what we think of as imaginative abilities, is at least partially to blame.


In the schizophrenic case, we have a mixture of those characteristics in which interior events — the events of the imagination — cast too strong a light upon physical events as far as the socially accepted blend is concerned. Again, I am not speaking about all cases of mental disorder here. I do however, want to make the point that our prized psychological norm as a species means that we must also be allowed a great leeway in the use of the imagination and the intellect. Otherwise, we could become locked into a rigid conscious stance, one in which both the imagination and the intellect could advance no  further. It is vitally important that we realize the great psychological diversity that is present within our psychological behavior — and those varieties of psychological experience are necessary. They give us vital psychological feedback, and they exercise the reaches of our abilities in ways that are overall most advantageous.

The schizophrenic man or woman wants to live largely in his or her own world. He or she hurts no one. He and she supports himself or herself a good deal of the time. His or her view of reality is eccentric from most viewpoints. He or she adds a flavor to the world that would be missing otherwise, and through his or she very eccentricity, to some extent he and she shows other people that their rigid views of reality may indeed have chinks in them here and there.


I do not mean to idealize the schizophrenic either, or others of his or her kind, but to point out that we can use our imaginations and intellect in other fashions than we do. In fact, such fashions are not only genetically possible, but genetically probable — a matter I will discuss in later blogs. The imagination, of course, deals with the implied universe, those vast areas of reality that are not physically manifest, while reason usually deals with the evidence of the world that is before it. That statement is generally true, but specifically, of course, any act of the imagination involves reasoning, and any act of reason involves the imagination.

Are the Invisible Particles the Units of Consciousness?

For one thing, while I realize the importance of specific terms. I do not want my blog readers to become so dependent upon terms that coming across one you have read before, you instantly categorize it. For another thing, each time I reintroduce such information I do so from another direction, so to speak, so that you as my blog reader are meant to approach it from a different angle also. In that way, you become familiar with certain knowledge from a variety of viewpoints.


As you read my blogs the question itself — “Are these after all the units of consciousness referred to in earlier blogs?” — should have triggered your intellect and your intuition to work together, even if only slightly, in another way. In other words, of course, I hope to inspire both your imagination and your intelligence in this blog devoted to such subject matter.

Remember, again, the manifest universe emerges from a subjective reality, one that is implied in the very nature of our world itself. I would like us, then to think of those units of consciousness from an entirely different scale of events.


Imagine, now, as far as you are able, the existence of All That Is, a consciousness so magnificently complex that what we may call its own psychological compartments are, literally now, infinite. All appearances of time, and all experience of it, must be psychological. The “speed” of electrons, for example, would reflect their psychological motion.

All That Is, as the source of all realities and experience, is so psychologically complex, so multidimensionally creative, that it constantly surprises itself. It is, itself, the invisible universe that is everywhere implied within our world, but that becomes manifest to our perception only through historic time. All That Is disperses itself, therefore, so that it is on the one hand “a massive” subjective entity, a psychological structure — and on the other hand, it also disperses itself into the phenomenal world. It is, in all meanings of the word, divine, yet it disperses even that divinity so that in our terms, each unit of consciousness contains within itself those properties of divinity. All That Is has no one image, but is within all images —  (whether or not they are manifest). Our thoughts are the invisible partners of our words, and the vast unstated subjectivity of All That Is is in the same way behind all stated or manifest phenomena.


In those terms, it is basically impossible for any given species to become extinct. It can disappear for a time, become unmanifest for a while in historic events. The genetic patterns for any given species reside, of course, primarily in that species’ genetic bank — but the genetic bank does not exist in isolation, but is invisibly connected with the genetic makeup of each other species.

There are countless relationships between species that go unrecognized. The generations of all species interact. The genetic cues are not triggered on the proposition, obviously, that a species exists alone on the planet, but also in response to genetic sequences that operate in all of the species combined. The genetic system, again, is not closed nearly as much as supposed. That is, again, because the basic units of consciousness that build up matter — that form matter — are themselves endowed with a subjective acuteness. This also accounts for my earlier statement, that in usually understood terms the environment and its creatures “evolve” together. Our position on the scale of awareness inclines us to categorize consciousnesses so that only our own familiar brand seems to fit the definition — so again here I remind that consciousness is everywhere in the deepest terms, because All That Is disperses itself throughout physical reality. All portions of that reality have their own rights to existence, and purposes within it. so of course do all peoples, and the races.


Our imaginations helps us bring elements of that inner implied universe into actuality. Our imaginations obviously are not limited by time. We can imagine past and future events. Our imaginations have always helped us form our civilizations, our arts, and our sciences, and when they are united with our reasoning processes they can bring us knowledge about the universe and our places in it that we can receive in no other fashion.


Each unit of consciousness intensifies, magnifies its own intents to be — and, we might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that “explodes” into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called an electromagnetic energy unit, in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience. And: “Units of consciousness, transforming themselves into electromagnetic energy units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what we might call a circular manner rather than a serial one.

When You Are Who You Are

When you are determines where you are. Space is in many ways more “timely” than we think. I am not speaking of the usual time concepts, of course, of consecutive moments, but of a certain dimension of activity in which our space happens.


As long as we are trying to explain the origin of our world in a new fashion, we will be bringing in many subjects that may not usually appear in such discussions. The world as we know it emerges from an inner, more extensive sphere of dimensions into actuality. It is supported then by a seemingly invisible framework.

Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because we are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of our world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass, or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness — but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particle contains within itself the potential to embark upon an infinite number of probable variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at stage unspecialized, while they contain within themselves the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.


They can be, and they are, everywhere at once. Sometimes they operate with mass and sometimes without it. Now we are composed of such invisible particles, and so is everything else that we can physically perceive. To that degree portions of our own consciousness are everywhere at once. They are not lost, or spread out in some generalized fashion, but acutely responsive, and as highly alert as our familiar consciousness is now.

The self that we are aware of represents only one “position” in which those invisible particles happen to intersect, gain mass, build up form. scientists can only perceive an electron as it is to them. They cannot really track it. They cannot be certain of its position and its speed at the same time, and to some extent the same applies to our consciousness. The speed of our own thoughts takes those thoughts away from us even as we think them — and we can never really examine a thought, but only the thought of a thought.


Because we are, we are everywhere at once. I am quite aware of the fact that we can scarcely follow that psychological motion. As we will see later, our imagination can lead us toward some recognition, even toward some emotional comprehension, of this concept. While our reasoning abilities at first may falter, that is only because we have trained our intellect to respond in a limited fashion.

There are what I will call “intervals of perception.” We are usually conscious of events that are significant neurologically, and that neurological timing is the end result of an almost infinite series of sequences. Those sequences are areas in which activities happen. Each consciousness within each area is tuned into its proper sequence. Each area builds on the others. The invisible particles are the framework upon which our body is formed, for example — they move faster than the speed of light, yet we are not dizzy. We are aware of no such motion. We are tuned into a different sequence of action.


There are, then, different worlds operating with different frequencies at different intervals. They are conscious in other times, though we are neurologically equipped to perceive our own interval structures. When I speak of time, I do not merely refer to other centuries as we think of them. But between the moments that we know, and neurologically accept, there are other kinds of moments, if we prefer, other versions of time, and other kinds of accomplishments and fulfillments that are not dependent upon usual ideas of, say, growth through time.

Some of this may seem quite difficult at first reading, but I know that we are all far more intelligent than we realize we are — far more intuitive. I know also that we are tired of simple tales told to us as if we were children, and that our minds and hearts yearn for worthwhile challenges. We want to extend ourselves as far as possible, because each of us has been born with that urge toward value fulfillment.


It is only because, particularly in our times, we have trained ourselves to limit the nature of our own consciousnesses that such ideas seem strange. We have thus far believed that we must train our great imaginations and our intelligences to confine themselves and their activities to the physical world as we have been told it exists. In childhood, before we so leashed our imaginations, however, we each had our own dreams — dreams that awakened us to other portions of our own identities. There are many experiences open to us now — if we can be free enough to allow them — that will give us glimpses of those other intervals in which we have a reality.

I will deal with some such exercises later in future blogs. All such methods, however, are useless if our beliefs hold us back, and so the main thrust of all of my blogs is to increase your own areas of thought and speculation.


In material like this, but in general you end up with information that does indeed come from outside of time in certain important fashions.

Probabilities intersect at each point with our time, and those probabilities are psychologically directed so that, in our terms once again, he and she are at an excellent intersection point, where the prognosis is excellent. And we all are responsible, for all of our lives merge in their fashions.


Ordinarily we think of mass as meaning the bulk and/or weight of an object. In classical physics, the amount of matter in a given object is measured according to its relation to inertia, which in turn is the tendency of matter to keep moving in the same direction, if moving, or to stay at rest if at rest. An object’s mass is arrived at through dividing its weight by the acceleration caused by gravity.

Between each ticking of the clock

Long centuries pass

In universes hidden from our own.

Subjective reality of Cells

Our established fields of knowledge do not grant any subjective reality to cells.


Cells, however, possess an inner knowledge of their own shapes, and of any other shapes in their immediate environment — this apart from the communication system that operates on biological levels between all cells.

To some important degree, cells possess curiosity, an impetus toward action, a sense of their own balance, and sense of being individual while being, for example, a part of a tissue or an organ. The cell’s identification biologically is highly connected with this very precise knowledge of its own shape, or sometimes shapes. Cells, then, know their own forms.


In highly complicated cellular structures like ourselves, with our unique mental properties, we end up with a vital inborn sense of shape and form. The ability to draw is a natural outgrowth of this sensing of shape, this curiosity of form. On a quite unconscious level we possess a biological self-image that is quite  different from the self that we see in a mirror. It is a knowledge of bodily form from the inside out, so to speak, composed of cellular shapes and organizations, operating at the maximum. The simple cell, again, has a curiosity about its environment, and on our much more advance cellular level our own curiosity is unbounded. It is primarily felt as a curiosity about shapes: the urge to touch, to explore, to feel edges and smooth places.

There is particularly a fascination with space itself, in which, so to speak, there is nothing to touch, no shapes to perceive. We are born, then, with a leaning toward the exploration of form and shape inparticular.


Remember that cells have consciousness, so while I say these leanings are biologically entwined, they are also mental properties. Drawing in its simplest form is, again, an extension of those inclinations, and in a fashion serves two purposes. Particularly on the part of children, it allows them to express forms and shapes that they see mentally first of all. When they draw circles or squares, they are trying to reproduce those inner shapes, transposing those images outward into the environment — a creative act, highly significant, for it gives children experience in translating inner perceived events of a personal nature into a shared physical reality apparent to all.

When children draw objects they are successfully, then, turning the shapes of the exterior world into their personal mental experiences — possessing them mentally, so to speak, through physically rendering the forms. The art of drawing or painting to one extent or another involves those two processes. An astute understanding of inner energy and outer energy is required, and for great art an intensification and magnification of both elements.


The species chooses the best conditions in which to display and develop such to the utmost, taking into consideration all its other needs and purposes. The particular, brilliant, intensified flowering of painting and sculpture that took place, say, in the time of Michelangelo (1475-1564) could not, in our probability, have occurred after the birth of technology, for example, and certainly not in our own era, where images are flashed constantly before our eyes on computers, television and in the movies, where they are rambunctiously present in our magazines and advertisements. We are everywhere surrounded by photography of all kinds, but in those days images outside of those provided by nature’s objects were highly rare.

People could physically only see what was presently before their eyes — no postcards with pictures of the Alps, or far places. Visual data consisted of what the eye could see — and that was indeed a different kind of world, a world in which a sketched object was of considerable value. Portraits were possessed only by the priests and nobility. We must remember also that the art of the great masters was largely unknown to the poor peasants of Europe, much less to the world at large. Art was for those who could enjoy it — who could afford it. There were no prints to be passed around, so art, politics, and religion were all connected. Poor people saw lesser versions of religious paintings in their own simple churches, done by local artists of far lesser merit than those who painted for the popes.


The main issue, however, in that particular era, was a shared belief system, a system that consisted of, among other things, implied images that were neither here nor there — neither entirely earthly nor entirely divine — a mythology of God, angels, demons, and entire host of Biblical characters that were images in man’s and woman’s imagination, images to be physically portrayed. Those images were like an entire artistic language. Using them, the artist automatically commented upon the world, the times, God, man, woman, and officialdom.

Those mythological images and their belief system were shared by all — peasants and the wealthy — to a large degree. They were, then highly charged emotionally. Whether an artist painted saints or apostles as heroic figures, as ideas embodied in flesh, or natural men, he commented on the relationship between the natural and the divine.


In a fashion, those stylized figures that stood for the images of God, apostles, saints, and so forth, were like a kind of formalized abstract form, into which the artist painted all of his or her emotions and all of his or her beliefs, all of his or her hopes and dissatisfactions. Let no one make God the Father look like a mere human, for example! He must be seen in heroic dimensions, while Christ could be shown in divine and human attributes also. The point is that the images the artists were trying to portray were initially mental and emotional ones, and the paintings were supposed to represent not only themselves but the great drama of divine and human interrelationship, and the tension between the two. The paintings themselves seemed to make the heavenly horde come alive. If no one had seen Christ, there were pictures of him.

This was an entirely different kind of art than we have now. It was an attempt to objectify inner reality as it was perceived through a certain belief system. Whether the artist disagreed with certain issues or not, the belief system was there as an invisible framework. That intense focus that united belief systems, that tension between a sensed subjective world and the physical one, and the rarity of images to be found elsewhere, brought art into that great flowering.


Later, as man and woman insisted upon more objectivity of a certain kind, he and she determined that images of men and women should look like men and women — human beings, with weaknesses and strengths. The heroic mold began to vanish. Artists decided to stick to portraying the natural world as they saw it with their natural eyes, and to cast aside the vast field of inner imagery. Some of Da Vinci’s sketches already show that tendency, and he is fascinating because with is undeniable artistic tendencies he also began to show those tendencies that would lead toward the birth of modern science.

His notebooks, for example, dealt with minute observations made upon aspects of nature itself. He combined the forces of highly original, strong imagination with very calculated preciseness, a kind of preciseness that would lead to detailed sketches of flowers, trees, the action of water — all of nature’s phenomena.


Now: Drawing of that nature flourishes in our times in an different fashion, divorced to some extent from its beginnings — in, for example, the highly complicated plans of engineers; the unity of, say, precise sketching and mathematics, necessary in certain sciences, with the sketching being required for all of the inventions that are now a part of our world. In our world, technology is our art. It is through the use of technology and science that we have sought to understand our relationship with the universe.

Science has until recently provided us with a unified belief system that is only now eroding — and if you forgive me, our space voyages have simply been physical attempts to  probe into that same unknown that other peoples in other times have tried to explore through other means. Technology has been responsible for the fact so many people have been able to see the great paintings of the world, either directly or through reproductions — and more people are familiar with the works of the great masters than ever were in their lifetimes.


The species uses those conditions, however, so that the paintings of the great masters can serve as models and impetuses, not simply for the extraordinary artwork involved, but to re-arouse within man and woman those emotions that brought the paintings into being.

Man and woman always does best, or his and her best, when he or she sees himself or herself in heroic terms. While the Roman Catholic Church gave him and her a powerful, cohesive belief system, for many reasons those beliefs shifted so that the division between man and woman and God became too great. Man and woman the sinner took over from man and woman the “child of God”. As a result, one we see in art particularly, man and woman become a heroic figure, then a natural one. The curiosity that had been directed toward divinity became directed toward nature. man’s and woman’s sense of inquiry led him and her, then, to begin to paint more natural portraits and images. He and she turned to landscapes also. This was an inevitable process. As it occurred, however, man and woman began to make great distinctions between the world of the imagination and the world of nature, until finally he or she became convinced that the physical world was real and the imaginative world was not. So his or her paintings became more and more realistic.


Art became wedded, then, to phenomena directly before the eyes. Therefore, in a way it could present man and woman with no more data than he or she had before. Imaginative interpretations seemed like pretensions. Art largely ended up — in those terms, now — as the handmaiden of technology: engineering plans, mathematical diagrams, and so forth. What we call abstract art tried to reverse that process, but even the abstract painters did not believe in the world of the imagination, in which there were any heroic dimensions, and the phase is largely transitory.

I did mean to mention that man’s and woman’s use of perspective in painting was a turning point (early in the 15th century) in that it foreshadowed the turning of art away from its imaginative colorations toward a more specific physical rendering — that is, to a large degree after that the play of the imagination would not be allowed to “distort” the physical frame of reference.


All of this involved the triggering of innate abilities at certain points in time by the the species at large, and on the parts of certain individuals, as their purposes and those of the species merged.


Woodcuts and wood blocks were used for a variety of purposes by the ancient Chinese and Egyptians, for example, and even by the Romans. Many of the early prints created in Europe illustrate religious subjects. One of the first dated European woodcuts, showing a religious figure, appeared in 1423; a book bearing woodcut illustrations was produced circa 1460; the first Roman book containing woodcuts was made in 1467; Bibles were illustrated with woodcuts in the late 15th century. The earliest known engravings, printed on paper, date from around 1450; pictorial engravings and etching were evidently developed in Germany in the early 1500s. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) experimented with his own method of copper engraving. But all of these efforts were beginnings: There couldn’t have been any mass circulation of printed material in those days.

What happened to all the Rembrandts?

Why isn’t there at least one artist in all of the world painting today whose ability equals Rembrandt’s, and who uses that great gift to evoke the depths of compassion for the human condition as Rembrandt did? For in my opinion there isn’t such a one around. By extension, why isn’t there a Rubens or a Velazquez or a Vermeer operating now? My choices are personally arbitrary, or course — yet why don’t we have a Rembrandt contributing to  our current reality? Just those four artists, whose lives spanned a period of only 98 years (from 1577 to 1675), explored human insight in powerful ways. To link the “great masters” with our species’ reincarnational intents and drives, opens up a new field for understanding my question, and a very large and intriguing one indeed.



Our many excellent “modern” painters inevitably work within a different world ambience. Our species’ art is just no longer the same — a fact I both applaud and mourn. However, I do feel that in the course of ordinary time we have either lost certain qualities of art or no longer stree them.

The “Genetic System” is far more open than is usually supposed

The genetic system not only contains and conveys information, but it also reacts to information from the physical and cultural worlds.


In a way I hope to explain, then, the genetic system also reacts to those beliefs and events that are paramount in any given civilization. Events can trigger genetic activity — not simply through, say, chemical reactions, but through individual and mass beliefs about the safety or lack of it in the world at large.

There are also what I will call genetic dreams, which are inspired directly by genetic triggering. These help form and direct consciousness as it exists in any given individual from before birth.


The fetus dreams. As its physical growth takes place in the womb, so the sleeping of its consciousness is also extended by genetic dreams. These particular fetus-oriented dreams are are most difficult to describe, for they are actually involved with forming the contours of the individual consciousness. Such dreams provide the subjective understanding from which thoughts are developed, and in those terms complete thoughts are possible before the brain itself is fully formed. It is the process of thinking that helps bring the brain into activity, and not the other way around.

Such thoughts are like, now, electrical patterns that form their own magnets. The ability to conceptualize is precise in the fetus, and the fetus does conceptualize. The precise orientation of that conceptualizing, and the precise orientation of the thinking patterns, wait for certain physical triggers received from the parents and the environment after birth, but the processes of conceptualization and of thought are already established. This establishment takes place in genetic dreams.


Infants think long before they can speak. Thought must come before language. Language is thought’s handmaiden.

The ability to use language is also genetically built-in, through the precise orientation, again, with the physical triggering of the parents’ native language. Children learn such languages mentally long before they are physically capable of speaking them; but again, in genetically inspired dreams, children — or rather, infants — practice language. before such infants hear their parents speak, however, they are telepathic communication, and even in the fetus genetic dreams involve the coding and interpretation of language. Those dreams themselves inspire the physical formation necessary to bring about their own actualization.


Genetic dreams of one kind or another continue throughout our lives, whether or not we are consciously aware of them. They were of prime importance in “man’s and woman’s evolution,” as we think of it. They were the source of dreams, mentioned in earlier blogs, that sent man and woman on migrations after food, that led him or her toward fertile land. Those dreams are most closely related to survival in physical existence, and whenever that survival seems threatened such dreams arise to consciousness whenever possible.

They are the dreams that warn of famines or of wars. Such dreams, however, can also be triggered often, as in our own times, when the conscious mind is convinced that the survival of the species is threatened — and in such cases the dreams then actually represent man’s and woman’s fears. Over-anxiety, then, can confuse the genetic system, and in a variety of ways. The existence of each of the species is dependent upon trust, indeed a biological optimism, in which each species feels the freedom to develop the potential of its members in relative safety, within the natural frameworks of existence.  Each species comes into being not merely feeling a natural built-in trust in its own validity, but is literally propelled by exuberance in its ability to cope with  its environment. It knows that it is uniquely suited to its place within life’s framework. The young of all species exhibit an unquenchable rambunctiousness. That rambunctiousness is built in.


Animals know that their lives spell our life’s meaning. They feel their relationship with all other forms of life. They know that their relationship with all other forms of life. They know that their existences are vitally important in the framework of planetary existence. Beyond that, they identify themselves with the spirit of life within them so fully and so completely that to question its meaning would be inconceivable. Not inconceivable because such creatures cannot think, but because life’s meaning is so self-evident to them.

Whenever man or woman believes that life is meaningless, whenever he or she feels that value fulfillment is impossible, or indeed nonexistent, then he or she undermines his or her genetic heritage. He or she separates himself and herself from life’s meaning. He or she feels vacant inside. Man and woman for centuries attached faith, hope, and charity to the beliefs of established religions. Instead, these are genetic attributes, inspired and promoted by the inseparable unity of spirit in flesh. The animals are quite as familiar with faith, hope, and charity as we are, and often exemplify it in their own frameworks of existence to a better extent. Any philosophy that promotes the idea that life is meaningless is biologically dangerous. It promotes feelings of despair that directly hamper genetic activity. Such philosophies are extremely disadvantageous creatively, since they dampen the emotional spirits and exuberance, and sense of play, from which creativity itself emerges.


Such philosophies are also deadening on an intellectual basis, for they must of necessity close out man’s and woman’s great curiosity about the subjective matters that are his and her main concern. If life has no meaning, then nothing else really makes any difference, and intellectual curiosity itself also ends up withering on the vine.

The intellectual ideas of societies, therefore, also have a great effect upon which genetic systems are triggered, and which ones are not.


We have genetic systems, then, carrying information that is literally incalculable. Now: through our technologies, through our physical experience, we are also surrounded by an immense array of communication and information of an exterior nature. We have our cell-phones, radios, computers, televisions, our earth satellites — all networks that process and convey data. Those inner biological systems and the exterior ones may seem quite separate. They are intimately connected, however. The information we receive from our culture, from our arts, sciences, fields of economics, is all translated, decoded, turned into cellular information. Certain genetic diseases, for example, may be activated or not activated according to the cultural climate at any given time, as the relative safety or lack of it in that climate is interpreted through private experience.

In one way or another, the living genetic system has an effect upon our cultural reality, and the reverse also applies. All of this is further complicated by the purposes and intents of the generations in any historical period, and the reincarnational influences.


Value fulfillment always implies the search for excellence — not perfection, but excellence. Excellence in any given area — emotional, physical, intellectual, intuitional, scientific — is reflected in other areas, and by its mere existence serves as a model for achievement. This kind of excellence need not be structured, then, into any aspect of life, though it may appear in any aspect, and wherever it appears it is an echo of a spiritual and biological directive, so to speak. There are different historical periods, in our terms, where the species has showed what it can do — and what is possible in certain specific directions when the genetic and reincarnational triggers are touched and opened full blast, so that certain characteristics appear in their clearest, most spectacular light, to serve as individual models and as models for the species as a whole.

Again, such times are closely bound with reincarnational intents that direct the genetic triggering, and that meet in the culture the further stimulus that may be required. The time of the great masters in the fields of painting and sculpture is a case in point.


Some people have built careers around negative beliefs– they may have spent their professional lives maintaining belief systems which after death they begin to understand are quite wrong. How do they react? Are those individuals even aware of their earlier beliefs? Do they care what they used to think? Are they shocked, do they have feelings of regret or embarrass what? Or is there such a variety of responses possible that we can’t answer the question simply? And how do such people react after death, they start to get glimmerings about the workings of reincarnation, for example?

Reincarnational patterns apply also. Some people, having live lives believing in one religious system or another, being completely immersed in them give themselves shock treatments of sorts, then, living lives in which they believe in nothing or at least freeing themselves from any beliefs — only to discover, of course, that a believing nothing is the most confining belief of all. That realization is that in such cases.


There are those who upon religious beliefs, using them as crutches, and in later lives then, they might– such people — throw those crutches away overreacting to their new-found “freedom”; and through living lives as meaningless they then realize, after death, the meaningfulness of existence was after all not dependent upon any religious system. It was there all along, but they had not seen it.


“If there is no life after life,

then what cosmic spendthrift formed

the universe,

for Chance alone can’t be

that prolific, or fake an order in which

an accident of such proportions

as the creation of a world

seems so inevitable,

each random element

falling pat, into place.,

and each consciousness promptly appearing

with body parts all neatly assembled —

only to be squandered,

falling apart, dissolving into nothingness

while Chance grinds out newer odds.


If there is no life after life,

then what a lack

of cosmic economy,

for nature strings one molecule

on to another so craftily

that each seed can grow a tree,

and contains the properties

of an entire forest,

while multiplications

are hidden everywhere.”

The Genetic system is an inner, biological, “Universal” language

In our terms that language speaks the flesh — and it speaks the flesh equally in all races of mankind. There are no inferior or superior races. Now dreams also provide us with another universal kind of language, one that unites all peoples to one extent or another, regardless of their physical circumstances or nationalities or alliances. The cataloging of separate races simply involves us in organizations of variances played upon a common theme — variances that we have used for various purposes. Often those purposes led us to over exaggerate the differences between groups, and to minimize man’s and woman’s biological unity.


The most important aspects of individuality are those subjective characteristics that on the one hand distinguish each person from the other, and that on the one hand are each like sparkling psychological mosaics, giving separate, exquisite individual versions of that larger pattern from which mankind and womankind emerges. The security, the integrity, and the brilliance of each individuality rises in these terms from that universal genetic language, and also from the inner subjective universal language of dreams. There are great connections between the two, and both are spoken together.

Let us become more practical, and see how these issues merge in our reality. Some of this requires a great honesty on our own parts, as we try to recall some feelings and daydreams that we have tried to put away or forget of disown. Why are some people, then, born with conditions that are certainly experienced as genetically defective, granting even the overall value of such variances on the part of the species? For, again, I must stress the fact that in its way nature makes no such judgments, regardless of the beliefs of our science or religions.


Science seems to be of the opinion that the individual is important only insofar as he or she serves the purposes of the species’ survival — and I am not saying that. I am saying that the existence of each individual is important to the value fulfillment of the species. And moreover, I am stating that the value fulfillment of the individual and the species go hand in hand.

I am also stating that the species is itself aware of those conditions that lead to its own value fulfillment, and that of its members. No species basically biologically considers its own existence with other species except in a cooperative manner — that is, there is no basic competition between species. When we think that there is, we are reading nature wrong. whatever man’s and woman’s conscious beliefs, on a biological level his or her genetic structure is intimately related to the genetic structure of all other species.


In man and woman, the probabilities of development are literally numberless. No computer could count the combinations of characteristics possible. It is highly important, then, that the species retain flexibility, and not become locked into any one pattern, however advantageous — and I am referring to physical or mental patterns. Within the framework of established species-hood, there must be every kind of leeway — leeways that are biologically activated, so that variances are constantly active. Those genetic variances may appear as defective or eccentric. They may appear as the handicapped. They may appear as superior characteristics of one kind or another, but they must be biologically stated as the variations from the genetic norm.

By themselves, whether they appear as superior or defective conditions, they necessitate a different kind of adaptability, a change of subjective or physical focus, the intensification of other abilities that perhaps have been under-stressed. Yet granting all this, why, again, would some individuals choose situations that would be experienced as defective conditions? For this, we need to examine some human feelings that are often forgotten.


Now I have often said in my blogs that suffering of itself is not “good for the soul.” It is not a virtue, yet certainly many individuals seem to seek suffering. Suffering cannot be dismissed from human experience as a freak matter of distorted emotions or beliefs.

Suffering is a human condition that is sought for various reasons. There are gradations of suffering, of course, and each person will have his or her definitions of what suffering is. Many people do indeed equate a certain kind of suffering with excitement. Sportsmen and sportswomen, race-car drivers, mountain climbers — all seek suffering to one extent or another, and find the very intensity of certain kinds of pain pleasurable. We might say that they like to live dangerously.


Some sects have believed that spiritual understanding came as the result of bodily agony, and their self-inflicted pain became their versions of pleasure. It is usually said that animals, and also man and woman, avoid pain and seek pleasure — and so any courting of pain, except under certain conditions, is seen as unnatural behavior.

It is not unnatural. It is an eccentric behavior pattern. Many children daydreams not only of being kings or queens, or given great honors, they also daydream about being tragic figures. They daydream of cruel deaths. They glory in stories of wicked stepmothers. They imagine, in fact, every situation that they can involving human experience. To an extent adults do the same thing. They are drawn to cinema or television dramas that involve tragedies, sorrows, great dramatic struggles. This is because we are alive as the result of our great curiosity for human experience. We are alive because we want to participate in human drama.


While I admit that many people will not agree with me, I know from experience that most individuals do not choose one “happy” life after another, always ensconced in a capable body, endowed by nature or heritage with all of the gifts most people seem to think they desire.

Each person seeks value fulfillment, and that means that they choose various lives in such a fashion that all of their abilities and capacities can be best developed, and in such a way that their world is also enriched. Some people will choose “defective” bodies purposely in order to focus more intensely in other areas. They want a different kind of focus. They want to sift their characteristics through a certain cast. Such a choice demands an intensification. It is made on the part of the individual and on the parents of the parents as well, so that a certain group of people will relate to the world in a highly characteristic way. In almost all such cases, such people will be embarked upon subjective issues and questions also that might not be considered otherwise. They will ask questions on their own parts that need to be raised, not only for themselves but for the society at large.


Those questions help bring out psychological maturities and insights about the nature of the species in general. Many such conditions also serve to keep man’s and woman’s sympathies alive. I make a distinction between sympathy and pity, for a lively sympathy leads toward construction, toward the utilization of abilities, even to social discourse, while pity can be deadening.

Our over-reliance upon physical norms, and our distorted concepts concerning survival of the fittest, help exaggerate the existence of any genetic defects, of course. Many religious dogmas consider such conditions, again, the result of a god’s punishment. The survival of the species is far more dependent upon our subjective activities than our physical ones — for it is our subjective behavior that is responsible for our physical acts. Science of  course looks at it the other way around, as if our physical acts are the result of a robot’s mechanical, formalized behavior — a robot miraculously programmed by the blind elements of an accidental universe formed by chance. The robot is programmed only to survive at anyone’s or anything’s expense. It has no real consciousness of its own. Its thoughts are merely mental mirages, so if one of its parts is defective then obviously it is in deep trouble. But man and woman are no robots, and each so-called genetic defect has an internal part to play in the entire picture of genetic reality. The principle of uncertainty must operate genetically, or we would have been locked into over-specializations as a species.


There are states of consciousness, one within the other, and yet each connected, of course, so that genetic systems are really systems of consciousness. They are intertwined with reincarnational systems of consciousness. These are further entwined with the consciousness that we recognize. The present is the point of power. Given the genetic makeup that we now have, our conscious intents and purposes act as the triggers that activate whatever genetic or reincarnational aspects that we need.

The state of dreaming provides the connecting links between these systems of consciousness.


The idea today is to love and protect and cherish, and express the body that we have. The human species has an “amazing interplay between genetic preciseness and genetic freedom,” and that our genetic structure reacts to each thought that we have, to the state of our emotions, to our psychological climate. Choices and probabilities apply. Thus do we avoid genetic rigidity.

If there were no Idiots, we would find Geniuses absent among us

Those human abilities that we consider to be characteristic of our species, are, again, dependent upon the existence of infinite numbers of variations that appear in the aggregate, to give us often obviously opposing states. What we think of then as the average intelligence is a condition that exists because of the activity of constant variables, minute variations that give us at one end of the scale the idiot, and at the other the genius.


Both are necessary to maintain that larger “norm” of mental activity. I am using the word “norm” here for our convenience, though I disagree with the ways in which the term has been used, when it has been set up as a rule of measurement, psychologically speaking. The genetic system is not closed, therefore. The genes do not simply hold information without any reference to the body’s living system. It does not exist, then — the genetic structure — like some highly complicated mechanism already programmed, started and functioning “blindly,” so that once it is set into operation there is no chance for modification.

Particularly in our own species there is a great give-and-take between human genetic systems, the environment, and cultural events — and by cultural events I mean events having to do with our peculiarly unique field of activity that includes the worlds of politics, economics, and so forth.


Genetic events are not not irrefutable in a deterministic fashion. They represent strong inclinations toward certain bodily or mental activity, certain biological preferences. They lead toward the activation of certain events over others, so that the probabilities are “loaded” in certain directions. Genetic events are then events, though at a different level of activity than we are used to thinking of.

We are speaking of chromosomal messages. These are not written within the chromosomes as words might be written upon paper, but the information and the chromosomes are a living unit. The information is alive. We are speaking about a kind of biological cuneiform, in which the structures, the very physical structures, of the cells contain all of the knowledge needed to form a physical body — to form themselves. This is indeed knowledge in biological form, and biologically making its clearest living statement.


The cells with their genetic packages, like all cells, react  to stimuli. They act. They are aware of all of the body’s events biologically. In ways impossible to verbalize, they are also aware of the environment of the body as it is perceived at biological levels. I have said before that in one way or another each living cell is united with each other living cell through a system of inner communication. “Programed” genetic activity can be altered by conditions in the environment.

I am not simply saying that genetic activity can be changed, for example, through something like a nuclear accident, but that highly beneficial alterations can also take place in genetic behavior, as in our terms the genetic structure not only prepares the species for any contingency, but also prepares it by triggering those characteristics and abilities that are needed by the species at any given time, and also by making allowances for such future developments.


Our genetic structure reacts to each thought that we have, to the state of our emotions, to our psychological climate. In our terms, it contains the physical history of the species in context with the probable future capabilities of the species. We choose our genetic structure so that it suits the challenges and capabilities of the species. We choose our genetic structure so that it suits the challenges and potentials that we have chosen. It represents our physical reference point, our bodily framework. It is our personal physical property. It is a portion of physical matter that we have identified, filled out with our own identity. It is like a splendid ship, the body, that we have chosen ahead of time for a splendid challenging adventure — a ship that we have personally appointed that is equipped to serve as much as possible as a physical manifestation of our personhood.

Some people, in beginning such a venture, will indeed insist upon an excellent vessel, with the most sophisticated mechanisms, equipped with grand couches and a banquet room. Others would want much more excitement, much more zest, and order then instead a less grand vessel, but one that went faster. Some would set goals for themselves that demanded that their powers of seamanship be tested. The analogy may be a simple one, yet each person chooses the living vessel of the body, with his or her own intents and purposes in mind.


In physical reality, if you will forgive me, life is the name of the game — and the game is based upon value fulfillment. That means simply that each form of life seeks toward the fulfillment and unfolding of all of the capacities that it senses within its living framework, knowing that in that individual fulfillment each other species of life is also benefited.

In no way do I mean to demean the indisputable value of geniuses, or their great contributions to the quality of life — but the quality of life is, again, also benefited by the existence of idiots. Not only because both ends of the scale are necessary for genetic reasons, but also because idiots themselves are in no way considered failures or defects by nature. Those terms are human judgements. Idiots also serve their role by moderating the sometimes fierce hold that the reasoning mind can have upon human activity.


The idiot is often able to experience in his or her own reality a freer, more generous, more faithful flow of emotional states, unhampered by reason’s sometimes stern dictates, and it is important that such a moderating tendency does operate genetically.

The reasoning mind, as we have used it thus far, roughly since the birth of Christianity, has used — instead of used, confined — has confined its reasoning abilities to a very narrow spectrum of reality. It has seen the value of life largely only as that life conforms to its own standards. That is, the reasoning mind, as we have used it, considers that only reasoning creatures are capable of understanding life’s values. Other forms of life have almost seemed beside the point, their value considered only insofar as they were of service to man and woman. But man’s and woman’s life is obviously dependent upon the existence of life’s other species, and with him and her those species share certain values. Life is sacred — all life — and again, all life seeks value fulfillment, not simply physical survival.


I read an article about the development of a strain of mice without thymus [glands]. Since the thymus is very important in the necessary process of maintaining bodily resistance to disease, these particular mice have little resistance. They are bred and sold for experimental purposes. The intent of such procedures is to promote the quality of human life, to study the nature of diseases, and hopefully apply what is learned to some of the lives of human beings. Mice are not considered human. They are not. So like any animal, they are thought of as dispensable, sacrificed to a fine humanitarian end.

Perhaps at first that prejudice of the reasoning mind might escape us, since after all mice are far divorced from our own species. There were Jews sacrificed to the same end not too long ago, and the reasoning was largely the same, though in that case we were dealing with our own species.


Jews were considered almost not human, however, and whenever such atrocities against our own species are concerned, we indulge in the same kind of twisted reasoning. Because the Jews were considered less than human — or, at best, human defects — they were thought of as justifiable sacrifices on the altar of “the genetic betterment of mankind and womankind.” We cannot improve the quality of our own lives by destroying the quality of any other kind of life. There is no genetic master race. The very classification of the species into races to begin with is based upon distinctions that are ridiculously minute in the overall picture of the similarities.

Such procedures involve a biological immortality. I usually avoid terms like “morality” or “immorality,” since their definition vary according to the individual. The proceedings, however, do involve a biological violation, a going against nature’s flow and intent, a process in which a form of life is made to go against its own value fulfillment, and it is because of such attitudes involving other kinds of life that the horrors of the Jewish war camps were made possible.


Using animals in the laboratory is imposing human goals and values upon other life forms, even though the modern scientific method is supposed to be value-free. For such research is carried out in the name of progress and the practical common good, of course — and that progress applies also in the remedial treatment of other animals, let us remember. We think that every reader of this blog has benefited, and still does, from animal experimentation, some of it most cruel, in ways that he or she can hardly suspect, let alone specify: even benefiting from the use of animals in the study of medical and chemical, beauty and recreational products that can be found in practically every home in the country. I see the passive, thinking and unthinking tolerance of animal experimentation as a classical case of a society using ends to justify means — yet in the United States, at least, we carefully teach each generation of our species that such rationalization aren’t morally acceptable. 

I also believe, however, that generally speaking science still views our genetic systems in mechanical, deterministic, and reductionistic terms, and will continue to do so for a long time. So that evidence is being accumulated to support that overall view that at this time science has no need to seek for other, larger, and more unsettling frames of reference encompassing consciousness, intent, and genetics. Indeed, I seldom see consciousness mentioned in connection with genetics, except as its quality may relate to genetic “defects” like mental retardation, say.


Nor do I think that establishment science will soon be interested in ideas that exchanges take place involving our genetic systems, the environment, and cultural events like politics and economics; of that our genetic systems react to our thoughts and emotions — let alone that there’s any genetic planning for future probabilities! I do not know whether, or how, any of those factors could be measured and/or manipulated in the laboratory. Science could grant ideas their own realities outside of the scientific framework, or course, and thus be free of them.

But granted or not, the idea of any sort of genetic preparation for future contingencies collides with the very powerful theory of evolution, which holds that evolutionary, genetic changes take place only through natural selection and chance mutations (although random of chance mutations are generally regarded as mistakes on nature’s part). There are many unsolved challenges here. Another version of old, discredited Lamarckian theories. (jean Baptiste de Monet de Lamarck [1744-1829] was a French naturalist who advocated that certain modifications of an organism’s structure and function could develop in response to environmental factors, and that these “acquired characters” could be inherited. Lamarck’s work has been widely misunderstood, however. It still has value, and recently has been employed in some remarkable scholarly studies that show how, in scientific teams, evolution can take place through means other than natural selection and chance mutations.


Some would agree that consciousness obviously contains an unlimited number of viewpoints, regardless of which ones we humans may choose to call “true” at any particular time. Consciousness is just as amenable to having some of its physical manifestations scientifically studied, its parts manipulated through “genetic engineering.” All of our  species’ actions represent our keen and creative interests in studying ourselves in the finest details possible. That the scientific approach has limitations is obvious. So do all others in this physical realm. A discipline, of whatever nature and motivation, can erect barriers to “outside” influences — and those barriers are often artifacts growing almost automatically out of the very nature of the belief system in question